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Latest Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 27th July 2022

Latest Vocabulary Words: Having A Better Vocabulary Knowledge Will Help You In Solving Different Types Of Questions Like- Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Missing Word, Sentence Correction, etc. Read these Latest Vocabulary Words to Improve Your Vocabulary.

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  1. Meek (adjective)

Meaning; Submissive, dispirited

Synonyms: submissive, supportive

Antonyms: critical, bold


  1. Petulant (adjective)

Meaning; childishly irritable, insolent

Synonyms: impatient, crabby

 Antonyms: patient, easy going


  1. Abominate(verb)

 Meaning; To feel disgust towards

Synonyms: despise, abhor

Antonyms: love, affection


  1. Nab (verb)

Meaning; To seize, arrest or take into custody

Synonyms: arrest, hold

Antonyms: liberate, free


  1. Onlooker (noun)

Meaning; A spectator; someone looks on or watches, without becoming involved or participating.

Synonyms: viewer, spectator

Antonyms: Participant, player


  1. Stupefy (verb)

Meaning; reducing responsiveness; to dazzle or stun.

Synonyms: astound

Antonyms: calm


  1. Hover (verb)

Meaning; To linger or hang in one place

Antonyms; move, shift

Synonyms; linger, stick around