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Top 30 General Science MCQs For OSSC Excise SI 17 May 2024

Prepare for the OSSC Excise SI exam with our comprehensive collection of the top 30 General Science multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Covering a wide range of scientific topics, these questions are meticulously crafted to test your understanding of fundamental scientific principles. From biology to physics, chemistry to environmental science, our MCQs provide a holistic review of the key concepts essential for excelling in the exam. Master the basics, sharpen your problem-solving skills, and boost your confidence with our carefully curated set of questions designed to help you ace the OSSC Excise SI exam.

Top 30 General Science MCQs For OSSC Excise SI

  1. Who was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics?
    A) Dorothy Hodgkin
    B) Maria Goeppert Mayer
    C) Marie Curie
    D) Rosalind Franklin
    Correct Answer: C) Marie Curie
    Notes: Marie Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 for her work on radioactivity.
  2. Which of the following is the most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere?
    A) Oxygen
    B) Nitrogen
    C) Carbon Dioxide
    D) Argon
    Correct Answer: B) Nitrogen
    Notes: Nitrogen makes up about 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere.
  3. In which year did the first successful heart transplant take place?
    A) 1967
    B) 1954
    C) 1978
    D) 1982
    Correct Answer: A) 1967
    Notes: The first successful heart transplant was performed by Dr. Christiaan Barnard in South Africa.
  4. Which planet in our solar planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
    A) Venus
    B) Mars
    C) Jupiter
    D) Saturn
    Correct Answer: B) Mars
    Notes: Mars is often called the “Red Planet” because of its reddish appearance, which is due to iron oxide on its surface.
  5. Who is considered the father of modern computer science?
    A) Charles Babbage
    B) Alan Turing
    C) John von Neumann
    D) Bill Gates
    Correct Answer: B) Alan Turing
    Notes: Alan Turing is widely considered the father of modern computer science for his pioneering work in breaking the Enigma code during World War II and for his development of the Turing machine concept.
  6. What is the primary function of the United Nations Security Council?
    A) To promote economic development
    B) To ensure international peace and security
    C) To provide humanitarian aid
    D) To monitor global health issues
    Correct Answer: B) To ensure international peace and security
    Notes: The United Nations Security Council is primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security among nations.
  7. Which country was the first to successfully clone a buffalo?
    A) USA
    B) India
    C) China
    D) Russia
    Answer: B) India
    Notes: The first cloned buffalo was born in February 2009 at the National Dairy Research Institute in Karnal, India.
  8. Which group of plants is referred to as Magnoliophyta?
    A) Bryophytes
    B) Gymnosperms
    C) Angiosperms
    D) Algae
    Answer: C) Angiosperms
    Notes: Angiosperms, also known as Magnoliophyta, are vascular plants that produce flowers and bear seeds in fruits.
  9. When an object with a positive initial velocity experiences constant negative acceleration, what is the slope of the velocity-time graph?
    A) 0°
    B) Less than 90°
    C) 90°
    D) More than 90°
    Answer: D) More than 90°
    Notes: The velocity-time graph for an object with constant negative acceleration and positive initial velocity has a slope greater than 90°.
  10. In which institute was the world’s first cloned buffalo born?
    A) Indian Council of Agricultural Research
    B) National Dairy Research Institute
    C) Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes
    D) Indian Veterinary Research Institute
    Answer: B) National Dairy Research Institute
    Notes: The first cloned buffalo was born at the National Dairy Research Institute in Karnal, India.
  11. Which of the following describes plants that produce flowers and fruits?
    A) Gymnosperms
    B) Angiosperms
    C) Algae
    D) Bryophytes
    Answer: B) Angiosperms
    Notes: Angiosperms are plants that produce flowers and bear their seeds in fruits.
  12. What is the characteristic of the velocity-time graph for an object moving with constant positive acceleration and positive initial velocity?
    A) Slope more than 90°
    B) Slope less than 90°
    C) Horizontal line
    D) Vertical line
    Answer: B) Slope less than 90°
    Notes: When an object moves with constant positive acceleration, having positive initial velocity, the velocity-time graph is a straight line with a slope less than 90°.
  13. In which medium does sound travel fastest at 0°C?
    A) Water
    B) Hydrogen
    C) Aluminium
    D) Air
    Answer: C) Aluminium
    Notes: Sound travels fastest in solids like aluminium compared to liquids and gases due to the closely packed molecules in solids.
  14. Which type of wave does not require a medium to travel?
    A) Sound waves
    B) Water waves
    C) Light waves
    D) Seismic waves
    Answer: C) Light waves
    Notes: Light waves are electromagnetic waves and can travel through a vacuum, whereas sound waves are mechanical and require a medium.
  15. Which medium will sound travel slowest through at 0°C?
    A) Aluminium
    B) Water
    C) Air
    D) Hydrogen
    Answer: D) Hydrogen
    Notes: Sound travels slower in gases than in liquids and solids, with hydrogen being a gas, it has the slowest speed of sound among the options given.
  16. What is the primary reason sound travels faster in solids than in gases?
    A) Higher density
    B) Lower density
    C) Presence of free electrons
    D) None of the above
    Answer: A) Higher density
    Notes: In solids, molecules are more closely packed, which allows sound waves to transfer energy more efficiently, leading to higher speeds.
  17. What type of wave is sound?
    A) Electromagnetic wave
    B) Mechanical wave
    C) Longitudinal wave
    D) Both B and C
    Answer: D) Both B and C
    Notes: Sound is a mechanical wave because it requires a medium to travel and it is also a longitudinal wave because the particles of the medium move parallel to the direction of the wave.
  18. In which medium does light travel the fastest?
    A) Water
    B) Glass
    C) Air
    D) Vacuum
    Answer: D) Vacuum
    Notes: Light travels fastest in a vacuum where there are no particles to slow it down, unlike in air, water, or glass.
  19. Which medium is generally used to measure the speed of sound?
    A) Air
    B) Water
    C) Aluminium
    D) Vacuum
    Answer: A) Air
    Notes: The speed of sound is commonly measured in air because it is the most accessible medium for practical purposes and standardization.
  20. Why can’t sound travel in a vacuum?
    A) Lack of particles
    B) Low temperature
    C) High pressure
    D) It can travel in a vacuum
    Answer: A) Lack of particles
    Notes: Sound requires a medium (solid, liquid, or gas) with particles to vibrate and transfer the sound waves. A vacuum has no particles to facilitate this.
  21. What happens to the speed of sound as the temperature of the medium increases?
    A) Decreases
    B) Increases
    C) Remains the same
    D) First decreases then increases
    Answer: B) Increases
    Notes: As temperature increases, the particles in the medium move faster, allowing sound waves to travel more quickly.
  22. Which of the following best describes the nature of sound waves in air?
    A) Transverse and electromagnetic
    B) Longitudinal and mechanical
    C) Transverse and mechanical
    D) Longitudinal and electromagnetic
    Answer: B) Longitudinal and mechanical
    Notes: Sound waves in air are longitudinal, meaning the displacement of the medium is parallel to the direction of the wave, and they are mechanical because they require a medium to propagate.
  23. Which planet is currently considered the outermost in the solar system?
    A) Mercury
    B) Pluto
    C) Neptune
    D) Uranus
    Answer: C) Neptune
    Notes: Neptune is the outermost planet since Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union.
  24. What condition results from severe Vitamin D deficiency?
    A) Scurvy
    B) Rickets
    C) Night blindness
    D) None of these
    Answer: B) Rickets
    Notes: Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets, which causes soft and weak bones in children.
  25. What is the SI unit of electric charge?
    A) Ampere
    B) Coulomb
    C) Ohm
    D) Volt
    Answer: B) Coulomb
    Notes: The coulomb measures electric charge, defined as the charge transported by a current of one ampere in one second.
  26. Which type of lens corrects long-sightedness?
    A) Concave
    B) Convex
    C) Diverging
    D) None of these
    Answer: B) Convex
    Notes: A convex lens corrects long-sightedness by focusing light onto the retina.
  27. What deficiency causes night blindness?
    A) Vitamin D
    B) Vitamin C
    C) Vitamin A
    D) Iron
    Answer: C) Vitamin A
    Notes: Vitamin A deficiency can result in night blindness, impairing vision in low light conditions.
  28. If the volume of a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature is decreased, what happens to the pressure?
    A) Decreases
    B) Increases
    C) Remains constant
    D) None of these
    Answer: B) Increases
    Notes: Boyle’s Law states that the pressure of a gas increases as the volume decreases, provided the temperature is constant.
  29. What is the lifespan of red blood cells in the human body?
    A) 60 days
    B) 120 days
    C) 180 days
    D) 240 days
    Answer: B) 120 days
    Notes: Red blood cells typically live for about 120 days before being replaced.
  30. What is the density of water at its maximum density point?
    A) 1 g/cm³
    B) 1.5 g/cm³
    C) 2 g/cm³
    D) None of these
    Answer: A) 1 g/cm³
    Notes: Water has a density of 1 g/cm³ at 4°C, where it reaches its maximum density.
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