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Top 30 Reasoning MCQs for OSSC CGL 11 May 2024

If you’re gearing up for the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) Combined Graduate Level (CGL) examination, mastering reasoning skills is crucial. The reasoning section tests your ability to think logically and analytically. To help you prepare effectively, we’ve compiled a list of the top 30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering various reasoning topics frequently encountered in the OSSC CGL exam.

Top 30 Reasoning MCQs for OSSC CGL

Que 1.  Find the odd pair of letters from the given alternatives.

(a) Dollar

Solution: Option – (d)

Explanation:  All except Gram are names of currencies, while Gram is a unit of weight.

Que 2. 81, 64, 100, 125, 121, ?


Solution : Option – (b) 

Explanation: The pattern followed is :

92 = 81
43 = 64
102 =100
53 = 125
112 = 121
The next term will be 63 = 216.

Que 3. 64: 512 :: 49 : ?
(a) 312
(b) 372
(c) 343
(d) 332

Solution − Option – (c) 
Explanation: Here relationship is 82 : 83 :: 72: 73

Que 4. Find the odd one out from the given options.

(a) Arctic
(b) Atlantic
(c) Indian
(d) Greenland

Solution: Option (d) 

Explanation: a, b and c are oceans.

Que 5. Choose the odd word from the given words.

(c) Brain

Solution: Option (c) Brain

Explanation: Except Brain, All are external body organs

Que 6. A series is given with one term missing term. Choose the correct alternative
A, D, G, J, M, ?


Solution: Option – (a)  

Explanation: Pattern follows,


Que 7. If R = 18 , N = 14 and BALL = 27, Then value of CAT is

(a) 20
(b) 24
(c) 44
(d) 40

Solution: Option (b) 

Explanation: In alphabetical series,

The following pattern is the sum of the place values of the alphabets.
BALL = (2 + 1 + 12 + 12) = 27
CAT= 3+ 1+20= 24

Hence, the code for CAT is 24.

Que 8. 45 girls are sitting in a row. If Mama is sitting in the 21st position from the left end, then what is her position from the right end?


Solution: Option (c) 

Total number of girls = Left position + Right position – 1
45= 21+ Right position – 1 = 46 – 21 = 25
Hence, Mama is sitting in the 25th position from the right end.

Que 9. If 15 August is the third Monday, then what date will be three days after the third Tuesday of the same month?

(a) 23

Solution: Option (d) 
Explanation: If 15 August will be the third Monday then the third Tuesday must be 16 August.

Three days after the third Tuesday will be 20 August.

20 August.

Que 10. Choose the odd one out.


Solution:  Option (d) 
Explanation: All except whales lay eggs.

Que 11. Choose the correct option.

Coal : Black :: Limestone  :: ?


Solution: Option (c) 
Explanation:  Coal is black in colour similarly limestone is white in colour.

Que 12. Find out the missing number from the given responses.

21 24 36
11 14 12
3 ? 4
77 112 108


Solution: Option (b) 
Explanation: 1st column: 21/3 × 11 = 77 , 3rd column: 36/4 × 12 = 108

2nd column: 24/x × 14 = 112
x = 3.

Que 13. Find out the missing letter from the given responses.

G M ?


Solution: Option (d) 
1st column: B + 2 = D, D + 3 = G  ,

2nd column: H + 2 = J,  J + 3 = M ,

3rd column N + 2 = P,  P + 3 = S.

Que 14. Complete the code with the correct option from the following alternatives.

 BOXER : 64 :: PLAYER : ?


Solution: Option – (a) 
Explanation:  Sum of alphabetical numbers of letters
BOXER =  (2 + 15 + 24 + 5 + 18) = 64
PLAYER = (16 + 12 + 1 + 25 + 5 + 18)= 77

Que 15. Complete the number series.

1 ,9 , 25 , 49 , 81 , ?


Solution: Option – (c)
Explanation: 1, 32, 52, 72, 92  then 112.

Que 16. A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the centre. A and P are at the ends. R is sitting to the left of A. Who is to the right of P?

(c) D
Solution: Option – (b)
The seating arrangement is as follows: P X S Z R A
Therefore, the right of P is X.

Que 17. Find out the wrong number in the series.

121 , 144 , 169 , 195 , 225 , 256

(a) 121

Solution: Option – (b)
Explanation:  Each number is the consecutive square of 11 , 12 ,13 and so on,
But 142 =196 not 195

Que 18.  ELFA, GLHA, ILJA, _____, MLNA

(a) OLPA
(b) KLMA
(c) LLMA
(d) KLLA

Solution: Option- (d)
Explanation: The second and fourth letters in the series, L and A, are static. The first and third letters consist of an alphabetical order beginning with the letter E.

Que 19. Which pair does NOT belong to others?

(a) 7-49

Solution: Option – (b)
Explanation: All are numbers and their squares except option (b); which is a number and its cube

Que 20. Select the option which shares a relationship as that shared by that given pair :
(12 20 4)

(a) (5 10 5)
(b) (13 18 5)
(c) (17 27 5)
(d)(20 15 25)

Solution: Option- (b)
Explanation: The sum of the numbers is 36

12 + 20 + 4 = 36

13 + 18 + 5 = 36.

Que 21. Look at this series: 22, 21, 23, 22, 24, 23, … What number should come next?


Solution: Option – (c)
Explanation: Alternate subtraction and addition series; 1 is subtracted, then 2 is added, and so on.

Que 22. choose the odd one out of the given alternatives:


Solution: Option – (d)
Explanation: Handle, Engine, and wheel are the parts of the Bike

Que 23.  If UNIVERSITY is 0976854321, how can TRUSTY be written in that code?


Solution: Option – (a)
Explanation:        U N I V E R S I T Y                 T R U S T Y
⤓  ⤓ ⤓ ⤓ ⤓ ⤓  ⤓ ⤓ ⤓ ⤓                  ⤓ ⤓  ⤓ ⤓ ⤓ ⤓
0 9 7 6 8 5 4 3 21                  2 5 0 4 2 1

Que 24. If the given letters are represented by the numeral below them,

8 5 2 0 6 7 9 

Then 5760 =?


Solution: Option – (b)
Explanation:      R  T  S  U  V A B           5 7  6 0
8  5  2  0  6  7 9           T A V U

Que 25. Select the one which is different from the other three?


Solution: Option – (d) 
Explanation: Ladakh is a union territory, Rest are cities

Que26. If FOREST is coded as ULIVHG then FIRE is coded as?


Solution: Option – (c)

Explanation:   each letter of the word FOREST is replaced by the letter which occupies the same position from the other end of the English alphabet. Similarly, we get the code of FIRE.

Que 27. Find out the wrong number in the following series.
3375 , 4913 , 5832 , 9261 , 12167


Solution: Option – (c)

Explanation: Series follows a cube of consecutive odd numbers.
153, 173, 193, 213, 233…….. but 5832 is the cube of 18.

Direction: (Que 28- 30) Read the following and answer the following: 
The sum of the income of A and B is more than that of C and D have together.  The sum of the income of A and C is the same as that of B and D have taken together. Moreover. A earns half as much as the sum of the income of B and D. 

Que 28. Whose income is the highest? 


Solution: Option – (b)

Explanation :

(A + B) > (C +D)……(i)
(A + C) = (B + D)……(ii)
2A = B + D…(.iii)
Putting (iii) in (ii) we get, A = C.
Since (A + B) > (C + D) and A = C so B > D.
Thus, from (iii), we get B > A and so B > C.

Que 29. Which of the following statements is not correct? 

(a) B earns more than D. 
(b) C earns more than D
(c) A earns more than B
(d) B earns more than C. 

Solution: Option – (c)
Explanation :

(A + B) > (C +D)……(i)
(A + C) = (B + D)……(ii)
2A = B + D…(.iii)
Putting (iii) in (ii) we get, A = C.
Since (A + B) > (C + D) and A = C so B > D.
Thus, from (iii), we get B > A and so B > C.
B earns more than A

Que 30. If A’s income be Rs 80,000 per annum and the difference between the income 
of B and D be the same as A’s income. B’s income is,

(a)Rs 80,000
(b)Rs 1,20,000 
(c) Rs 60,000
(d) Rs 40.000

Solution: Option – (b)

Explanation :

(A + B) > (C +D)……(i)
(A + C) = (B + D)……(ii)
2A = B + D…(.iii)
Putting (iii) in (ii) we get, A = C.
Since (A + B) > (C + D) and A = C so B > D.
Thus, from (iii), we get B > A and so B > C.
(B + D = 2A ) ,(B – D = A) from these 2 equations we get 2B =2,40,000
B = 1,20,000.

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