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Top 30 English MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 24 February 2024

English language proficiency is a crucial skill for various competitive exams, including OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor. To excel in these exams, candidates must have a strong command of grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Let’s explore the top 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) that cover essential English language topics, along with their answers.

Top 30 English MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor

By practicing these MCQs, Candidates can enhance their English language skills and increase their chances of success in competitive exams. Remember to refer to the official syllabus and exam pattern for comprehensive preparation. Good luck!

  1. What is the synonym of “bonhomie”?
    [A] Animosity
    [B] Affability
    [C] Hostility
    [D] Embark
    Correct Answer: B [Affability]


  2. Which word means to “initiate” or “start”?
    [A] Bonhomie
    [B] Fray
    [C] Embark
    [D] Extol
    Correct Answer: C [Embark]


  3. What is the antonym of “fray”?
    [A] Brawl
    [B] Peace
    [C] Truce
    [D] Fight
    Correct Answer: B [Peace]


  4. Which word means “to spoil or make faulty”?
    [A] Vitiate
    [B] Tirade
    [C] Fray
    [D] Extol
    Correct Answer: A [Vitiate]


  5. What is the synonym of “tirade”?
    [A] Denunciation
    [B] Compliment
    [C] Invective
    [D] Extol
    Correct Answer: A [Denunciation]


  6. Which word means “to praise highly”?
    [A] Embark
    [B] Cozen
    [C] Extol
    [D] Bonhomie
    Correct Answer: C [Extol]


  7. What is the synonym of “cozen”?
    [A] Deceive
    [B] Disclose
    [C] Hoax
    [D] Unmask
    Correct Answer: A [Deceive]


  8. What is the antonym of “extol”?
    [A] Criticize
    [B] Praise
    [C] Denunciation
    [D] Invective
    Correct Answer: A [Criticize]


  9. Which word means “a fight or argument”?
    [A] Tirade
    [B] Fray
    [C] Embark
    [D] Cozen
    Correct Answer: B [Fray]


  10. What is the synonym of “vitiate”?
    [A] Clean
    [B] Upgrade
    [C] Tarnish
    [D] Spoil
    Correct Answer: D [Spoil]


  11. What is the antonym of “bonhomie”?
    [A] Affability
    [B] Animosity
    [C] Hostility
    [D] Embark
    Correct Answer: B [Animosity]


  12. Which word means “to cheat”?
    [A] Cozen
    [B] Extol
    [C] Fray
    [D] Embark
    Correct Answer: A [Cozen]


  13. What is the synonym of “embark”?
    [A] Close
    [B] End
    [C] Start
    [D] Initiate
    Correct Answer: D [Initiate]


  14. What is the antonym of “tirade”?
    [A] Denunciation
    [B] Invective
    [C] Compliment
    [D] Commendation
    Correct Answer: C [Compliment]


  15. Which word means “a long, angry or violent speech”?
    [A] Vitiate
    [B] Embark
    [C] Tirade
    [D] Cozen
    Correct Answer: C [Tirade]
  16. Given below are six sentences, out of which sentences A and F are in the correct position. Sentences B, C, D, and E are in a jumbled order. Select the option that gives the correct order.
    A. A young Brahmin came forward and bowed to the king.
    B. He gripped the bow and looked at the princess with a smile.
    C. His arms were powerful and did not seem to belong to a Brahmin.
    D. He was tall, dark with broad shoulders.
    E. They were certainly those of a warrior.
    F. Then he strung the bow evoking a thunderous applause from the crowd.

    (C) AECBDF

    (D) ABEDCF

    Correct Answer: B



  17. Given below are six sentences, out of which sentences A and F are in the correct position. Sentences B, C, D, and E are in a jumbled order. Select the option that gives the correct order.
    A. Folk tales offer lots of advice.
    B. Most of them deliver the message clearly.
    C. The reason was that he was not properly dressed.
    D. There is a story of Birbal not being allowed to attend the king’s free lunch.
    E. This happened despite his high intellectual abilities.
    F. The advice thus conveyed is ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover.’

    (C) ADEBCF

    (D) ABDCEF

    Correct Answer: D



  18. Given below are six sentences, out of which sentences A and F are in the correct position. Sentences B, C, D, and E are in a jumbled order. Select the option that gives the correct order.
    A. Amina joined a two-year course at a local coaching institute.
    B. However, she decided to opt out of the course at the end of one year.
    C. When she asked for the refund of the fee for one year, she was denied.
    D. This was because of the poor quality of teaching at the institute.
    E. At the time of joining, she paid a fees of Rs. 60000 as lump sum for the entire course.
    F. Amina filed a case in the district consumer court.

    (C) AEBDCF

    (D) ABCDEF

    Correct Answer: C


  19. ______ umbrella is ______ useful thing.
    [A] A, an
    [B] An, a
    [C] The, a
    [D] An, the
    Correct Answer: [B] An, a 


  20. My sister got ______ best student award.
    [A] the
    [B] an
    [C] a
    [D] None Of  These
    Correct Answer: [A] the 


  21. ____ elephant never forgets.
    [A] An
    [B] The
    [C] A
    [D] None Of  These
    Correct Answer: [A] An 


  22. You are ______ hour late.
    [A] the
    [B] an
    [C] None Of  These
    [D] a
    Correct Answer: [B] an 


  23. ______ Mumbai Queen is an express train that runs from Pune to Mumbai.
    [A] An
    [B] The
    [C] A
    [D] None Of  These
    Correct Answer: [B] The 


  24. William Wordsworth was ______ great poet.
    [A] the
    [B] a
    [C] an
    [D] None Of  These
    Correct Answer: [B] a 


  25. London is on the ____ Thames.
    [A] a
    [B] an
    [C] the
    [D] None Of  These
    Correct Answer: [C] the 


  26. This is _______ first time I have visited _______ village.
    [A] the, the
    [B] the, a
    [C] a, the
    [D] None Of  These
    Correct Answer: [A] the, the 


  27. Do you speak ____ German?
    [A] a
    [B] an
    [C] the
    [D] None Of  These
    Correct Answer: [D] None Of  These 


  28. I ate _______ apple, ______ egg and _______ loaf of bread.
    [A] the, the, the
    [B] an, an, a
    [C] a, an, a
    [D] None of these
    Correct Answer: [B] an, an, a 


  29. ____ earth moves round ____ sun.
    [A] The, the
    [B] An, a
    [C]None of these
    [D] The, a
    Correct Answer: [A] The, the 


  30. ________ Ganges is ________ mighty river. It falls into _______ Bay of Bengal.
    [A] A, the, the
    [B] The, the, the
    [C] The, a, the
    [D] None of these
    Correct Answer: [B] The, a, the

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