Reasoning MCQs and Answers: Reasoning MCQs are very important for IBPS RRB PO-Clerk Prelims & Other State Exams. Aspirants who are willing to apply for the various Government exams 2022 must go through the topics of Reasoning for competitive exams, as the Reasoning is a key part of the syllabus.
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given question.
In a certain code language,
‘Finance amazon money market’ is written as ‘su da nc ki’,
‘Invest market booster secure’ is written as ‘ph ra tk da’,
‘Premium secure money business’ is written as ‘tk gi ki zo’,
‘Business premium booster finance’ is written as ‘zo nc ph gi’.
Q1. What is the code for ‘amazon’?
(a) da
(b) su
(c) nc
(d) ki
(e) Cannot be determined
Q2. Which of the following is the code for ‘invest business money’?
(a) zo ra ki
(b) ra su mo
(c) tk su ra
(d) ki ra gi
(e) Cannot be determine
Q3. What does ‘ph’ stand for?
(a) finance
(b) business
(c) automobile
(d) booster
(e) Cannot be determined
Q4. Which of the following is represented by the code ‘da ph nc’?
(a) Booster secure finance
(b) finance market premium
(c) finance market booster
(d) booster invest secure
(e) None of these
Q5. Which of the following may be the possible code for ‘team amazon premium market’?
(a) su ye ph da
(b) mo gi da su
(c) da su mo ph
(d) tk ye su da
(e) None of these
Directions (6-7): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Rakhi started walking 12km in North direction then takes three consecutive right turns and walked distances 5km, 8km, 4km respectively and reached at point P. From point P, she starts walking in south direction and walks 6km to reach at point G.
Q6. What is the shortest distance between Initial point and G?
(a) 5km
(b) 4km
(c) km
(d) 2.5km
(e) None of these
Q7. If point R is 2km west of point P then in which direction of point R with respect to initial point?
(a) North
(b) North-west
(c) South
(d) South-west
(e) None of these
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Directions (8-10): Each of these questions is based on the following information:
(i) A # M means A is 3m east of M.
(ii) A & M means A is 7m west of M.
(iii) A % M means A is 4m south of M.
(iv) A * M means A is 6m north of M.
Q8. If the expression ‘S*W&C%B&N%P’ is true, what is the direction of W with respect to N?
(a) North-east
(b) South-East
(c) South-west
(d) North-west
(e) None of these
Q9. If the expression ‘G&H#T*E&R%S’ is true, what is the direction of T with respect to S?
(a) West
(b) North-east
(c) East
(d) North west
(e) None of these
Q10. If the expression ‘A*S&K#L&W%M’ is true, what is the shortest distance between M and S?
(a) 13m
(b) 12m
(c) 10m
(d) 14m
(e) None of these
Directions (11-15): In these questions, a relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer
Q11. Statement: A>B; G<D≤E; G≥F>B
Conclusion: I. G≥A II. B<E
(a) if only conclusion II is true.
(b) if only conclusion I is true.
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(d) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(e) if both conclusions I and II are true.
Q12. Statement: A>T≥J; A≤S=H; I>T
Conclusion: I. H>J II. I>S
(a) if both conclusion I and II are true.
(b) if only conclusion I is true.
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(d) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(e) if only conclusion II is true.
Q13. Statement: J≥K>L<M≥N; K≥O=T
Conclusion: I. J>O II. J=T
(a) if only conclusion II is true.
(b) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(d) if only conclusion I is true.
(e) if both conclusions I and II are true.
Q14. Statement: A> T=N; A>S>R; A<M
Conclusion: I. R<T II. N≤R
(a) if only conclusion II is true.
(b) if only conclusion I is true.
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(d) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(e) if both conclusions I and II are true.
Q15. Statement: A<B≤C; F<M≤C; C>Q
Conclusion: I. Q≤F II. F>Q
(a) if only conclusion II is true.
(b) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(d) if only conclusion I is true.
(e) if both conclusions I and II are true.
Solutions (1-5):
Words | Code |
Finance | nc |
Amazon | su |
Money | ki |
Market | da |
Invest | ra |
Booster | ph |
Secure | tk |
Business/ Premium | gi/zo |
S1. Ans.(b)
S2. Ans.(e)
S3. Ans.(d)
S4. Ans.(c)
S5. Ans.(b)
Solutions (6-7):
S6.Ans. (c)
S7.Ans. (b)
Solutions (8-10):
S8. Ans. (c)
S9. Ans(d)
S10. Ans(e)
Solutions (11-15):
S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. I. G≥A(False) II. B<E(True)
S12. Ans.(b)
Sol. I. H>J(True) II. I>S (False)
S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. I. J>O(False) II. J=T (False)
S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. I.R<T(False) II. N≤R(False)
S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. I. Q≤F (False) II. F>Q(False)
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