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Top 30 Computer Awareness MCQs For OSSC CGL 15 May 2024

Prepare for the OSSC CGL with these Top 30 Computer Awareness MCQs, designed to enhance your knowledge. Covering fundamental concepts in computing, from hardware to software and beyond, these questions aim to sharpen your understanding and boost your confidence. Whether you’re familiarizing yourself with basic terminology or delving into more advanced topics, this curated set ensures comprehensive preparation. Master concepts like operating systems, networking, and data structures, vital for success in the OSSC CGL examination. Elevate your computer awareness proficiency and ace the test with ease.

Top 30 Computer Awareness MCQs For OSSC CGL

  1. What does CPU stand for?
    A. Computer Processing Unit
    B. Central Processing Unit
    C. Computer Processing User
    D. Central Processing User
    Answer: B
  2. What is the full form of RAM?
    A. Random Access Memory
    B. Read Access Memory
    C. Random Authorization Memory
    D. Read Authorization Memory
    Answer: A
  3. Which device is used to input data into a computer?
    A. Monitor
    B. Printer
    C. Keyboard
    D. Speaker
    Answer: C
  4. Which component of a computer is responsible for storing data permanently?
    A. RAM
    B. CPU
    C. Hard Disk
    D. CD-ROM
    Answer: C
  5. What is the full form of USB?
    A. Universal Serial Bus
    B. United States of America Business
    C. User Serial Business
    D. Universal Serial Battery
    Answer: A
  6. What is the function of a modem in a computer?
    A. To connect to the Internet
    B. To print documents
    C. To store data
    D. To play music
    Answer: A
  7. Which of the following is a type of software?
    A. Mouse
    B. Keyboard
    C. Operating System
    D. Monitor
    Answer: C
  8. Which of the following is not an input device?
    A. Mouse
    B. Scanner
    C. Printer
    D. Joystick
    Answer: C
  9. Which of the following is a programming language?
    A. Java
    B. Monitor
    C. Keyboard
    D. Printer
    Answer: A
  10. Which of the following is a type of computer memory?
    A. Input Memory
    B. Output Memory
    C. Virtual Memory
    D. Secondary Memory
    Answer: C
  11. What is a browser?
    A. A type of software
    B. A type of hardware
    C. A type of network
    D. A type of modem
    Answer: A
  12. Which of the following is a type of network?
    A. LAN
    B. CPU
    C. USB
    D. RAM
    Answer: A
  13. Which of the following is an output device?
    A. Keyboard
    B. Mouse
    C. Printer
    D. Scanner
    Answer: C
  14. Which of the following is a type of storage device?
    A. Mouse
    B. Keyboard
    C. CD-ROM
    D. Printer
    Answer: C
  15. What is the full form of PDF?
    A. Portable Document Format
    B. Portable Data Format
    C. Personal Document Format
    D. Personal Data Format
    Answer: A
  16. Which of the following is a type of computer virus?
    A. Trojan
    B. Keyboard
    C. Mouse
    D. Printer
    Answer: A
  17. What is the function of a firewall in a computer?
    A. To block unauthorized access
    B. To print documents
    C. To store data
    D. To play music
    Answer: A
  18. What is the full form of LAN?
    A. Local Area Network
    B. Local Authorization Network
    C. Logical Area Network
    D. Logical Authorization Network
    Answer: A
  19. Which of the following is not a web browser?
    A. Google Chrome
    B. Microsoft Word
    C. Mozilla Firefox
    D. Internet Explorer
    Answer: B
  20. Which of the following is not a search engine?
    A. Google
    B. Yahoo
    C. Bing
    D. Windows
    Answer: D
  21. What is the function of a mouse in a computer?
    A. To input data
    B. To output data
    C. To store data
    D. To navigate
    Answer: D


  22. The Third Generation Computer was made with____.
    A. Vacuum Tube
    B. Discrete Components
    C. Integrated circuits
    D. Bio Chips
    Answer: C


  23. Which of these languages uses a two-step compilation process involving both an interpreter and a compiler?
    A. COBOL
    B. BASIC
    C. Java
    D. C++
    Answer: C


  24. A hacker that changes or forges information in an electronic resource is engaging in __________.
    A. denial of service
    B. sniffing
    C. terrorism
    D. data diddling
    Answer: D


  25. What is a Firewall in a Computer Network?
    A. An operating System of Computer Network
    B. The physical boundary of Network
    C. A web browsing Software
    D. A system designed to prevent unauthorized access
    Answer: D


  26. What kind of lock includes a keypad that can be used to control access into areas?
    A. Cipher
    B. Warded
    C. Device
    D. Tumbler
    Answer: A


  27. The digital telecommunications term ISDN is an abbreviation for ______.
    A. Integrated Standard Digital Networks
    B. Internet Services Data Network
    C. Interactive Standard Dynamic Networks
    D. Integrated Services Digital Network
    Answer: D


  28. ________ is an important circuitry in a computer system that directs the operation of the processor.
    A. Memory
    B. Control Unit
    C. Address Bus
    D. Accumulator
    Answer: B


  29. **A switch is a network device whose responsibility is to_______.
    A. Protect from virus attack
    B. Turn off the power to the network
    C. Connect network devices
    D. Boot the network
    Answer: C


  30. A type of device used to connect a central processor and peripherals, which uses multiplexing, is known as _____.
    A. Modem
    B. Network
    C. Multiplexer
    D. All of these
    Answer: C

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