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Top 30 General English MCQs For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 29 May 2024

The “Top 30 English MCQs” is a valuable resource tailored for aspirants gearing up for the OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, and ICDS Supervisor examinations. Designed to enhance proficiency in the English language, this curated collection encapsulates a diverse range of topics including grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and verbal reasoning. With a focus on clarity and precision, these multiple-choice questions (MCQs) offer candidates a chance to refine their language skills essential for effective communication and comprehension. Whether tackling passages or honing grammatical nuances, this resource equips candidates with the tools needed to excel in the English section of OSSSC examinations. Engage with these MCQs to bolster your linguistic abilities and boost your exam performance.

Top 30 General English MCQs For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor

  1. I have to ___________ early tomorrow because I have an important meeting.
    A. Get up
    B. Look up
    C. Come on
    D. Look out
    Correct Answer: A. Get up
    Explanation: “Get up” means to rise from bed or awaken, which is necessary for getting ready for an early meeting.
  2. Here’s a chair. Please ___________.
    A. Break down
    B. Go up
    C. Sit down
    D. Make up
    Correct Answer: C. Sit down
    Explanation: “Sit down” means to lower oneself into a seated position, which is appropriate when offering someone a chair.
  3. If you don’t pass the exam this time, don’t ___________. Try again!
    A. Come in
    B. Look out
    C. Go on
    D. Give up
    Correct Answer: D. Give up
    Explanation: “Give up” means to stop trying. The phrase encourages perseverance by advising against giving up.
  4. Your room is so untidy! Please ___________ the clothes and put them in the washing machine.
    A. Stand up
    B. Pick up
    C. Get on
    D. Turn off
    Correct Answer: B. Pick up
    Explanation: “Pick up” means to collect or gather, which is the action needed to tidy the room.
  5. ___________ the TV. My favorite show will start in a minute.
    A. Grow up
    B. Look for
    C. Take off
    D. Turn on
    Correct Answer: D. Turn on
    Explanation: “Turn on” means to switch on an electronic device, which is needed to watch the show.
  6. The babysitter ___________ the girl while her parents were at the restaurant.
    A. Looked after
    B. Found out
    C. Broke down
    D. Ran into
    Correct Answer: A. Looked after
    Explanation: “Looked after” means to take care of, which is what the babysitter did for the girl.
  7. I didn’t know the answer, so I ___________ on the internet.
    A. Cut it out
    B. Looked it up
    C. Blew it up
    D. Dressed it up
    Correct Answer: B. Looked it up
    Explanation: “Looked it up” means to search for information, which is what the person did on the internet.
  8. My car ___________ again yesterday. I should buy a new one.
    A. Woke up
    B. Grew up
    C. Broke down
    D. Looked down
    Correct Answer: C. Broke down
    Explanation: “Broke down” means to stop working due to a mechanical issue, which describes the car’s condition.
  9. I ___________ really well with my work colleagues. We often meet up for drinks or a meal.
    A. Get along
    B. Find out
    C. Fight back
    D. Break up
    Correct Answer: A. Get along
    Explanation: “Get along” means to have a good relationship, which is the context given for meeting up with colleagues.
  10. I don’t know enough about it, so I need to ___________ more.
    A. Take out
    B. Find out
    C. Let down
    D. Take off
    Correct Answer: B. Find out
    Explanation: “Find out” means to discover or learn more information, which is needed to understand the topic better.
  11. The chef __________ the apple to remove its skin before slicing it.
    A. Raised
    B. Grew
    C. Pared
    D. Descended
    Correct Answer: C. Pared
    Explanation: “Pared” means to remove the outer covering.
  12. After the rain, the hiker decided to __________ the steep trail to reach the summit.
    A. Ascend
    B. Descend
    C. Reduce
    D. Withdraw
    Correct Answer: A. Ascend
    Explanation: “Ascend” means to climb or go up, which is the opposite of “descend.”
  13. The __________ of the weather made it difficult to plan the outdoor event.
    A. Certainty
    B. Predictability
    C. Stability
    D. Precarity
    Correct Answer: D. Precarity
    Explanation: “Precarity” means a condition of existence without predictability.
  14. The __________ enemy refused to negotiate peace under any circumstances.
    A. Assuageable
    B. Implacable
    C. Appeasable
    D. Compliant
    Correct Answer: B. Implacable
    Explanation: “Implacable” means not able to be placated or appeased.
  15. Despite the team’s efforts to change his mind, he remained __________ in his decision.
    A. Compliant
    B. Obdurate
    C. Flexible
    D. Submissive
    Correct Answer: B. Obdurate
    Explanation: “Obdurate” means stubbornly persistent.
  16. The soldiers planned a __________ into enemy territory at dawn.
    A. Withdrawal
    B. Exit
    C. Foray
    D. Retreat
    Correct Answer: C. Foray
    Explanation: “Foray” means a sudden or irregular incursion, especially in warfare.
  17. Her __________ grip on the rope ensured she didn’t fall during the climb.
    A. Loose
    B. Tenacious
    C. Weak
    D. Slack
    Correct Answer: B. Tenacious
    Explanation: “Tenacious” means holding together; cohesive.
  18. The government introduced measures to __________ the economic crisis.
    A. Exacerbate
    B. Aggravate
    C. Assuage
    D. Intensify
    Correct Answer: C. Assuage
    Explanation: “Assuage” means to make an unpleasant feeling less intense; the opposite of exacerbate.
  19. The board’s decision was met with __________ by the shareholders.
    A. Acceptance
    B. Compliance
    C. Obduracy
    D. Agreement
    Correct Answer: C. Obduracy
    Explanation: “Obduracy” means stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action.
  20. The __________ of the new recruit impressed the entire team.
    A. Weakness
    B. Tenacity
    C. Laxity
    D. Indifference
    Correct Answer: B. Tenacity
    Explanation: “Tenacity” means the quality of being able to grip something firmly; determined persistence.
  21. Active Voice: The chef cooked a delicious meal.
    Passive Voice: A delicious meal __________ by the chef.
    A. was cooked
    B. is cooked
    C. cooked
    D. has been cooked
    Correct Answer: A. was cooked
  22. Active Voice: The students are writing an essay.
    Passive Voice: An essay __________ by the students.
    A. is written
    B. was written
    C. is being written
    D. has been written
    Correct Answer: C. is being written
  23. Active Voice: The manager will approve the new policy.
    Passive Voice: The new policy __________ by the manager.
    A. will be approved
    B. is approved
    C. has been approved
    D. was approved
    Correct Answer: A. will be approved
  24. Active Voice: The company has launched a new product.
    Passive Voice: A new product __________ by the company.
    A. is launched
    B. has been launched
    C. will be launched
    D. was launched
    Correct Answer: B. has been launched
  25. Active Voice: They cleaned the park last weekend.
    Passive Voice: The park __________ last weekend.
    A. was cleaned
    B. is cleaned
    C. has been cleaned
    D. will be cleaned
    Correct Answer: A. was cleaned
  26. Direct Speech: “I am going to the market,” she said.
    Reported Speech: She said that she __________ to the market.
    A. is going
    B. was going
    C. will be going
    D. had gone
    Correct Answer: B. was going
  27. Direct Speech: “We have finished the project,” they said.
    Reported Speech: They said that they __________ the project.
    A. have finished
    B. had finished
    C. finished
    D. are finishing
  28. Correct Answer: B. had finished
    Direct Speech: “Can you help me?” he asked.
    Reported Speech: He asked if I __________ help him.
    A. can
    B. could
    C. will
    D. would
    Correct Answer: B. could
  29. Direct Speech: “We will visit you next week,” they said.
    Reported Speech: They said that they __________ me next week.
    A. will visit
    B. visited
    C. would visit
    D. have visited
    Correct Answer: C. would visit
  30. Direct Speech: “Don’t play near the road,” the mother said to her child.
    Reported Speech: The mother told her child __________ near the road.
    A. don’t play
    B. not to play
    C. didn’t play
    D. hasn’t played
    Correct Answer: B. not to play

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