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Latest Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 18th April 2022

 Latest Vocabulary Words: Having A Better Vocabulary Knowledge Will Help You In Solving Different Types Of Questions Like- Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Missing Word, Sentence Correction, etc. Read these Latest Vocabulary Words to Improve Your Vocabulary.


  1.   Consternation (noun)

Meaning; Amazement or horror that confounds the faculties


Synonyms: disquiet, dismay

Antonyms: peace, tranquility


  1.     Trepidation (noun)

         Meaning; A fearful state; a state of concern or hesitation.


Synonyms: fear, apprehension

Antonyms: delight, bravery


  1.     Furtive (adjective)

Meaning; Exhibiting guilty or evasive secrecy.


Synonyms: fraud

Antonyms: reliable


  1.     Nab (verb)

Meaning; To seize, arrest


Synonyms: arrest, seize

Antonyms: liberate, free


  1.     Scuttle (verb)

Meaning; denigrate or destroy one’s position or property


Synonyms: destroy, sink

Antonyms: construct, save


  1.     Assuage (verb)

Meaning; To pacify or soothe


Synonyms: soften, appease

Antonyms: irritate, provoke


  1.     Petulant (adjective)

Meaning; childishly irritable


Synonyms: irritable, cranky

Antonyms: cheerful, delightful


  1.     Sabotage (verb)

Meaning; To deliberately destroy or damage something in order to prevent it from being successful.


Synonyms: Destroy, damage

Antonyms: construct, make


  1.     Commence (verb)

Meaning; To begin, start


Synonyms: begin, start

Antonyms: wait, halt


  1.   Mobilization (noun)

Meaning; the act of bringing forces/people/resources together for a particular cause.


Synonyms: gather

Antonyms: demobilization


  1.   Culmination (noun)

Meaning; Attainment or arrival at the highest pitch of glory, power, etc.


Synonyms: bottom, base

Antonyms: highest, peak


  1.   Sway(verb)

Meaning; To move or swing from side to side; or backward and forward;


Synonyms: swing

Antonyms;: steady


  1.   Hazy (adjective)

Meaning; Not clear or transparent.


Synonyms: unclear, foggy

Antonyms: clear, sunny


  1.   Brace(verb)

Meaning; To prepare for something bad, such as an impact or blow.


Synonyms: fortify

Antonyms: drain

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