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SSC CPO Exam Pattern 2025, Paper 1 and 2, PST and PET

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) determines the SSC CPO Exam Pattern, which is essential for candidates aiming to become Sub-Inspectors. The SSC CPO exam is structured into two papers; Papers 1 and 2, followed by a Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and a Physical Standard Test (PST). To effectively prepare for the SSC CPO examination, review the details of the SSC CPO 2025 Exam Pattern and start the preparation accordingly.

SSC CPO Exam Pattern 2025

The SSC CPO 2025 exam is divided into 2 tiers the 1st tier is a computer-based test where the questions will be asked from these sections General Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, General Reasoning, and English Comprehension. Each section has 50 questions for 50 Marks the 2nd tier will be done for English Language and Comprehension where 200 questions will be asked for 200 Marks. Below we have explained the latest SSC CPO Exam Pattern for each tier in detail.

SSC CPO Tier 1 Exam Pattern 2025

  1. The first paper will have 4 subjects namely General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehension.
  2. The language of the question papers will be in English and Hindi except for the English section.
  3. Questions in both papers will be of Objective Multiple Choice Type.
  4. There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-I & Paper-II.
  5. Marks scored by candidates in the computer-based Examination will be normalized.

The details of Tier 1 exam pattern is explained in the Table given below:

SSC CPO Exam Pattern for Tier 1
Sections No. of Questions Total Marks Time Allotted
General Intelligence and Reasoning 50 50 A cumulative time of 120 minutes (160 minutes for disabled/Physically handicapped Candidates)
General Awareness 50 50
Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
English Comprehension 50 50
Total 200 200

SSC CPO Physical Measurement Test 2025

The details of the SSC CPO Physical Measurement Test 2025 for the male and female candidates has been mentioned below. Those who qualify the Tier 1 will only be eligible to appear in the physical tests.

Category Height Chest (Normal in cms) Chest (Expanded in cms)
Male (General) 170 cm (5’7”) 80 cms 85 cms
Male (Hill area) 165 cm (5’5”) 80 cms 85 cms
Male (ST) 162.5 cm (5’4”) 77 cms 82 cms
Female (General) 157 cm (5’2”)
Female (Hill Area) 155 cm (5’1”)
Female (ST) 154 cm (5’0”)

SSC CPO Physical Endurance Test 2025

Physical Endurance Test (PET) For Male Candidates:

Physical Endurance Test For Male Candidates
Race 100 meters race in 16 seconds
1.6 km race in 6.5 minutes
Long Jump 3.65 meters in 3 chances
High Jump 1.2 meters in 3 chances
Shot put (16 Lbs) 4.5 meters in 3 chance

Physical Endurance Test (PET) For Female Candidates:

Physical Endurance Test For Female Candidates
Race 100 meters race in 18 seconds
800 meters race in 4 minutes
Long Jump 2.7 meters in 3 chances
High Jump 0.9 meters in 3 chances

Note:- Candidates have to qualify for the PET/ PST exam to appear for the Mains/ Tier 2 exam.

SSC CPO 2025 Medical Test

Criteria for the Medical Test are given below:

  1. Minimum Near Vision: N6 (better eye) and N9 (worse eye)
  2. Minimum Distant Vision: 6/6 (better eye) and 6/9 (worse eye)
  3. Must not have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein, or squint in eyes
  4. Eye standards should be without visual correction of any kind even by glasses.

SSC CPO Tier 2 Exam Pattern 2025

The SSC CPO Tier 2 exam will be conducted online and comprising a single paper with 200 questions in English Language and with a maximum mark of 200. Candidates have to complete the Exam in 120 minutes. Normalization will be done by SSC if an exam is conducted in multiple shifts. The questions asked in the SSC CPO Tier 2 Exam are about English Language and comprehension.

The exam pattern for Tier 2 is explained in the Table given below:

Section No. of Questions Total Marks Time Allotted
English Language and Comprehension 200 200 120 minutes
(160 minutes for disabled/Physically handicapped Candidates)

Note: For every wrong question there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks.

SSC CPO Marking Scheme 2025

The candidates must get familiar with the SSC CPO Marking Scheme to understand what are marks awarded for the correct and incorrect answers.

SSC CPO Marking Scheme
For Correct Answer 1 Mark
For Incorrect Answer -0.25 Mark


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SSC CPO Score Card

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SSC CPO Exam Pattern 2025, Paper 1 and 2, PST and PET_3.1


How many sections are there in SSC CPO Exam?

There will be four sections, Reasoning, General Studies, Mathematics and English.

Is there negative marking in SSC CPO Exam?

Yes. There will be a penalty of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer.

How many sections are there in SSC CPO Paper 2?

There is only one section i.e., English language and comprehension in SSC CPO Mains exam.

What is the physical criteria for SSC CPO?

Candidates must have 170 cm height for general, 165 cm for hilly areas and 162.5 cm for ST candidates. The chest measurement is 80 cm for general and hilly candidates and 77 cms for St candidates. Check detailed physical criteria in the article.

Is there interview in SSC CPO exam?

No, there is no interview in SSC CPO exam.