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Cloze Test
Cloze Test: महाराष्ट्रातील तसेच राज्यातील बहुतेक स्पर्धा परीक्षेचा महत्वाचा विषय म्हणजे इंग्लिश. इंग्लिश विषयात जास्तकरून इंग्लिश ग्रामर वर प्रश्न विचारले जातात. नेहमीच्या सरावाने इंग्लिश विषयात चांगले गुण मिळू शकतात. आगामी काळातील सरळसेवा भरती जसे की, अन्न व नागरी पुरवठा विभाग भरती आणि इतर स्पर्धा परीक्षांमध्ये इंग्लिश ग्रामरला विशेष महत्त्व आहे. इंग्लिश ग्रामर चे रोज वाचन फायदेशीर ठरते. इंग्लिश ग्रामर मधील एक महत्वपूर्ण घटक म्हणजे Cloze Test. यावर परीक्षेत हमखास 1 ते 2 प्रश्न विचारले जाऊ शकतात. या लेखात आपण Conditional Cloze Test व त्यातील महत्वाचे नियम यावर माहिती पाहणार आहोत.
Cloze Test: विहंगावलोकन
इंग्रजी व्याकरणाचा अभ्यास करतांना Cloze Test या घटकाचा अभ्यास करणे महत्वाचे ठरते. या लेखात Cloze Test बद्दल सविस्तर माहिती दिली आहे.
Cloze Test: विहंगावलोकन | |
श्रेणी | अभ्यास साहित्य |
उपयोगिता | अन्न व नागरी पुरवठा विभाग आणि इतर सर्व स्पर्धा परीक्षांसाठी उपयुक्त |
विषय | इंग्रजी व्याकरण |
लेखाचे नाव | Cloze Test |
लेखातील प्रमुख मुद्दे |
Cloze Test
A cloze test is an exercise in which there is a passage with certain blanks, each of which is numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four or five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank correctly.
So, cloze test is there to test the grammar skills, vocabulary and English command of a candidate.
Cloze Test सोडवण्यासाठी युक्त्या
1. Some important points:
(a) First of all, go through the complete passage and get a rough idea about the content and spirit of the passage. The correct understanding of the content will make you think in the right direction and thus help you make the right decision and thus help you make the right choice among the given words.
(b) Logically analize each sentence and try to understand the grammatical construction of it because some word-choices are based on grammar.
2. Eliminate the less Probable option:
(a) Eliminate the less probable option and get the correct one.
(b) In case if you have multiple correct options then first mark options of this kind and try fitting them in blank one by one, then use the one which fits perfectly with the given sentence.
(c) It may happen sometimes that you are unable to decide between two words. In such case use that one from options which is used frequently with the words around the blank.
Ex – 1. Did you find him ___________for matrimonial purpose?
(a) Compatiable
(b) Perfect
(c) Good
In this case almost all the words seem synonyms but word ‘compatiable’ and matrimonial are interlinked. Hence (a) is answer.
2. Can we have a ___________chat?
(a) Swift
(b) Quick
(c) Prompt
Here all I three options are synonyms of each other’s so it may be difficult to decide which one is the correct answer. Here, the word quick and chat are used more frequently as a combination rather than ‘swift, chat’ or ‘prompt chať.
So (b) is the answer.
3. Think like the Author:
Each passage is written in a certain tone, humor, serious, narrative and so on. Identify the tone and pick the words accordingly. If the tone is funny/humorous, try and use words which evoke fun and vice-versa.
Ex-Jonah in a tumbling dyer. down the stairs, bumping along like a quarter
(a) tumbled
(b) fell
(c) dropped
Clearly, you can use either ‘tumbled’ or ‘fell’ in this blank, but the rest of the sentence is written in a humorous vein. So, we try to maintain the tone of the sentence. This is best accomplished by the use of word ‘tumbled’.
4. Decide the correct part of speech:
Read the sentence carefully and see which part of speech is required to be filled. To decide the right part of speech, you need to keep the following things in the mind.
(a) Noun/ Pronoun: A noun will be required if –
(i) The blank is at the position of subject or object.
Ex- Every leader should perform his duty.
Noun Pronoun
(ii) If the blank is after an adjective
Ex – A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
b) Adjective: An adjective will be required if
(i) the blank requires a qualifier for a preceding or following noun or pronoun.
(ii) the blank is just before a noun.
Ex – Do you have any problem?
(c) Adverb: An adverb is required if
(1) The blank is after a verb
Ex- He works hard
(2) A blank is before the subject at the beginning of a sentence.
Ex – Only I know the truth.
(d) Conjunction: A conjunction is required if
The blank required a word to combine two words or sentences
Ex- You must run fast else you will miss the train.
e) Article: An article is required if
(i) The blank is before a noun.
Ex- He is an heir to the throne.
(ii) The blank is before a comparative or superlative degree.
Ex- 1. He is the better of the two wrestlers. 2. He is the best student of our class.
(f) Preposition: A preposition is required if
(1) The blank required a word to relate two words.
Ex- 1. The bill was passed amid pandemonium. 2. The cat jumped upon the rat.
(g) Verb: A verb is required if
(i) The blank is after a subject.
Ex- They played very well.
(ii) The blank after a helping verb.
Ex- We have to make the system work.
(iii) The blank required a linking verb
(iv) The blank required a word that describes the action of a noun or pronoun.
Ex- Swimming is a good exercise.
(h) Phrasal Verb: A phrasal verb is required to fit the sentence in correct.
Ex- 1. The meeting was put off due to agitation held by union leaders of the company.
2.Corruption is eating into our country.
5. Commonly used phrases:
You have to give preference to those words which commonly precede or follow the word around the blank. Considering the following examples.
Ex- Tens of thousands of demonstrators in Malasiya defied police orders on Saturday amassing in the capital in a ____________ of anger at the government prime minister Najib Razak.
(i) Show
(ii) Display
(iii) Expression
(iv) Plainness
You cannot use ‘expression’ here as it needs article ‘an’ before itself. Plainness is inappropriate here, show of anger is not correct but display of anger is commonly used. Hence (ii) is the answer.
6. Enhance your vocabulary and comprehension of language: –
Read as much as you can to improve your language. When you read more, you tend to have a better idea of which word goes with the other words.
7. Solve plenty of cloze tests to attain perfection:
By solving a large number of cloze tests, you will not only enhance your vocabulary but also learn how and where words should be used. This will surely help in building up your language skils.
महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व स्पर्धा परीक्षांसाठी ऑनलाईन क्लास, व्हिडिओ कोर्स, टेस्ट सिरीज, पुस्तके आणि इतर अभ्यास साहित्य खाली दिलेल्या लिंक वर क्लिक करून मिळावा.
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