OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Salary 2023: OSSSC released the Salary Structure of Statistical Field Surveyor, OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Job Profile, and OSSSC SFS Pay Slip Details are available on the official website. Detailed analysis of OSSSC SFS Salary 2023 is given on this page for candidates. In addition to the base salary, OSSSC SFS may also receive additional benefits such as health insurance, pension, and other allowances, which may vary depending on the organization and state government policies.
OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Salary
OSSSC SFS Salary: Candidates can work at the OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor but must be well aware of the salary, job profile, and other details. For that, candidates can read this article to know about the OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor salary 2023, Salary structure, annual packages, etc.
OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Salary 2023 | |
Post Name | Statistical Field Surveyor |
Commission Name | Odisha sub-ordinate staff selection commission |
Vacancies | 258 |
Category | Salary |
Official website | osssc.gov.in |
OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Salary 2023
OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Salary 2023: OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor is a government job that involves collecting data and conducting surveys related to population, agriculture, health, and other areas. As of 2023, the salary for an OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor is expected to range from Rs.5,200/- to Rs.20,200/- per month.
OSSSC SFS Surveyor Pay Slip 2023
OSSSC SFS Surveyor Pay Slip 2023: OSSSC conducts recruitment for the post of Statistical Field Surveyor in various departments of the Odisha government. The pay scale for this post is determined by the government and is subject to change from time to time. This monthly salary slip is very important and must be kept accessible at all times because it proves to be extremely useful if a candidate is looking to avail of personal loans, home loans or for other personal purposes.
OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Job Profile 2023
OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Job Profile 2023: Once a candidate successfully clears the OSSSC SFS examination, he or she is then required to fulfill all the roles and responsibilities that are enlisted in the OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor job profile. They are:
- To conduct crop-cutting experiments.
- To conduct land utilization survey work and all Ad Hoc survey work assigned by the office.
- Participating in researching and designing methods to conduct surveys.
- Conducting field surveys for different places and geographical areas.
OSSSC SFS Probation period 2023
OSSSC SFS Probation period 2023: OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Probation period is the period during which an employee has to change his employment status from temporary to permanent. All candidates must complete a probationary period to confirm their position on the court OSSSC Probation Period for SFS Posts is Medium.
OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Salary 2023 Extra Allowance
OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Salary 2023 Extra Allowance: OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor ଚାକିରି ସୁରକ୍ଷା ଏବଂ ଏହା ସହିତ ଆସୁଥିବା ଅତିରିକ୍ତ ସୁବିଧା ହେତୁ ପ୍ରାର୍ଥୀମାନେ ସରକାରୀ କ୍ଷେତ୍ରରେ ଚାକିରି କରିବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଛନ୍ତି। ଚୁକ୍ତିଭିତ୍ତିକ ଅବଧି ଶେଷ ହେବା ପରେ ପ୍ରାର୍ଥୀମାନେ ନିୟମିତ ହେବା ପରେ ଅନେକ ଅତିରିକ୍ତ ସୁବିଧା ଉପଭୋଗ କରିପାରିବେ | ନିମ୍ନଲିଖିତଗୁଡ଼ିକ ହେଉଛି କିଛି ଲାଭ:
- ପ୍ରିୟତା ଭତ୍ତା
- ଗ୍ରେଡ୍ ପେ
- ଭ୍ରମଣ ଭତ୍ତା
- ଚିକିତ୍ସା ଭତ୍ତା
- ଚିକିତ୍ସା ବୀମା
- ଶିଶୁ ଶିକ୍ଷା ଭତ୍ତା
- ଘର ଭଡା ଭତ୍ତା
- ପେନ୍ସନ୍
- ପ୍ରଶଂସା
- ଭ୍ରମଣ ରିହାତି ଛାଡନ୍ତୁ
How to Check OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor Salary 2023?
- Adda247 ୱେବସାଇଟ୍ adda247.com/or ପରିଦର୍ଶନ କରନ୍ତୁ |
- salary ଉପରେ କ୍ଲିକ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ |
- OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor salary 2023 ଉପରେ କ୍ଲିକ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ |
- ଏହା ପରେ ଆପଣ OSSSC Statistical Field Surveyor salary 2023 ଦେଖି ପାରିବେ |
Official Link | |
Adda247 Odia website | Click Here |
Official website | osssc.gov.in |