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Time Management Tips for SBI Clerk Prelims 2025 Exam

This year, the State Bank of India has released 14,191 vacancies for clerk posts. Candidates who applied for the offered posts will be able to appear in the SBI Clerk 2025 prelims examination from 22nd, 27th, 28th February and 1st March 2025. One of the most essential parts of preparing is time management and keeping everything on track. For the prelims examination, the candidates get 60 minutes to solve the paper and it can be difficult for the candidates to cover all the questions. Here, we have mentioned the Time Management Tips for the SBI Clerk Prelims 2025 Exam for the reference of the candidates.

Time Management Tips for SBI Clerk Prelims 2025

The SBI Clerk Prelims Syllabus 2025 includes are three section namely English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability which has a sectional timing of 20 minutes. This limited time make the candidates anxious during the actual examination and it in the hurry to complete the paper, they can commit several mistakes. The candidates can follow the below mentioned strategies to manage their time during the prelims examination.

Start Practicing with Timer

We suggest the candidates to start practicing with a timer, which will help them time their speed. Once you start practicing with the mock test or previous year papers, you can start your timer and focus on the section you can answers first.

Make Section-Wise Strategy

The candidates can divide their strategy in sections, where they focus on the subjects they can answer first and go forward to the difficult question steadily. Prioritize the questions you can answer first within the first 20 minutes to build a strong foundation.

No Guesswork

We suggest the candidates to avoid any guesswork, as each incorrect answer can cost them -0.25 marks. Avoid answering the questions which you are not sure about.

Practice with Mock Tests

Collect as many as SBI Clerk Mock Tests 2025 as possible to start your practice for the examination. Once you complete the syllabus and cover all the topics, you can start practicing with the mock test where they will be able to answer the questions similar to the actual examination.

Increase Your Speed and Accuracy

While developing time management strategy, the candidates must focus on their speed and accuracy as well. Due to constraint timing, the candidates should focus on the familiar questions and answer them within the time limit. Make sure to keep up with the pace and accuracy of the answers.

Time Management Tips for SBI Clerk Prelims for Numerical Ability

  • For the numerical ability section, the candidates get 20 minutes to solve 35 questions.
  • The candidates will find 8 to 10 questions from the Data Interpretation which is two sets. To solve these questions, the candidates will need 5 minutes at least.
  • In the next 5-7 minutes, solve the quadratic equations or simplification questions. Generally, these questions are easier to solve, therefore it will take less time for you to conquer these.
  • Next, solve the questions from the number series and then go ahead with the word problems which can be moderately difficult.

Time Management Tips for SBI Clerk Prelims 2025 for English

  • In the first 5 minutes solve the vocabulary section which includes fill in blank and error spotting.
  • Next, start with the cloze test which may take up to 5 to 6 minutes and then go ahead with the Grammar section.
  • Solve the reading comprehension at the end which will take you at least 6-7 minutes.

Time Management Tips for SBI Clerk Prelims 2025 Reasoning Ability

  • Analyse the questions, and the start solving the questions which you are sure you can answer.
  • Then go ahead with the questions you think you need few minutes to solve.
  • Do not mark any questions which you are not certain about as there is a negative marking of -0.25 marks.

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1. How to manage time in SBI Clerk exam?

Ans. To manage your time in SBI Clerk Exam, start with the questions you are 100% sure about and then take your time to solve the questions you are certain about.

2. How to increase speed in SBI Clerk prelims?

Ans. To increase your speed in the SBI Clerk Prelims examination, the candidates must practice with various mock tests and time themselves to solve the paper on time.