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Article Writing Format for Class 12 in English

Article Writing

In this article, we have covered entire article writing format. You can read the article to know about the format in which you should write an article. This article writing format can be used for any class student. know Article Writing Format.

Article Writing for Class 12

Article Writing: Suppose I have different opinions regarding a topic and I want to tell people to know about it. How Shall I do so? I can tell the different opinions to persons near me. But what if I want to tell not only to those people but also, say, the world and universe? How will I do so? I shall write those opinions, isn’t it?

Many a time I have seen some writers or people write their problems and their suggestions in some newspapers, magazines, and journals or in their blogs on daily basis. He is writing his opinions and beliefs in the form of an article. In this section, we will get ourselves familiar with all the information about article writing and the article writing format.


Article Writing in English

An article is a piece of writing, which contains information you (as a writer) want to convey to the audience. It can be informational, educational, entertainment-related, or of any other form. It is based on a single topic for which the entire article provides an insight.

Article Writing can also be known as expressing one’s thoughts on a topic through meaningful words. These words combined to form a paragraph and eventually an article.

Article Writing Format

In Article Writing, An article must be organized in a proper way to grab the attention of the reader. It is very important for the author or writer to first know the Article Writing format of the composition and also mention the details consequently.

 Title of the Article

Byline  (About the Article)

Body (Main Content of the article)

Paragraph 1 (Introductive paragraph)

Paragraph 2 (Descriptive paragraph)

Paragraph 3 – Any additional information (if required)

Paragraph 4 – Conclusion (Ending part of the article)

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Article Writing Format: How to make an Article Writing Format?

Few points must be kept in mind while writing an article. All the points are listed below.

  • Heading: The heading of an article should be meaningful and catchy. It should be related to the topic which surrounds the article.
  • Introduction: The introduction part should be short and sweet. In few lines, you should be able to summarize what will be the direction of the entire article.
  • Trustable Information: The article should be backed up with relevant data and trustable information from sources. This makes the readers believe in what you present in the article.
  • Engaging: Adequate use of passive voice, humor, rhetorical questions should be present to make the article an engaging one.
  • Proper Joining Words: To make the article complete, the writer should use words like ‘however, ‘therefore’, ‘to’, etc. This will make the sentences clearer and the article will appear to be a complete one.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion of the article should be a good one and the strongest one with valid concluding points.

As we now know about some of the points that should be kept in mind while writing an article; Let’s now have a look at the marks allocation of article writing.

Know about notice writing format.

Article Writing Class 12: Mark’s Distribution

Total Marks to be awarded are divided equally among three sections of the article. First are the Heading, date, and the writer’s name. These two must be mandatorily present in all the articles you write.

The second distribution of marks depends upon the content and the relevancy of the same with trusted sources. And finally, the third division of marks is based on the accuracy and fluency of the article. This is important as it decides the flow of the article.

Also Read: Format for Informal Letter Writing  

Article Writing Format Topics Types

There are 4 basic types of article writing. The types are:

  • Expository
  • Persuasive
  • Descriptive
  • Narrative

Expository Article Writing format

Expository Article Writing is subject-based and conveys information without influencing the opinion. It is the most used article type. It is suitable for a news articles, education articles, etc.


Persuasive Article Writing format

A persuasive article convinces the reader about the opinion of a topic. It is a manipulative type of article writing where the reader is being influenced by the thoughts of the writer. It is often used when the writer has a certain way of thinking about a topic and wants to have more people with the same mindset. This type of article is always backed up with a justifiable reason to accept an opinion.


Descriptive Article Writing format

Descriptive Article Writing is an article that is written in-depth for the mentioned topic. This type of article is poetic. Specificity is the word that goes with the descriptive type of articles. The writer should be well-versed with the topic for which the article is to be written.


Narrative Article writing format

Story-telling articles are known as narrative ones. You have to use the correct tone, and the flow of the article depends upon the reader’s age group. Humour is the magic in these types of articles.


Article Writing Format Class 12 Board Exams

Here We discussed the Article Writing Format for Class 12 Students. Article Writing Question comes in class 12 board exams on a regular basis.

Write articles that have above 300 word count.
Add the writer’s name. (mandatory)
The title should be catchy and clear.
The heading of the article should be short, clear, and informative. (Regarding Topic)
Make the introduction and the conclusion most attractive and Catchy.
Have a target audience.
Try to advise, suggest and give the solutions to a problem in any paragraph other than the starting one.
The language and the style of writing should be customized according to the target audience.
There must be only three main paragraphs in an article – introduction, body, and conclusion. Body can have more than one paragraph.
Use proper punctuations in the Article.
Use proper tense, person, voice, abbreviations, and grammatically correct words while writing an article


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Where do we use articles?

Articles are used in all forms. It can either be in online mode or offline. For online mode, article writing is required for the different web pages to pass information. In offline mode, article writing is used in newspapers, pamphlets, etc.

Is there any specific format for writing an article?

Yes, there is a specific format for writing an article. It should contain the heading, writer's name, and date for the header section. In the body of the article, the main content resides and at last, the conclusion part ends with the thanking note.

What is meant by the tone in article writing?

The tone in article writing is the mood which the writer induces in the readers through the words.

Why do we need article writing?

We need an article to pass information or to discuss a topic between the readers and the writer.

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