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Top 30 Reasoning MCQs for OSSSC Accountant, DEO 02 April 2024

The OSSSC Accountant and DEO Exam 2024 are crucial examinations that require a comprehensive understanding of various Reasoning topics. To help aspirants prepare effectively, we have compiled a set of 30 competitive-level Reasoning MCQs covering a wide range of subjects.

Top 30 Reasoning MCQs for OSSSC Accountant, DEO

These 30 Reasoning Multiple Choice Questions cover a diverse range of topics relevant to the OSSSC Accountant and DEO Exam 2024. Use these questions as a tool to assess your knowledge and enhance your preparation for the upcoming examination. Remember to review the explanations and expand your understanding of each topic to ensure a well-rounded preparation. Best of luck!

  1. What is the next number in the series: 2, 4, 8, 16, ___?
    a) 24
    b) 32
    c) 64
    d) 128
    Answer: b) 32
    Explanation: Each number is being doubled to obtain the next number in the series. So, 16 * 2 = 32. 
  2. If all cats are dogs and some dogs are birds, then which statement is true?
    a) All birds are cats.
    b) Some cats are birds.
    c) Some cats are not birds
    d)Either b or c
    Answer: c) d)Either b or c
    Explanation: From the given statements, it can be inferred that there exists at least one cat which is also a bird or may not be a cat. 
  3. If 5 + 3 = 28, 9 + 1 = 810, then 8 + 6 = ?
    a) 2140
    b) 214
    c) 48
    d) 40
    Answer: b) 214
    Explanation: The pattern follows: (a + b) = (a-b)a+b. So, (8 + 6) = (8-6)8+6 = 214. 
  4. In a certain code language, “PENCIL” is written as “RGPEKN”. What is “PAPER” written as?
    a) RCRGT
    b) RCQGP
    c) RCBGP
    d) RCBHP
    Answer: a) RCRGT
    Explanation: Each letter in the word is replaced by the letter that comes two steps ahead in the English alphabet. 
  5. If a triangle has angles measuring 60°, 70°, and 50°, which type of triangle is it?
    a) Equilateral
    b) Isosceles
    c) Scalene
    d) Right-angled
    Answer: c) Scalene
    Explanation: Scalene triangles have all sides and angles different. 
  6. If circle is coded as 399335, what will be the code for square?
    a) 183195
    b) 182562
    c) 853451
    d) 257831
    Answer: a) 183195
    Explanation: The pattern follows: Each letter is coded with addition of its position in the English alphabet o a single digit like I=9,R=18=1+8=9. S(1+9)Q(1+7)U(2+1)A(1)R(1+8)E(5) 
  7. What is the missing number in the series: 3, 6, 12, 24, ___?
    a) 36
    b) 48
    c) 30
    d) 45
    Answer: b) 48
    Explanation: Each number is doubled to obtain the next number in the series. 
  8. If Monday is 1st January 2018, what day is 25th January 2018?
    a) Monday
    b) Tuesday
    c) Wednesday
    d) Thursday
  9. d) Thursday
    Explanation:To find out what day of the week January 25th, 2018 falls on, we can count the number of days between January 1st and January 25th.January has 31 days, so January 25th is 24 days after January 1st.

    Since 24 is divisible by 7 (24 ÷ 7 = 3 remainder 3), it means the day of the week advances by 3 days.

    So, if Monday is January 1st, then Tuesday is January 2nd, Wednesday is January 3rd, and Thursday is January 4th.

    Therefore, January 25th, 2018 is a Thursday.


  10. If all frogs are green and some green things are trees, then which statement is true?
    a) Some frogs are trees.
    b) All trees are frogs.
    c) Some trees are frogs.
    d) No conclusion can be drawn.
    Answer: a) Some frogs are trees.
    Explanation: From the given statements, it can be inferred that there exists at least one frog which is also a tree. 
  11. If 4 + 3 = 19, 5 + 4 = 29, then 6 + 5 = ?
    a) 56
    b) 61
    c) 41
    d) 51
    Answer: c) 41
    Explanation: The pattern follows: (a + b) = a^2 + b. 
  12. If CAT is coded as 3120, then how will DOG be coded?
    a) 5147
    b) 4157
    c) 5137
    d) 3157
    Answer: b) 4157
    Explanation: The letters are coded based on their positions in the English alphabet. 
  13. If the day after tomorrow is Thursday, what day will it be three days from now?
    a) Sunday
    b) Friday
    c) Tuesday
    d) Wednesday
    Answer: b) Friday
    Explanation: If the day after tomorrow is Thursday, then today is Tuesday.To find out what day it will be three days from now, we can count forward from Tuesday: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

    So, three days from now will be Friday.


  15. If a clock shows 2:30, what is the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand?
    a) 45°
    b) 105°
    c) 90°
    d) 120°
    Answer: b) 105°

    To find the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock at 2:30, we can use the following formula:

    Angle = |(30*H – (11/2)*M)|


    • H is the current hour (in 24-hour format)
    • M is the current minute

    For 2:30, H = 2 and M = 30.

    So, the angle = |(30*2 – (11/2)*30)| = |(60 – 165)| = 105 degrees.

    Therefore, the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand of the clock at 2:30 is 105 degrees


  16. If the pattern is 3, 6, 9, 12, ___, what is the next number?
    a) 14
    b) 15
    c) 18
    d) 21
    Answer.b) 15 Explanation: Each number is incremented by 3. 
  17. If a + b = 10 and a – b = 4, what is the value of a?
    a) 3
    b) 7
    c) 5
    d) 6
    Answer: b) 7
    Explanation: By solving the equations, a = 7 and b = 3. 
  18. If the pattern is 5, 10, 15, 20, ___, what is the next number?
    a) 22
    b) 25
    c) 24
    d) 21
    Answer: b) 25
    Explanation: Each number is incremented by 5.
  19. Odometer is to mileage as compass is to:
    a) speed
    b) hiking
    c) needle
    d) direction
    Answer: d) direction
    Explanation: An odometer measures mileage, similarly, a compass is used to determine direction.


  20. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to:
    a) winter
    b) bear
    c) dream
    d) sleep
    Answer: d) sleep
    Explanation: A marathon is a type of race, similarly, hibernation is a type of sleep.


  21. Window is to pane as book is to:
    a) novel
    b) glass
    c) cover
    d) page
    Answer: d) page
    Explanation: A window is made up of panes, similarly, a book is made up of pages.


  22. Cup is to coffee as bowl is to:
    a) dish
    b) soup
    c) spoon
    d) food
    Answer: b) soup
    Explanation: Coffee is typically contained in a cup, similarly, soup is typically served in a bowl.


  23. Yard is to inch as quart is to:
    a) gallon
    b) ounce
    c) milk
    d) liquid
    Answer: a) gallon
    Explanation: A yard is a larger unit of measurement compared to an inch, similarly, a quart is a larger unit of measurement compared to a gallon.
  24. SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKL
    a) CMN
    b) UJI
    c) VIJ
    d) IJT
    Answer: c) VIJ
    Explanation: Each letter in the series is moved one step forward in the English alphabet, so the next letters are VIJ.


  25. B2CD, _____, BCD4, B5CD, BC6D
    a) B2C2D
    b) BC3D
    c) B2C3D
    d) BCD7
    Answer: c) B2C3D
    Explanation: Each term consists of the letter “B”, followed by a number, then “CD”. The numbers increase sequentially by 1, so the missing term is B2C3D.


  26. FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____
    a) JAK
    b) HAL
    c) HAK
    d) JAI
    Answer: a) JAK
    Explanation: Each term consists of three consecutive letters of the alphabet, with the first and third letters reversed.


  27. ELFA, GLHA, ILJA, _____, MLNA
    a) OLPA
    b) KLMA
    c) LLMA
    d) KLLA
    Answer: b) KLMA
    Explanation: Each term consists of the letters shifted one step forward in the English alphabet, and the last letter of the previous term is repeated at the beginning of the next term.


  28. CMM, EOO, GQQ, _____, KUU
    a) GRR
    b) GSS
    c) ISS
    d) ITT
    Answer: a) GRR
    Explanation: In each term, the first and last letters are the same, and the middle letter is incremented by 2 in the English alphabet.
  29. If it is currently 3:45 PM, what will be the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand of the clock?

    a) 90 degrees
    b) 187.5 degrees.
    c) 120 degrees
    d) 135 degrees

    Answer: b) 187.5 degrees.

    To find the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand at 3:45 PM:

    The hour hand will be slightly past 3 but not yet at 4, so it will be closer to 3.
    The minute hand will be at 9 (since 45 minutes is three-quarters of an hour).
    The angle formed between the hour hand and the 12 o’clock position is (3 * 30) + (45/2) = 97.5 degrees.
    The angle formed between the minute hand and the 12 o’clock position is 45 * 6 = 270 degrees.
    The difference between these two angles gives the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand: 270 – 97.5 = 172.5 degrees.
    However, since we want the smaller angle between them, we subtract this from 360 degrees: 360 – 172.5 = 187.5 degrees.


  30. If a clock gains 5 minutes every hour, how many minutes will it gain in a day?

    a) 120 minutes
    b) 240 minutes
    c) 300 minutes
    d) 360 minutes

    Answer: c) 300 minutes


    The clock gains 5 minutes every hour, which means it gains 60 minutes every 12 hours.
    Therefore, in a 24-hour period, it will gain 60 * 2 = 120 minutes.
    So, in a day, it will gain 120 + 120 = 240 minutes.
    However, it starts at midnight and finishes at midnight, so it gains an extra 60 minutes, making it a total of 240 + 60 = 300 minutes in a day.
    These questions test the understanding of angles and time relationships on a clock.


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