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Indian art and culture(Art of Mauryan Period) One-liner Questions

Indian art and culture is a vast and enriching subject that plays a vital role in competitive exams. Questions related to this domain test a candidate’s knowledge of India’s diverse heritage, traditions, and cultural history. Here’s a collection of one-liner questions that encapsulate the essence of Indian art and culture:

Oneliner Questions: Art of Mauryan Period

  1. What religion did Ashoka promote during the Mauryan period?
  2. Which material was predominantly used for Mauryan pillars?
  3. What is the Sarnath Lion Capital known for?
  4. Where is the Sarnath Lion Capital housed now?
  5. What does the Dharmachakra symbolize in Buddhist art?
  6. What animals are depicted on the Mauryan abacus?
  7. Where can the Yakshi figure from Didarganj be found today?
  8. What was the primary purpose of Mauryan pillars?
  9. What distinctive feature is shared by Mauryan lion sculptures?
  10. What distinguishes the Yaksha statues from the Mauryan period?
  11. What does the lotus base of Mauryan pillars signify?
  12. Where were Yaksha and Yakshini statues commonly discovered?
  13. What is unique about the Didarganj Yakshini’s drapery?
  14. What does the Sarnath Lion Capital commemorate?
  15. What influenced the worship of Yaksha and Yakshini figures?
  16. What differentiates Mauryan from Achaemenian pillars?
  17. What is the artistic significance of the Didarganj Yakshini?
  18. What is a prominent feature of Mauryan art visible in the lion sculptures?
  19. Which Mauryan site is known for the Lion Capital apart from Sarnath?
  20. What do the abacus animals signify in Mauryan pillars?


  • S1. Ans: Buddhism.
  • S2. Ans: Chunar sandstone.
  • S3. Ans: It is the national emblem of India.
  • S4. Ans: Archaeological Museum, Sarnath.
  • S5. Ans: The wheel of Dharma or teachings of Buddha.
  • S6. Ans: Bull, horse, elephant, and lion.
  • S7. Ans: Patna Museum.
  • S8. Ans: To propagate Buddhist ideology and court orders.
  • S9. Ans: Polished surfaces and lifelike details.
  • S10. Ans: Monumental size and standing posture.
  • S11. Ans: It symbolizes natural density and stylistic elegance.
  • S12. Ans: Patna, Vidisha, and Mathura.
  • S13. Ans: It clings to the legs, creating a semi-transparent effect.
  • S14. Ans: Buddha’s first sermon, Dhammachakrapravartana.
  • S15. Ans: Buddhist and Jain monuments.
  • S16. Ans: Mauryan pillars feature stylistically unique lotus abacuses and figures.
  • S17. Ans: It demonstrates refined sculptural techniques and attention to detail.
  • S18. Ans: Curly manes and muscular definition.
  • S19. Ans: Sanchi.
  • S20. Ans: Dynamic movement and symbolic Buddhist motifs.
Question of The Day
What was the Mauryan period’s contribution to Indian art?
(a) Development of fresco painting
(b) Creation of monumental sculptures and structural ingenuity
(c) Introduction of Gandhara art
(d) Invention of miniature painting

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Indian art and culture(Art of Mauryan Period) One-liner Questions_5.1