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Addapedia Odisha | Daily Current Affairs | 16 April 2024 | Download PDF

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Addapedia Odisha – Daily Current Affairs – 16 April 2024

National and International News
Hydrogel Context:

  • Researchers from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed a sustainable hydrogel designed to combat the issue of microplastic pollution in water sources.

Key points:

  • The hydrogel developed by IISc researchers features a unique three-layer polymer architecture
  • It consists of chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol, and polyaniline, forming an interpenetrating polymer network (IPN). 
  • Nanoclusters of a substance called copper substitute polyoxometalate (Cu-POM) are embedded into the polymer matrix, serving as catalysts for breaking down microplastics under UV light. 
  • The hydrogel efficiently adsorbs and degrades significant amounts of microplastics from water.
  • To monitor the removal and degradation of microplastics, a fluorescent dye is incorporated into the hydrogel.
  • The effectiveness of the hydrogel was demonstrated in tests, where it removed approximately 95% and 93% of two different types of microplastics in near-neutral pH water. 
  • The material was also tested for its durability and stability under various conditions and was found to be strong and stable.

What are microplastics?

  • Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that pose significant threats to human health and the environment. 
  • They can enter our bodies through water consumption, potentially leading to various illnesses.
  • These particles are not only harmful to human health but also pose dangers to aquatic and terrestrial life.
  • They have been found in remote areas such as polar ice caps and deep ocean trenches, highlighting the extent of their environmental impact.
Queqiao-2 Context:

  • The China National Space Administration (CNSA) recently announced the successful launch of the Queqiao-2 satellite.

Key points:

  • It serves as a communications relay satellite between ground operations on Earth and future lunar probe missions on the far side of the moon, planned to operate until at least 2030.
  • The satellite features a 4.2-meter-diameter (13.8-foot) parabolic antenna, one of the largest deployed beyond Earth’s orbit.
  • Queqiao-2 will support China’s Chang’e-6 lunar far-side sample return mission, as well as future Chang’e-7 and -8 missions.
  • It carries three scientific instruments: an Extreme Ultraviolet Camera (EUC), a Grid-based Energetic Neutral Atom Imager (GENA), and the Lunar Orbit VLBI EXperiment (LOVEX), a very long baseline interferometer.
  • Additionally, the mission includes deploying two experimental CubeSats, Tiandu-1 and Tiandu-2, which will orbit the Moon to test navigation and communication technologies.
Iran-Israel ties Context:

    • In a recent development, Iran reportedly carried out attacks on Israel on April 12 in response to Israeli airstrikes on an Iranian consulate in Syria, which resulted in the death of senior Iranian military commanders. 
  • The incident has amplified concerns over a potential wider conflict in the Middle East between the two nations.


  • Iran-Israel relations were once cordial before the 1979 Islamic Revolution. 
  • As one of the first Muslim-majority countries to recognize Israel’s formation in 1948, Iran shared common interests with Israel, such as opposing Arab hostility. 
  • However, following the revolution, Iran’s regime adopted an anti-Israel stance, viewing the country as an occupier of Palestinian land. 
  • Consequently, Iran-Israel relations soured, with both countries engaging in proxy conflicts and strategic attacks.


  • Given Iran’s lack of recognition of Israel’s legitimacy and the overt hostility between the two nations since the early 1990s, they have engaged in shadow wars and proxy conflicts, particularly in Syria and Yemen. 
  • Both countries have ties to organizations involved in ethnic and religion-based conflicts in the region. 
  • The nuclear programs of both nations have further heightened tensions, with Israel viewing Iran’s nuclear program as a threat to its existence, and Iran being subjected to various sanctions by the United States.
  • Iran is believed to provide funding and support to several militant groups in the region that oppose Israel and the United States. These include Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
  • As the rivalry between the two nations persists, the involvement of the United States as Israel’s strong ally has exacerbated Iran’s insecurity, increasing the potential for unwanted Western interference in the region. 
  • The recent incidents of targeted attacks, assassinations, and cyberattacks between Iran and Israel underscore the delicate and unstable nature of the situation
  • As tensions escalate, the international community remains concerned about the potential for a wider regional conflict between the two adversaries.

Impact on India:

    • The intensifying conflict between Israel and Iran has far-reaching implications for India, which has deep equities in the region, including a large diaspora, robust economic partnerships, and a burgeoning strategic role. 
  • A potential escalation could significantly impact India’s people, economic interests, and strategic needs.
  • India’s reliance on the West Asia region for 80% of its oil supplies renders the country vulnerable to the ramifications of a potential conflict on energy prices. 
  • Although India has mitigated the impact of oil prices in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war by securing discounted Russian oil, the Iran-Israel conflict could have adverse effects.
  • India’s strategic relationship with major Arab countries, including Iran and Israel, is a vital factor in the country’s foreign policy. 
  • New Delhi has balanced its strategic ties with both nations, but the widening conflict could force India to abandon its ambivalent position.

India ties with Israel:

  • India’s strong strategic relationship with Israel, particularly in defense and security, has deepened over the past decade. 
  • Israel has emerged as a key defense supplier for India, joining the ranks of the US, France, and Russia. Moreover, both countries share concerns about extremism and terrorism.

India ties with Iran:

  • Despite maintaining a strategic partnership with Israel, India has managed to preserve its strategic relationship with Iran. 
  • Tehran has been a significant supplier of crude oil to India, though this relationship has faced obstacles due to sanctions. 
  • Both nations also share apprehensions regarding terrorism originating from Pakistan and Afghanistan. 
  • Additionally, the Chabahar project serves as an essential economic gateway to Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Way forward:

  • The path forward in this tumultuous situation necessitates diplomatic efforts from global leaders to promote de-escalation and return to the path of diplomacy. 
  • India’s position advocating for an immediate cessation of violence is crucial in restoring peace to the volatile region. 
  • Pressures from world leaders, such as US President Joe Biden’s statement that the US would not partake in any Israeli counteroffensive against Iran, may contribute to de-escalating the conflict and establishing peace.
Igla-S Context:

  • India has recently taken delivery of a fresh consignment of Igla-S air defense systems from Russia, intended for deployment along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). 
  • This procurement fulfills an order placed last year to address the current needs of the Indian Army. 

Key points:

  • The initial batch comprises 24 Igla-S Man Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) along with 100 missiles, with plans for the remainder to be manufactured in India under a larger agreement.
  • This acquisition aims to bolster the Indian Army’s Very Short Range Air Defense (VSHORAD) capabilities, particularly in the challenging terrain of high mountainous regions bordering the north.
  • The Igla-S system boasts an enhanced interception range of up to 6 km, providing a significant upgrade over the older Igla-1M systems.


  • The Igla-S is a portable defense system, operable by either an individual or a crew. 
  • It is specifically engineered to intercept low-flying aircraft and can also detect and eliminate airborne threats like cruise missiles and drones. 
  • As reported by The Defense Post, the Igla-S air defense system is composed of several components, including the 9M342 missile, the 9P522 launcher, the 9V866-2 mobile test station, and the 9F719-2 test set. 
  • These systems are primarily deployed in new air defense units stationed in high mountainous regions along the northern border.
India’s Tree Cover Loss and Carbon Emissions Since 2000: Insights from Global Forest Watch Context:

  • India has lost 2.33 million hectares of tree cover since 2000, which is equivalent to a six percent decrease during this period. 
  • This loss has resulted in an average release of 51.0 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent into the atmosphere annually. 
  • The Global Forest Watch (GFW) project, which monitors forest changes using satellite data, reported that India lost 414,000 hectares of humid primary forest between 2002 and 2023, accounting for 18 percent of its total tree cover loss in that period.

Key points:

    • From 2001 to 2022, forests in India emitted 51 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year but also removed 141 million tons per year, resulting in a net carbon sink of 89.9 million tons per year. 
    • However, the loss of forests accelerates climate change, as forests act as both a sink and a source for carbon.
    • Tree cover loss in India includes both human-caused loss and natural disturbances, such as logging, fire, disease, or storm damage, which may not always meet the definition of deforestation. 
  • The data indicates that 95 percent of tree cover loss in India from 2013 to 2023 occurred within natural forests.
  • Five states in India accounted for 60 percent of all tree cover loss between 2001 and 2023, with Assam, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Manipur experiencing significant losses. 
  • Assam had the highest tree cover loss at 324,000 hectares, compared to an average of 66,600 hectares, followed by Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Manipur.
  • According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation, India’s deforestation rate was 668,000 hectares per year between 2015 and 2020, the second-highest worldwide. 
  • Additionally, from 2002 to 2022, Odisha had the highest rate of tree cover loss due to fires, followed by Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Assam, and Meghalaya.

The GFW cautions against comparing old and new data, especially before and after 2015, due to changes in the data over time from algorithm adjustments and improved satellite data. 

The project refers to tree cover when discussing forest extent, loss, and gain, as it is easily measurable using satellite imagery. 

However, the existence of tree cover does not always indicate a forest, and tree cover loss or gain does not always imply forest loss or gain.


Odisha Regional Specific News
Sambalpur launches voter mascots Context:

  • In 2024, Sambalpur introduced voter mascots named ‘Voter Dada’ and ‘Voter Nani’ dressed in traditional Sambalpuri attire to raise awareness among voters about the election process. 
  • These mascots are part of the ‘No voter to be left behind’ initiative by the district administration to ensure maximum voter participation.

Key points:

  • The mascots will educate voters about various election-related procedures, including voter registration, polling station locations, model polling stations, Sakhi booths managed by women, PwD-managed polling stations, and ethical voting practices.
  • The initiative aims to enhance voter awareness and encourage new and young voters to participate in the electoral process. 
  • The mascots will conduct extensive campaigns in urban areas of Sambalpur district to inform people about election dates, timings, booth locations, voting procedures, and the use of IT applications for voter assistance.
Discovery of a Potentially Beneficial Probiotic Strain in Tribal Brew ‘Handia’ Context:

  • A recent study has uncovered the presence of a crucial probiotic strain in the tribal beverage ‘handia’. 
  • Metabolite profiling of this strain has revealed the presence of vital compounds, including essential amino acids, short-chain fatty acids, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory molecules, and compounds that enhance flavor and aroma.

Key points:

  • This discovery is particularly significant due to the identification of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) during the genome sequencing of the probiotic strain isolated from ‘handia’. 
  • GABA is known for its beneficial physiological effects, such as anti-anxiety, hypotensive, and diuretic properties, making it valuable for the food and pharmaceutical industries.
  • The genome sequencing of the bacterium Levilactobacillus brevis ILSH3 (H3) found in ‘handia’ has revealed a range of attributes that make it a promising probiotic candidate. L. brevis is known for producing metabolites like lactic acid and acetic acid, which have antimicrobial properties, as well as flavor compounds like diacetyl and acetoin
  • Importantly, genes related to probiotic potential in the genome showed no matches against any pathogenic families.
  • The study also identified an array of 25 distinct genes in the genome, including transporters, molecular proteins, and transcriptional regulators, that can help mitigate adverse effects induced by low pH conditions. 
  • GABA, an important metabolite in the bacteria, acts as a key inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system of mammals. Additionally, various immunomodulatory genes capable of stimulating host immune responses were found in the genome.
At 7.05%, Odisha topped inflation chart in March Context:

  • In March, Odisha recorded the highest inflation rate in the country at 7.05%, according to data from the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. 
  • This rate was notably higher than the urban inflation rate of 6.46% and the rural rate of 7.27%.

Key points:

    • Among states with populations exceeding 50 lakh, Odisha had the highest inflation rates in both rural and urban areas. 
    • The inflation rate in Odisha has been on a fluctuating trend over the past year. 
  • In June 2023, it was at 3.75%, but by December, it had surged to 8.73%. 
  • However, it dropped to 7.55% in January and February 2024.
  • One reason for Odisha’s high inflation is the increase in commodity prices. 
  • The inflation rate for various goods was particularly high for vegetables (28.34%), pulses and products (17.71%), spices (11.4%), eggs (10.33%), and food and beverages (7.68%).
Save the Elephant Day Context:

  • On April 16th, 2024, people around the world come together to celebrate ‘Save the Elephant Day’
  • It is a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the plight of elephants and advocating for their protection and conservation

Key Points:

  • Elephants are intelligent and social animals who play a vital role in healthy ecosystems.
  • Save the Elephant Day is a chance to learn more about these gentle giants and what we can do to protect them.


  • There are currently three species of elephant spread across Africa and Asia: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant and the Asian elephant.
  • Characterized by their enormous size and highly adept trunks, these creatures are intelligent, social and largely gentle giants
  • Elephants hold the record for the longest pregnancy among mammals, carrying their calves for a whopping 18 to 22 months.
World Voice Day Context:

    • World Voice Day is commemorated every year on April 16th.
    • It is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of our voices.
  • World Voice Day promotes voice care for everyone, from singers and teachers to business professionals and everyday individuals. 
  • By taking steps to protect our voices, we can ensure clear and effective communication throughout our lives.


  • The theme for World Voice Day 2024 is “Resonate, Educate, Celebrate.” 
  • This theme was chosen by the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
  • It emphasizes the importance of vocal health in our lives.

Did you Know?

  • World Voice Day originated in Brazil in 1999 and has now become a global event.


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