Knowledge of RRC Group D 2020 Exam Pattern is necessary if one wishes to ace RRC Group D 2020 Exam. The Official Notification for the sam ehas been released for around 1,03,769 vacancies. The vacancies are declared to fill the psot of Track Maintainer Grade-IV, Helper/Assistant, Assistant Pointsman, Level-I post etc. in Indian Railways.
If you wish to qualilfy RRC Group D Level I Exam, you must be aware of the RRC Group D Syllabus 2020 as well as RRC Group D Exam Pattern 2020. Let's have a look at the same in detail.
The exam of RRC Group D 2020 will be conducted in 3 different levels. These level of RRC Group D Level I Recruitment Process is mentioned below.
Serial No. | Sections | No. of Questions | Total Marks | Duration |
1. | Mathematics | 25 | 25 | 90 minutes |
2. | General Awareness & Current affairs | 20 | 20 | |
3. | General Intelligence and reasoning | 30 | 30 | |
4. | General science | 25 | 25 | |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Short listing of Candidates for the DV shall be based on the marks obtained by them in the CBT. However, sometimes the examination may be conducted in multi-sessions. If multiple sessions of CBT is conducted then the marks will be normalized. In such a scenario short listing of candidates for the DV shall be based on the normalized marks.
All candidates who successfully clear the CBT Round will be called for PET or Physical Efficiency Test. The criteria for PET is slightly different for male and female candidates. Let's have a look at the same.
Male Candidates | Female Candidates |
Should be able to lift and carry 35 Kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down and Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance. |
Should be able to lift and carry 20 Kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down and Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 5 minutes and 40 seconds in one chance. |
Based on the performance of candidates in CBT subject to their qualifying in PET, candidates twice the number of vacancies will be called for Document Verification as per their merit and options. These additional candidates will, however, be considered for empanelment only if there is a shortfall in empanelment from the merit list or/and as replacement against the shortfall on account of not joining of recommended candidates in the working post or/and any other special requirements
Note: In case of two or more candidates securing same marks, their merit position shall be determined by age criteria i.e., older person shall be placed at higher merit and in case age being same, then alphabetical order (A to Z) of the name shall be taken into account to break the tie
Appointment of selected candidates is subject to their passing requisite Medical Fitness Test to be conducted by the Railway Administration, final verification of educational and community certificates and verification of antecedents/character of the candidates.
It may also be noted that all candidates successful in DV are sent for Medical Examination. Clearing of such Medical Examination by additional candidates (those called for DV beyond the notified number of vacancies) will give such candidates no right to be considered for appointment.
Candidates may please note that RRBs/RRCs only recommend names of the empanelled candidates and appointment is offered ONLY by the respective Railway Administrations
Click Here to know RRC Group D Syllabus 2020