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Exams are near, and stress, overthinking, and procrastination must be creeping in. But don’t worry! We have perfect solutions to tackle these problems. Here we have provided you seven simple yet powerful tips to improve focus, manage time, and study smartly. Learn how to beat distractions, stay motivated, and revise effectively without feeling overwhelmed.
Each tip is easy to follow and will help students boost their confidence and performance. Whether it is managing stress, overcoming procrastination, or improving memory, we have covered it all! Students are advised to stay calm, stay focused, and give their best shot in the exams. Follow all these expert-backed strategies, and success will be yours.
1. Problem of Procrastination
As we all know, Procrastination means delaying important tasks and doing something else instead. It is considered one of the major problems faced by students, especially during the exams. Procrastination creates stress and lowers performance.
For Example: Rohan has to study for his exam, but kept doing other things, thinking he would start later. When the exam day came, he realized he had not prepared well and scored poorly.
Solution: To avoid this, students should make a plan and stick to it. They can use the 30 Second Rule to tackle this problem. In this rule, students must make up their mind within 30 seconds, whether they want to do the task or not. Because after that our brain starts controlling and fooling us. Doing small tasks on time helps achieve big goals.
2. A Huge load of Syllabus to Tackle
One of the second most faced problems is the load of the syllabus. A huge load of syllabus just before the exams can be stressful for students.
For Example: Priya had only a week left for her exams but still had 10 chapters to cover. She felt confused and didn’t know where to start. So Priya’s elder brother advised her to start with the previous year’s questions and key topics, and then cover the rest. She also made notes and practiced sample papers. This helped her manage time and revise well.
Solution: A smart way to tackle this is the Reverse Study Method – first, revise important topics, then move to less important ones. Breaking the syllabus into small parts, setting daily goals, and staying consistent makes studying easier.
3. Short on Time
Many students face a shortage of time before the exam. As when there was time, they were busy doing other things, and now there is no time left to cover the complete syllabus.
For Example: Aryan had only three days left to revise for his finals and multiple subjects to cover. He felt stressed but made a study timetable, giving more time to tough subjects.
Solution: The solution to this problem is the Vedic Science 1 hour Rule that suggests studying for one hour at a time, followed by a short break. This helps maintain concentration, and reduces stress. This helps in keeping our mind fresh during intense study sessions.
4. Study Resource
The fourth problem faced by students is where to Study From or choosing the right study resource.
For Example: Rohan has to prepare for his exams but wasn’t sure whether to use textbooks, online resources, or reference books.
Solution: To solve this problem, students can use the RQR Strategy, which refers to Resources, Questions, and Revision. First, use reliable study materials like textbooks and videos. Next, practice solving questions to test your knowledge. Finally, revise regularly to strengthen your understanding.
5. Tough Subjects
Many students find certain subjects difficult and often avoid studying them.
For Example: Priya loves to study Science but struggled with Maths. She found Maths boring and couldn’t focus on it.
Solution: For this problem students can follow the Scientific Way to Study Tough Subjects. Which tells to start with the easier topics first. This helps students build confidence and keep them motivated. After completing all the easy topics, then start the tough ones, and also make sure to set rewards for these tough topics.
6. Revision Strategy
At the time of examination, many students also face struggle with creating an effective revision strategy.
Example: Aryan has many chapters to revise but didn’t know where to start. A good revision strategy is to break the chapters into smaller sections and revise them in intervals.
Solution: To cope with this problem, students must follow the Revision Methods of Toppers. As it is simple and easy to understand, they do not wait for the last minute to revise everything. Instead, they focus only on the topics or subjects they find difficult. By identifying weak areas early and revising them regularly.
7. Problem of Overthinking
Overthinking is a common problem students face before exams. As the exam day gets closer, students often worry about things that are not important, like whether they will finish their syllabus or if they will fail. These thoughts can make them feel anxious and distracted.
For Example: A student might keep thinking, “What if I forget everything in the exam?” This kind of overthinking can waste energy and reduce focus, making it harder to study properly.
Solution: A very simple solution to the problem of overthinking is to take a piece of paper and write down all your worries. This might help clear your mind and make it easier to focus on your studies. As soon as the problems are written down, you can deal with them one by one instead of stressing over everything.