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Addapedia Odisha – Daily Current Affairs – 27 September 2023

National and International News
AR6 Synthesis Report by IPCC

Key points:

  • IPCC is the United Nations’ global organization for assessing the science related to climate change.
  • IPCC is made up of 195 member countries.
  • IPCC’s AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023 summarizes five years of reports on global temperature rises, fossil fuel emissions and climate impacts.

According to AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023 released by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in March 2023 –

  • Climate change increases the chances of infectious diseases (For example – Multiple outbreaks of mosquito-borne disease, Nipah virus etc.)
  • Changes in temperature, rainfall, and humidity disrupt the patterns of disease transmission. (climate and disease are closely linked)

Did you know?

  • In the last twenty years, India has enhanced its ability to report and manage outbreaks.
  • Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) and Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP) are India’s disease surveillance and information system.
Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP)  Key points:

  • IDSP is a nationwide disease surveillance system in India incorporating both the state and central govts.
  • Aim – early detection and long-term monitoring of diseases.
  • Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in collaboration with the World Bank, launched IDSP in 2004.
  • Part of 12th Plan (2012–17) under the National Health Mission.

Did you know?

  • With the aim of improving digital surveillance capabilities, the Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP) was launched in a number of states in November 2019.
Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP) Key points 

  • IIHP is an advanced disease surveillance system.
  • IHIP is refined version of Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) 
  • Launched by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in 2019.
  • It is in sync with the National Digital Health Mission (NDHM). 
Disease X In news:

  • Disease X is often seen in the news. 
  • Scientists across the world are issuing warnings about a new potential pandemic called ‘Disease X’. 
  • They say this disease could be 20 times deadlier than the Wuhan Virus.


  • Disease X is a mystery pathogen, that has been added to the WHO’s Blueprint priority diseases.
  • It could be related to zoonotic disease likely an RNA virus, emerging from an area where the epidemiological triad – environment host favours sustained transmission. 
13th Indo-Pacific Army Chiefs Conference In news:

  • India to host 13th Indo-Pacific Army Chiefs Conference.

Key points:

  • IPACC is being held in New Delhi from September 25 to 27 where over 30 countries will be represented from September 25 to 27. 
  • The event is aimed at exchanging views and developing mutual understanding among the Indo-Pacific partners.

Did you know?

  • The 47th Indo-Pacific Armies Management Seminar and 9th Senior Enlisted Leaders Forum (SELF) are also being held alongside the IPACC.
Yudh Abhyas Context

  • 19th edition of “Exercise Yudh Abhyas” began in Fort Wainwright, Alaska (USA).

About Yudh Abhyas

  • It is an annual joint military exercise between India and the USA.
  • 19th edition is held in USA (Alaska) from September 25 to October 8 2023
  • The theme of the Exercise is ‘Employment of an Integrated Battle Group in Mountain/ Extreme Climatic Conditions’ under Chapter VII of United Nations mandate’.
Section 67A of the Information Technology Act Context

  • Section 67A of the Information Technology Act is in news as the Supreme Court is examining the use of vulgar language in a YouTube series or OTT platform amounts to a “sexually explicit act”.

Key points:

  • Section 67 of the IT Act provides for punishment for publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form. 
  • Section 67A of the IT Act stipulates punishment for publishing or transmitting of material containing sexually explicit acts, etc.
Dadasaheb Phalke award for Waheeda Rehman Key points:

  • For outstanding contribution to Indian cinema, Waheeda Rehman will be conferred with the Dadasaheb Phalke Award for 2021.
  • Rehman is also a recipient of the Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan.

Did you know?

  • She bagged the national award for the best female actor in 1971. 

About Dadasaheb Phalke Award 

  • It is part of the National Film Awards, a highly coveted collection of honours in the film industry. 
  • The Award is named after Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, the pioneering filmmaker who gave India its first film– ‘Raja Harishchandra’, in 1913.
  • The award is considered the highest honour in the Indian film fraternity. It is awarded for “its outstanding contribution to the growth and development of Indian cinema.
Indians eat more salt than WHO recommendation Key facts:

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation – daily salt intake up to 5 g is good.
  • Daily salt intake in India stands at 8 g (8.9 g a day for men and 7.1 g a day for women) 
Centre softens angel tax rules About Angel Tax:

  • A term used to refer to the income tax payable on the capital raised by unlisted companies.
  • It is levied on the capital raised via the issue of shares from an Indian investor.
  • This tax predominantly affects start-ups and the angel investments they attract.
  • It derives its genesis from section 56(2) (viib) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

In news: The government has eased some of the provisions of the angel tax introduced in this year’s Budget on investments into start-ups by non-resident investors at a premium over their fair market value.

Read More: Other Important Daily Current Affairs Notes

Odisha Regional Specific News
Habaspuri Saree  Context

The saree is on the verge of extinction due to lack of publicity and lack of government incentives.

Key points

  • Habaspuri saree, a handloom textile of Kalahandi district 
  • Handloom sarees are woven with intricate designs and patterns like fish, kumbha and flowers.
  • The saree has also received the geographical indication (GI) tag in 2012-13
  • The Bhulia weavers living in Habaspur village under Junagarh block revived the saree with their own intricate designs and patterns; thereby the saree got its name. 

Did you know?

Kondh tribals first started weaving the Habaspuri saree in the 19th century.

Three new departments at AIIMS Bhubaneswar Context

11th Annual celebration program was held at AIIMS, Bhubaneswar.

Key points

  • It was decided to start three new  departments to improve patient care and various other services.
  • The departments are as follows :-
  1.  De Department Of Infectious Diseases
  2.  Department Of Bioinformatics And
  3. Department Of Biostatistics
  • The annual souvenir “The Insight” was unveiled. 
  • Similarly,the book Clinical Features of Melioidosis written by experts from various departments was also unveiled.
Documentation of tribal dance form Context

Centre of excellence for the regional development and  tribal studies of Sambalpur University documents two dance forms of  Western Odisha Region.

Key points

  • Two dance forms of Western Odisha ‘Maadli’ and ‘Dhap’, which are on the verge of extinction, have now been documented and preserved for years to come.
  • These two dance forms are a  unique part of western odisha’s cultural heritage.

About “Dhap”

  • Dhap Dance also called Sambalpuri folk dance is mostly performed by the Kandha tribe of Kosal region in Odisha.
  • Both men and women participate in the dance.
  • The dance is performed during the marriage ceremony. 
  • It also performed during the main festival of the Oriyas i.e. ‘Nuakhai’.
  • The dance is named so because of the accompanying instrument called ‘Dhap.
Maadli Dance About madli:

  • This dance form takes its name from the instrument used during the performance, a Madli. 
  • It is performed by the Gond jaati of Kalahandi district.
  • The other instruments used are thudkula and bansi.
  • The dancers also wear masks made from gourds.

Did you know?

Madli is performed throughout the year during the worship of god Budharaja.

Discharge of untreated sewage into Gangua canal Context

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) disposed of a petition  related to Gangua canal.

Key facts 

  • Earlier the petition was filed seeking  intervention against unrestricted discharge of untreated sewage into Gangua canal.
  • Recently  the NGT informed about the task force formation to monitor pollution in Gangua canal which connects to Daya river.
  • After Task force formation, the NGT disposed of the petition. 

Gangua Canal

  • The canal is draining the entire runoff of the Bhubaneswar city and its suburban areas .
  • This part is mostly affected during heavy rainfall and very high floods.

Did you know?

Daya river starts as a part of Kuakhai river empties into Chilika lake.

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