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Top 30 Human Digestive System MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 25 February 2024

Human Digestive System proficiency is a crucial skill for various competitive exams, including OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor. The human digestive system is a complex network of organs and processes that work together to break down food into nutrients that the body can absorb and utilize. Let’s explore the top 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) that cover essential Human Digestive System topics, along with their answers.

Top 30 Human Digestive System MCQS For OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor

By practicing these MCQs, Candidates can enhance their Human Digestive System skills and increase their chances of success in competitive exams. Remember to refer to the official syllabus and exam pattern for comprehensive preparation. Good luck!

  1. What is the longest segment of the human digestive system?
    (a) Pancreatic duct
    (b) Small intestine
    (c) Large intestine
    (d) Esophagus
    Answer: (b) Small intestine
  2. Which enzyme in the human body initiates the digestion of proteins?
    (a) Trypsin
    (b) Lactose
    (c) Pepsin
    (d) None of these
    Answer: (c) Pepsin
  3. Which gland is responsible for producing insulin, the primary hormone in the body for sugar metabolism?
    (a) Pancreas
    (b) Pituitary glands
    (c) Salivary glands
    (d) Intestinal glands
    Answer: (a) Pancreas
  4. Where is the majority of water absorbed from indigestible food?
    (a) Stomach
    (b) Foodpipe
    (c) Pancreas
    (d) Large Intestine
    Answer: (d) Large Intestine
  5. Which portion of the stomach opens into the small intestine?
    (a) Cardiac portion
    (b) Fundic portion
    (c) Pyloric portion
    (d) Body portion
    Answer: (c) Pyloric portion
  6. In which part of the body do the majority of digestive processes occur?
    (a) Small intestine
    (b) Large intestine
    (c) Stomach
    (d) None of the above
    Answer: (a) Small intestine
  7. Which hydrolytic enzyme functions in a low pH environment?
    (a) Peroxidases
    (b) Hydrolases
    (c) Amylases
    (d) Proteases
    Answer: (d) Proteases
  8. Where is bile juice formed in the human body?
    (a) Kidney
    (b) Salivary Gland
    (c) Liver
    (d) Lung
    Answer: (c) Liver
  9. Which of the following is not a human salivary gland?
    (a) Parotid
    (b) Submaxillary
    (c) Sublingual
    (d) Infra-orbital
    Answer: (d) Infra-orbital
  10. Which part of the human body secretes the enzyme “Diastase”?
    (a) Oral Cavity
    (b) Stomach
    (c) Ileum
    (d) Duodenum
    Answer: (a) Oral Cavity
  11. Which organ is affected by the illness cirrhosis?
    (a) Kidney
    (b) Liver
    (c) Pancreas
    (d) Small intestine
    Answer: (b) Liver
  12. In which area of the Alimentary Canal is the Rennin enzyme secreted?
    (a) Stomach
    (b) Mouth
    (c) Pancreas
    (d) Duodenum
    Answer: (a) Stomach
  13. What is made and stored in the liver cells?
    (a) Galactose
    (b) Lactose
    (c) Glycogen
    (d) Arabinose
    Answer: (c) Glycogen
  14. Which disease is caused by a nicotinic acid deficiency?
    (a) Anemia
    (b) Osteomalacia
    (c) Xerophthalmia
    (d) Pellagra
    Answer: (d) Pellagra
  15. What is the function of saliva in digestion?
    (a) Starch
    (b) Fiber
    (c) Proteins
    (d) Fats
    Answer: (a) Starch
  16. What is the procedure for ingesting food known as?
    (a) Digestion
    (b) Assimilation
    (c) Ingestion
    (d) Egestion
    Answer: (c) Ingestion
  17. Which of the following is not involved in the stimulation of the release of pancreatic juice?
    (a) gastrin
    (b) Secretin
    (c) Trypsinogen
    (d) Cholecystokinin
    Answer: (d) Cholecystokinin
  18. After digestion, what is protein transformed into?
    (a) Glucose
    (b) Sucrose
    (c) Fat
    (d) Amino Acid
    Answer: (d) Amino acids
  19. Which pancreatic cells are secreted by the Insulin hormone?
    (a) α – cells
    (b) β – cells
    (c) Delta cells
    (d) Gamma cells
    Answer: (b) β – cells
  20. Where does the majority of fat digestion take place?
    (a) Rectum
    (b) Small intestine
    (c) Duodenum
    (d) Stomach
    Answer: (b) Small intestine
  21. What is the primary function of the digestive system?
    a) Pump blood throughout the body
    b) Break down food and absorb nutrients
    c) Filter toxins from the bloodstream
    d) Regulate body temperature
    Answer: b) Break down food and absorb nutrients
  22. Which of the following organs is NOT part of the digestive system?
    a) Liver
    b) Pancreas
    c) Kidney
    d) Gall bladder
    Answer: c) Kidney
  23. Where does the digestive process begin?
    a) Stomach
    b) Small intestine
    c) Mouth
    d) Oesophagus
    Answer: c) Mouth
  24. What are the primary nutrients broken down by the digestive system?
    a) Vitamins and minerals
    b) Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
    c) Fiber and cellulose
    d) Electrolytes
    Answer: b) Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
  25. What is the final destination of waste products in the digestive system?
    a) Kidneys
    b) Liver
    c) Lungs
    d) Anus
    Answer: d) Anus
  26. What is diverticulosis?
    a) Inflammation of the large intestine
    b) Formation of abnormal pouches in the lower part of the large intestine
    c) Infection of the large intestine
    d) Narrowing of the large intestine
    Answer: b) Formation of abnormal pouches in the lower part of the large intestine
  27. At what age does diverticulosis commonly occur?
    a) 20 years and above
    b) 30 years and above
    c) 40 years and above
    d) 50 years and above
    Answer: c) 40 years and above
  28. What percentage of people over the age of 70 may have diverticulosis?
    a) 25%
    b) 50%
    c) 75%
    d) 90%
    Answer: b) 50%
  29. Which condition involves the inflammation or infection of the abnormal pouches in diverticulosis?
    a) Appendicitis
    b) Crohn’s disease
    c) Diverticulitis
    d) Gastritis
    Answer: c) Diverticulitis
  30. What part of the large intestine is typically affected by diverticulosis?
    a) Ascending colon
    b) Transverse colon
    c) Descending colon
    d) Sigmoid colon
    Answer: d) Sigmoid colon

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