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Mathematics MCQs and Answers For OPSC, OSSC, OSSSC, BANKING Exam| 18th June 2022

Mathematics MCQs and Answers: Mathematics  MCQs are very important for OPSC, OSSCOSSSC & Other State Exams. Aspirants who are willing to apply for the various Government exams in 2022 must go through the topics of Mathematics for competitive exams, as Mathematics is a key part of the syllabus.

Q1. The value of x + x(xx) when x = 2 is:

(a) 10, 

(b) 16, 

(c) 18, 

(d) 36, 

(e) 64

Q2. Mr. Jones sold two pipes at $1.20 each. Based on the cost, his profit one was 20% and his loss on the other was 20%. On the sale of the pipes, he:

(a) broke even, 

(b) lost 4 cents, 

(c) gained 4 cents, 

(d) lost 10 cents, 

(e) gained 10 cents

Q3. The distance light travels in one year is approximately 5,870,000,000,000 miles. The distance light travels in 100 years is:

(a) 587 × 108 miles, 

(b) 587 × 1010 miles, 

(c) 587 × 10-10 miles, 

(d) 587 × 1012 miles, 

(e) 587 × 10-12 miles

Q4. A man has $ 10,000 to invest. He invests $ 4000 at 5 % and $ 3500 at 4 %. In order to have a yearly income of $ 500, he must invest the remainder at:

(a) 6 % , 

(b) 6.1 %, 

(c) 6.2 %, 

(d) 6.3 %, 

(e) 6.4 %

Q5. Jones covered a distance of 50 miles on his first trip. On a later trip he traveled 300 miles while going three times as fast. His new time compared with the old time was:

(a) three times as much

 (b) twice as much, 

(c) the same,

(d) half as much, 

(e) a third as much

Q6. If (0.2)x = 2 and log 2 = 0.3010, then the value of x to the nearest tenth is:

(a) -10.0,

(b) -0.5,

(c) -0.4, 

(d) -0.2, 

(e) 10.0

Q7. If 102y = 25, then 10-y equals:

(a) -1/5,

(b) 1/625, 

(c) 1/50, 

(d) 1/25, 

(e) 1/5

Q8. The fraction (5x-11)/(2×2 + x – 6) was obtained by adding the two fractions A/(x + 2) and B/(2x – 3). The values of A and B must be, respectively:

(a) 5x, -11,

(b) -11, 5x, 

(c) -1, 3, 

(d) 3, -1, 

(e) 5, -11

Q9. The sum of the three numbers is 98. The ratio of the first to the second is 2/3, and the ratio of the second to the third is 5/8. The second number is:

(a) 15

(b) 20 

(c) 30

(d) 32

(e) 33

Q10.A sum fetched a total simple interest of Rs 1200 at the rate of 7.5%/yr in 4 years. What is the sum (in Rs)?

(a) 4000 

(b) 6000 

(c) 8000

(d) 7500

(e) 8500

Q11.A sum of Rs 400 becomes Rs 448 at simple interesting 2 years. In how many years will the sum of Rs 550 amount to Rs 682 at the same rate?

(a) 2 

(b) 3

 (c) 3.5

(d) 4

Q12. The simple interest on a sum of money for 10 years is Rs 3130. If the principal becomes 5 times after 5 years, then what will be the total interest (in Rs) obtained after 10 years?

(a) 6260 

(b) 7825 

(c) 9390

(d) 15650

Q13.A person invested a total sum of Rs 7900 in three different schemes of simple interest at 3%, 5% and 8% per annum. At the end of one year he got same interest in all three schemes. What is the money (in Rs) invested at 3%?

(a) 2900

 (b) 3500 

(c) 4000

(d) 5600

Q14. A, B and C invested amounts in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5 respectively. If the schemes offered compound interest at the rate of 20% per annum, 15% per annum and 10% per annum respectively, then what will be the ratio of their amounts after 1 year?

(a) 3 : 15 : 25

(b) 6 : 6 : 5

(c) 36 : 46 : 55 

(d) 12 : 23 : 11

Q15. The difference between the compound interest compounding half yearly for 1 year and the simple interest for 1 year on a certain sum of money lent out at 8% per annum is Rs 64. What is the sum (in Rs)?

(a) 40000

(b) 42000 

(c) 44000

(d) 44800


S1. Ans: (a)

Sol:x + x(xx)

Put the value of x = 2 in the above expression we get,2 + 2(22)= 2 + 2(2 × 2)

= 2 + 2(4)

= 2 + 8

= 10

S2. Ans.(d) lost 10 cents, 

Sol: The selling price of the first pipe = $1.20

Profit = 20%

Let’s try to find the cost price of the first pipe

CP = Selling price – Profit

CP = 1.20 – 20% of CP

CP = 1.20 – 0.20CP

CP + 0.20CP = 1.20

1.20CP = 1.20

CP = 1.201.20

CP = $ 1

Selling price of the Second pipe = $1.20

Loss = 20%

Let’s try to find the cost price of the second pipe

CP = Selling price + Loss

CP = 1.20 + 20% of CP

CP = 1.20 + 0.20CP

CP – 0.20CP = 1.20

0.80CP = 1.20

CP = 1.200.80

CP = $1.50

Therefore, total cost price of the two pipes = $1.00 + $1.50 = $2.50

 And total selling price of the two pipes = $1.20 + $1.20 = $2.40

Loss = $2.50 – $2.40 = $0.10

Therefore, Mr. Jones loss 10 cents.

S3. Ans.D.  

Sol: The distance the light travels in 100 years is:

5,870,000,000,000 × 100 miles.

= 587,000,000,000,000 miles.

= 587 × 1012 miles.

S4.Ans: (e) 

Sol:Income from $ 4000 at 5 % in one year = $ 4000 of 5 %.

= $ 4000 × 5/100.

= $ 4000 × 0.05.

= $ 200.

Income from $ 3500 at 4 % in one year = $ 3500 of 4 %.

= $ 3500 × 4/100.

= $ 3500 × 0.04.

= $ 140.

Total income from 4000 at 5 % and 3500 at 4 % = $ 200 + $ 140 = $ 340.

Remaining income amount in order to have a yearly income of $ 500 = $ 500 – $ 340.

= $ 160.Total invested amount = $ 4000 + $ 3500 = $7500.

Remaining invest amount = $ 10000 – $ 7500 = $ 2500.

We know that, Interest = Principal × Rate × Time

Interest = $ 160,

Principal = $ 2500,

Rate = r [we need to find the value of r],

Time = 1 year.

160 = 2500 × r × 1.

160 = 2500r

160/2500 = 2500r/2500 [divide both sides by 2500]

0.064 = r

r = 0.064

Change it to a percent by moving the decimal to the right two places r = 6.4 %

Therefore, he invested the remaining amount $ 2500 at 6.4 % in order to get $ 500 income every year.

S5. Ans. (b)

Sol:Let speed of the 1st trip x miles / hr. and speed of the 2nd trip 3x / hr.

We know that

Speed = Distance/Time.

Or, Time = Distance/Speed.

So, times taken to covered a distance of 50 miles on his first trip = 50/x hr.

And times taken to covered a distance of 300 miles on his later trip = 300/3x hr.

= 100/x hr.

So we can clearly see that his new time compared with the old time was: twice as much.

S6. Ans.(c) 

Sol:(0.2)x = 2.

Taking log on both sides

log (0.2)x = log 2.

x log (0.2) = 0.3010, [since log 2 = 0.3010].

x log (2/10) = 0.3010.

x [log 2 – log 10] = 0.3010.

x [log 2 – 1] = 0.3010,[since log 10=1].

x [0.3010 -1] = 0.3010, [since log 2 = 0.3010].

x[-0.699] = 0.3010.

x = 0.3010/-0.699.

x = -0.4306….

x = -0.4 (nearest tenth)

S7. Ans. (e)

Sol:102y = 25

(10y)2 = 52

10y = 5

1/10y = 1/5

10-y = 1/5

S8 Ans.(D) 

Sol:Partial Fraction


S9 Ans. (C)

Sol:Let the three numbers be x, y and z.

Sum of the numbers is 98.

x + y + z = 98………………(i)

The ratio of the first to the second is 2/3.

x/y = 2/3.

x = 2/3 × y.

x = 2y/3.

The ratio of the second to the third is 5/8.

y/z = 5/8.

z/y = 8/5.

z = 8/5 × y.

z = 8y/5.

Put the value of x = 2y/3 and z = 8y/5 in (i).

2y/3 + y + 8y/5 = 98

49y/15 = 98.

49y = 98 × 15.

49y = 1470.

y = 1470/49.

y = 30 .Therefore, the second number is 30.

S10. Ans.(a)

Sol. SI= (p x r x t)/100

1200= (p x 4 x 7.5)/100


S11. Ans. (d)

Sol. 2 year interest = 448 – 400 = 48

1 year interest = 24

Rate = 24/400 × 100 = 6%

682 – 550 = 550×6×t/100

1320 = 55 × 6 × t

t = 4 year

S12. Ans. (C)

Sol. (P×r×10)/100=3130

A/Q, (P×r/100×5)+(5P×r/100×5)=P×r/100(5+25)


S13. Ans. (c)

Sol. let Amount x,y,z


=3% of x = 5% of y = 8% of z =K

x : y : z= k/3 : k /5 : k/8

=40 : 24 : 15

Money Invested at 3%=40 / 79 × 7900 =4000Rs

S14. Ans. (C)

Sol. Let amount invested by A, B and C be Rs. 300, 400 and

500 respectively for 1 year.

Amount under compound interest

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P (1+ r/100)t

So A will get 360 B will get 460 and C will get 550

Ratio of their amount is 360 : 460 : 550 or 36 : 46 : 55

S15. Ans. (a)

Sol. Let the given sum be 100x

R = 8 and T = 1 year

C I = [P (1 + R/200)2T – 1]

Solving we get 204x / 25

S I = P*R*T / 100

Solving we get 8x

Difference between C I & S I

( 204x / 25 ) – (8x) = 64

Solving for x we get 400 so value = 400*100 = 40000


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