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Do you know the meaning of Confabulate? Check out our Daily English Vocab with Marathi Meaning!

Daily English Vocab with Marathi Meaning 2024

For most competitive exam aspirants, vocabulary is a nightmare, but it carries a great amount of importance in every competitive exam. It is very important to have a good hold on the vocabulary to increase efficiency in the language section and also to increase your overall scores. That is why Adda247 has started a new initiative to improve the vocabulary of the aspirants with Daily vocabulary words and their meanings.

  1. Protege (noun)

Meaning; A person guided and protected by a more prominent person.

Meaning in Marathi:सुप्रसिद्ध, प्रभावशाली अनुभवी व्यक्तीद्वारे वैयक्तिक विकास किंवा करिअरसाठी प्रशिक्षित युवा; अवलंबून

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Synonyms: trainee, pupil

Antonyms: trainer, gaurdian

  1. Torpor (noun)

Meaning; A state of being inactive or stuporous.

Meaning in Marathi: शारीरिक किंवा मानसिक निष्क्रियतेची अवस्था; सुस्तपणा.

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Synonyms: stagnation, listlessness

Antonyms: vigor, eagerness

  1. Agape (adjective)

Meaning; In a state of astonishment, wonder, expectation

Meaning in Marathi: आश्चर्यचकित अवस्थेत, आश्चर्य

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Synonyms: breathless, stunned

Antonyms: indifferent, ignorant

  1. Thriving (adjective)

Meaning; That thrives; successful; flourishing or prospering.

Meaning in Marathi: भरभराटीला आलेला, जोमदार

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Synonyms: increasing, blooming

Antonyms: wither, fade

  1. Confabulate (verb)

Meaning; To speak casually with; to chat.

Meaning in Marathi: सह प्रासंगिकपणे बोलणे; गप्पा मारणे.

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Synonyms: gossip

Antonyms: listen

  1. Outpace (verb)

Meaning; To go faster than; to exceed the pace of.

Meaning in Marathi: पेक्षा वेगवान जाणे; च्या गती ओलांडणे

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Synonyms: surpass, exceed

Antonyms: underplay, playdown

  1. Trove (noun)

Meaning; A treasure trove; a collection of treasure.

Meaning in Marathi: एक खजिना संग्रह.

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Synonyms: stock, agglomeration

Antonyms: junk, litter

  1. Propensity (noun)

Meaning; An inclination, disposition, tendency, preference, or attraction

Meaning in Marathi:विशिष्ट रीतीने वागायची सवय; प्रवृत्ती, कल, खोड, क्रियाप्रवृत्ती.

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Synonyms: inclination

Antonyms: aversion

  1. Clampdown (noun)

Meaning; A sudden repressive or punitive restriction or control

Meaning in Marathi: अचानक दडपशाही किंवा दंडात्मक प्रतिबंध किंवा नियंत्रण

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Synonyms: suppression, crackdown

Antonyms: freedom, enhancement

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Daily Vocabulary Words 2024 चा उद्देश्य काय आहे?

शब्दसंग्रहातील शब्द आणि त्यांच्या अर्थांसह इच्छुकांच्या शब्दसंग्रहात सुधारणा करणे हा Daily Vocabulary Words 2024 चा उद्देश्य आहे.

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