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OPSC OAS Recruitment 2022 Apply For 405 Vacancies | OPSC ଓଡିଶା ପ୍ରଶାସନିକ ସେବା 2022

OPSC OAS Recruitment 2021 – 2022 Odisha Civil Service OCS OPS OFS OLS ORS ARCS/AGCS OES OWS OT&AS (Group A & B ) 405 Vacancy ,Age Limit,  Qualification ,Notification, Online Application Form, Syllabus, Prelims/ Mains Exam Date, Admit Card Information 

OPSC OAS Important Dates 2022:

OPSC OAS 2022 ର ପଞ୍ଜୀକରଣ / ପୁନଃ ପଞ୍ଜୀକରଣ ଏବଂ ପରୀକ୍ଷା ଫି ପ୍ରଦାନ ପାଇଁ ଲିଙ୍କ୍ 10.01.2022 ରୁ 09.02.2022 ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ହେବ, ଓଡିଶା ସିଭିଲ୍ ସର୍ଭିସେସ୍ ପ୍ରାଥମିକ ପରୀକ୍ଷାରେ ଆଡମିଶନ ପାଇଁ, 2021 ସିଭିଲ୍ ସର୍ଭିସେସ୍ (ଗ୍ରୁପ୍  -ଏ ଏବଂ ଗ୍ରୁପ୍-ବି) ଅଧୀନରେ ଆସୁଥିବା ପଦବୀ ଏବଂ ସେବାରେ ନିଯୁକ୍ତି ପାଇଁ ନିମ୍ନରେ ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ କରାଯାଇଥିବା ତାରିଖ ସହିତ ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ହେବ |

OPSC OAS 2022 Important Dates

Important Event  



OPSC OAS Advertisement Publish Date 24.01.2022
OPSC OAS Online Application Start Date 10.01.2022
OPSC OAS Online Application End Date 09.02.2022
OPSC OAS  Submission of registered 18.02.2022


OPSC OAS Recruitment 2022 Vacancy:

OPSC OAS 2022 ଗ୍ରୁପ୍ ଏ ଏବଂ ବି ର ବହୁ ସଂଖ୍ୟକ ପଦବୀରେ OPSC ସିଭିଲ୍ ସର୍ଭିସେସ୍ ରେ ଅନେକ ପଦବୀ ଖାଲି ଅଛି, ଯେଉଁଥିରେ OPSC OAS ନିଯୁକ୍ତି ପଦବୀ ମଧ୍ୟ ଅନ୍ତର୍ଭୁକ୍ତ | ଓଡିଶା ଆଡମିନିଷ୍ଟ୍ରେଟିଭ୍ ସର୍ଭିସେସ୍ (OAS), ଓଡିଶା ପୋଲିସ୍ ସର୍ଭିସେସ୍ (ଓପିଏସ୍), ଓଡିଶା ଫାଇନାନ୍ସ ସର୍ଭିସେସ୍ (ଓଏସ୍ଏସ୍), ଓଡିଶା କୋ-ଅପରେଟିଭ୍ ସର୍ଭିସେସ୍ (ଆର୍ସିଏସ୍ / ଏଜିସିଏସ୍), ଓଡିଶା ରାଜସ୍ୱ ସେବା ଏବଂ ଓଡିଶା ଟିକସ ଏବଂ ଆକାଉଣ୍ଟ୍ ପାଇଁ ମୋଟ 405 ଟି ପଦବୀ ଖାଲି ଅଛି। ସେବାଗୁଡିକ ଏକ ବିସ୍ତୃତ ଖାଲି ଟେବୁଲ୍ ନିମ୍ନରେ ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ କରାଯାଇଛି |

Name of Posts Vacancy
Odisha Administrative Service (OAS), Group A (Junior Branch) 50 Posts
Odisha Finance Service (OFS), Group A (Junior Branch) 97 Posts
Odisha Police Service (OPS), Group A (Junior Branch) 06 Posts


Odisha Cooperative Service (ARCS/AGCS) Group B 02 Posts
Odisha Labour Service (OLS) Group B 150 Posts
Odisha Revenue Service (ORS) Group B 40 Posts
Odisha Employment Service (OES) Group B 10 Posts
Odisha Welfare Service (OWS) Group B 42 Posts
Odisha Taxation & Accounts Service (OT&AS) Group B 08 Posts
Total 405


OPSC OAS Recruitment 2022 Educational Qualification:

OPSC OAS 2022: ଓଡ଼ିଶା ଜନସେବା ଆୟୋଗ (OPSC) ପ୍ରତିବର୍ଷ OPSC ପରୀକ୍ଷା ଯୋଗ୍ୟତା ମାନଦଣ୍ଡ ସହିତ ପରୀକ୍ଷା ପାଇଁ ସରକାରୀ ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତି ପ୍ରକାଶ କରିଥାଏ | OPSC ଯୋଗ୍ୟତା ପ୍ରାୟ ପ୍ରତିବର୍ଷ ସମାନ ରହିଥାଏ ଏବଂ ଅନେକ ବର୍ଷ ଧରି ଅଧିକ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ ହୋଇନଥିଲା | ପୂର୍ବରୁ କୁହାଯାଇଥିବା ସମସ୍ତ ପରୀକ୍ଷା ପାଇଁ OPSC ଯୋଗ୍ୟତା ମାନଦଣ୍ଡ 2022 ବିଷୟରେ ଅଧିକ ଜାଣିବାକୁ, ନିମ୍ନ ସାରଣୀକୁ ଅନୁସରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ |

Age Limit Educational Qualification
Minimum 21 Years and Maximum 32 Years as of 1st January 2021.

Relaxation in upper age for reserved category will be as per reservation rules of Govt.

Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized university.


OPSC OAS 2022 Exam Fees:

OPSC OAS 2022 ପରୀକ୍ଷା ପାଇଁ ଫିସ୍ ହେଉଛି ଆବେଦନ ପଦ୍ଧତିର ଶେଷ ପଦକ୍ଷେପ | ଉଭୟ ଅନଲାଇନ୍ ଏବଂ ଅଫଲାଇନ୍ ମୋଡ୍ ରେ ଦେୟ ପ୍ରଦାନ କରାଯାଇପାରିବ |

Category fees
Other 500/- 


Note;OPSC OAS ନିଯୁକ୍ତି ପରୀକ୍ଷା ପାଇଁ ଥରେ ଦିଆଯାଇଥିବା ଦେୟ ଫେରସ୍ତ ହେବ ନାହିଁ |

OPSC ASO Recruitment 2022 Exam Pattern:

OPSC OAS 2022 ସିଭିଲ୍ ସର୍ଭିସେସ୍ ପରୀକ୍ଷଣ ର 3 ଟି ଷ୍ଟେପ୍ ଅଛି | ପ୍ରାର୍ଥୀଙ୍କୁ ସଫା କରିବାକୁ ଥିବା ପ୍ରଥମ ପଦକ୍ଷେପ ହେଉଛି ପ୍ରାଥମିକ ପରୀକ୍ଷା | ଦ୍ୱିତୀୟ ପଦକ୍ଷେପ ହେଉଛି ମୁଖ୍ୟ ପରୀକ୍ଷା | ମୁଖ୍ୟ ପରୀକ୍ଷା କ୍ଲିୟର କରୁଥିବା ପ୍ରାର୍ଥୀଙ୍କୁ ପର୍ସନାଲିଟି ଟେଷ୍ଟ ପାଇଁ ଡକାଯିବ ଯାହା OPSC OAS ପରୀକ୍ଷାର ତୃତୀୟ ଏବଂ ଶେଷ ପଦକ୍ଷେପ |


  • Preliminary Exam 
  • Main Exam 
  • Personality Test/ Interview.

OPSC OAS 2022 Preliminary Exam Pattern

Preliminary Exam Total Questions Total Marks Time Allotted
General Studies Paper 1 100 200 2 Hrs
General Studies Paper 2 80 200 2 Hrs

OPSC OAS 2022 Mains Exam Pattern

Papers Marks Time Allotted
Compulsory Subjects
Paper 1 – Odia Language 300 3 hours each
Paper 2 – English 300
Paper 3 – English Essay 200
Paper 4 – General Studies 1 300
Paper 5 – General Studies 2 300
Total Marks: 1400
Optional Subjects
Paper 6 300 3 hours each
Paper 7 300
Paper 8 300
Paper 9 300
Total Marks: 1200

OPSC OAS 2022 Interview Exam Pattern

OPSC Civil Services Interview 250 marks


OPSC OAS 2022 Exam Syllabus:

OPSC OAS 2022 ର ପ୍ରାଥମିକ ପରୀକ୍ଷା 2 ଭାଗରେ ଘଟିଥାଏ ଯଥା ପେପର I ଏବଂ ପେପର II | ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ କାଗଜ ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକରେ 2 ଘଣ୍ଟା ଏବଂ ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ 200 ମାର୍କ ପାଇଁ | ଏହି ପରୀକ୍ଷା ଏକ ଏକାଧିକ-ପସନ୍ଦ ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ-ଆଧାରିତ | ପେପର 1 ଏବଂ ପେପର 2 ର ବିସ୍ତୃତ ସିଲାବସ୍ ନିମ୍ନରେ ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ କରାଯାଇଛି |

OPSC OAS 2022 Preliminary Exam Syllabus




Paper 1

  • Current events of National and International Importance
  • History of India & Indian Historical moments
  • Global Geography -Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and World
  • Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political system, Panchayat Raj, Public Policy, Rights, Issues, etc.
  • Economic and Social Development – Sustainable development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc.
  • General Issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-Diversity & climate change that do not require subject specialization
  • General Science

      Paper 2



  • Comprehension
  • Interpersonal skills including communication skills
  • Logical reasoning and analytical behavior
  • Decision making and problem-solving
  • General Mental Ability
  • Basic Numeracy, Data Interpretation
  • English Language Comprehension skills.

OPSC OAS 2022 Mains Exam Syllabus

Mains – Compulsory Exams (1400 marks) Syllabus
Paper 1 – Odia Language Essay Writing

Precis writing

Translation from English to Odia




Expansion of an idea

Paper 2 – English Essay Writing

Translation from Odia to English

Precis writing




Expansion of an idea

Paper 3 – English Essay Writing
Paper 4 – General Studies I Social issues and Social Welfare problems

Indian Geography

Indian Polity

Indian Constitution

Indian History and Culture

Environment and Ecology

Current National issues

Human Resource Development

Legal and Environmental issues

Role of National Institutions

Paper 5 – General Studies II International Institutions

Foreign Affairs

External Security

India and the World

Space Technology

Indian Economy

International Affairs

Science & Technology


Statistical Analysis


 How To Apply For OPSC OAS 2022 Recruitment?

  • ଉପରୋକ୍ତ ୱେବସାଇଟରେ ଦିଆଯାଇଥିବା ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶ ଅନୁଯାୟୀ, http://opsc.gov.in ୱେବସାଇଟ୍ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରି ପ୍ରାର୍ଥୀପତ୍ର ଅନ୍ଲାଇନ୍ରେ ପ୍ରୟୋଗ କରାଯିବା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ |
  • ୱେବସାଇଟ୍ ମୂଳପୃଷ୍ଠା ପରିଦର୍ଶନ କରିବା ପରେ, ଆପଣ OPSC OAS ଅନଲାଇନ୍ ପଞ୍ଜିକରଣ ପାଇଁ ଲିଙ୍କ୍ ପାଇଛନ୍ତି |
  • ଆପଣ OPSC ସିଭିଲ ସର୍ଭିସେସ୍ ଅନଲାଇନ୍ ବିଭାଗରେ ପ୍ରୟୋଗ କରିବେ |
  • ଯଦି ଆପଣ ଜଣେ ନୂତନ ଉପଭୋକ୍ତା, ରେଜିଷ୍ଟର ବଟନ୍ ଉପରେ କ୍ଲିକ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ ଏବଂ ପଞ୍ଜୀକରଣ ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟା ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ କରନ୍ତୁ |
  • ଆପଣ ପଞ୍ଜୀକରଣ id ଏବଂ ପାସୱାର୍ଡ ପାଇବେ |
  • ଆପଣଙ୍କର ଖାତାକୁ ଲଗ୍ ଇନ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ, ଆପଣ ଆବେଦନ କରୁଥିବା ପୋଷ୍ଟକୁ ବାଛନ୍ତୁ |
  • opsc ନାଗରିକ ସେବା ଆବେଦନ ଫର୍ମକୁ ଯତ୍ନର ସହିତ ପୁରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ |
  • opsc ସିଭିଲ୍ ସର୍ଭିସ୍ 2022 ପାଇଁ ସମସ୍ତ ଆବଶ୍ୟକୀୟ ଡକ୍ୟୁମେଣ୍ଟ୍ ଅପଲୋଡ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ |
  • OPSC OAS ଆବେଦନ ଫିସ ଦିଅ |
  • ଭବିଷ୍ୟତ ବ୍ୟବହାର ପାଇଁ OPSC OAS ଅନଲାଇନ୍ ଫର୍ମର ଏକ ପ୍ରିଣ୍ଟ୍ ନିଅ |

FAQs: OPSC OCS 2022 Recruitment

Q1.  Whom should I contact after being recommended by the OPSC?

Ans- You may contact the requisitioning Department for addressing any further queries such as pre-appointment formalities, time taken in the appointment, etc.


Q2. When are the answer keys of examinations involving OMR sheets, marks secured by candidates, category-wise cut-off marks, etc. are displayed on the website of the Commission?

Ans-  In the absence of any legal impediments, information related to category and sex-wise number of candidates selected and qualifying marks/ highest marks/lowest marks/percentage of marks / Subjective-wise marks /total marks, etc. secured by the candidates and answer keys of examinations involving OMR sheets shall be supplied through the website of the Commission or under RTI Act, 2005 only after the declaration of the final result of the recruitment tests.


Q3. What is the OAS recruitment 2021 notification of Odisha?

Ans- The Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) had announced the OPSC OAS recruitment 2021 notification to hire candidates under 2 groups viz. Group A and Group B. The OPSC has released a total of 392 vacancies in Group A and Group B.

OPSC OAS Recruitment 2022 Apply For 405 Vacancies | OPSC ଓଡିଶା ପ୍ରଶାସନିକ ସେବା 2022_3.1


Whom should I contact after being recommended by the OPSC?

You may contact the requisitioning Department for addressing any further queries such as pre-appointment formalities, time is taken in the appointment, etc.

When are the answer keys of examinations involving OMR sheets, marks secured by candidates, category-wise cut-off marks, etc. are displayed on the website of the Commission?

In the absence of any legal impediments, information related to category and sex-wise number of candidates selected and qualifying marks/ highest marks/lowest marks/percentage of marks / Subjective-wise marks /total marks, etc. secured by the candidates and answer keys of examinations involving OMR sheets shall be supplied through the website of the Commission or under RTI Act, 2005 only after the declaration of the final result of the recruitment tests.

What is the OAS recruitment 2021 notification of Odisha?

The Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) had announced the OPSC OAS recruitment 2021 notification to hire candidates under 2 groups viz. Group A and Group B. The OPSC has released a total of 392 vacancies in Group A and Group B.