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Periodic Table 1 to 118 Elements with Symbols and Atomic Mass

The Modern periodic table is an updated and enhanced version of various models proposed by scientists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Dimitri Mendeleev proposed his periodic table based on the discoveries of previous scientists such as John Newlands and Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier.

Periodic Table

Mendeleev, on the other hand, is awarded sole credit for developing the periodic table. In the modern periodic table, all known elements are organized in order of increasing atomic number and repeating chemical characteristics. They are organized in a tabular format, with columns representing a group and a row representing a period. Dimitri Mendeleev, commonly regarded as the father of the periodic table, proposed the initial iteration of the periodic table, which is still in use today. In this article, we will discuss all the details of the modern periodic table, stay tuned with us and read the complete article. Bookmark this page to get all the latest articles. 

Mendeleev’s Table Vs Modern Periodic Table

Dimitri Mendeleev, commonly regarded as the father of the periodic table, proposed the initial iteration of the table, which is still in use today. Mendeleev’s periodic law differs from the modern periodic 118 element table in the following way.

  1. Mendeleev based his table on increasing atomic mass, but the modern table is based on increasing atomic number order.
  2. Mendeleev’s periodic table, despite being based on atomic weight, was able to anticipate the discovery and qualities of some elements. During his time, just roughly half of the elements presently known to us were known, and much of the information we had on the elements was incorrect.

Periodic Table of Names and Symbols

We can say that the periodic table is a work of art in terms of organized chemical information, and the evolution of chemistry’s  table into its modern form is an amazing feat. The first 94 elements of the table occur naturally, but the remaining elements from 95 to 118 have only been synthesized in laboratories or nuclear reactors. Elements in groups have qualities that are similar in some ways.

Periodic Table Chart

There is no one optimal periodic table structure, although by whatever consensus exists, the form employed here is the most popular and useful. Periods (presented horizontally) and groups (shown vertically) are included in the typical form of the Modern periodic table illustrated below.

Periodic Table 1 to 118 Elements with Symbols and Atomic Mass -_3.1


Atomic Number

The atomic number of an element is a fundamental property that defines the identity of that element. It is represented by the symbol “Z” and is equal to the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom of that element. In a neutral atom, the atomic number also corresponds to the number of electrons orbiting the nucleus.

The atomic number is a unique identifier for each element on the periodic table. For example:

  • Hydrogen (H) has an atomic number of 1, which means it has one proton in its nucleus.
  • Helium (He) has an atomic number of 2, indicating it has two protons.
  • Carbon (C) has an atomic number of 6, meaning it contains six protons in its nucleus.
  • Oxygen (O) has an atomic number of 8, signifying eight protons.

The atomic number determines an element’s chemical properties and its position on the periodic table. Elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, which results in elements with similar chemical properties being grouped together in columns called “groups” or “families.”

Atomic Number 1 to 30 Elements

Atomic numbers 1 to 30 are very important in chemistry.

Here are the atomic numbers and corresponding elements from atomic number 1 to 30 elements name list:

  1. Hydrogen (H)
  2. Helium (He)
  3. Lithium (Li)
  4. Beryllium (Be)
  5. Boron (B)
  6. Carbon (C)
  7. Nitrogen (N)
  8. Oxygen (O)
  9. Fluorine (F)
  10. Neon (Ne)
  11. Sodium (Na)
  12. Magnesium (Mg)
  13. Aluminum (Al)
  14. Silicon (Si)
  15. Phosphorus (P)
  16. Sulfur (S)
  17. Chlorine (Cl)
  18. Argon (Ar)
  19. Potassium (K)
  20. Calcium (Ca)
  21. Scandium (Sc)
  22. Titanium (Ti)
  23. Vanadium (V)
  24. Chromium (Cr)
  25. Manganese (Mn)
  26. Iron (Fe)
  27. Cobalt (Co)
  28. Nickel (Ni)
  29. Copper (Cu)
  30. Zinc (Zn)

These elements make up the first three rows of the periodic table and include some of the most common elements found in nature.

The charge number of an atomic nucleus is the chemical element’s atomic number, also known as nuclear charge number (symbol Z). This is equivalent to the proton number (np), or the number of protons present in the nucleus of each atom of that element, for conventional nuclei. Ordinary chemical elements can be uniquely identified by their atomic number. The atomic number and the number of electrons are both equal in a regular, uncharged atom.

Atomic Number of Elements From 1 to 30

Here is the list of 30 elements from Hydrogen to Ununquadium.

Atomic Number Symbol of Element Element
1 H Hydrogen
2 He Helium
3 Li Lithium
4 Be Beryllium
5 B Boron
6 C Carbon
7 N Nitrogen
8 O Oxygen
9 F Fluorine
10 Ne Neon
11 Na Sodium
12 Mg Magnesium
13 Al Aluminum
14 Si Silicon
15 P Phosphorus
16 S Sulfur
17 Cl Chlorine
18 Ar Argon
19 K Potassium
20 Ca Calcium
21 Sc Scandium
22 Ti Titanium
23 V Vanadium
24 Cr Chromium
25 Mn Manganese
26 Fe Iron
27 Co Cobalt
28 Ni Nickel
29 Cu Copper
30 Zn Zinc
31 Ga Gallium
32 Ge Germanium
33 As Arsenic
34 Se Selenium
35 Br Bromine
36 Kr Krypton
37 Rb Rubidium
38 Sr Strontium
39 Y Yttrium
40 Zr Zirconium
41 Nb Niobium
42 Mo Molybdenum
43 Tc Technetium
44 Ru Ruthenium
45 Rh Rhodium
46 Pd Palladium
47 Ag Silver
48 Cd Cadmium
49 In Indium
50 Sn Tin
51 Sb Antimony
52 Te Tellurium
53 I Iodine
54 Xe Xenon
55 Cs Cesium
56 Ba Barium
57 La Lanthanum
58 Ce Cerium
59 Pr Praseodymium
60 Nd Neodymium
61 Pm Promethium
62 Sm Samarium
63 Eu Europium
64 Gd Gadolinium
65 Tb Terbium
66 Dy Dysprosium
67 Ho Holmium
68 Er Erbium
69 Tm Thulium
70 Yb Ytterbium
71 Lu Lutetium
72 Hf Hafnium
73 Ta Tantalum
74 W Tungsten
75 Re Rhenium
76 Os Osmium
77 Ir Iridium
78 Pt Platinum
79 Au Gold
80 Hg Mercury
81 Tl Thallium
82 Pb Lead
83 Bi Bismuth
84 Po Polonium
85 At Astatine
86 Rn Radon
87 Fr Francium
88 Ra Radium
89 Ac Actinium
90 Th Thorium
91 Pa Protactinium
92 U Uranium
93 Np Neptunium
94 Pu Plutonium
95 Am Americium
96 Cm Curium
97 Bk Berkelium
98 Cf Californium
99 Es Einsteinium
100 Fm Fermium
101 Md Mendelevium
102 No Nobelium
103 Lr Lawrencium
104 Rf Rutherfordium
105 Db Dubnium
106 Sg Seaborgium
107 Bh Bohrium
108 Hs Hassium
109 Mt Meitnerium
110 Ds Darmstadtium
111 Rg Roentgenium
112 Uub Ununbiium
113 ——
114 Uuq Ununquadium

Atomic Number 1 to 30 List

Checkout 30 elements from periodic table below.

Atomic Number Symbol of Element Element
1 H Hydrogen
2 He Helium
3 Li Lithium
4 Be Beryllium
5 B Boron
6 C Carbon
7 N Nitrogen
8 O Oxygen
9 F Fluorine
10 Ne Neon
11 Na Sodium
12 Mg Magnesium
13 Al Aluminum
14 Si Silicon
15 P Phosphorus
16 S Sulfur
17 Cl Chlorine
18 Ar Argon
19 K Potassium
20 Ca Calcium
21 Sc Scandium
22 Ti Titanium
23 V Vanadium
24 Cr Chromium
25 Mn Manganese
26 Fe Iron
27 Co Cobalt
28 Ni Nickel
29 Cu Copper
30 Zn Zinc

Atomic Number of Silver

The chemical element of silver has the atomic number 47 and the symbol Ag. It is a transition metal that is soft, white, and lustrous and has the highest electrical, thermal, and reflectivity of any metal.

Atomic Number of Oxygen

The chemical element with the atomic number 8 and symbol O is called oxygen. It belongs to the periodic table’s chalcogen group, is a very reactive nonmetal, and is an oxidizing agent that easily produces oxides with most elements as well as other compounds.

Atomic Number of Iron

The chemical element iron has the atomic number 26 and the symbol Fe. It is a metal that is found in group 8 of the periodic table and the first transition series. It makes up a large portion of both the Earth’s outer and inner core and is, by mass, the second-most prevalent element on Earth after oxygen.

Atomic Number of Carbon

Chemical element carbon has the atomic number six and the letter C assigned to it. It has a tetravalent atom, which means that four of its electrons can be used to create covalent chemical bonds. It is nonmetallic. The periodic table’s group 14 includes it. The crust of the Earth contains barely 0.025 percent carbon.

Atomic Number of Silicon

Chemical element silicon has the chemical symbol Si and atomic number 14. It is a tetravalent metalloid and semiconductor that has a blue-grey metallic sheen and is a hard, brittle crystalline solid. It belongs to the periodic table’s group 14

Atomic Number of Sulphur

Chemical element sulphur has the letter S and atomic number 16. It is multivalent, nonmetallic, and plentiful. Sulfur atoms normally combine to create cyclic octatomic molecules, which have the chemical formula S8. At room temperature, elemental sulphur is a crystalline solid that is brilliant yellow.

Atomic Number of Barium

Chemical element barium has the chemical symbol Ba and atomic number 56. It is a soft, silvery alkaline earth metal and the fifth element in group 2. Barium is not a free element in nature due to its great chemical reactivity.

Atomic Number of Magnesium

The chemical element magnesium has the atomic number 12 and the letter Mg as its symbol. It is a solid that has a lustrous grey color and many of the same physical and chemical characteristics as the other five alkaline earth metals.

Periodic Table of Elements

The contemporary or modern periodic table, which we presently use, is a revised and enhanced version of specific models proposed by scientists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The periodic table organizes all known elements in order of increasing atomic number and recurring chemical properties. Some of the of the periodic table of elements’ characteristics are detailed below.

  1. In the modern periodic table, periods are the horizontal rows.
  2. The periodic table contains seven periods.
  3. From top to bottom, they are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
  4. The sixth period, on the other hand, is made up of 32 components.
  5. Four new elements have been added to the periodic table’s seventh period. 113-Nihonium, 115-Moscovium, 117-Tennessine, and 118-Oganesson are the elements. With this addition, the 7th period now includes 32 components.
  6. The first period comprises only two elements: hydrogen and helium.
  7. The second and third periods each include eight components.
  8. The fourth and fifth periods each include 18 

Modern Periodic Table Groups

Modern Periodic Tables of Elements are organized in a tabular format, with a row representing a period and a column representing a group. Elements are ordered in increasing atomic number order from left to right and top to bottom. Elements of the same group will therefore have the same valence electron configuration and, as a result, identical chemical characteristics. The Modern periodic table groups are given below.

  1. In the modern periodic table, groups are the vertical columns.
  2. The periodic table is divided into 18 groups.
  3. These groupings are numbered 1 to 18.

Periodic Table with Names

There are 118 Elements in the modern periodic table. periodic table with names are listed below: 

  1. Element 1: H-Hydrogen
  2. Element 2: He-Helium
  3. Element 3: Li-Lithium
  4. Element 4: Be-Beryllium
  5. Element 5: B-Boron
  6. Element 6: C-Carbon
  7. Element 7: N-Nitrogen
  8. Element 8: O-Oxygen
  9. Element 9: F-Fluorine
  10. Element 10: Ne-Neon
  11. Element 11: Na-Sodium
  12. Element 12: Mg-Magnesium
  13. Element 13 : Al-Aluminum
  14. Element 14 : Si-Silicon
  15. Element 15 : P-Phosphorus
  16. Element 16 : S-Sulfur
  17. Element 17 : Cl-Chlorine
  18. Element 18 : Ar-Argon
  19. Element 19 : K-Potassium
  20. Element 20 : Ca-Calcium
  21. Element 21 : Sc-Scandium
  22. Element 22 : Ti-Titanium
  23. Element 23 : V-Vanadium
  24. Element 24 : Cr-Chromium
  25. Element 25 : Mn-Manganese
  26. Element 26 : Fe-Iron
  27. Element 27 : Co-Cobalt
  28. Element 28 : Ni-Nickel
  29. Element 29 : Cu-Copper
  30. Element 30 : Zn-Zinc
  31. Element 31 : Ga-Gallium
  32. Element 32 : Ge-Germanium
  33. Element 33 : As-Arsenic
  34. Element 34 : Se-SeleniumElement 
  35. 35 : Br-BromineElement 
  36. 36 : Kr-Krypton
  37. Element 37 : Rb-Rubidium
  38. Element 38 : Sr-Strontium
  39. Element 39 : Y-Yttrium
  40. Element 40 : Zr-Zirconium
  41. Element 41 : Nb-Niobium
  42. Element 42 : Mo-Molybdenum
  43. Element 43 : Tc-Technetium
  44. Element 44 : Ru-Ruthenium
  45. Element 45 : Rh-Rhodium
  46. Element 46 : Pd-Palladium
  47. Element 47 : Ag-Silver
  48. Element 48 : Cd-Cadmium
  49. Element 49 : In-Indium
  50. Element 50 : Sn-Tin
  51. Element 51 : Sb-Antimony
  52. Element 52 : Te-Tellurium
  53. Element 53 : I-Iodine
  54. Element 54 : Xe-Xenon
  55. Element 55 : Cs-Cesium
  56. Element 56: Ba-Barium
  57. Element 57: La-Lanthanum
  58. Element 58: Ce-Cerium
  59. Element 59 : Pr-Praseodymium
  60. Element 60: Nd-Neodymium
  61. Element 61: Pm-Promethium
  62. Element 62: Sm-Samarium
  63. Element 63: Eu-Europium
  64. Element 64 : Gd-Gadolinium
  65. Element 65: Tb-Terbium
  66. Element 66 : Dy-Dysprosium
  67. Element 67: Ho-Holmium
  68. Element 68: Er-Erbium
  69. Element 69: Tm-Thulium
  70. Element 70: Yb-Ytterbium
  71. Element 71: Lu-Lutetium
  72. Element 72: Hf-Hafnium
  73. Element 73: Ta-Tantalum
  74. Element 74: W-Tungsten
  75. Element 75: Re-Rhenium
  76. Element 76: Os-Osmium
  77. Element 77: Ir-Iridium
  78. Element 78: Pt-Platinum
  79. Element 79 : Au-Gold
  80. Element 80: Hg-Mercury
  81. Element 81: Tl-Thallium
  82. Element 82: Pb-Lead
  83. Element 83: Bi-Bismuth
  84. Element 84: Po-Polonium
  85. Element 85: At-Astatine
  86. Element 86: Rn-Radon
  87. Element 87: Fr-Francium
  88. Element 88: Ra-Radium
  89. Element 89: Ac-Actinium
  90. Element 90: Th-Thorium
  91. Element 91: Pa-Protactinium
  92. Element 92: U-Uranium
  93. Element 93: Np-Neptunium
  94. Element 94: Pu-Plutonium
  95. Element 95: Am-Americium
  96. Element 96: Cm-Curium
  97. Element 97: Bk-Berkelium
  98. Element 98: Cf-Californium
  99. Element 99: Es-Ensteinium
  100. Element 100: Fm-Fermium
  101. Element 101: Md-Mendelevium
  102. Element 102: No-Nobelium
  103. Element 103: Lr-Lawrencium
  104. Element 104: Rf-Rutherfordium
  105. Element 105: Db-Dubnium
  106. Element 106: Sg-Seaborgium
  107. Element 107: Bh-Bohrium
  108. Element 108: Hs-Hassium
  109. Element 109 : Mt-Meitnerium
  110. Element 110 : Ds-Darmstadtium
  111. Element 111 : Rg-Roentgenium
  112. Element 112 : Cn-Copernicium
  113. Element 113: Nh-Nihonium
  114. Element 114: Fl-Flerovium
  115. Element 115: Mc-Moscovium
  116. Element 116 : Lv-Livermorium
  117. Element 117: Ts-Tennessine
  118. Element 118: Og-Oganesson

Periodic Table of Elements in Hindi

आधुनिक आवर्त सारणी में 118 तत्व हैं। सभी तत्व नीचे सूचीबद्ध हैं:

तत्व 1: एच-हाइड्रोजन
तत्व 2: ही-हीलियम
तत्व 3: ली-लिथियम
तत्व 4: बे-बेरीलियम
तत्व 5: बी-बोरोन
तत्व 6: सी-कार्बन
तत्व 7: एन-नाइट्रोजन
तत्व 8: ओ-ऑक्सीजन
तत्व 9: एफ-फ्लोरीन
तत्व 10: ने-नियॉन
तत्व 11: ना-सोडियम
तत्व 12: एमजी-मैग्नीशियम
तत्व 13: अल-एल्यूमीनियम
तत्व 14: सी-सिलिकॉन
तत्व 15: पी-फॉस्फोरस
तत्व 16: एस-सल्फर
तत्व 17: Cl-क्लोरीन
तत्व 18: अर-आर्गन
तत्व 19: के-पोटेशियम
तत्व 20 : Ca-कैल्शियम
तत्व 21: एससी-स्कैंडियम
तत्व 22: Ti-टाइटेनियम
तत्व 23: वी-वैनेडियम
तत्व 24: सीआर-क्रोमियम
तत्व 25: एमएन-मैंगनीज
तत्व 26: फे-आयरन
तत्व 27: सह-कोबाल्ट
तत्व 28: नी-निकेल
तत्व 29: Cu-कॉपर
तत्व 30: Zn-Zinc
तत्व 31: गा-गैलियम
तत्व 32: जीई-जर्मेनियम
तत्व 33: एस-आर्सेनिक
तत्व 34: से-सेलेनियम एलिमेंट
35 : Br-BromineElement
36 : क्र-क्रिप्टन
तत्व 37: आरबी-रूबिडियम
तत्व 38: सीनियर-स्ट्रोंटियम
तत्व 39: Y-Yttrium
तत्व 40: Zr-Zirconium
तत्व 41: नायब-निओबियम
तत्व 42: मो-मोलिब्डेनम
तत्व 43: टीसी-टेक्नेटियम
तत्व 44: रु-रूथेनियम
तत्व 45: Rh-रोडियम
तत्व 46: पीडी-पैलेडियम
तत्व 47: एजी-सिल्वर
तत्व 48: सीडी-कैडमियम
तत्व 49: इन-इंडियम
तत्व 50: एसएन-टिन
तत्व 51: एसबी-एंटीमोनी
तत्व 52: टी-टेल्यूरियम
तत्व 53: आई-आयोडीन
तत्व 54: ज़ी-क्सीनन
तत्व 55: सीएस-सीज़ियम
तत्व 56: बा-बेरियम
तत्व 57: ला-लान्थेनम
तत्व 58: सीई-सेरियम
तत्व 59: पीआर-प्रेजोडायमियम
तत्व 60: एनडी-नियोडिमियम
तत्व 61: पीएम-प्रोमेथियम
तत्व 62: एसएम-समैरियम
तत्व 63: ईयू-यूरोपियम
तत्व 64: जीडी-गैडोलिनियम
तत्व 65: टीबी-टेरबियम
तत्व 66: डाई-डिस्प्रोसियम
तत्व 67: हो-होल्मियम
तत्व 68: एर-एरबियम
तत्व 69: टीएम-थुलियम
तत्व 70: Yb-Ytterbium
तत्व 71: लू-लुटेटियम
तत्व 72: एचएफ-हाफनियम
तत्व 73: टा-टैंटलम
तत्व 74: डब्ल्यू-टंगस्टन
तत्व 75: पुन: रेनियम
तत्व 76: ओस-ऑस्मियम
तत्व 77: इर-इरिडियम
तत्व 78: पीटी-प्लैटिनम
तत्व 79: औ-गोल्ड
तत्व 80: पारा-बुध
तत्व 81: टीएल-थैलियम
तत्व 82: पीबी-लीड
तत्व 83: द्वि-बिस्मथ
तत्व 84: पो-पोलोनियम
तत्व 85: एट-एस्टेटिन
तत्व 86: आरएन-रेडॉन
तत्व 87: Fr-Francium
तत्व 88: रा-रेडियम
तत्व 89: एसी-एक्टिनियम
तत्व 90: गु-थोरियम
तत्व 91: पा-प्रोटैक्टीनियम
तत्व 92: यू-यूरेनियम
तत्व 93: एनपी-नेप्च्यूनियम
तत्व 94: पु-प्लूटोनियम
तत्व 95: Am-Americium
तत्व 96: सेमी-क्यूरियम
तत्व 97: बीके-बर्केलियम
तत्व 98: सीएफ-कैलिफोर्निया
तत्व 99: एस-एनस्टीनियम
तत्व 100: एफएम-फर्मियम
तत्व 101: एमडी-मेंडेलीवियम
तत्व 102: नो-नोबेलियम
तत्व 103: एलआर-लॉरेंसियम
तत्व 104: आरएफ-रदरफोर्डियम
तत्व 105: डीबी-डबनियम
तत्व 106: एसजी-सीबोर्गियम
तत्व 107: भ-बोहरियम
तत्व 108: एचएस-हसियम
तत्व 109: माउंट-मीटनेरियम
तत्व 110: डीएस-डार्मस्टेडियम
तत्व 111: आरजी-रोएंटजेनियम
तत्व 112: सीएन-कॉपरनिकियम
तत्व 113: एनएच-निहोनियम
तत्व 114: फ्लो-फ्लेरोवियम
तत्व 115: मैक-मोस्कोवियम
तत्व 116: लव-लिवरमोरियम
तत्व 117: Ts-Tennessine
तत्व 118: ओग-ओगनेसन

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Q. What are groups in the modern periodic table?

In the modern periodic table, groups are the vertical columns.

Q. What are periods in the modern periodic table?

In the modern periodic table, periods are the horizontal rows.

Q. What is the symbol of copper in the modern periodic table?

The symbol of copper in the modern periodic table is Cu.

Q. What is the symbol of potassium in the modern periodic table?

The symbol of potassium in the modern periodic table is K.

Q. What is the symbol of Hydrogen in the modern periodic table?

The symbol of Hydrogen in the modern periodic table is H.

About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities.