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Top 30 Nobel Prize MCQs for OSSSC RI, ARI, AMIN,SFS, ICDS Supervisor 13 January 2024

The Nobel Prizes are prestigious awards given annually in recognition of outstanding achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace, and Economic Sciences. In 2023, remarkable individuals were honored for their contributions to various fields. This article provides a set of 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to the 2023 Nobel Laureates, along with their correct answers, designed at a moderate difficulty level. This will serve as a valuable resource for candidates preparing for OSSSC RI, ARI, AMIN, SFS, ICDS Supervisor exams.

Top 30 Nobel Prize MCQs for OSSSC RI, ARI, AMIN,SFS, ICDS Supervisor

These questions provide a sample of the material that candidates can use to prepare for their OSSSC RI, ARI, AMIN, SFS, ICDS Supervisor exams, specifically focusing on the Nobel Prize laureates of 2023 and notable Indian Nobel Prize winners from 1913 to 2023.

  1. Who received the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 for experimental methods generating attosecond pulses of light for studying electron dynamics in matter?
    a. Moungi Bawendi
    b. Ferenc Krausz
    c. Katalin Karikó
    d. Anne L’HuillierCorrect Answer: b. Ferenc Krausz
  2. Which Nobel Prize in 2023 is awarded for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots?
    a. Chemistry
    b. Physics
    c. Physiology or Medicine
    d. LiteratureCorrect Answer: a. Chemistry
  3. Who are the laureates for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023, recognized for their contributions to the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19?
    a. Claudia Goldin
    b. Jon Fosse
    c. Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman
    d. Narges MohammadiCorrect Answer: c. Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman
  4. Jon Fosse received the Nobel Prize in 2023 for:
    a. Quantum dots synthesis
    b. Electron dynamics in matter
    c. Nucleoside base modifications
    d. Innovative plays and prose giving voice to the unsayableCorrect Answer: d. Innovative plays and prose giving voice to the unsayable
  5. Which Nobel Laureate was awarded the Peace Prize in 2023 for the fight against the oppression of women in Iran and the promotion of human rights and freedom?
    a. Rabindranath Tagore
    b. Mother Teresa
    c. Narges Mohammadi
    d. Kailash SatyarthiCorrect Answer: c. Narges Mohammadi
  6. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2023 was awarded to:
    a. Moungi Bawendi
    b. Louis Brus
    c. Aleksey Yekimov
    d. Claudia GoldinCorrect Answer: d. Claudia Goldin
  7. Who among the following is not a Nobel Laureate in the year 2023?
    a. Ferenc Krausz
    b. Claudia Goldin
    c. Jon Fosse
    d. Venkatraman RamakrishnanCorrect Answer: d. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
  8. In which category did Rabindranath Tagore receive the Nobel Prize in 1913?
    a. Physics
    b. Medicine
    c. Literature
    d. PeaceCorrect Answer: c. Literature
  9. Who received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2019?
    a. Rabindranath Tagore
    b. Abhijit Banerjee
    c. Amartya Sen
    d. Kailash SatyarthiCorrect Answer: b. Abhijit Banerjee
  10. Which Indian Nobel Laureate is associated with the field of Peace in 2014?
    a. C.V. Raman
    b. Mother Teresa
    c. Kailash Satyarthi
    d. Subrahmanyan ChandrasekharCorrect Answer: c. Kailash Satyarthibanner 3
  11. Who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2023 for experimental methods generating attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter?
    a. Moungi Bawendi
    b. Ferenc Krausz
    c. Katalin Karikó
    d. Claudia GoldinCorrect Answer: b. Ferenc Krausz
  12. What is the focus of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023?
    a. Study of electron dynamics in matter
    b. Discovery and synthesis of quantum dots
    c. Nucleoside base modifications
    d. Women’s labour market outcomesCorrect Answer: b. Discovery and synthesis of quantum dots
  13. Which Nobel Prize in 2023 is related to the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19?
    a. Physics
    b. Chemistry
    c. Physiology or Medicine
    d. LiteratureCorrect Answer: c. Physiology or Medicine
  14. Jon Fosse, who received the Nobel Prize in Literature 2023, is recognized for:
    a. Women’s labour market outcomes
    b. Innovative plays and prose giving voice to the unsayable
    c. Study of electron dynamics in matter
    d. Discovery and synthesis of quantum dotsCorrect Answer: b. Innovative plays and prose giving voice to the unsayable
  15. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2023 for the fight against the oppression of women in Iran and promoting human rights and freedom?
    a. Narges Mohammadi
    b. Ferenc Krausz
    c. Claudia Goldin
    d. Jon FosseCorrect Answer: a. Narges Mohammadi
  16. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2023 was awarded for:
    a. Discovery and synthesis of quantum dots
    b. Experimental methods generating attosecond pulses of light
    c. Advanced understanding of women’s labour market outcomes
    d. Development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19Correct Answer: c. Advanced understanding of women’s labour market outcomes
  17. In which year were the laureates for the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 announced?
    a. 2021
    b. 2022
    c. 2023
    d. 2024Correct Answer: c. 2023
  18. Which laureate is common to both the Nobel Prize in Physics and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023?
    a. Ferenc Krausz
    b. Moungi Bawendi
    c. Jon Fosse
    d. Narges MohammadiCorrect Answer: a. Ferenc Krausz
  19. What is the primary focus of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023?
    a. Quantum dots
    b. Women’s labour market outcomes
    c. Electron dynamics in matter
    d. mRNA vaccines against COVID-19Correct Answer: d. mRNA vaccines against COVID-19
  20. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023 for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots?
    a. Moungi Bawendi
    b. Louis Brus
    c. Aleksey Yekimov
    d. All of the aboveCorrect Answer: d. All of the abovename
  21. Which laureate received the Nobel Prize in Literature 2023?
    a. Moungi Bawendi
    b. Louis Brus
    c. Jon Fosse
    d. Claudia GoldinCorrect Answer: c. Jon Fosse
  22. What did Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman contribute to, leading to their Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023?
    a. Quantum dots
    b. Electron dynamics in matter
    c. Nucleoside base modifications
    d. Women’s labour market outcomesCorrect Answer: c. Nucleoside base modifications
  23. Which Nobel Laureate fought against the oppression of women in Iran and advocated for human rights and freedom?
    a. Ferenc Krausz
    b. Narges Mohammadi
    c. Claudia Goldin
    d. Drew WeissmanCorrect Answer: b. Narges Mohammadi
  24. Claudia Goldin, awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences 2023, is known for:
    a. Quantum dots
    b. Electron dynamics in matter
    c. Nucleoside base modifications
    d. Women’s labour market outcomesCorrect Answer: d. Women’s labour market outcomes
  25. Who among the following did NOT receive a Nobel Prize in 2023?
    a. Ferenc Krausz
    b. Moungi Bawendi
    c. Katalin Karikó
    d. Abhijit BanerjeeCorrect Answer: d. Abhijit Banerjee
  26. Which laureate’s work is primarily focused on the study of electron dynamics in matter?
    a. Moungi Bawendi
    b. Katalin Karikó
    c. Ferenc Krausz
    d. Claudia GoldinCorrect Answer: c. Ferenc Krausz
  27. In which category did Jon Fosse receive the Nobel Prize in 2023?
    a. Physics
    b. Chemistry
    c. Literature
    d. Physiology or MedicineCorrect Answer: c. Literature
  28. Who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023 for discoveries related to nucleoside base modifications enabling effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19?
    a. Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman
    b. Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus, and Aleksey Yekimov
    c. Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillier
    d. Narges MohammadiCorrect Answer: a. Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman
  29. The Nobel Peace Prize in 2023 was awarded to Narges Mohammadi for her efforts in:
    a. Electron dynamics in matter
    b. Quantum dots synthesis
    c. Fighting against the oppression of women in Iran and promoting human rights
    d. Advanced understanding of women’s labour market outcomesCorrect Answer: c. Fighting against the oppression of women in Iran and promoting human rights
  30. Who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2023 for their contributions to the experimental methods generating attosecond pulses of light?
    a. Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillier
    b. Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus, and Aleksey Yekimov
    c. Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman
    d.Claudia GoldinCorrect Answer: a. Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillierbanner 2