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Latest Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms and Synonyms: 8th April 2022

It is very important to have a good hold on the vocabulary to increase efficiency in the language section and also to increase your overall scores. That is why Adda247 has started a new initiative to improve the vocabulary of the aspirants with the Visual vocabulary words and their meanings.

1. Corroborate (Verb) 
Meaning: Give evidence for, Back up with evidence.
Synonyms: Validate, support, confirm, verify, endorse.
Antonyms: Reject, Disapprove, contradict
Usage: Everyone hastened to corroborate this verdict with some piece of evidence.

2. Ephemeral(Adjective) 
Meaning: Lasting for a short time
Synonyms: Temporary, Short-lived, transient.
Antonyms: long-lived, enduring, everlasting, eternal, perpetual.
Usage: time is ephemeral so don’t waste it.

3. Approbation (Noun)
Meaning: Official Approval.
Synonyms: Approval, Favor.
Antonyms: disapprobation, disapproval, disfavor.
Usage: Government gives its approbation to his selection.

4. Altruist (Noun) 
Meaning: who make charitable donations
Synonyms: beneficent, benevolent, charitable, humanitarian, philanthropist, generous
Antonyms: self-centered, self-concerned, selfish.
Usage: Animals can have more altruistic behavior than humans.

Meaning: Characterized by strong enthusiasm
Synonyms: Passionate, enthusiastic,  zealous
Antonyms: apathetic, dull, calm.
Usage: One should be an ardent supporter for the right cause.

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6. Mundane (Adjective)
Meaning:  Found in the ordinary course of events
Synonyms: dime, stale, sober, humdrum, day-to-day
Antonyms: unusual, Exciting, extraordinary.
Usage: The list included many mundane, routine tasks.

7. Ameliorate(Verb)
Meaning: To make better
Synonyms: Amend, better, improve, upgrade
Antonyms: worsen, reduce, diminish
Usage: The editor ameliorated the manuscript with his changes.

8. Quirk(Noun) 
Meaning: a strange habit
Synonyms: irregularity, trait
Antonyms: normality,
Usage: His biggest quirk is his love for old marbles.

9. Repercussion (Adjective) 
Meaning: the effect that an action, event, or decision has on something, especially a bade effect:
Synonyms: aftermath, consequence
Antonyms: loyal
Usage: Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.

10. Sanguine (Adjective) 
Meaning: optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
Synonyms: optimistic, bullish, hopeful, buoyant, positive
Antonyms: pessimistic, gloomy
Usage: They are less sanguine about the company’s long-term prospects.