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Top 30 Martial Arts in India(GK) MCQs For OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 28 June 2024

India, with its rich and diverse cultural heritage, boasts a plethora of traditional martial arts that are practiced across its length and breadth. These martial arts are not just about combat but also focus on discipline, self-defense, physical fitness, and mental well-being. If you’re preparing for competitive exams like OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, or ICDS Supervisor, having knowledge about these martial arts can be an advantage. Here are 30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to help you get acquainted with the top martial arts in India.

Top 30 Martial Arts in India(GK) MCQs For OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor

  1. Kalaripayattu originated in which Indian state?
    a) Tamil Nadu
    b) Karnataka
    c) Kerala
    d) Andhra Pradesh
    Answer: c) Kerala
  2. What does the term ‘Kalari’ refer to in the context of Kalaripayattu?
    a) A type of weapon
    b) A training hall
    c) A form of meditation
    d) A fighting technique
    Answer: b) A training hall
  3. Which aspect is considered the most important in Kalaripayattu?
    a) Drumming
    b) Song
    c) Footwork
    d) Meditation
    Answer: c) Footwork
  4. What is ‘Uzhichil’ in Kalaripayattu?
    a) A type of combat
    b) A weapon
    c) A ritual
    d) A massage with Gingli oil
    Answer: d) A massage with Gingli oil
  5. What does ‘Verumkai’ refer to in Kalaripayattu?
    a) Sword fight
    b) Bare-handed fight
    c) Body exercises
    d) Use of metal weapons
    Answer: b) Bare-handed fight
  6. Silambam is a martial art form from which Indian state?
    a) Kerala
    b) Karnataka
    c) Tamil Nadu
    d) Andhra Pradesh
    Answer: c) Tamil Nadu
  7. Which literature mentions the trade of Silambam staves?
    a) Ramayana
    b) Silappadikaram
    c) Mahabharata
    d) Thirukkural
    Answer: b) Silappadikaram
  8. What is the primary weapon used in Silambam?
    a) Sword
    b) Spear
    c) Bamboo stave
    d) Shield
    Answer: c) Bamboo stave
  9. Thang-ta is an armed martial art form created by which people?
    a) Meitei
    b) Tamil
    c) Malayali
    d) Kannadiga
    Answer: a) Meitei
  10. What does ‘Thang’ and ‘Ta’ refer to in Thang-ta?
    a) Shield and spear
    b) Sword and spear
    c) Sword and shield
    d) Spear and bow
    Answer: b) Sword and spear
  11. What is the primary weapon used in Cheibi Gad-ga?
    A) Sword and Shield
    B) Stick encased in soft leather and Leather Shield
    C) Bow and Arrow
    D) Spear and Shield
    Answer: B) Stick encased in soft leather and Leather Shield
  12. What is the diameter of the contest circle in Cheibi Gad-ga?
    A) 5 meters
    B) 6 meters
    C) 7 meters
    D) 8 meters
    Answer: C) 7 meters
  13. How far apart are the two lines within the contest circle of Cheibi Gad-ga?
    A) 1 meter
    B) 2 meters
    C) 3 meters
    D) 4 meters
    Answer: B) 2 meters
  14. What is the length range of the ‘Cheibi’ stick used in Cheibi Gad-ga?
    A) 1 to 1.5 feet
    B) 1.5 to 2 feet
    C) 2 to 2.5 feet
    D) 2.5 to 3 feet
    Answer: C) 2 to 2.5 feet
  15. What is the diameter of the shield used in Cheibi Gad-ga?
    A) 0.5 meters
    B) 1 meter
    C) 1.5 meters
    D) 2 meters
    Answer: B) 1 meter
  16. On what basis is victory achieved in Cheibi Gad-ga?
    A) The number of rounds won
    B) The points earned during a duel
    C) The duration of the fight
    D) The number of knockouts
    Answer: B) The points earned during a duel
  17. What is the main criteria for awarding points in Cheibi Gad-ga?
    A) Number of hits
    B) Length of the duel
    C) Skills and brute force
    D) Defensive maneuvers
    Answer: C) Skills and brute force
  18. Which state in India is the origin of Cheibi Gad-ga?
    A) Bihar
    B) Himachal Pradesh
    C) Manipur
    D) Punjab
    Answer: C) Manipur
  19. What does the term ‘Cheibi’ refer to in the context of Cheibi Gad-ga?
    A) Shield
    B) Stick
    C) Sword
    D) Circle
    Answer: B) Stick
  20. Which of the following martial arts involves archery skills?
    A) Cheibi Gad-ga
    B) Pari-khanda
    C) Thoda
    D) Gatka
    Answer: C) Thoda
  21. What is the origin state of Pari-khanda?
    A) Bihar
    B) Maharashtra
    C) Punjab
    D) Mizoram
    Answer: A) Bihar
  22. Which festival is Thoda associated with?
    A) Holi
    B) Diwali
    C) Baisakhi
    D) Navratri
    Answer: C) Baisakhi
  23. What do the two teams in Thoda symbolize?
    A) Pandavas and Kauravas
    B) Rama and Ravana
    C) Krishna and Kansa
    D) Arjuna and Karna
    Answer: A) Pandavas and Kauravas
  24. Which martial art is performed by the Sikhs of Punjab?
    A) Cheibi Gad-ga
    B) Gatka
    C) Lathi
    D) Musti Yuddha
    Answer: B) Gatka
  25. What are the unique weapons used in Mardani Khel?
    A) Sword and Shield
    B) Stick and Leather Shield
    C) Patta and Vita
    D) Bow and Arrow
    Answer: C) Patta and Vita
  26. Where is Inbuan Wrestling predominantly practiced?
    A) Manipur
    B) Punjab
    C) Maharashtra
    D) Mizoram
    Answer: D) Mizoram
  27. Which unarmed Dravidian martial art is mainly practiced in Tamil Nadu?
    A) Kuttu Varisai
    B) Lathi
    C) Thoda
    D) Mardani Khel
    Answer: A) Kuttu Varisai
  28. Which martial art involves techniques such as grappling, striking, and locking?
    A) Cheibi Gad-ga
    B) Thoda
    C) Kuttu Varisai
    D) Gatka
    Answer: C) Kuttu Varisai
  29. In Musti Yuddha, what does the category ‘Hanumanti’ focus on?
    A) Technical superiority
    B) Sheer strength
    C) Limb and joint breaking
    D) Forcing the opponent into submission
    Answer: A) Technical superiority
  30. Which martial art was once popular in Varanasi and resembles boxing?
    A) Gatka
    B) Musti Yuddha
    C) Pari-khanda
    D) Lathi
    Answer: B) Musti Yuddha

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