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Top 30 World and Physical Geography MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor 12 March 2024

Preparing for exams like OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor requires a solid grasp of various subjects, including geography. World and Physical Geography, in particular, hold significant weightage in these exams. To aid in your preparation, here are 30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering essential topics in World & Physical Geography.

Top 30 World & Physical Geography MCQS For OSSSC RI,ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor

These 30 MCQs cover a wide range of topics in World & Physical Geography, essential for exams like OSSSC RI, ARI, Amin, SFS, ICDS Supervisor. Use them as a tool to assess and strengthen your understanding of these crucial concepts. Best of luck with your exam preparation!

  1. Where is Lake Titicaca located, which is a large deep lake in South America?
    [A] Argentina and Bolivia
    [B] Bolivia and Peru
    [C] Peru and Uruguay
    [D] Uruguay and Paraguay
    Correct Answer: B [ Bolivia and Peru ]
  2. Kalimantan is a part of which country?
    [A] Thailand
    [B] Malaysia
    [C] Indonesia
    [D] Cambodia
    Correct Answer: C [Indonesia]
  3. Who is known as the first to measure the distance around the earth and also as the Father of Geometry?
    [A] Eratosthenes
    [B] Euclid
    [C] Happarchus
    [D] Galileo
    Correct Answer: B [Euclid]
  4. Which is the only landlocked country in ASEAN?
    [A] Thailand
    [B] Laos
    [C] Vietnam
    [D] Cambodia
    Correct Answer: B [Laos]
  5. What landform is formed by the action of a geologic rift or fault?
    [A] Rift Valley
    [B] Talus
    [C] Crevasses
    [D] Yardung
    Correct Answer: A [Rift Valley]
  6. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with which planet?
    [A] Pluto
    [B] Mars
    [C] Jupiter
    [D] Saturn
    Correct Answer: C [Jupiter]
  7. Which coral reef system is also called The Amazon of The Seas?
    [A] Daintree Reef
    [B] Darwin Mounds
    [C] African Coral Reefs
    [D] Coral Triangle
    Correct Answer: D [Coral Triangle]
  8. Which is the world’s largest known deep-water coral reef?
    [A] Rost Reef
    [B] Scorpion Reef
    [C] Great Barrier Reef
    [D] Belize Barrier Reef
    Correct Answer: A [Rost Reef]
  9. What is the largest Gulf in the world?
    [A] Gulf of Alaska
    [B] Gulf of Oman
    [C] Gulf of Mexico
    [D] Persian Gulf
    Correct Answer: C [Gulf of Mexico]
  10. The Isthmus of Panama is located between which two water bodies?
    [A] Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean
    [B] South China Sea and Pacific Ocean
    [C] Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean
    [D] Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea
    Correct Answer: C [Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean]
  11. Which Indian State is home to Silver Beach?
    [A] Goa
    [B] Kerala
    [C] Tamil Nadu
    [D] Maharashtra
    Correct Answer: C [Tamil Nadu]
  12. Which glacier in Kyrgyzstan is known for being the fastest moving?
    [A] Batura Glacier
    [B] Engilchek Glacier
    [C] Biafo Glacier
    [D] Byrd Glacier
    Correct Answer: B [Engilchek Glacier]
  13. What is the shape of the Milky Way Galaxy?
    [A] Shell shaped
    [B] Barred spiral shaped
    [C] Elliptical shaped
    [D] Irregular shaped
    Correct Answer: B [Barred spiral shaped]
  14. Which planet is famously tilted on its side?
    [A] Saturn
    [B] Uranus
    [C] Jupiter
    [D] Mars
    Correct Answer: B [Uranus]
  15. Which of the following statements is/are correct? The oceanic crust mainly consists of granitic rocks
    The continental crust mainly comprises basaltic rocks
    Select the correct code:
    [A] Only 1
    [B] Only 2
    [C] Both 1 & 2
    [D] Neither 1 & 2
    Correct Answer: D [Neither 1 & 2]
  16. At which plate boundaries do the plates slide past each other?
    [A] Convergent Plate Boundary
    [B] Divergent Plate Boundary
    [C] Transform Plate Boundary
    [D] Plate Boundary Zones
    Correct Answer: C [Transform Plate Boundary]
  17. What forces in the mantle create convergent and divergent boundaries?
    [A] Centrifugal forces
    [B] Convectional currents
    [C] Gravitational forces
    [D] Electromagnetic currents
    Correct Answer: B [Convectional currents]
  18. Which volcano is not part of the Mediterranean Belt?
    [A] Cotopaxi
    [B] Mt. Vesuvius
    [C] Mt. Etna
    [D] Barren Island
    Correct Answer: A [Cotopaxi]
  19. What does the erosional capacity of a river stream depend on?
    [A] Volume
    [B] Density
    [C] Both 1 & 2
    [D] Neither 1 & 2
    Correct Answer: C [Both 1 & 2]
  20. Which xeric landform is a deep valley formed by erosion?
    [A] Erg
    [B] Barkhans
    [C] Gulch
    [D] Inselberg
    Correct Answer: C [Gulch]
  21. What is the name of the table-top mountain or mesa found in the Guiana Highlands of South America?
    [A] Tor
    [B] Gulch
    [C] Potrero
    [D] Tepui
    Correct Answer: D [Tepui]
  22. What is a channel with numerous Aits called?
    [A] Meanders
    [B] Braided channel
    [C] Anabranch
    [D] Stream channel
    Correct Answer: B [Braided channel]
  23. Which is the world’s largest saline inland sea?
    [A] Aral sea
    [B] Mediterranean sea
    [C] Black sea
    [D] Caspian sea
    Correct Answer: D [Caspian sea]
  24. Which among the following pairs of tectonic landforms is/are not correctly matched?
    Rift valley – Linear lowland created by a tectonic rift or fault
    Asymmetric valley – A valley that has steeper slopes on one side
    Mid-ocean ridge – Long and narrow depressions of the sea floor
    Select the correct code from the options given below:
    [A] Only 2 & 3
    [B] Only 3
    [C] Only 1 & 2
    [D] 1, 2 & 3
    Correct Answer: B [Only 3]
  25. Which is the largest lake by area in Africa?
    [A] Lake Superior
    [B] Lake Victoria
    [C] Lake Baikal
    [D] Lake Ontario
    Correct Answer: B [Lake Victoria]
  26. Which is the longest Freshwater lake in the world?
    [A] Lake Michigan
    [B] Lake Erie
    [C] Lake Tanganyika
    [D] Lake Victoria
    Correct Answer: C [Lake Tanganyika]
  27. Which is the world’s largest alkaline lake?
    [A] Lake Titicaca
    [B] Lake Superior
    [C] Lake Turcana
    [D] Lake Vostok
    Correct Answer: C [Lake Turcana]
  28. What is the condensation of water vapor in air in the form of water droplets or ice called?
    [A] Humidity
    [B] Evaporation
    [C] Sublimation
    [D] Precipitation
    Correct Answer: D [Precipitation]
  29. What type of climate is present in Mountain areas of Uttarakhand?
    [A] Tundra Type
    [B] Polar Type
    [C] Tropical Savannah type
    [D] Hot Desert Type
    Correct Answer: A [Tundra Type]
  30. Which among the following statements is/are correct about the Abyssal Plains?
    They are the flattest and smoothest regions of the world.
    It covers nearly 40% of the ocean floor.
    Select the correct code from the options given below:
    [A] Only 1
    [B] Only 2
    [C] Both 1 & 2
    [D] Neither 1 & 2
    Correct Answer: C [Both 1 & 2]


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