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Latest Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 2nd May 2022

Latest Vocabulary Words: Having A Better Vocabulary Knowledge Will Help You In Solving Different Types Of Questions Like- Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Missing Word, Sentence Correction, etc. Read these Latest Vocabulary Words to Improve Your Vocabulary.

1.BUCOLIC (adjective)
Meaning: relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life.
Synonyms: rustic, rural, pastoral, country
Antonyms: urban
Example: There was a certain bucolic look to the faces of the cart drivers.

2. TEDIOUS (adjective) 
Meaning: too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.
Synonyms: dull, unexciting, unvaried, mundane
Antonyms: exciting, interesting
Example: The meeting was so long and tedious, he was ready to climb the wall.

3. PROWESS (noun) 
Meaning: skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.
Synonyms: skill, expertise, ability, ability
Antonyms: inability, ineptitude
Example: He was famous for his prowess as an athlete.

4. PETULANT (adjective)
Meaning: (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
Synonyms: cranky, fractious, irritable, perverse
Antonyms: agreeable, cheerful, patient, willing
Example: I was made to feel like a petulant child who has flown into a temper because his favorite toy was removed.

5. BYZANTINE (adjective) 
Meaning: (of a system or situation) excessively complicated, and typically involving a great deal of administrative detail
Synonyms: daedal, complicated, convoluted, devious
Example: They are built on the Byzantine pattern, in small scale, and have painted fresco decoration.

6. INDELIBLE (adjective) 
Meaning: not able to be forgotten.
Synonyms: ineradicable, enduring, stubborn, permanent
Antonyms: delible, destructible, erasable, impermanent
Example: The blood had left an indelible mark on her shirt.


7. LAUDABLE (adjective) 
Meaning: (of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation.
Synonyms: praiseworthy, commendable, admirable, meritorious
Example: Faith ceases to be laudable when it is blind faith.

8. GERMANE (adjective) 
Meaning: relevant to a subject under consideration.
Synonyms: relevant, pertinent, applicable, apposite
Antonyms: irrelevant
Example: He asks questions that are germane and central to the issue

9. BOLSTER (verb)
Meaning: support or strengthen.
Synonyms: strengthen, support, reinforce, boost
Antonyms: undermine
Example: He is making a bold attempt to bolster the territory’s confidence.

10. RAPACIOUS (adjective) 
Meaning: aggressively greedy or grasping.
Synonyms: grasping, greedy, avaricious, acquisitive
Antonyms: generous
Example: It was a horrendous, rapacious strategy that they had used to gain control of their own home system.

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