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Top 30 Geography MCQs For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 15 June 2024

The history of Odisha is rich with cultural heritage, ancient kingdoms, and significant historical events. For candidates preparing for various competitive exams such as OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, and ICDS Supervisor, understanding Odisha’s history is crucial. Here are the top 30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed to help you test your knowledge and prepare effectively.

Top 30 Geography MCQs For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor

  1. Which of the following coastal landforms is primarily formed by the deposition of sediment?
    A. Cliffs
    B. Sea Arches
    C. Beaches
    D. Sea Caves
    Answer: C. Beaches
    Explanation: Beaches are formed by the accumulation and deposition of sediment such as sand, gravel, or pebbles along the shoreline. This sediment is transported and deposited by waves and currents.
  2. What geological process is primarily responsible for the formation of sea caves?
    A. Deposition
    B. Tectonic Activity
    C. Erosion
    D. Weathering
    Answer: C. Erosion
    Explanation: Sea caves are formed by the erosion of coastal cliffs. The force of waves hitting the cliff, along with the abrasion caused by sand and pebbles, gradually hollows out openings in the rock.
  3. Barrier islands serve an important function in coastal environments. What is one of their primary roles?
    A. Forming estuaries
    B. Protecting the mainland from waves and storms
    C. Creating deltas
    D. Eroding headlands
    Answer: B. Protecting the mainland from waves and storms
    Explanation: Barrier islands are long, narrow islands that lie parallel to the coast. They act as buffers, protecting the mainland from the impact of waves and storms by absorbing and dissipating wave energy.
  4. Which coastal landform is characterized by a semi-enclosed body of water where freshwater from rivers meets and mixes with saltwater from the sea?
    A. Lagoon
    B. Delta
    C. Estuary
    D. Spit
    Answer: C. Estuary
    Explanation: Estuaries are semi-enclosed coastal bodies of water where freshwater from rivers mixes with saltwater from the sea. They are important habitats for various species and act as natural buffers against coastal erosion.
  5. What is a key characteristic of a wave-cut platform?
    A. It is a flat area at the base of a cliff formed by wave erosion.
    B. It is a steep rock face formed by tectonic uplift.
    C. It is a narrow strip of sand extending from the coast into the sea.
    D. It is an isolated column of rock left after the collapse of a sea arch.
    Answer: A. It is a flat area at the base of a cliff formed by wave erosion.
    Explanation: A wave-cut platform is a flat, often slightly inclined surface found at the base of a coastal cliff. It is created by the erosive action of waves hitting the cliff over time, cutting away at the rock and forming a level platform.
  6. Which of the following landforms is created by the accumulation of sediment at the mouth of a river?
    A. Canyon
    B. Delta
    C. Plateau
    D. Mountain
    Answer: B. Delta
    Explanation: A delta is formed when sediment carried by a river is deposited as the flow leaves the mouth of the river and enters slower-moving or standing water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake.
  7. The Himalayas are an example of which type of mountains?
    A. Volcanic Mountains
    B. Block Mountains
    C. Fold Mountains
    D. Dome Mountains
    Answer: C. Fold Mountains
    Explanation: The Himalayas were formed by the collision of the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate, which caused the crust to buckle and fold, creating the towering peaks of the mountain range.
  8. Which process is primarily responsible for the creation of canyons?
    A. Volcanic Eruptions
    B. River Erosion
    C. Glacial Activity
    D. Wind Erosion
    Answer: B. River Erosion
    Explanation: Canyons are typically formed by the long-term erosion activity of a river cutting deeply into the bedrock, creating steep-walled valleys.
  9. What defines a plateau?
    A. An area of land that is completely flat and at sea level
    B. A highland with a flat top and steep sides
    C. A large body of water surrounded by land
    D. A low-lying area between mountains
    Answer: B. A highland with a flat top and steep sides
    Explanation: Plateaus are elevated flat-topped areas that rise sharply above the surrounding area on at least one side, often featuring steep cliffs or escarpments.
  10. The Deccan Plateau is located in which country?
    A. China
    B. Australia
    C. India
    D. Brazil
    Answer: C. India
    Explanation: The Deccan Plateau is a large plateau in western and southern India, covering much of the central and southern parts of the country.
  11. What is the primary driver of ocean currents?
    A) Wind
    B) Salinity differences
    C) Tidal forces
    D) Temperature differences
    Answer: A) Wind
    Explanation: While salinity and temperature differences, as well as tidal forces, do influence ocean currents, the primary driver is the wind. Wind patterns create surface currents through the transfer of kinetic energy from the atmosphere to the ocean surface. 
  12. Which oceanographic feature is formed by tectonic activity and is characterized by deep, elongated depressions in the ocean floor?
    A) Mid-ocean ridges
    B) Seamounts
    C) Ocean trenches
    D) Abyssal plains
    Answer: C) Ocean trenches
    Explanation: Ocean trenches are deep, elongated depressions formed by tectonic activity, typically where one tectonic plate subducts beneath another. Mid-ocean ridges are elevated areas caused by divergent tectonic plates, seamounts are underwater mountains, and abyssal plains are flat, deep-sea floors. 
  13. What is the average salinity of seawater, expressed in parts per thousand (ppt)?
    A) 0.5 ppt
    B) 3.5 ppt
    C) 35 ppt
    D) 50 ppt
    Answer: C) 35 ppt
    Explanation: The average salinity of seawater is approximately 35 parts per thousand (ppt), meaning that there are 35 grams of dissolved salts in every kilogram of seawater. 
  14. Which oceanographic process is primarily responsible for the distribution of nutrients and oxygen throughout the ocean depths?
    A) Photosynthesis
    B) Thermohaline circulation
    C) Surface runoff
    D) Evaporation
    Answer: B) Thermohaline circulation
    Explanation: Thermohaline circulation, driven by differences in water density due to temperature (thermo) and salinity (haline), is responsible for the global distribution of nutrients and oxygen in the ocean’s depths. This process involves the sinking of cold, dense water and the rising of warmer, less dense water. 
  15. The El Niño phenomenon is associated with which of the following oceanographic regions?
    A) North Atlantic Ocean
    B) Indian Ocean
    C) Southern Ocean
    D) Equatorial Pacific Ocean
    Answer: D) Equatorial Pacific Ocean
    Explanation: El Niño is a climate phenomenon occurring in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, characterized by the warming of sea surface temperatures. This event significantly impacts global weather patterns, including increased rainfall in some regions and droughts in others.
  16. Which is the largest desert in the world?
    a) Sahara Desert
    b) Arabian Desert
    c) Gobi Desert
    d) Antarctic Desert
    Answer: d) Antarctic Desert 
  17. The second-largest desert in the world is located in which region?
    a) Northern Africa
    b) Arctic regions
    c) Middle East
    d) East Asia
    Answer: b) Arctic regions 
  18. Which desert is known as the largest hot desert in the world?
    a) Gobi Desert
    b) Patagonian Desert
    c) Sahara Desert
    d) Arabian Desert
    Answer: c) Sahara Desert 
  19. Which of the following deserts is primarily located in Australia?
    a) Arabian Desert
    b) Patagonian Desert
    c) Gobi Desert
    d) Australian Desert
    Answer: d) Australian Desert 
  20. The Gobi Desert spans which two countries?
    a) China and Mongolia
    b) India and Pakistan
    c) Chile and Argentina
    d) Iran and Afghanistan
    Answer: a) China and Mongolia
  21. What causes the Coriolis effect, which influences the direction of wind movement around a low-pressure center?
    A. The Earth’s rotation on its axis
    B. The gravitational pull of the moon
    C. The temperature difference between the poles and the equator
    D. The movement of tectonic plates
    Answer: A. The Earth’s rotation on its axis 
  22. Which of the following is NOT a condition favorable for the formation of tropical cyclones?
    A. Large sea surface with a temperature higher than 27° C
    B. Presence of the Coriolis force
    C. Strong vertical wind shear
    D. Pre-existing weak low-pressure area or low-level cyclonic circulation
    Answer: C. Strong vertical wind shear 
  23. What is the primary difference between tropical cyclones and extra-tropical cyclones?
    A. Tropical cyclones form over land, while extra-tropical cyclones form over water.
    B. Tropical cyclones derive their energy from warm ocean waters, while extra-tropical cyclones are fueled by the temperature contrast between warm and cold air masses.
    C. Tropical cyclones occur only in the Southern Hemisphere, while extra-tropical cyclones occur only in the Northern Hemisphere.
    D. Tropical cyclones are associated with cold fronts, while extra-tropical cyclones are associated with warm fronts.
    Answer: B. Tropical cyclones derive their energy from warm ocean waters, while extra-tropical cyclones are fueled by the temperature contrast between warm and cold air masses. 
  24. Which stage of a tropical cyclone’s life cycle is characterized by the formation of a well-defined eye?
    A. Formation and Initial Development Stage
    B. Mature Stage
    C. Modification and Decay Stage
    D. Dissipation Stage
    Answer: B. Mature Stage 
  25. In which region is a tropical cyclone referred to as a “typhoon”?
    A. Indian Ocean
    B. Atlantic Ocean
    C. China Sea and Pacific Ocean
    D. Gulf of Mexico
    Answer: C. China Sea and Pacific Ocean
  26. Which is the largest active volcano on Earth?
    A. Mount Etna
    B. Mauna Loa
    C. Kilauea
    D. Piton de la Fournaise
    Answer: B. Mauna Loa
    Explanation: Mauna Loa, located in Hawaii, USA, is the largest active volcano on Earth. It is a shield volcano that rises about 4,170 meters above sea level and has a volume of around 75,000 cubic kilometers. 
  27. Where is Mount Etna, the largest active volcano in Europe, located?
    A. Canary Islands, Spain
    B. Reunion Island, Indian Ocean
    C. Sicily, Italy
    D. Java, Indonesia
    Answer: C. Sicily, Italy
    Explanation: Mount Etna is located on the east coast of Sicily, Italy. It is a stratovolcano that rises about 3,329 meters above sea level and has been erupting continuously for thousands of years. 
  28. Which volcano is known for its highly fluid lava that can move at speeds of up to 100 km/h?
    A. Mount Nyiragongo
    B. Sangay
    C. Mount Yasur
    D. Popocatépetl
    Answer: A. Mount Nyiragongo
    Explanation: Mount Nyiragongo, located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is known for its highly fluid lava that can move at speeds of up to 100 km/h. It is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the world. 
  29. What type of volcano is Kilauea, one of the world’s most active volcanoes?
    A. Stratovolcano
    B. Shield volcano
    C. Cinder cone
    D. Lava dome
    Answer: B. Shield volcano
    Explanation: Kilauea, located on the Big Island of Hawaii, is a shield volcano. It rises about 1,247 meters above sea level and has a volume of around 75 cubic kilometers. It has been erupting continuously since 1983. 
  30. Which volcano is located on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean and is one of the most active in the world?
    A. Piton de la Fournaise
    B. Mount Shasta
    C. Mount Merapi
    D. Mount Fuji
    Answer: A. Piton de la Fournaise
    Explanation: Piton de la Fournaise is located on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. It is a shield volcano that rises about 2,632 meters above sea level and has a volume of around 530 cubic kilometers. It is one of the most active volcanoes in the world.

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