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Top 30 Biological Science MCQs For Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam 03 June 2024

Preparing for the Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam in Biological Sciences requires a solid understanding of key concepts. The top 30 MCQs typically cover a range of topics including cell biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, and human physiology. These questions are designed to test both fundamental knowledge and application skills. For instance, you might encounter questions on the structure and function of cell organelles, Mendelian genetics, Darwinian theory, ecological interactions, and the human circulatory system. Mastering these areas through targeted MCQ practice can enhance your exam readiness and boost your confidence in tackling complex biological concepts.

Top 30 Biological Science MCQs For Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam

  1. Q: Who first discovered cells?
    A) Robert Hooke
    B) Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
    C) Matthias Schleiden
    D) Theodor Schwann
    Answer: A) Robert Hooke
  2. Q: What is the fluid present inside the cell membrane called?
    A) Cytoplasm
    B) Nucleoplasm
    C) Protoplasm
    D) Matrix
    Answer: A) Cytoplasm
  3. Q: Which organelle is known as the powerhouse of the cell?
    A) Nucleus
    B) Endoplasmic Reticulum
    C) Golgi Apparatus
    D) Mitochondria
    Answer: D) Mitochondria
  4. Q: Which cell organelle is responsible for protein synthesis?
    A) Ribosome
    B) Mitochondria
    C) Lysosome
    D) Chloroplast
    Answer: A) Ribosome
  5. Q: What structure provides rigidity and support to plant cells?
    A) Cell Membrane
    B) Cell Wall
    C) Cytoskeleton
    D) Vacuole
    Answer: B) Cell Wall
  6. Q: Which of the following is present only in plant cells?
    A) Chloroplast
    B) Mitochondria
    C) Ribosome
    D) Lysosome
    Answer: A) Chloroplast
  7. Q: What is the function of lysosomes in the cell?
    A) Protein synthesis
    B) Energy production
    C) Digestion of waste materials
    D) Photosynthesis
    Answer: C) Digestion of waste materials
  8. Q: Which of the following cell organelles is involved in the synthesis of lipids and steroids?
    A) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
    B) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
    C) Golgi Apparatus
    D) Ribosome
    Answer: B) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
  9. Q: What is the main function of the Golgi apparatus?
    A) Synthesizing proteins
    B) Modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins
    C) Breaking down cellular waste
    D) Providing energy to the cell
    Answer: B) Modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins
  10. Q: What is the function of the nucleolus?
    A) Synthesizing lipids
    B) Synthesizing ribosomes
    C) Producing ATP
    D) Packaging proteins
    Answer: B) Synthesizing ribosomes
  11. Q: Which type of cell lacks a true nucleus?
    A) Eukaryotic cell
    B) Prokaryotic cell
    C) Animal cell
    D) Plant cell
    Answer: B) Prokaryotic cell
  12. Q: Which component of the cell membrane allows it to be selectively permeable?
    A) Phospholipid bilayer
    B) Cholesterol molecules
    C) Membrane proteins
    D) Carbohydrate chains
    Answer: C) Membrane proteins
  13. Q: What is the function of the plasma membrane?
    A) Protein synthesis
    B) Controlling the movement of substances in and out of the cell
    C) Energy production
    D) Digesting cellular waste
    Answer: B) Controlling the movement of substances in and out of the cell
  14. Q: What is the primary role of the nucleus?
    A) Energy production
    B) Protein synthesis
    C) Storing genetic information
    D) Transporting materials
    Answer: C) Storing genetic information
  15. Q: What is the name of the process by which cells produce energy in the form of ATP?
    A) Photosynthesis
    B) Glycolysis
    C) Cellular respiration
    D) Fermentation
    Answer: C) Cellular respiration
  16. Q: Which organelle is known as the ‘cell’s post office’ for its role in packaging and transporting proteins?
    A) Ribosome
    B) Golgi apparatus
    C) Endoplasmic reticulum
    D) Lysosome
    Answer: B) Golgi apparatus
  17. Who coined the term “Ecosystem”?
    A) Charles Darwin
    B) Gregor Mendel
    C) A.G. Tansley
    D) Robert Hooke
    Answer: C) A.G. Tansley
  18. What are the two main components of an ecosystem?
    A) Plants and animals
    B) Producers and consumers
    C) Biotic and abiotic components
    D) Air and water
    Answer: C) Biotic and abiotic components
  19. Which of the following is a biotic component of an ecosystem?
    A) Water
    B) Soil
    C) Plants
    D) Temperature
    Answer: C) Plants
  20. Which of the following is an abiotic component of an ecosystem?
    A) Animals
    B) Microorganisms
    C) Minerals
    D) Decomposers
    Answer: C) Minerals
  21. Which organisms are considered primary producers in an ecosystem?
    A) Herbivores
    B) Carnivores
    C) Plants
    D) Decomposers
    Answer: C) Plants
  22. What do primary consumers primarily feed on?
    A) Other consumers
    B) Decomposers
    C) Producers
    D) Carnivores
    Answer: C) Producers
  23. Which of the following is an example of a secondary consumer?
    A) Grass
    B) Rabbit
    C) Lion
    D) Fungi
    Answer: C) Lion
  24. Which term describes organisms that break down dead organic material?
    A) Producers
    B) Consumers
    C) Decomposers
    D) Carnivores
    Answer: C) Decomposers
  25. In which type of ecosystem would you find the tundra?
    A) Desert
    B) Aquatic
    C) Forest
    D) Terrestrial
    Answer: D) Terrestrial
  26. Which ecosystem is characterized by high biodiversity and large salt content?
    A) Freshwater ecosystem
    B) Desert ecosystem
    C) Marine ecosystem
    D) Grassland ecosystem
    Answer: C) Marine ecosystem
  27. What is the primary role of decomposers in an ecosystem?
    A) Produce food
    B) Consume other organisms
    C) Break down dead matter
    D) Provide shelter
    Answer: C) Break down dead matter
  28. Which of the following is a characteristic of a desert ecosystem?
    A) High rainfall
    B) Dense vegetation
    C) Scarce vegetation and low rainfall
    D) Cold climate year-round
    Answer: C) Scarce vegetation and low rainfall
  29. What is nutrient cycling in an ecosystem?
    A) The process of producing food
    B) The flow of energy from one organism to another
    C) The consumption and recycling of nutrients
    D) The decomposition of organic matter
    Answer: C) The consumption and recycling of nutrients
  30. Which type of ecosystem would a savanna grassland be classified as?
    A) Marine ecosystem
    B) Freshwater ecosystem
    C) Terrestrial ecosystem
    D) Desert ecosystem
    Answer: C) Terrestrial ecosystemOdisha High Court ASO Exam 2024 Complete (PRE + Main) Batch | Online Live Classes by Adda 247

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