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Addapedia Odisha – Daily Current Affairs – 22 September 2023

National and International News
Census and Delimitation  Context

Government has decided to implement the women’s reservation bill only after census and delimitation work is done which are going to be conducted after LS 2024 polls.

About Census :

  • Census is the process of collecting, compiling, analyzing and disseminating demographic, social, cultural and economic data relating to all persons in the country, at a particular time.
  • It  provides basic statistics on the state of human resources, demography, culture and economic structure at all levels. 
  • The first synchronous census was taken under British rule in 1881, by W.C. Plowden, Census Commissioner of India.
  • The responsibility of conducting the decadal census rests with the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India, Ministry of Home Affairs


  • Delimitation is the process of redrawing  the boundaries of territorial constituencies in a nation.
  • It  reflects the  changes in population. 
  • The Constitution requires that the Commission’s decisions be final and cannot be challenged in court 
  • The Lok Sabha or State Legislative Assembly cannot modify the Delimitation Commission’s orders once they have been laid before them.
About delimitation  commission  Key points:

  • Delimitation literally means the act or process of fixing limits or boundaries of territorial constituencies in a country
  • In India, such Delimitation Commissions have been constituted 4 times under delimitation commission act
  • The first delimitation commission was constituted in 1952 under delimitation commission act of 1952 
  • Article 82 and Article 170 of the Constitution the Parliament must pass delimitation commission act for LS and state  legislature

Did you know?

  • It is appointed by the President
  • The  Ex- officio member of Commission 
  1.  a SC court judge,
  2.  chief election commissioner of India 
  3.  election commissioner of concerned state 
Gravitational instabilities could affect evolution of galaxies Context

A study conducted by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) could help understand how gravitational instabilities are connected to galaxy evolution.

Key points

  • The study compared the star formation rate, gas fraction, and timescale for the growth of gravitational instabilities of nearby galaxies
  • It also investigated the stability levels of a sample of 175 galaxies taken from the Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves (SPARC) database. 
  • This Study can help  the researchers trace the role of dark matter in regulating the stability levels of the galaxies

Did you know?

  • The study, which compared the stability levels in the nearby galaxies, could help to understand the role of  gravitational instabilities in the evolution of galaxies.
Three years of the Abraham Accords Context

  • The sept 2023 marks the three years of the Abraham Accords signed  between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain, under the auspices of the U.S. government.

Key point:

  • On account of Abraham Accords, trade between Israel and other West Asian countries increased  by 74%.
  • Tourism has increased as the UAE has seen a 172% increase in  tourists from Israel.

About Abraham Accords:

  • It is a series of treaties signed between Israel , UAE ,Baharin, Sudan and Morocco to normalize diplomatic relations. 
  • This deal, sponsored by the US, was part of the country’s regional security agenda to counter Iran.
  • As part of the Abraham Accords, Israel agreed to stop further annexation of Palestinian territory.

Did you know?

The treaty so called in honor of “Abraham “was the patriarch of Judaism, christianity  and  Islam.

Number of mineral exploration projects approved by NMET Context

The National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) has approved 309 projects worth ₹2,100 crore.

Key points 

 Of the projects approved, 151 have been completed, while the rest are in progress

About District Mineral Foundation(DMF)

  • As per the Mine and Minerals Development Regulation (Amendment) Act, 2015, the state government shall constitute DMF
  • It should be constituted in every affected district 
  • It was established as a non-profit body to be called the District Mineral Foundation.
  • DMF Funds-it constitutes one third of royalty from every license holder to DMF  as per rates prescribed by the Central Government.
  • This fund will be used for welfare of the people affected in the mining affected areas
World Alzheimer’s Day, which is observed every  Context:

September 21 is observed as World Alzheimer’s Day to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease globally.

About  Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder 
  • It affects the brain which  leads to memory loss, cognitive decline, behavioral changes, problems with words in speaking or writing, poor judgment, changes in mood and personality, confusion with time or place, etc.
  • Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for 60-80% of dementia cases.
  • There’s currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Medicine and supportive therapies available can temporarily reduce the symptoms.
  • In India, the number of people with dementia and Alzheimer’s is set to rise to 7.6 million by 2030 as the population ages 

Read More: Other Important Daily Current Affairs Notes


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