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Top 30 Arithmetic MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 27 January 2024

In the competitive landscape of OSSSC (Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission) exams such as RI (Revenue Inspector), ARI (Assistant Revenue Inspector), Amin, SFS (Statistical Field Surveyor), and ICDS Supervisor, a strong foundation in arithmetic is crucial. Arithmetic forms the backbone of numerical aptitude and is an essential skill set for these examinations. To help you hone your arithmetic skills, here’s a curated list of the top 30 arithmetic multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers, ranging from moderate to difficult levels.

Top 30 Arithmetic MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor

These arithmetic questions are designed to challenge your quantitative aptitude and provide valuable practice for OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, and ICDS Supervisor exams. Regular practice with such questions will not only improve your accuracy but also boost your confidence in handling complex numerical scenarios. Remember, mastering the basics of arithmetic is the key to success in these competitive examinations. Good luck!

  1. Question: If the sum of two numbers is 48, and their difference is 12, what are the numbers?
    A) 30, 18
    B) 28, 16
    C) 24, 12
    D) 36, 24
    Answer: D) 36, 24
  2. Question: The product of two consecutive odd numbers is 143. What are the numbers?
    A) 11, 13
    B) 9, 11
    C) 13, 15
    D) 15, 17
    Answer: A) 11, 13
  3. Question: If the ratio of the length to the breadth of a rectangle is 3:2, and the perimeter is 40 cm, what is the area of the rectangle?
    A) 60 sq. cm
    B) 72 sq. cm
    C) 48 sq. cm
    D) 54 sq. cm
    Answer: B) 72 sq. cm
  4. Question: A man buys a shirt for $60 and sells it at a loss of 20%. Find the selling price.
    A) $45
    B) $48
    C) $50
    D) $52
    Answer: C) $50
  5. Question: The sum of the first 20 natural numbers is:
    A) 210
    B) 220
    C) 230
    D) 240
    Answer: A) 210
  6. Question: The difference between a number and its three-fifths is 50. What is the number?
    A) 100
    B) 125
    C) 150
    D) 175
    Answer: C) 150
  7. Question: In a group of 80 people, 40% are women. How many men are there in the group?
    A) 24
    B) 36
    C) 40
    D) 48
    Answer: D) 48
  8. Question: The simple interest on a sum of money at 8% per annum for 3 years is $1440. What is the principal amount?
    A) $4000
    B) $4500
    C) $5000
    D) $5500
    Answer: C) $5000
  9. Question: If the price of a book is reduced by 20%, and then increased by 25%, what is the net percentage change?
    A) 5% decrease
    B) 5% increase
    C) 10% decrease
    D) 10% increase
    Answer: A) 5% decrease
  10. Question: A train travels 300 km at a speed of 60 km/h and the remaining distance at 40 km/h. Find the average speed for the whole journey.
    A) 48 km/h
    B) 50 km/h
    C) 52 km/h
    D) 54 km/h
    Answer: B) 50 km/hpdpCourseImg
  11. Question: The sum of two consecutive odd integers is 76. What are the integers?
    A) 37, 39
    B) 39, 41
    C) 41, 43
    D) 43, 45
    Answer: C) 41, 43
  12. Question: The product of three consecutive integers is 5040. What are the integers?
    A) 6, 7, 8
    B) 7, 8, 9
    C) 8, 9, 10
    D) 9, 10, 11
    Answer: B) 7, 8, 9
  13. Question: If a certain amount doubles in 5 years at simple interest, in how many years will it become four times?
    A) 5
    B) 10
    C) 15
    D) 20
    Answer: C) 15
  14. Question: The area of a square is 169 square units. What is the length of its diagonal?
    A) 12 units
    B) 13 units
    C) 14 units
    D) 15 units
    Answer: B) 13 units
  15. Question: A boat takes 4 hours to travel downstream and 6 hours to travel the same distance upstream. What is the speed of the boat in still water, and what is the speed of the stream?
    A) 15 km/h, 5 km/h
    B) 18 km/h, 6 km/h
    C) 20 km/h, 4 km/h
    D) 24 km/h, 8 km/h
    Answer: A) 15 km/h, 5 km/h
  16. Question: The average of five consecutive even numbers is 34. What is the largest number?
    A) 36
    B) 38
    C) 40
    D) 42
    Answer: C) 40
  17. Question: If the compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years at 10% per annum is $441, what is the principal amount?
    A) $1500
    B) $1600
    C) $1700
    D) $1800
    Answer: A) $1500
  18. Question: The ratio of the ages of A and B is 5:7. If the sum of their ages is 72, what is B’s age?
    A) 28 years
    B) 35 years
    C) 42 years
    D) 49 years
    Answer: C) 42 years
  19. Question: A man sells an article at a profit of 25%. If the selling price is $250, find the cost price.
    A) $180
    B) $200
    C) $210
    D) $220
    Answer: B) $200
  20. Question: The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum for 2 years at 12% per annum is $72. What is the principal amount?
    A) $600
    B) $700
    C) $800
    D) $900
    Answer: C) $800
  21. Question: A circular garden has a circumference of 66 meters. What is the radius of the garden?
    A) 10.5 meters
    B) 11 meters
    C) 12 meters
    D) 13 meters
    Answer: A) 10.5 metersbanner 2
  22. Question: The cost of 5 pens and 3 pencils is $52. If the cost of a pen is $2 more than the cost of a pencil, what is the cost of a pencil?
    A) $4
    B) $5
    C) $6
    D) $7
    Answer: B) $5 
  23. Question: The sum of three consecutive odd integers is 105. What are the integers?
    A) 33, 35, 37
    B) 37, 39, 41
    C) 39, 41, 43
    D) 41, 43, 45
    Answer: A) 33, 35, 37
  24. Question: If the ratio of the sides of two similar triangles is 3:5, and the area of the smaller triangle is 27 square units, what is the area of the larger triangle?
    A) 45 square units
    B) 75 square units
    C) 81 square units
    D) 135 square units
    Answer: C) 81 square units
  25. Question: The difference between a number and its square is 120. What is the number?
    A) 10
    B) 12
    C) 15
    D) 20
    Answer: A) 10
  26. Question: A man invested a certain amount at 8% per annum and another amount at 10% per annum. The total interest after one year is $560. If the amount invested at 8% is $4000, what is the amount invested at 10%?
    A) $3000
    B) $3500
    C) $4000
    D) $4500
    Answer: B) $3500
  27. Question: The sum of three consecutive even integers is 54. What is the smallest integer?
    A) 16
    B) 18
    C) 20
    D) 22
    Answer: B) 18
  28. Question: If the average of five numbers is 25, and one of the numbers is 15, what is the average of the remaining four numbers?
    A) 23
    B) 27
    C) 29
    D) 31
    Answer: C) 29
  29. Question: The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum for 3 years at 15% per annum is $300. What is the principal amount?
    A) $1200
    B) $1500
    C) $1800
    D) $2000
    Answer: D) $2000
  30. tion: A train travels 400 km at a certain speed. If the speed is increased by 20 km/h, it takes 2 hours less to cover the same distance. What is the original speed?
    A) 60 km/h
    B) 70 km/h
    C) 80 km/h
    D) 90 km/h
    Answer: C) 80 km/hbanner 3