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Top 30 MCQs on Indian Constitution and its features for OSSSC RI, ARI, AMIN,SFS, ICDS Supervisor 13 January 2024

The Indian Constitution is the bedrock of the world’s largest democracy, providing the framework for governance and safeguarding the rights of its citizens. Aspirants preparing for exams like OSSSC RI, ARI, AMIN,SFS, ICDS Supervisor need a comprehensive understanding of the Constitution and its features. In this article, we present a curated set of 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to help you assess and enhance your knowledge about the Indian Constitution.

Top 30 MCQs on Indian Constitution and its features for OSSSC RI, ARI, AMIN,SFS, ICDS Supervisor

Mastering the intricacies of the Indian Constitution is crucial for success in exams like OSSSC RI, ARI, AMIN,SFS, ICDS Supervisor. These 30 MCQs cover a range of topics, allowing aspirants to evaluate their knowledge and focus on areas that require further attention. Keep honing your understanding of the Constitution to excel in your preparations and future endeavors.

1. In the context of our constitution, which event on December 13, 1946, is associated with the following?
[A] Cabinet Mission Plan
[B] Setting up of Constituent Assembly
[C] First meeting of Constituent Assembly
[D] Objective Resolution was moved

Answer: D [Objective Resolution was moved]

2. How many items were added to the 12th schedule by the 74th Amendment of the Constitution?
[A] 11
[B] 16
[C] 18
[D] 20

Answer: C [18]

3. Who nominates the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of India?
[A] Prime Minister
[B] President
[C] Speaker of Lok Sabha
[D] Chairman of Rajya Sabha

Answer: C [Speaker of Lok Sabha]

4. Which article was inserted in the Indian Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976, in view of India being a signatory to the Stockholm Conference of 1972?
[A] Article 45
[B] Article 47
[C] Article 47 A
[D] Article 48 A

Answer: D [Article 48 A]

5. Which of the following is not a constitutional body?
[A] Election Commission
[B] Union Public Service Commission
[C] NITI Aayog
[D] Finance Commission

Answer: C [NITI Aayog]

6. What was also referred to as the Constitution of the Commonwealth of India by some scholars?
[A] Government of India Act 1935
[B] Nehru Report
[C] Objective Resolution
[D] Resolution by Swaraj Party in 1924

Answer: B [Nehru Report]

7. Many key features of the constitution, such as the federal structure of government, provincial autonomy, a bicameral central legislature, and the principle of separation of powers, are directly taken from:
[A] Nehru Report of 1928
[B] Government of India Act, 1919
[C] Government of India Act, 1935
[D] Indian Independence Act, 1947

Answer: C [Government of India Act, 1935]

8. The president of India can summon a joint session of the Parliament in case of a deadlock between the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha during the passage of which of the following?

  • Ordinary Legislation
  • Money Bill
  • Constitution Amendment Bill
  • Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 1 & 2
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
Answer: A [Only 1]

9. Which act abolished dyarchy in the provinces and introduced provincial autonomy in its place?
[A] Indian Councils Act, 1909
[B] Government of India Act, 1919
[C] Government of India Act, 1935
[D] None of the above

Answer: C [Government of India Act, 1935]

10. In which part of the Indian Constitution is the Right to Property included?
[A] Part III
[B] Part X
[C] Part XII
[D] Part XIV

Answer: C [Part XII]

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11. The court issues which writ to inquire into the legality of a person’s claim to a public office.
[A] Quo-Warranto
[B] Mandamus
[C] Certiorari
[D] Prohibition
Answer: A [Quo-Warranto]

12. Under the Indian Constitution, which article protects a person’s right to travel abroad?
[A] Article 15
[B] Article 21
[C] Article 19
[D] None of the above
Answer: B [Article 21]

13. How many Fundamental Duties are there in the Constitution of India?
[A] 9
[B] 10
[C] 11
[D] 12
Answer: C [11]

14. Which country follows the model of a presidential form of government?
[A] Britain
[B] Japan
[C] India
Answer: D [USA]

15. Who pointed out, ‘the cabinet is a hyphen that joins the buckle that binds the executive and legislative departments together’?
[A] Bagehot
[B] Jennings
[C] Herbert Marrison
[D] H.R.G. Greaves
Answer: A [Bagehot]

16. Which Constitutional Amendment made it obligatory for the President to give his assent to a constitutional amendment bill?
[A] 23rd
[B] 24th
[C] 25th
[D] 26th
Answer: B [24th]

17. Under what circumstances can a Speaker of Lok Sabha be removed before the expiry of his term?
[A] If the Prime Minister decides so
[B] If both houses of Parliament pass a resolution to this effect
[C] If the President recommends the Prime Minister
[D] If the Lok Sabha passes a resolution to this effect
Answer: D [If the Lok Sabha passes a resolution to this effect]

18. Which Amendment abolished the system of Election Tribunals?
[A] 12th
[B] 14th
[C] 17th
[D] 19th
Answer: D [19th]

19. Who decides the salaries, allowances, privileges, leave, and pension of the judges of the Supreme Court?
[A] President
[B] Prime Minister
[C] Parliament
[D] Council of Ministers
Answer: C [Parliament]

20. What is the maximum age until which a Supreme Court judge can hold office?
[A] 60 years
[B] 62 years
[C] 65 years
[D] 70 years
Answer: C [65 years]

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21. Which former union territories have attained statehood?
[A] Himachal Pradesh
[B] Goa
[C] Arunachal Pradesh
[D] All of the above
Answer: D [All of the above]

22. Which article of the Constitution envisions a special system of administration for certain areas designated as ‘scheduled areas’ and ‘tribal areas’?
[A] Article 243
[B] Article 244
[C] Article 245
[D] Article 246
Answer: B [Article 244]

23. When was the institution of Electricity Ombudsman created?
[A] 2002
[B] 2003
[C] 2004
[D] 2005
Answer: B [2003]

24. What is the consequence if NOTA votes exceed 50%?
[A] Elections are cancelled
[B] It does not affect the election results
[C] Election is again organized in constituencies where NOTA vote was more than 50%
[D] None of the above
Answer: B [It does not affect the election results]

25. Which of the following rejected the idea of making voting compulsory?
[A] K.M. Munshi
[B] Jawaharlal Nehru
[C] Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
[D] Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: C [Dr. B.R. Ambedkar]

26. What is the maximum age till which the chairman and members of the State Public Service Commission can hold office?
[A] 60
[B] 62
[C] 65
[D] 70
Answer: B [62]

27. Who is authorized to suspend or remove the chairman and members of a Joint State Public Service Commission (JSPSC)?
[A] High Court
[B] Concerned State Legislatures
[C] President
[D] Governor
Answer: C [President]

28. Which of the following statements is correct regarding NITI Aayog?
[A] NITI Aayog was Formed on 24 January 2015
[B] NITI Aayog comes under the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs
[C] NITI Aayog is a policy think tank of the Government of India
[D] All of the above
Answer: C [NITI Aayog is a policy think tank of the Government of India]

29. Which of the following assist the Attorney General in the fulfilment of his official responsibilities?

  • 1. Solicitor General of India
  • 2. Additional Solicitor General of India
  • 3. Chief Justice of India

Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 1 & 2
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3

Answer: B [Only 1 & 2]

30. The State Finance Commission makes which of the following recommendations to the Governor of the state?

  • 1. The principles governing determination of taxes, duties, tolls, and fees that may be assigned to the panchayats.
  • 2. The measures needed to improve the financial position of the panchayats.
  • 3. The grants in aid to the panchayats from the consolidated fund of the state.

Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3

Answer: D [1, 2 & 3]
