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Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus: Kerala Public Service Commission has published Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus. If you have applied for the post of Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) and would like to know the detailed syllabus, then your search ends right here. In this article we will provide the detailed syllabus of the upcoming Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Exam 2023. In order to crack the exam, one needs to have a clear understanding of the syllabus, therefore read through Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus to broaden your perspective. You can also download Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) PSC Syllabus in pdf format.
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus | |
Organization | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Category | Exam Syllabus |
Name of the Post | Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) |
Last Date to Submit Confirmation | 23rd March to 11th April 2023 |
Official Website | |
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus 2023
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus 2023: പരീക്ഷയ്ക്കുള്ള തയ്യാറെടുപ്പുകൾ ആരംഭിക്കാൻ സമയമായി. പരീക്ഷയിൽ വിജയിക്കുന്നതിന്, സിലബസിനെക്കുറിച്ച് വ്യക്തമായ ധാരണ ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം, അതിനാൽ കേരള PSC അസിസ്റ്റന്റ് എഞ്ചിനീയർ (മെക്കാനിക്കൽ) സിലബസ് 2023 വിശദമായി വായിച്ച് മനസിലാക്കുക. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus 2023 Pdf രൂപത്തിൽ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാവുന്നതാണ്.
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Mechanical Irrigation Syllabus 2023: Overview
ചുവടെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന പട്ടികയിൽ Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Mechanical Irrigation Syllabus 2023 സംബന്ധമായ എല്ലാ പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട വിവരങ്ങളും ലഭിക്കും.
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Mechanical Irrigation Syllabus 2023 | |
Organization | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Category | Exam Syllabus |
Department | Irrigation |
Name of the Post | Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) |
Category No. | 551/2021, 664/2022 |
Last Date to Submit Confirmation | 23rd March to 11th April 2023 |
Mode of Examination | ONLINE/ OMR |
Medium of Questions | English |
Total Marks | 100 |
Duration of Examination | 1 Hour 30 Minutes |
Official Website | |
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Irrigation Exam Pattern 2023
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Irrigation Exam Pattern 2023 | ||
Modules | Topics | Marks |
Module I | MECHANICS OF SOLIDS | 12 Marks |
Module II | THERMODYNAMICS | 12 Marks |
Module V | THERMAL ENGINEERING | 14 Marks |
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer Mechanical Irrigation Department Syllabus 2023
- Stress and strain, stress-strain diagrams, elastic constants, Poisson’s ratio, Hooke’s law, principal planes and principle stress, Mohr’s circle, calculation of stress, strain and change in length in axially loaded members, thermal stress and thermal strain, torsional deformation of circular shafts, power transmitted by shafts, shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams, bending and shear stresses, normal and shear stress in beams, shear stress formula for beams, deflection of beams, strain energy methods, buckling and stability. Euler’s theory of columns, critical load, equivalent length, slenderness ratio. Rankine’s formula for short columns.
- Thermodynamic systems and processes, properties of pure substances, behavior of ideal and real gases, heat and work, zeroth law of thermodynamics, temperature scales, first and second Laws of thermodynamics, reversible processes, entropy, Clausius inequality, entropy changes in various thermodynamic processes, principle of increase of entropy, available and unavailable energy, availability function, availability and irreversibility, third Law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic relations, Helmholtz and Gibb’s functions, Maxwell’s relations, equations for internal energy, enthalpy and entropy, Clapeyron equation, throttling process, Joule Thomson coefficient, inversion curve, gas mixtures, composition of a gas mixture, mass and mole fraction, Dalton’s law, Gibbs – Daltons Law, equivalent molecular weight and gas constant, properties of gas mixtures – specific heats, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy. Air Standard Cycles, air standard efficiency of Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle and dual combustion cycle.
- Fluid properties, types of fluid, fluid pressure and its measurement, forces on submerged bodies, stability of floating bodies, energies in flowing fluid, dynamic, static and total head, continuity equation, Eulers equation, Bernoulli’s equation, flow rate measurements – venturi and orifce meters, notches and weirs, pitot tube, Reynolds number, laminar and turbulent flow, Hagen- Poiseuille equation, turbulent flow through pipes, head loss due to friction, Darcy – weisbach equation, Chezy’s formula, losses at entry and exit, sudden expansion and sudden contraction, boundary layer, drag and lift on immersed bodies.
- Impact of free jets – stationary and moving vanes, flat and curved vanes, series of vanes, work done and efficiency, impulse and reaction turbines – Pelton wheel, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine, work done and efficiencies, draft tubes, cavitation, governing and specific speed of turbines. Reciprocating pump – air vessels, cavitation, slip, indicator diagram, work required and efficiency. Centrifugal pump – manometric head, efficiency and losses, priming, specific speed, performance characteristics
- Classification and properties of engineering materials, metallic bonds, crystal structure, space lattice, types of unit cells, Miller indices, co-ordination number, atomic packing factor, allotropy and polymorphism, imperfections in crystals. elastic and plastic deformation of metals, slip, twinning, dislocation, critical shear stress, Frank-Read source, strain hardening, De-lamination theory, diffusion mechanism, Fick’s Laws, theory of alloys, Gibb’phase rule, solid solutions, Hume Rothery’s rule, equilibrium diagrams, equilibrium diagram of binary alloys, eutectic, eutectoid, peritectic and peritectoid reactions. iron-carbon equilibrium diagram, isothermal TTT diagrams, critical cooling rate, heat treatment processes, hardenability tests, surface treatments, case hardening, carburising, nitriding, cynading, induction hardening, precipitation hardening, recovery, recrystalization and grain growth. Properties, composition and uses of various types of cast iron and steels, effect of various alloying elements. Properties, composition and uses of copper, aluminum, titanium and its alloys.
- Steam engineering – Rankine cycle, boilers, boiler mountings, boiler accessories, steam engine, steam nozzles, steam turbines, multistage turbines. IC engines – classification, air supply system, fuel supply system, ignition system, performance testing, combustion in SI and CI engines, auto ignition, preignition, detonation, octane and cetane numbers, anti knocking agents. Gas turbines classification, regeneration, intercooling, reheating, efficiency and work output. Compressors – classification of compressors, uses of compressors, reciprocating compressor – single stage compressor, equations for work, efficiencies, multistage compressor, intercooler, rotary compressors, fans and blowers. Refrigeration – concept of COP, heat pump, reversed Carnot cycle, refrigeration systems. Properties of moist air, psychrometric chart, basic psychrometric processes, air conditioning systems. Heat transfer – conduction, convection and radiation, Fourier’s law, thermal conductivity, conduction through plane wall and composite wall, black body concept, Stefan-Boltzman law, gray body concept, Newton Rikhman equation, free and forced convection. Heat exchangers – classification, concept of overall heat transfer coefficient, LMTD. Power plants – hydro electric, thermal, diesel and nuclear power plants.
- Definitions and basic concepts, kinematic and dynamic analysis of planar mechanisms. Belt, rope and chain drives, ratio of belt tensions, power transmitted. Friction clutches – plate clutches, conical clutches. Brakes and Dynamometers – types of brakes, absorption and transmission type dynamometers. Gears – types of gears, terminology, law of gearing, gear tooth profiles, interference and under cutting, calculation of minimum number of teeth, contact ratio, path of contact, arc of contact, gear trains, flywheels, governors, gyroscope, balancing of reciprocating and rotating masses. Free and forced vibrations of single degree of freedom systems, effect of damping, vibration isolation and transmissibility, resonance, critical speeds and whirling of shafts.
- Design for static and dynamic loading, failure theories, fatigue strength and S-N diagram, principles of design of machine elements such as bolted, riveted and welded joints, design of shafts, spur gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, brakes and clutches.
- Casting – types of castings, design of patterns, moulds and cores, solidification and cooling, riser and
gating design, casting defects. Principles of welding, brazing and soldering, types of welding, weld defects. Plastic deformation and yield criteria, fundamentals of hot and cold working processes – rolling, forging, extrusion, wire drawing, rotary piercing, rotary swaging, metal spinning. Machining and machine tool operations – mechanics of machining, single and multi-point cutting tools, tool geometry and materials, tool life and wear, economics of machining. - Basic machine tools – lathe, shaper, milling machine, drilling machine, boring machine, grinding machine, principles of work holding, jigs and fixtures, turret and capstan lathes, NC/CNC machines and CNC programming. Unconventional machining processes – EDM, ECG, ECM, LBM, USM, AJM, EBM and chemical machining. Principles of powder metallurgy.
- Metrology and Inspection – Limits, fits and tolerances, linear and angular measurements, Comparators, interferometry, form and finish measurement, alignment and testing methods, tolerance analysis in manufacturing and assembly, concepts of coordinate measuring machine (CMM).
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing – Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools, additive manufacturing.
- Meaning of management, Taylor’s scientific management, functions of management, organisational structure, authority, responsibility and span of control, line, line and staff, functional, project and matrix organizations. Formation of companies- proprietary, partnership and joint stock companies, private limited, public limited companies, cooperative organizations and government organizations.
- Facilities planning – selection of site, factors to be considered, plant layout – process, product, fixed, group technology layouts, principles of material handling, types of material handling equipments, preventive and break-down maintenance, replacement of equipments.
- Work study – analysis of work methods using different types of process chart and flow diagrams, critical examination, micromotion study and therbligs, SIMO chart, principles of motion economy, determination of allowances and standard time, job evaluation and merit rating, wage payment plans. Production planning and control – importance of planning, forecasting techniques, job, batch and mass production, determination of economic lot size in batch production, functions of production control, routing, scheduling, dispatching and follow up, Gantt charts, inventory models, determination of EOQ and reorder level, selective inventory control techniques, breakeven analysis.
- Quality control and inspection – process capability, statistical quality control, control charts for variables and attributes, acceptance sampling and operating characteristic curves, system reliability, life testing, bath tub curve.
- Personal management- objectives and function, recruitment, selection, orientation and training of workers, industrial safety and health, labour welfare, Industrial psychology, labour legislation. Linear programming – graphical and simplex solution methods, transportation and assignment problems, game theory, simple queuing models, CPM and PERT.
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus 2023: Download PDF
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus PDF ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാൻ, താഴെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക.
Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Syllabus PDF Download
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