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English MCQs and Answers For OPSC, OSSC, OSSSC, BANKING Exam| 25th August 2022

English MCQs and Answers: English MCQs are very important for OPSC, OSSCOSSSC & Other State Exams. Aspirants who are willing to apply for the various Government exams in 2022 must go through the topics of general English for competitive exams, as the English language is a key part of the syllabus.

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Directions (1-10): Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

Since September, at least 25 people have died and thousands have been made homeless. Every state and territory in Australia has experienced fires this summer. But the biggest fires burn along stretches of the eastern and southern coast, where most of the population lives. This includes areas around Sydney and Adelaide. More than 6.3 million hectares (63,000 sq km or 15.6 million acres) have been burned so far – one hectare is roughly the size of a sports field. To put that in perspective, around 800,000 hectares were engulfed in a bush fire in 2018 in California. Australia has always experienced bushfires – it has a “fire season”. But this year they are a lot worse than normal. Fires are usually caused by lightning strikes or accidentally by a spark – but some fires are also started deliberately. This year, a natural weather phenomenon known as the ‘Indian Ocean Dipole’ has meant a hot, dry spell across the country. This year, Australia twice set a new temperature record: an average maximum of 41. 9°C was recorded on 18 December. That comes on top of a long period of drought. Scientists have long warned that this hotter, drier climate will contribute to fires becoming more frequent and more intense. The more extreme weather patterns and higher temperatures increase the risk of bushfires and allow them to spread faster and wider. Fire fighters are spraying water and fire retardant from planes and helicopters as well as from the ground. But fighting bushfires is extremely difficult and often authorities have to focus on just stopping the spread, rather than putting the fire out. The spread can for instance be best contained by digging earth boundaries to stop the flames from spreading. The priority is saving lives. Professional fire fighters are the first in line to battle the flames, but they are outnumbered by the thousands of volunteers. Three of them have died. There’s also help coming from abroad: the US, Canada and New Zealand have sent firefighters to help. Australia’s police, military and navy are involved in rescue and evacuation efforts. While people can flee the fires and are being evacuated, if need be, the flames are devastating wildlife in the affected areas. One study estimated that half a billion animals have died in New South Wales alone. Zookeepers take animals home to save them from fire, but the fires don’t only kill animals directly, they also destroy the habitat, leaving the survivors vulnerable even when the fires have gone. So, the true scale of loss isn’t yet clear. Experts say more than 100,000 cows and sheep may also have been lost, which is devastating for farmers. Each state runs its own emergency operation, but Prime Minister Scott Morrison has promised better funding for fire-fighting and payouts for volunteer firefighters, and an additional A$2billion ($ 1. 4billion; £ 1 billion) for the recovery. But the national government has come under strong criticism from its opponents that it has not been doing enough against climate change. The country is one of the world’s biggest per capita greenhouse gas emitters but under international agreements it has committed itself to reduction targets.


Q1. “Authorities have to focus on just stopping the spread, rather than putting the fire out.” This means that the authorities:

(a)  want only to slow down the spread of fire

(b)  do not want to put the fires out

(c) want to stop the fires from spreading first and then put them out

(d) want to put out the fires once and for all

S1. Ans (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

Refer to ‘But fighting bushfires is extremely difficult and often authorities have to focus on just stopping the spread, rather than putting the fire out……. The priority is saving lives.’



Q2. What is the long-lasting damage that the bush fires have caused to the wildlife in Australia?

(a) The fires have not only killed animals directly, but also destroyed their habitat.

(b) Many animals in the zoos have been killed.

(c) Half a billion animals have died in New South Wales alone.

(d) More than 100,000 cows and sheep may have been lost.


S2. Ans (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Refer to ‘One study estimated that half a billion animals have died in New South Wales alone. Zookeepers take animals home to save them from fire, but the fires don’t only kill animals directly, they also destroy the habitat, leaving the survivors vulnerable even when the fires have gone.’


Q3. Which of the following countries has NOT sent help for firefighting?

(a) China

(b) The US

(c) Canada

(d) New Zealand


S3. Ans (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Refer to ‘There’s also help coming from abroad: the US, Canada and New Zealand have sent firefighters to help. Australia’s police, military and navy are involved in rescue and evacuation efforts.’


Q4. “Some fires are also started deliberately”. ‘Deliberately’ here means:

(a) inadvertently

(b) accidentally

(c) unknowingly

(d) purposely


S4. Ans (d)

Sol. The correct answer is option d.

Deliberately – consciously and intentionally; on purpose.

Synonyms     -intentionally, knowingly, purposefully, purposely, purposively, willfully.

Antonyms    – inadvertently, unconsciously, unintentionally, unknowingly, unwittingly


Q5. The passage is mainly about:

(a) Australia’s struggle with bush fires

(b) how the bushfires occur in Australia

(c) the government’s role in dealing with the bushfire

(d) the loss of wildlife due to bushfires


S5. Ans (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Refer to ‘Australia has always experienced bushfires – it has a “fire season”. But this year they are a lot worse than normal. Fires are usually caused by lightning strikes or accidentally by a spark – but some fires are also started deliberately. This year, a natural weather phenomenon known as the ‘Indian Ocean Dipole’ has meant a hot, dry spell across the country.’


Q6. It can be inferred from the passage that this year’s fire in Australia is mostly a result of:

(a)  a lightning strike

(b)  an accidental spark in the jungle

(c) a result of an extraordinarily hot and dry spell

(d) a deliberate attempt to put the forests on fire


S6. Ans (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

Refer to Australia has always experienced bushfires – it has a “fire season”. But this year they are a lot worse than normal. Fires are usually caused by lightning strikes or accidentally by a spark – but some fires are also started deliberately. This year, a natural weather phenomenon known as the ‘Indian Ocean Dipole’ has meant a hot, dry spell across the country.’


Q7. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

(a) Zookeepers take animals home to save them from fire.

(b) The volunteers outnumber the professional fire fighters in Australia.

(c) Around 800,000 hectares have been destroyed due to a bushfire in Australia.

(d) Australia is one of the world’s biggest per capita greenhouse gas emitters.


S7. Ans (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

Refer to ‘More than 6.3 million hectares (63,000 sq km or 15.6 million acres) have been burned so far – one hectare is roughly the size of a sports field. To put that in perspective, around 800,000 hectares were engulfed in a bush fire in 2018 in California.’


Q8. The opposition in Australia is criticizing the government for:

(a) not fighting the bush fires

(b) not allocating enough funds for firefighting

(c) not doing enough against the climate change

(d) not giving enough compensation to the deceased


S8. Ans (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

Refer to ‘Each state runs its own emergency operation, but Prime Minister Scott Morrison has promised better funding for fire-fighting and payouts ………… But the national government has come under strong criticism from its opponents that it has not been doing enough against climate change.


Q9. The spread of fire can be contained effectively by:

(a) digging earth boundaries

(b) spraying fire retardant from the ground

(c) spraying fire retardant from the air

(d) spraying the forests with water


S9. Ans (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Refer to ‘Scientists have long warned that this hotter………………. The spread can for instance be best contained by digging earth boundaries to stop the flames from spreading.’


Q10. Where did the biggest fires burn in Australia?

(a) Along the western and southern coasts

(b) Along the eastern and northern coasts

(c) Along the western and northern coasts

(d) Along the eastern and southern coasts


S10. Ans (d)

Sol. The correct answer is option d.

Refer to ‘Since September, at least 25 people have died and thousands have been made homeless. ………But the biggest fires burn along stretches of the eastern and southern coast, where most of the population lives’.

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Directions (11-15): In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filed in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer.


Q11. ___________ of fraud have prompted Ayushman Bharat administrators to announce that some key treatments should be availed through public sector institutions.

(a) Amalgamation

(b) Animosity

(c) Apprehensions

(d) Austerity


S11. Ans.(c)

Sol. Apprehension: anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

Austerity: sternness or severity of manner or attitude.

Hence Option C fits in the context.


Q12. A reader wrote to us wondering whether discussions on technological disruptions and their impact on the news ecology are a _____ to deflect attention from the failings of the news media.

(a) Problem

(b) Protest

(c) Promotion

(d) Ploy


S12. Ans.(d)

Sol. Ploy: a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one’s own advantage.

Hence option D fits in the context.


Q13. The cafe is a good place to take a breather with the family post shopping or to even leave __________ dads to relax with your tot, while you shop uninterrupted.

(a) Preposterous

(b) Reluctant

(c) Lanky

(d) Sturdy


S13. Ans.(b)

Sol.  Preposterous: utterly absurd or ridiculous.

Reluctant: not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it.

Lanky: ungracefully thin and tall.

Hence Option B fits in the context.


Q14. The Rules mandates DoT to take __________ action under the license norms and also seize the equipment, if a telecom operator fails to adhere to them,

(a) Discreet

(b) Refined

(c) Punitive

(d) Venial


S14. Ans.(c)

Sol. Punitive: inflicting or intended as punishment.

Venial: (of a fault or offence) slight and pardonable.

Hence option C fits in the context.


Q15. This is what distinguishes it not only from tabloids, __________ numerous websites where the focus is on views.

(a) but also through

(b) but also from

(c) but from

(d) yet from


S15. Ans.(b)

Sol. ‘But also from’ is the correct choice as ‘not only’……’but also’ is the correct conjunction pair. Also the ‘preposition’ used in precedent part will be used in subsequent part as well.

Hence option B fits in the context.


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