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Top 30 Arithmetic MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 10 February 2024

In the competitive landscape of OSSSC (Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission) exams such as RI (Revenue Inspector), ARI (Assistant Revenue Inspector), Amin, SFS (Statistical Field Surveyor), and ICDS Supervisor, a strong foundation in arithmetic is crucial. Arithmetic forms the backbone of numerical aptitude and is an essential skill set for these examinations. To help you hone your arithmetic skills, here’s a curated list of the top 30 arithmetic multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers, ranging from moderate to difficult levels.

Top 30 Arithmetic MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor

These arithmetic questions are designed to challenge your quantitative aptitude and provide valuable practice for OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, and ICDS Supervisor exams. Regular practice with such questions will not only improve your accuracy but also boost your confidence in handling complex numerical scenarios. Remember, mastering the basics of arithmetic is the key to success in these competitive examinations. Good luck!

1. A sells an article to B at a gain of 10%, B sells it to C at a gain of 5%. If C pays 462 for it, what did it cost to A?

A. 500
B. 450
C. 600
D. 400

Answer: D. 400

2. Two bicycles were sold for 3990 each, gaining 5% on one and losing 5% on the other. The gain or loss percent on the whole transaction is?

A. Neither gain nor loss
B. 2.5% gain
C. 2.5% loss
D. 0.25% loss

Answer: D. 0.25% loss

3. The difference between the selling prices of an article sold at 4% and 3% profits is Rs. 3. The cost price of the article is?

A. Rs. 400
B. Rs. 350
C. Rs. 300
D. Rs. 100

Answer: C. Rs. 300

4. A tradesman sold an article at a loss of 20%. If the selling price had been increased by 100, there would have been a gain of 5%. The cost price of the article was?

A. 200
B. 25
C. 400
D. 250

Answer: C. 400

5. A book-seller bought 200 textbooks for 12,000. He wanted to sell them at a profit so that he got 20 books free. At what profit percent should he sell them?

A. 10%
B. 11.5%
C. 11%
D. 12%

Answer: A. 10%

6. A person sells a table at a profit of 10%. If he had bought the table at 5% less cost and sold for 80 more, he would have gained 20%. The cost price of the table is?

A. 3,200
B. 2,500
C. 2,000
D. 200

Answer: C. 2,000

7. By selling a table for 350 instead of 400, the loss percentage increases by 5%. The cost price of the table is?

A. 1050
B. 417.50
C. 435
D. 1000

Answer: D. 1000

8. If a manufacturer gains 10 percent, wholesaler 15 percent, and retailer 25 percent, then the production cost of an article, whose retail price is 1,265, is?

A. 700
B. 750
C. 800
D. 900

Answer: C. 800

9. If the percentage of profit calculated on the selling price of an article is 20%, the percentage of profit calculated on the cost price will be?

A. 16%
B. 24%
C. 25%
D. 28%

Answer: C. 25%

10. 5% more is gained by selling a watch for Rs. 350 than by selling it for Rs. 340. The cost price of the watch is?

A. Rs. 110
B. Rs. 140
C. Rs. 200
D. Rs. 250

Answer: C. Rs. 200

11. If the cost price is 95% of the selling price, what is the profit percent?
a) 4%
b) 4.75%
c) 5%
d) 5.26%
Answer: d) 5.26%

12. If the cost price of 25 pens is equal to the selling price of 20 pens, then the profit per cent is?
a) 20%
b) 25%
c) 15%
d) 5%
Answer: b) 25%

13. By selling 12 oranges for 60, a man loses 25%. The number of oranges he has to sell for 100, so as to gain 25% is?
a) 10
b) 11
c) 12
d) 15
Answer: c) 12

14. A vendor sells lemons at the rate of 5 for 14, gaining thereby 40%. For how much did he buy a dozen lemons?
a) 20
b) 21
c) 24
d) 28
Answer: c) 24

15. Arun buys one kilogram of apples for Rs. 120 and sells it to Swati gaining 25%. Swati sells it to Divya who again sells it for Rs. 198, making a profit of 10%. What is the profit percentage made by Swati?
a) 25%
b) 20%
c) 16.67%
d) 15%
Answer: b) 20%

16. The prices of a refrigerator and a television set are in the ratio 5 : 3. If the refrigerator costs 5500 more than the television set, then the price of the refrigerator is?
a) 27500
b) 8250
c) 13750
d) 16500
Answer: c) 13750

17. An article is sold at 5% profit. The ratio of selling price and cost price will be?
a) 1 : 5
b) 20 : 21
c) 21 : 20
d) 5 : 1
Answer: c) 21 : 20

18. To gain 10% on selling sample milk at the cost price of pure milk, the quantity of water to be mixed with 50 kg. of pure milk is?
a) 2.5 Kg
b) 5 Kg
c) 7.5 Kg
d) 10 Kg
Answer: b) 5 Kg

19. On selling an article for 170, a shopkeeper loses 15%. In order to gain 20%, he must sell that article at?
a) 215.50
b) 212.50
c) 240
d) 210
Answer: c) 240

20. Arvind purchased a wristwatch with a 30% discount on the labeled price. He sold it with a 40% profit on the price he bought. What was his percent loss on the labeled price?
a) 2%
b) 6%
c) 4%
d) 8%
Answer: a) 2%

21. What profit percentage would a man make if he sold three articles per rupee instead of four, considering he initially incurred a 4% loss by selling four articles per rupee?

a) 30%
b) 28%
c) 16%
d) 12%
Answer: b) 28%

22. If a TV was sold at a profit of 5%, and selling it at a profit of 10% would yield Rs. 1000 more profit, what is its cost price?

a) Rs. 20000
b) Rs. 5000
c) Rs. 10000
d) Rs. 15000
Answer: a) Rs. 20000

23. A shopkeeper sells an article at a 15% gain. If selling it for Rs. 18 more would result in an 18% gain, what is the cost price (in Rs.) of the article?

a) 540
b) 318
c) 600
d) 350
Answer: c) 600

24. An increase of 20% in the price of mangoes allows a person to buy 4 mangoes less for Rs. 40. What was the price of 15 mangoes before the increase?

a) 10
b) 15
c) 20
d) 25
Answer: d) 25

25. If a shopkeeper offers a 10% discount on an article with a marked price of Rs. 450, what should be the selling price?

a) 395
b) 410
c) 405
d) 400
Answer: c) 405

26. A and B invest Rs. 3000 and Rs. 2400 respectively in a business. If there is a loss of Rs. 720 after one year, how much loss will B bear, considering the loss or profit is in proportion to their investments?

a) Rs. 72
b) Rs. 320
c) Rs. 400
d) Rs. 360
Answer: b) Rs. 320

27. If a grocery dealer cheats by 10% both while buying and selling using false weight, what is his increase in profit percentage?

a) 20%
b) 21%
c) 22%
d) None of these
Answer: b) 21%

28. If a trader sells an article for Rs. 105, incurring a 9% loss, what should be the selling price to gain 30%?

a) Rs. 126
b) Rs. 144
c) Rs. 150
d) Rs. 139
Answer: c) Rs. 150

29. By selling a fan for Rs. 600, a man incurs a 10% loss. To make a gain of 20%, what should be the selling price of the fan?

a) Rs. 900
b) Rs. 1000
c) Rs. 700
d) Rs. 800
Answer: d) Rs. 800

30. If selling 17 balls at Rs. 720 results in a loss equal to the cost price of 5 balls, what is the cost price of a ball?

a) Rs. 45
b) Rs. 50
c) Rs. 55
d) Rs. 60
Answer: d) Rs. 60

