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Top 30 Environment and Climate MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 22 February 2024

A solid understanding of environmental concepts and climate-related issues is essential for candidates preparing for OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor exams. Regular practice with these multiple-choice questions will not only enhance your knowledge but also improve your chances of scoring well in the examination. Good luck with your preparation!

Top 30 Environment and Climate MCQs for OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor Exams

Environmental awareness and climate-related knowledge are crucial for candidates appearing in exams such as OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor. Here are the top 30 multiple-choice questions with answers to help you prepare for these exams at a moderate difficulty level:

  1. What plant is commonly used as Green Manure?
    [A] Wheat
    [B] Sunhemp
    [C] Cotton
    [D] Rice
    Correct Answer: B [Sunhemp]
  2. In which layer of the atmosphere is the Ozone layer found?
    [A] Troposphere
    [B] Stratosphere
    [C] Exosphere
    [D] Thermosphere
    Correct Answer: B [Stratosphere]
  3. When was Project Tiger launched in India?
    [A] 1970
    [B] 1973
    [C] 1992
    [D] 1995
    Correct Answer: B [1973]
  4. What is another name for the Earth Summit?
    [A] Geneva Summit
    [B] Brasilia Summit
    [C] Rio Summit
    [D] World Summit
    Correct Answer: C [Rio Summit]
  5. Which wildlife sanctuary is the largest in India?
    [A] Dibang Valley
    [B] Kedarnath Wild Life Sanctuary
    [C] Kumbhalgarh
    [D] Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary
    Correct Answer: D [Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary]
  6. What is the primary use of the plant “Dhaincha” or Sesbania bispinosa?
    [A] Green Petrol
    [B] Green Manure
    [C] Medicine
    [D] Ornamental Plant
    Correct Answer: B [Green Manure]
  7. Which fertilizer has nearly 100% of its domestic demand in India fulfilled by imports?
    [A] Ammonium Chloride
    [B] Ammonium Sulphate
    [C] Potassium Sulphate
    [D] Urea
    Correct Answer: C [Potassium Sulphate]
  8. In which type of plants are Tree Rings most prominent?
    [A] Polar plants
    [B] Tropical plants
    [C] Sub-tropical plants
    [D] Temperate plants
  9. What is the Single Rope Floating Raft (SRFR) Method primarily used for cultivating?
    [A] Cotton
    [B] Sugarcane
    [C] Seaweeds
    [D] Jute
    Correct Answer: C [Seaweeds]
    Notes: The SRFR method developed by Central Salt and Marine Chemical Research Institute (CSMCRI) is suitable for culturing seaweeds in wide areas and greater depths.
  10. Which tree plantation can help prevent forest fires in the Himalayan region?
    [A] Mahua
    [B] Rhododendron
    [C] Chir pine
    [D] Tendu
    Correct Answer: B [Rhododendron]
  11. Regarding Jet Streams, which statement is incorrect?
    [A] The primary jet streams are situated near the altitude of the stratopause.
    [B] Jet streams typically exhibit a meandering path.
    [C] Jet streams flow from west to east, influencing weather patterns.
    [D] Jet streams can attain speeds of up to 400 kph.
    Correct Answer: A [The primary jet streams are situated near the altitude of the stratopause].
  12. In ecological succession, which community is also termed a ‘pioneer community’ for its ability to colonize bare rock?
    [A] Fungi
    [B] Blue Green algae
    [C] Lichens
    [D] Mosses & Liverworts
    Correct Answer: C [Lichens].
  13. Which of the following exemplifies a lotic ecosystem?
    [A] Stream ecosystem
    [B] Pond ecosystem
    [C] Bog ecosystem
    [D] Wetland ecosystem
  14. According to recent NASA reports, what is the primary reason behind the Smog problem in Delhi?
    [A] Unplanned development of industries and factories
    [B] Practice of crop stubble burning in neighboring states
    [C] Significant increase in the vehicular population
    [D] Excessive dependence on fossil fuels like coal-fired power plants
    Correct Answer: B [Practice of crop stubble burning in neighboring states].
  15. How can desertification be mitigated?
    [A] Plugging gullies
    [B] Regulating over-grazing
    [C] Implementing contour ploughing
    [D] Establishing shelter belts
    Correct Answer: D [Establishing shelter belts].
  16. What type of rainfall is caused by intense evaporation in equatorial regions?
    [A] Orographic rainfall
    [B] Cyclonic rainfall
    [C] Convectional rainfall
    [D] None of the above
    Correct Answer: C [Convectional rainfall].
  17. Researchers at which Indian university discovered a new species of ‘paddy frog’ from Northeast India?
    [A] Savitribai Phule Pune University
    [B] Delhi University
    [C] University of Mumbai
    [D] Anna University
    Correct Answer: B [Delhi University].
  18. Where is the International Rice Research Institute situated?
    [A] The Philippines
    [B] Thailand
    [C] Indonesia
    [D] Malaysia
    Correct Answer: A [The Philippines].
  19. What is the location of the principal bench of the National Green Tribunal?
    [A] Mumbai
    [B] New Delhi
    [C] Hyderabad
    [D] Lucknow
    Correct Answer: B [New Delhi].
  20. What is the focus of the Stockholm Convention?
    [A] Hazardous waste
    [B] Persistent Organic Pollutants
    [C] Pesticides
    [D] Insecticides
    Correct Answer: B [Persistent Organic Pollutants]
  21. Where is “Yanar Dag,” a perpetual natural gas fire, located?
    [A] Azerbaijan
    [B] Armenia
    [C] Georgia
    [D] Iran
    Correct Answer: A [Azerbaijan]
  22. Regarding ecosystems, which statement is correct?
    Everything in an ecosystem depends on other species and elements within the ecological community.
    Damage to one part of an ecosystem does not affect everything else.
    Select the correct option:
    [A] Only 1
    [B] Only 2
    [C] Both 1 & 2
    [D] Neither 1 & 2
    Correct Answer: A [Only 1]
  23. Which statements about succession are correct?
    Pioneer community is the first plant to colonize an area.
    The intermediate stage of succession is called the climax community.
    The stages leading to the climax community are called seres.
    Select the correct option:
    [A] Only 1
    [B] Only 2 & 3
    [C] Only 1 & 3
    [D] 1, 2 & 3
    Correct Answer: C [Only 1 & 3]
  24. In which type of forests are teak, sal, laurel, rosewood, amla, jamun, and bamboo found?
    [A] Tropical wet evergreen forests
    [B] Tropical moist deciduous forests
    [C] Tropical dry deciduous forest
    [D] None of the above
    Correct Answer: B [Tropical moist deciduous forests]
  25. Acacias and Euphorbias are prominent in which type of forests?
    [A] Tropical Thorn forests
    [B] Tropical Dry evergreen forest
    [C] Subtropical Broad-leaved forests
    [D] Subtropical Pine forests
    Correct Answer: A [Tropical Thorn forests]
  26. Which type of forests are fir, juniper, and chilgoza found in?
    [A] Montane Wet temperate forests
    [B] Himalayan Dry temperate Forest
    [C] Tropical wet evergreen forests
    [D] None of the above
    Correct Answer: B [Himalayan Dry temperate Forest]
  27. Who is responsible for coordinating wetland conservation programs?
    [A] State Government
    [B] Central Government
    [C] Parliament
    [D] None of the above
    Correct Answer: B [Central Government]
  28. Which statements are correct regarding the Criteria for Identification of Wetlands of National Importance?
    It contains a representative, rare, or unique example of a natural or near-natural wetland type found within the appropriate biogeographic region.
    It supports vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered species; or threatened ecological communities.
    Select the correct option:
    [A] Only 1
    [B] Only 2
    [C] Both 1 & 2
    [D] Neither 1 & 2
    Correct Answer: C [Both 1 & 2]
  29. Which statements are correct regarding mangroves in India?
    Mangroves occur along the intertidal region of estuaries and creeks in Maharashtra, Goa, and Karnataka.
    Small tidal estuaries, neritic inlets, and lagoons support a dense and diverse undisturbed mangrove flora on Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
    Select the correct option:
    [A] Only 1
    [B] Only 2
    [C] Both 1 & 2
    [D] Neither 1 & 2
    Correct Answer: C [Both 1 & 2]
  30. Which of the following statements are correct regarding Eutrophication?
    1. Eutrophication is a syndrome of ecosystem which occurs as a response to the addition of artificial or natural nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates through fertilizer, sewage, etc that fertilize the aquatic ecosystem.
    2. It is caused due to the leaching of phosphate and – or nitrate containing fertilisers from agricultural lands into lakes or rivers.
    Select the correct option from the codes given below:

    [A] Only 1
    [B] Only 2
    [C] Both 1 & 2
    [D] Neither 1 & 2

    Correct Answer: C [Both 1 & 2]


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