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Daily English Vocab with Marathi Meaning 2024
For most competitive exam aspirants, vocabulary is a nightmare, but it carries a great amount of importance in every competitive exam. It is very important to have a good hold on the vocabulary to increase efficiency in the language section and also to increase your overall scores. That is why Adda247 has started a new initiative to improve the vocabulary of the aspirants with Visual vocabulary words and their meanings.
- Behove (verb)
Meaning; To be necessary for
Meaning in Marathi: साठी आवश्यक असणे, ला आवश्यक असणे, ला शोभणे
Synonyms; obligatory, required
Antonyms; optional, unnecessary
- Henchman (noun)
Meaning; A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate.
Meaning in Marathi: एक विश्वासू अनुयायी किंवा अधीनस्थ.
Synonyms; assistant, helper
Antonyms; captain, chief
- Bruised (adjective)
Meaning; (of food) having been crushed or pounded. (of a person or body part) having a bruise or bruises.
Meaning in Marathi: ठेचणे, जखम करणे.
Synonyms; damaged, injured
Antonyms; strong, healthy
- Trivial (adjective)
Meaning; Ignorable; of little significance or value
Meaning in Marathi: कमी महत्त्वाचा, विचारात न घेण्याजोगा, क्षुल्लक.
Synonyms; Insignificant
Antonyms; Decisive
- Poignant (Adjective)
Meaning; Evoking strong mental sensation, to the point of distress
Meaning in Marathi: दुःख किंवा दया निर्माण करणारे; दुःखद, शोककारक, वेदनाकारक, करुणार्त, क्लेशदायक.
Synonyms; distressing
Antonyms; cheerful
- Dilatory (adjective)
Meaning; Intentionally delaying
Meaning in Marathi: जाणीवपूर्वक विलंब
Synonyms; slack, sluggish
Antonyms; fast, quick
- Piquant (adjective)
Meaning; Stimulating to the senses; engaging
Meaning in Marathi: (भोजन का स्वाद) रुचिकर लेकिन तेज़ मसालेदार; चटपटा, रुचिकर, उत्तेजक; आकर्षक
Synonyms; fascinating, interesting
Antonyms; dull, boring
- Muckrake(verb)
Meaning; To search for and expose corruption or scandal
Meaning in Marathi: भ्रष्टाचार किंवा घोटाळा शोधणे आणि उघडकीस आणणे
Synonyms; defamation, criticism
Antonyms; praise, approval
- Sordid(adjective)
Meaning; Dirty or squalid.
Meaning in Marathi: वाईट, दयनीय; प्रामाणिक व नैतिक नसलेला, हलकट, पाजी, क्षुद्र.
Synonyms; foul, dishonourable
Antonyms; respectable, reputable
- Trammel (noun)
Meaning; Whatever impedes activity, progress
Meaning in Marathi: जे काही क्रियाकलाप, प्रगतीला अडथळा आणते
Synonyms: constraint, impediment
Antonyms: assistance, aid
- Rampant (adjective)
Meaning; Unrestrained or unchecked, usually in a negative manner.
Meaning in Marathi: (एखाद्या वाईर्ट गोष्टीबाबत वापर) हाताबाहेर जाणाऱ्या रीतीने सर्वत्र पसरणारा किंवा उद्भवणारा; अनिर्बंधपणे फैलावणारा, बेसुमार फैलावणारा.
Synonyms; uncontrolled, frequent
Antonyms; controlled, limited
- Inglorious (adjective)
Meaning; Ignominious; disgraceful
Meaning in Marathi: (एखाद्या कृतीतून किंवा परिस्थितीमुळे) लज्जा उत्पन्न होते किंवा मान कमी होते.
Synonyms; disgraceful, shameful
Antonyms; respectful, appreciable
Daily English Vocab with Marathi Meaning – 06 July 2024 PDF
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