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Latest Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 28th May 2022

Latest Vocabulary Words: Having A Better Vocabulary Knowledge Will Help You In Solving Different Types Of Questions Like- Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Missing Word, Sentence Correction, etc. Read these Latest Vocabulary Words to Improve Your Vocabulary .

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1.MALAPERT (adjective) 

Meaning; Cheeky, impudent, saucy.

Synonyms: brazen, rude

Antonyms: humble, polite


  1. EULOGIZE (verb) 

Meaning; To praise, celebrate or pay homage

Synonyms: applaud, praise

Antonyms: criticise, diminish


  1. SPURN (verb) 

Meaning; To reject

Synonyms: refuse, avoid

Antonyms: accept, agree


4.GLEANED (verb) 

Meaning; To gather what is left in

Synonyms: collect

Antonyms: scatter


  1. STASH (verb) 

Meaning; To hide or store away for later use.

Synonyms: conceal, smuggle

Antonyms: reveal, expose


  1. KNACKERED (adjective) 

Meaning; tired or exhausted.

Synonyms: worn out, tired

Antonyms: relaxed, active


  1. EXODUS (noun) 

Meaning; A sudden departure of a large number of people.

Synonyms; withdrawal, exit

Antonyms; arrival, intrusion

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  1. INIMICAL (adjective) 

Meaning; Unfriendly, hostile.

Antonyms: friendly

Synonyms: hostile