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Top 30 Inventions and Discoveries MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 20 January 2024

The world of inventions and discoveries has shaped the course of human history, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and technological advancement. As you gear up for competitive exams like OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor, a solid understanding of pivotal inventions is paramount. This article presents a curated set of Top 30 Inventions and Discoveries Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) to test and enhance your knowledge across various fields.

1. Question: Who is credited with the invention of the telephone?

[A] Thomas Edison
[B] Alexander Graham Bell
[C] Nikola Tesla
[D] Guglielmo Marconi
Answer: B [Alexander Graham Bell]
2. Question: In which year was the discovery of penicillin made by Alexander Fleming?

[A] 1928
[B] 1935
[C] 1942
[D] 1950
Answer: A [1928]
3. Question: What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched into space?

[A] Apollo 11
[B] Sputnik 1
[C] Hubble Space Telescope
[D] Explorer 1
Answer: B [Sputnik 1]
4. Question: Who discovered the theory of relativity?

[A] Isaac Newton
[B] Albert Einstein
[C] Galileo Galilei
[D] Stephen Hawking
Answer: B [Albert Einstein]
5. Question: What invention is associated with Thomas Edison?

[A] Steam Engine
[B] Telegraph
[C] Light Bulb
[D] Printing Press
Answer: C [Light Bulb]
6. Question: Who invented the World Wide Web?

[A] Tim Berners-Lee
[B] Bill Gates
[C] Mark Zuckerberg
[D] Steve Jobs
Answer: A [Tim Berners-Lee]
7. Question: The discovery of radium and polonium is credited to which scientist?

[A] Marie Curie
[B] Albert Einstein
[C] Niels Bohr
[D] Enrico Fermi
Answer: A [Marie Curie]
8. Question: In which year was the first successful human heart transplant performed?

[A] 1954
[B] 1967
[C] 1975
[D] 1982
Answer: B [1967]
9. Question: Who is known as the “Father of Modern Physics”?

[A] Isaac Newton
[B] Niels Bohr
[C] Galileo Galilei
[D] Albert Einstein
Answer: D [Albert Einstein]
10. Question: What invention is associated with James Watt?
– [A] Steam Engine
– [B] Telegraph
– [C] Telephone
– [D] Printing Press
– Answer: A [Steam Engine]

Top 30 Inventions and Discoveries MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 20 January 2024_3.1

11. Question: Who is known for the invention of the first practical telephone exchange?

[A] Alexander Graham Bell
[B] Thomas Edison
[C] Nikola Tesla
[D] Guglielmo Marconi
Answer: A [Alexander Graham Bell]
12. Question: The discovery of penicillin revolutionized which field of medicine?

[A] Cardiology
[B] Oncology
[C] Antibiotics
[D] Radiology
Answer: C [Antibiotics]
13. Question: Who is known for the invention of the first practical light bulb?

[A] Thomas Edison
[B] Nikola Tesla
[C] Benjamin Franklin
[D] James Clerk Maxwell
Answer: A [Thomas Edison]
14. Question: In which year did Yuri Gagarin become the first human to orbit the Earth in space?

[A] 1957
[B] 1961
[C] 1969
[D] 1972
Answer: B [1961]
15. Question: Who is credited with the invention of the computer mouse?

[A] Steve Jobs
[B] Bill Gates
[C] Douglas Engelbart
[D] Mark Zuckerberg
Answer: C [Douglas Engelbart]
16. Question: What invention is associated with the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur?

[A] Automobile
[B] Airplane
[C] Submarine
[D] Helicopter
Answer: B [Airplane]
17. Question: The discovery of the electron is attributed to which scientist?

[A] James Clerk Maxwell
[B] J.J. Thomson
[C] Marie Curie
[D] Werner Heisenberg
Answer: B [J.J. Thomson]
18. Question: Who is known for the invention of the first successful polio vaccine?

[A] Edward Jenner
[B] Louis Pasteur
[C] Albert Sabin
[D] Joseph Lister
Answer: C [Albert Sabin]
19. Question: In which year was the theory of radioactivity proposed by Henri Becquerel?

[A] 1896
[B] 1901
[C] 1911
[D] 1923
Answer: A [1896]
20. Question: What is the name of the space telescope launched by NASA in 1990?

[A] Kepler Space Telescope
[B] Hubble Space Telescope
[C] Chandra X-ray Observatory
[D] Spitzer Space Telescope
Answer: B [Hubble Space Telescope]


21. Question: Who discovered that some molecules have mirror images?

    • a) Henry Moseley
    • b) Lord Kelvin
    • c) Robert Hooke
    • d) Louis Pasteur

Answer: d [Louis Pasteur]

22. Question: Who is credited with inventing the computer?

      • a) Roger Bacon
      • b) Tim Treling
      • c) Joseph Aspdin
      • d) Charles Babbage
      • Answer: d [Charles Babbage]

23. Question: Who invented the mobile phone?

        • a) Martin Cooper
        • b) Roger Bacon
        • c) Anthony Blatner
        • d) Thomas Edison
        • Answer: a [Martin Cooper]

24. Question: Who, along with Robert Cailliau, invented the World Wide Web?

    • a) Steve Jobs
    • b) Eli Whitney
    • c) Tim Berners-Lee
    • d) Anthony Blatner
    • Answer: c [Tim Berners-Lee]

25. Question: Who invented the first video game console for home?

    • a) Henry Moseley
    • b) Eli Whitney
    • c) Ralph Baer
    • d) Philo Barnworth

Answer: c [Ralph Baer]

26. Question: In which year was the barbed wire invented?

      • a) 1840
      • b) 1900
      • c) 1895
      • d) 1874
      • Answer: d [1874]

27.Question: Who invented the ceiling fan?

    • a) Charles Thermos
    • b) Philip Diehl
    • c) Roduolf Diesel
    • d) Alexander Bereznyak

Answer: b [Philip Diehl]

28. Question: When was MS-DOS developed?

      • a) 1990
      • b) 1975
      • c) 1981
      • d) 1985
      • Answer: c [1981]

29. Question: In which decade was the solid-state integrated circuit demonstrated?

    • a) 1980s
    • b) 1960s
    • c) 1970s
    • d) 1950s
    • Answer: b [1960s]

30. Question: What did Galileo invent?

    • a) Pendulum Clock
    • b) Telescope
    • c) Microscope
    • d) Barometer
    • Answer: b [Telescope]
