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Addapedia Odisha | Daily Current Affairs | 25 May 2024 | Download PDF

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Addapedia Odisha – Daily Current Affairs – 25 May 2024

National and International News
Ferroptosis Context:

  • Research by Columbia University has revealed that ferroptosis, a specific form of cell death, occurs in the lungs of severe COVID-19 patients.

Key points:

  • This discovery sheds light on the previously unclear cause of extreme lung damage leading to conditions such as pneumonia, inflammation, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). 
  • Published in Nature Communications, the study found that ferroptosis, which involves the collapse of outer fat layers in certain cells, is the primary mechanism behind COVID-19 lung disease. 
  • This form of cell death, distinct from the more common type involving the breakdown of internal cell molecules, was first identified by Professor Brent Stockwell in 2012.
  • Stockwell’s lab has demonstrated that while ferroptosis plays a role in normal bodily processes, it can also attack healthy cells in neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease. 
  • The study suggests that halting ferroptosis with therapeutic drugs could improve outcomes for severe COVID-19 patients. 
  • Additionally, inducing ferroptosis might be beneficial for treating diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth, such as cancer. 
  • This research offers new potential treatment avenues for combating COVID-19 lung disease, with Professor Stockwell emphasizing its importance in improving health outcomes and reducing mortality.
ASMPA Missile Context:

  • France has successfully tested the updated ASMPA supersonic missile, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.
  • Defence Minister Sébastien Lecornu announced the successful test.
  • This test underscores France’s commitment to maintaining a robust nuclear deterrence capability.

Key points:

  • The ASMPA, developed by MBDA France, has been a crucial component of France’s defense strategy since its initial development in 1986. 
  • The missile has undergone several upgrades, with the latest modernization program, ASMPA-R, launched in 2016. 
  • The recent test, using a strategic Rafale fighter jet, demonstrates the missile’s reliability and France’s readiness.
  • The Durandal military exercises, running from May 13 to June 14, focus on nuclear deterrence and military readiness. 
  • This successful test coincides with increased military activities in Russia’s Southern Military District, amid escalating nuclear rhetoric from President Vladimir Putin. 
Neanderthals Context:

  • Recent analysis of two Neanderthal skeletons has uncovered traces of three viruses: adenovirus, herpesvirus, and papillomavirus. 
  • These findings suggest that Neanderthals, who lived around 50,000 years ago, were infected with these viruses, making them the oldest known human viruses, surpassing the previous record by 20,000 years. 

Key points:

    • The research team, by extracting DNA from the skeletons found in the Chagyrskaya cave in Russia, identified viral sequences by comparing them to modern viruses and ruled out contamination from modern humans or predators. 
    • The identified viruses are akin to those causing cold sores, genital warts, and cold-like symptoms in humans today. 
    • This study supports the theory that viruses may have played a role in the extinction of Neanderthals around 40,000 years ago. 
    • Understanding these ancient viruses can provide insights into the evolution of modern diseases and potentially inform the development of new vaccines and antiviral treatments. 
    • Despite the intriguing possibility of resurrecting ancient viruses, experts like Sally Wasef caution against it due to the complexities involved in reconstructing damaged viral DNA. 
  • As the field of ancient virology grows, more discoveries are expected to enhance our understanding of past and present diseases.
Preeclampsia Context:

  • Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and potential organ damage. 
  • It affects approximately 5-8% of pregnancies globally and is a leading cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality
  • Early detection is crucial as it can save lives.

Key points:

  • World Preeclampsia Day, observed annually on May 22nd, aims to raise awareness about this life-threatening condition. 
  • The Society of Fetal Medicine (SFM) highlights the importance of early detection and proper management to safeguard the health of both mothers and babies. 
  • The SFM calls on healthcare professionals to stay informed about the latest research and advancements in diagnosing and managing preeclampsia. 
  • They also advocate for policy support to enhance maternal healthcare services, ensuring all women have access to quality prenatal care.
GSAP SKILLS Platform Context:

  • The Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) has unveiled GSAP SKILLS, an online platform aimed at bolstering species conservation efforts worldwide. 
  • Launched during the Fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, Convention on Biological Diversity in Nairobi on 22 May 2024, GSAP SKILLS is a critical component of the broader GSAP initiative.

Key points:

  • GSAP, designed to support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), emphasizes strategic interventions for species conservation aligned with the GBF targets. 
  • Developed collaboratively by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), its Commissions, Members, and Partners, the GSAP calls upon governments and stakeholders to unite in scaling up species conservation actions in response to the escalating biodiversity crisis.
  • The GSAP SKILLS online platform serves as a comprehensive resource hub, offering tools, training support, and technical guidance to assist governments and stakeholders worldwide in effectively implementing the main species outcomes of the GBF. 
  • It aims to prevent extinctions, reduce extinction risks, and maintain or increase the abundance of native wild species.


  • Managed proactively by IUCN, the GSAP SKILLS platform is responsive to the needs of governments and stakeholders for effective species conservation actions.
  • The platform’s development has been principally supported by the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea, with additional resources from the Tech4Nature Initiative launched by IUCN and Huawei in 2020.


Odisha Regional Specific News 
Remains of ancient urban civilisation found in Junagarh Context:

  • Recent excavations in Junagarh, Kalahandi district, Odisha, have revealed the remains of an ancient urban civilization. 
  • The discovery is detailed in the journal “Heritage”
  • Artifacts unearthed at the site include pillars, statues, temple ruins, religious idols, and pottery. 
  • These findings suggest the existence of a significant medieval-era city at Junagarh.
  • Researchers believe the presence of these features – advanced water management, religious structures, artistic expression, agriculture, and signs of trade – indicates a well-developed urban center. 

Key points:

  • In the early medieval period, Junagarh and its surrounding areas were renowned for the Chhakodi Bandha (120) and Nakodi Tota (180). 
  • The city’s reservoirs like Ranibandha, Samiyabandha, Hiranila Bandha, Tala Bandha provide evidence of these structures. 
  • The statues of Hindu deities in Bhairiguda and Samiyabandhapada are estimated to remain from the fifth to the ninth centuries.
  • Further study is likely to shed light on the specific period and culture of this lost civilization.
81 jumbos present in Ghumusar forest division Context:

  • An elephant census conducted on May 22nd in Ghumusar North and South forest divisions of Ganjam district, Odisha counted 81 elephants
  • This indicates a positive trend as the Ghumusar forests are becoming safer habitats for these pachyderms
  • The census findings included calves, mothers, tuskers, and interestingly, no tuskless males were spotted. 

Key Points:

  • Ghumusar North: 62 elephants (25 in Mujagada, 5 in Tarsingi, 32 in Jagannath Prasad range)
  • Ghumusar South: 19 elephants (5 in Sadhanapalli forest, 14 in Pandakhola forest)
Distress sale of Mahua haunts tribals Context:

  • Tribal communities in Odisha are facing exploitation due to the lack of a proper system for buying Mahua flowers, a valuable forest product.

The problem: 

  • The government sets a minimum price (MSP) to protect tribals, but the Tribal Development Cooperative Corporation (TDCC) doesn’t include Mahua flowers in its procurement list.

The impact: 

  • Middlemen take advantage of this gap and buy Mahua flowers at very low prices from tribals. 
  • This “distress sale” deprives tribals of a fair income despite a good harvest.
  • This situation threatens the livelihood of hundreds of tribal families who depend on Mahua collection for income.
Bhanja Bhawan to become cultural hub Context:

  • Bhanja Bhawan in Rourkela, Odisha, is set to be transformed into a multi-disciplinary cultural center. 
  • This initiative by the Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) comes after they won a legal battle to regain possession of the Bhawan.
  • The plan is to create a space that preserves and promotes the rich cultural heritage of Odisha. 
  • This will include literature, art, and traditional art forms.
  • This project has the potential to become a significant landmark for Rourkela, boosting the city’s cultural scene and serving as a center for artistic expression and appreciation.
World Thyroid Day Context:

  • World Thyroid Day is observed annually on May 25th
  • It raises awareness about thyroid disorders, which are very common endocrine diseases. 

Key points:

  • Established in 2008, the day coincides with the founding of the European Thyroid Association.


  • The theme for World Thyroid Day 2024 is “Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)”
  • It highlights the link between thyroid problems and other chronic health conditions.


  • The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck
  • It plays a critical role in your body’s metabolism by producing hormones that influence nearly every organ and function. 
  • These hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), regulate how your body uses energy, impacting things like heart rate, digestion, mood, and weight.


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