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Top 30 Inventions and Discoveries MCQs for OSSSC LI, Forester, FG 14 January 2024

In the dynamic world of science and technology, knowledge about significant inventions and discoveries is crucial. For candidates preparing for OSSSC LI (Livestock Inspector), Forester, and Forest Guard (FG) exams, understanding these breakthroughs is essential. This article presents 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on inventions and discoveries at a moderate difficulty level, offering a comprehensive test for aspirants.

Top 30 Inventions and Discoveries MCQs for OSSSC LI, Forester, FG

These 30 Inventions and Discoveries MCQs aim to assess your knowledge of groundbreaking innovations in science and technology. Regular practice of such questions will not only help you in acing OSSSC LI, Forester, and FG exams but also enhance your overall awareness of significant contributions to human progress.

  1. Who is credited with the invention of the telephone?
    a. Thomas Edison
    b. Alexander Graham Bell
    c. Nikola Tesla
    d. Samuel Morse

    Correct Answer: b. Alexander Graham Bell


  2. Which scientist discovered penicillin, the first antibiotic?
    a. Louis Pasteur
    b. Alexander Fleming
    c. Marie Curie
    d. Joseph Lister

    Correct Answer: b. Alexander Fleming


  3. Who is known for the invention of the World Wide Web (WWW)?
    a. Tim Berners-Lee
    b. Bill Gates
    c. Mark Zuckerberg
    d. Steve Jobs

    Correct Answer: a. Tim Berners-Lee


  4. What did Marie Curie discover, leading to her Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903?
    a. Radioactivity
    b. X-rays
    c. Electromagnetism
    d. Quantum theory

    Correct Answer: a. Radioactivity


  5. Who invented the first practical and commercially successful sewing machine?
    a. Elias Howe
    b. Isaac Singer
    c. Thomas Edison
    d. Karl Benz

    Correct Answer: b. Isaac Singer


  6. Which inventor is associated with the development of the light bulb?
    a. Thomas Edison
    b. Nikola Tesla
    c. James Watt
    d. Benjamin Franklin

    Correct Answer: a. Thomas Edison


  7. Who discovered the law of gravity and formulated the laws of motion?
    a. Albert Einstein
    b. Sir Isaac Newton
    c. Galileo Galilei
    d. Johannes Kepler

    Correct Answer: b. Sir Isaac Newton


  8. What invention is credited to the Wright brothers?
    a. Television
    b. Airplane
    c. Computer
    d. Automobile

    Correct Answer: b. Airplane


  9. Who is the inventor of the polio vaccine?
    a. Jonas Salk
    b. Edward Jenner
    c. Louis Pasteur
    d. Albert Sabin

    Correct Answer: a. Jonas Salk


  10. The discovery of the structure of DNA is credited to:
    a. James Watson and Francis Crick
    b. Rosalind Franklin
    c. Linus Pauling
    d. Maurice Wilkins

    Correct Answer: a. James Watson and Francis Crick


  11. Which scientist formulated the theory of relativity?
    a. Isaac Newton
    b. Albert Einstein
    c. Max Planck
    d. Niels Bohr

    Correct Answer: b. Albert Einstein


  12. Who invented the first practical telephone exchange?
    a. Elisha Gray
    b. Alexander Graham Bell
    c. Antonio Meucci
    d. Thomas Edison

    Correct Answer: c. Antonio Meucci


  13. The discovery of insulin, vital for diabetes treatment, is credited to:
    a. Frederick Banting and Charles Best
    b. Jonas Salk
    c. Edward Jenner
    d. Louis Pasteur

    Correct Answer: a. Frederick Banting and Charles Best


  14. Who is known for the invention of the periodic table of elements?
    a. Dmitri Mendeleev
    b. Marie Curie
    c. Antoine Lavoisier
    d. Niels Bohr

    Correct Answer: a. Dmitri Mendeleev


  15. Which inventor developed the first practical steam engine?
    a. Thomas Edison
    b. James Watt
    c. George Stephenson
    d. Nikola Tesla

    Correct Answer: b. James Watt


  16. Who discovered the double-helix structure of DNA?
    a. Rosalind Franklin
    b. James Watson
    c. Maurice Wilkins
    d. Francis Crick

    Correct Answer: d. Francis Crick


  17. The pacemaker, a device used in medical treatment, was invented by:
    a. John Hopps
    b. Earl Bakken
    c. Alfred Nobel
    d. Benjamin Franklin

    Correct Answer: b. Earl Bakken


  18. Who is known for the invention of the telegraph and Morse code?
    a. Thomas Edison
    b. Alexander Graham Bell
    c. Samuel Morse
    d. Guglielmo Marconi

    Correct Answer: c. Samuel Morse


  19. What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched into space?
    a. Apollo 11
    b. Sputnik 1
    c. Hubble Space Telescope
    d. Voyager 1

    Correct Answer: b. Sputnik 1


  20. Who invented the first practical camera?
    a. George Eastman
    b. Louis Daguerre
    c. Thomas Edison
    d. Alfred Nobel

    Correct Answer: b. Louis Daguerre

    Top 30 Inventions and Discoveries MCQs for OSSSC LI, Forester, FG 14 January 2024_4.1

  21. The discovery of penicillin is attributed to:
    a. Joseph Lister
    b. Louis Pasteur
    c. Alexander Fleming
    d. Edward Jenner

    Correct Answer: c. Alexander Fleming


  22. Who invented the World’s first computer?
    a. Charles Babbage
    b. Alan Turing
    c. John von Neumann
    d. Steve Jobs

    Correct Answer: a. Charles Babbage


  23. What invention is associated with the name Nikola Tesla?
    a. Radio
    b. Television
    c. Alternating Current (AC) electricity
    d. X-rays

    Correct Answer: c. Alternating Current (AC) electricity


  24. Who discovered radium and polonium, pioneering research on radioactivity?
    a. Marie Curie
    b. Ernest Rutherford
    c. Wilhelm Roentgen
    d. Max Planck

    Correct Answer: a. Marie Curie


  25. The invention of the steam locomotive is attributed to:
    a. George Stephenson
    b. Nikola Tesla
    c. Thomas Edison
    d. James Watt

    Correct Answer: a. George Stephenson


  26. Who is credited with the invention of the printing press?
    a. Johannes Gutenberg
    b. Leonardo da Vinci
    c. Benjamin Franklin
    d. William Caxton

    Correct Answer: a. Johannes Gutenberg


  27. Which scientist discovered X-rays?
    a. Marie Curie
    b. Wilhelm Roentgen
    c. Max Planck
    d. Ernest Rutherford

    Correct Answer: b. Wilhelm Roentgen


  28. Who invented the first practical refrigerator?
    a. Albert Einstein
    b. Thomas Edison
    c. Oliver Evans
    d. James Clerk Maxwell

    Correct Answer: c. Oliver Evans


  29. The discovery of the electron is attributed to:
    a. J.J. Thomson
    b. Ernest Rutherford
    c. Niels Bohr
    d. Max Planck

    Correct Answer: a. J.J. Thomson


  30. What invention is associated with the name Guglielmo Marconi?
    a. Telephone
    b. Radio
    c. Television
    d. Microwave oven

    Correct Answer: b. Radio

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