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Top 20 English MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 26 March 2024

These questions cover various topics from English providing a comprehensive review for aspirants preparing for OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, and ICDS Supervisor exams. Practice these questions regularly to enhance your knowledge and boost your chances of success in these competitive exams.

Top 20 English MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 26 March 2024


Q1. In the following questions, four words are given out of which only one is incorrectly spelt. Find that INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Statutory

(b) Verdict

(c) Exhibition

(d) Sovereinty


S1. Ans (d)

Sol. The correct answer is option d.

The correct spelling is ‘Sovereignty’.

Remaining words are spelt correctly.


Q2. In the following questions, four words are given out of which only one is incorrectly spelt. Find that INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Sabotagee

(b) Dissent

(c) Overwhelmed

(d) Indicative


S2. Ans (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

The correct spelling is ‘Sabotage’.

Remaining words are spelt correctly.


Q3. In the following questions, four words are given out of which only one is incorrectly spelt. Find that INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Establishment

(b) Sattire

(c) Curative

(d) Preclude


S3. Ans (b)

Sol. The correct answer is option b.

The correct spelling is ‘Satire’.

Remaining words are spelt correctly.


Q4. In the following questions, four words are given out of which only one is incorrectly spelt. Find that INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Seditious

(b) Strident

(c) Discrern

(d) Deliberate


S4. Ans (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

The correct spelling is ‘Discern’.

Remaining words are spelt correctly.


Q5. In the following questions, four words are given out of which only one is incorrectly spelt. Find that INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Resorrt

(b) Ingredient

(c) Existent

(d) Anticipatory


S5. Ans (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

The correct spelling is ‘Resort’.

Remaining words are spelt correctly.


Q6. In the following questions, four words are given out of which only one is incorrectly spelt. Find that INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Illegal

(b) Viablle

(c) Persuade

(d) Captivate


S6. Ans (b)

Sol. The correct answer is option b.

The correct spelling is ‘Viable’.

Remaining words are spelt correctly.


Q7. In the following questions, four words are given out of which only one is incorrectly spelt. Find that INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Lackadisical

(b) Primarily

(c) Seizure

(d) Inseparable


S7. Ans (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

The correct spelling is ‘Lackadaisical’.

Remaining words are spelt correctly.


Q8. In the following questions, four words are given out of which only one is incorrectly spelt. Find that INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(a) Commodities

(b) Identifiable

(c) Suppreess

(d) Collaboration


S8. Ans (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

The correct spelling is ‘Suppress’.

Remaining words are spelt correctly.


Directions (9-10): In the following questions, out of the four alternative, select the word opposite in meaning to the word given.


(a) slide

(b) permit

(c) decline

(d) fall


S9. Ans.(b)

Sol. Expurgate: remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from an account.



(a) remorse

(b) sniffle

(c) famished

(d) pleasure


S10. Ans.(d)

Sol. Chagrin: annoyance or distress at having failed or been humiliated.



Directions (11-20): In the following question, a sentence / a part of the sentence is bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is required, choose “No Improvement” option.


Q11. He asked me if he did shut the window.

(a) will shut the window

(b) can shut the window

(c) should shut the window

(d) No Improvement


S11. Ans. (c)

Sol. As the sentence is in indirect narration thus “did” cannot be used.

“Can” should not be used it as shows the capability of something but here, there is no sense of showing any capability.

“Will” cannot be used as “will” should be changed to “would” in past.

Thus option (c) is the best option to choose.


Q12. The Production of the factories in various departments had not been satisfactory this year.

(a) have not been

(b) was not been

(c) has not been

(d) No Improvement


S12. Ans. (c)

Sol. As the “this year” gives the context of present, thus “has not been” should be used.


Q13. A committee comprising of imminent scholars from various technical institute was set up

(a) comprising with emminent

(b) comprised imminent

(c) comprising eminent

(d) No Improvement


S13. Ans. (c)

Sol. Consist of = comprising.

Eminent: famous and respected

Imminent: about to happen.


Q14. In the recent held cricket match, most of players scored more than fifty runs.

(a) recent holding

(b) recently held

(c) recent hold

(d) No Improvement


S14. Ans. (b)

Sol.  “Held” is the past form of verb and should be qualified with an adverb that is “recently”.


Q15. Inhabitants of that locality can classify into only two groups, namely the poor and very poor.

(a) will classify in

(b) can classing for

(c) can be classified into

(d) No Improvement


S15. Ans. (c)

Sol. Sentence should be in passive as the “inhabitants” will not classify something, they will be classified into something by someone.


Q16. He gathered courage and rushed to the blast sight to save his colleague.

(a) blast site to save

(b) blast sight for saving

(c) blast into for safety

(d) No Improvement


S16. Ans. (a)

Sol. Site: an area of ground.

‘Site’ means a place where something has happened.

Synonym: area, plot etc.

Sight: power of seeing.

Thus, it should be “blast site” not the “blast sight”.



Q17. Take into account the suggestions of the panel, a revised draft report is being placed in the public domain.

(a) Taken into account

(b) Taking an account

(c) Taking into account

(d) No improvement


S17. Ans. (c)

Sol. “Take” is a verb and a verb cannot come at the beginning of the sentence, thus, it should be changed into “gerund” at the beginning of the sentence.

Thus option (c) is correct.


Q18. Before accepting a new assignment, ensured that you complete all your earlier assignments.

(a) Ensure that you complete

(b) Ensure that you completed

(c) Surely you can complete

(d) No improvement


S18. Ans. (a)

Sol. “Ensure” is an imperative verb whose subject is already understood that is “you” and sentence is in present context which can be inferred from clause “you complete”. Thus, it should be “ensure” not “ensured”.


Q19. The spectators were spellbound at the thrilling sight and at the end; they could not held their applause in appreciation.

(a) Withheld their applause

(b) withhold their applause

(c) Held their applauding

(d) No improvement


S19. Ans. (b)

Sol. “Withhold: suppress or hold back”

Forms of “withhold”: withheld, withholding.

Could takes first form of verb with it, thus it should be “withhold”.


Q20. Missed opportunities and failure to delivery result can destroy even well-run organizations.

(a) failed deliveries
(b) failure of delivery
(c) failure to deliver
(d) No improvement


S20. Ans. (c)

Sol. “Infinitive” takes first form of verb with it, thus it should be “to deliver”.

And to show the future action “infinitive” should be used. Thus option (c) is correct.





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