Latest Vocabulary Words: Having A Better Vocabulary Knowledge Will Help You In Solving Different Types Of Questions Like- Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Missing Word, Sentence Correction, etc. Read these Latest Vocabulary Words to Improve Your Vocabulary.
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1. Caveat (noun)
Meaning; A warning.
Synonyms; warning, cautious
Antonyms; ignore, discourage
2. Warring (adjective)
Meaning; engaged in war; belligerent
Synonyms; contradicting, opposing
Antonyms; bolstering, supporting
3. Breakthrough (noun)
Meaning: Any major progress
Synonyms; headway, success
Antonyms; setback, difficulty
4. Grim (adjective)
Meaning; dismal and gloomy, cold and forbidding
Antonyms; friendly, pleasant
Synonyms; terrible, dreadful
5. Interdict (noun)
Meaning; An injunction.
Synonyms; ban
Antonyms; free
6. Hinterland (noun)
Meaning; A remote or undeveloped area, a backwater
Antonyms; nearby, center
Synonyms; distant, remote
7. Throes (noun)
Meaning; A hard struggle
Antonyms; satisfaction, pleasure
Synonyms; pain, torture
8. Staid (adjective)
Meaning; Not capricious or impulsive; sedate, serious, sober.
Synonyms; earnest, humorless
Antonyms; hilarious
9. Encumbrance (noun)
Meaning; Something that encumbers; a burden that must be carried.
Synonyms; obstruction, hindrance
Antonyms; asset, helpful
10. Tarnish (verb)
Meaning; To soil, sully, damage or compromise
Synonyms; blacken, smear
Antonyms; purify, enhance