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Bihar Board 12th Physics Answer Key 2025 (Available), BSEB Inter Physics Question Paper PDF, Analysis

The Bihar Board class 12th Physics exam was successfully held on February 05, 2025. All the students from the Inter science stream (ISc) appeared for this crucial exam. As the examination has ended, students who appeared for the exam can check the Bihar Board 12th Physics Answer Key 2025 on this page to match their answers. Along with this, the exam analysis has been also provided here.

Bihar Board 12th Physics Answer Key 2025

The Bihar Board 12th Physics exam 2025 was held in the morning shift on February 05 from 9:30 AM to 12:45 PM. The Bihar Board 12th answer key for all the questions asked in the Physics exam will be provided soon on this page. The Physics subject expert at Adda247 will go through each question after the exam and will share the correct answers for them.

Bihar Board Class 12 Physics Answer Key 2025

The Bihar Board 12th Physics answer key will assist students in comparing their responses and predicting their likely scores. After the answer key becomes available, students may compare their responses with the accurate ones and assess their exam performance.

This process assists students in recognizing the aspects that require enhancement and those in which they excelled. Furthermore, utilizing the answer key enables students to understand their errors and enhance their readiness for upcoming exams.

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BSEB 12th Physics Questions and Answers 2025

The Bihar Board 12th class Physics exam paper consists of both subjective and objective questions. The official questions and answers for the 2025 Class 12 Physics exam, organized by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB), is given below.


Q1. A capacitor of 100 uF is charged to 100 volts. The energy stored in it will be
(A)0.5 joule
(B)5 joule
(C)50 joule
(D) 100 joule

Answer : (A)0.5 joule

Q2. Which of the following has unit volt-metre -1?
(A) Electric flux
(B)Electric potential
(C) Electric field
(D)Electric Capacity

Answer : (A) Electric flux

Q3. The relation between drift velocity v of free electrons in a conductor in electric conduction and potential difference V between ends of the conductor is
(A) proportional to V
(B)inversely proportional to V
(C)proportional to v2
(D) inversely proportional to v2

Answer : (A) proportional to V

Q4. The graph between voltage V of a conductor and current I is a straight line, which makes an angle with a y-axis (which represents I). The resistance of the conductor will be
(A)tan θ
(B)cot θ
(C)sin θ
(D)cos θ

Answer : (A) tan θ

Q5. The power of the electric circuit is
(A) V.R
(B) V2.R

Answer: (C)v2/R

Q6. With the rise in temperature, the resistance of semiconductors
(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C)sometimes increases and sometimes decreases
(D)remains unchanged

Answer: (B) decreases

Q7. What is the main difference between isotopes of the same element?
(A) Number of protons
(B)Number of neutrons
(C)Number of electrons
(D)Atomic number

Answer: (B) Number of neutrons

Q8. Which series of hydrogen spectrum lies in the visible portion?
(A) Lyman series
(B)Balmer series
(C) Paschen series
(D)Brackett series

Answer: (B)Balmer series


Q1. Two equal positive point charges of 1 μC charge are kept at a distance of 1 metre in air. The electric potential energy of the system will be

(A) 1 joule

(B) 1 eV

(C) 9×10-3 joule

(d) zero

Answer: (C) 9×10-3 joule

Q2. Which one of the following is a unit of capacity?

(A) Coulomb

(B) ampere

(C) volt

(D) coulomb/volt

Answer: (D) coulomb/volt

Q3. The capacity of any condenser does not depend upon

(A) shape of plates

(B) size of plates

(C) charge on plates

(D) distance between plates

Answer: (C) charge on plates

Q4. The electric field on the outer surface of a charged conductor is

(A)parallel to the surface

(B) perpendicular to the surface

(C)at 45° angle to the surface


Answer: (B) Perpendicular to the surface

Q5. If a conductor is placed in an external electric field, the field inside the conductor will be


(B)equal to the external field

(C)twice the external field

(D)half the external field

Answer: (A) Zero

Q6. Which of the following statements is true for two-point charges of opposite sign P

(A) The potential energy is always negative

(B) The potential energy is always positive

(C) The potential energy can be either positive or negative

(D) The potential energy is zero

Answer: (A) The potential energy is always negative

Q7. Gauss’s law states that the electric flux through a closed surface is

(A) proportional to the charge enclosed

(B) inversely proportional to the charge enclosed


(D) proportional to the square of the charge enclosed

Answer: (A) Proportional to the charge enclosed

Q8. Kilowatt-hour (kWh) is the unit of

(A) energy

(B) power

(C) torque

(D) force

Answer: (A) Energy

Q9. Which of the following laws is based on the principle of energy conservation?

(A) Ampere’s law

(B) Faraday’s law of electrolysis

(C) Lenz’s law

(D) None of these

Answer: (C) Lenz’s law

Q10. When an ammeter is shunted then its measurement limit

(A) increases

(B) decreases

(C) remains unchanged

(D) none of these

Answer: (A) Increases

Q11. The dimensional formula of permeability is

(A) [MLT-2A-2]

(B) [MLT2A-2]

(C) [MLT2 A2]

(D) [MLT-2A]

Answer: (A) [MLT-2A-2]

Q12. Unit of √(μ0/ε0) is

(A) newton/coulomb

(B) ohm

(C) henry

(D) farad

Answer: (C) Henry

Q13. If the number of turns is increased in any moving coil galvanometer, then its sensitivity
(A) increases
(C) remains unchanged
(D)may increase or may decrease

Answer: (A) increases

Q14. At neutral points
(A) B> B
(B) B<BH
(C) B=BH
(D) B=0
(B intensity of the magnetic field of the magnet; By horizontal component of the magnetic field of the earth)

Answer: (D) B = 0

Q15. The peak value of an alternating current is 10 A. Its root mean the square value will be
(A) 5 A
(B) 7:07 A
(C)10 A
(D) 14:14 A

Answer: (B) 7:07 A

Q16. In a purely inductive circuit, the power factor is
(A) O
(B) 1
(C) 0.5
(D) infinity

Answer: (A) O

Q17. In an a.c. circuit containing only a capacitor, the phase difference between current and voltage is
(A) 0°
(B) 90°
(C) 180″

Answer: (B) 90°

Q18. In resonance condition, the frequency of the L-C circuit is
(A) 1/2π√1/LC
(D) 1/2π√LC

Answer: (B) 2π√(1/LC)

Q19. In a step-up transformer, the value of current in the secondary coil compared to the primary coil is
(A) equal
(C) more
(D)no relation between the two

Answer: (B) less

Q20. The image formed by a convex mirror is always
(A) in between the centre of curvature and focus
(B) in between the centre of curvature and infinity
(C) in between pole and focus
(D)none of these

Answer:  (C) in between pole and focus

Q21. If the critical angle for total internal reflection from any medium to vacuum is 30°, then the velocity of light in the medium is

(A) 3×108 m/sec

(B) 1.5×108 m/sec

(C) 6×108 m/sec

(D) 4.5×108 m/sec

Answer: (B) 1.5×108 m/sec

Q22. The distance between two charges is made half and one of the charges is also halved. The force acting between the two will become as compared to the  previous value

(A) half

(B) double

(C) thrice

(D) none of these

Answer: (A) half

Q23. The speed of an electron accelerated from rest under a potential difference V is

(A) proportional to V

(B) proportional to √V

(C) proportional to 1/V

(D) proportional to V2

Answer: (B) proportional to √V

Q24. The specific charge of an electron is

(A) 1.8×10-19 C/kg

(B) 1.67×10-19 C/kg

(C) 1.8×1011 c/kg

(D) 6.67×1011 C/kg

Answer: (C) 1.8×10^11 C/kg

Q27. The distance between two equal and opposite charges of 0.2 μC is 3.0 cm. Their electric dipole moment will be

(A) 6.0 coulomb-metre

(B) 6-0x10-8 coulomb-metre

(C) 12.0 coulomb-metre

(D) 12.0×10-8 coulomb-metre

Answer: (B) 6.0×10^-8 coulomb-metre

Q28. Inside a closed surface n electric dipoles are situated. The total electric flux coming out from the closed surface will be





Answer: (D) zero

Q29. Two light waves of equal amplitude and equal wavelengths are superimposed. The amplitude of the resultant wave will be maximum when the phase difference between them is

(A) zero

(B) π/4

(C) π/2

(D) π

Answer: (A) zero

Q30. In polarised light the angle between the plane of vibration and the plane of polarization is

(A) 0°

(C) 90°

(B) 45°

(D) 180°

Answer: (C) 90°

Bihar Board Physics Answer Key 2025 Class 12

The answers to all the objective questions asked in the Physics question paper of 2025 board exam will be updated in this section. Make sure to visit this page after the exam concludes.

BSEB 12th Physics Question Paper Analysis 2025

February 5th marks the third day of the inter examination for the Bihar Board 2025. According to the BSEB 2025 Date Sheet for Class 12, the examinations take place in two sessions. The shift/sitting 1 for February 5 has concluded, which was set for 9:30 am to 12:45 pm.

Students have turned in their answer sheets and are exiting the exam center. The Bihar Board class 12 Physics question paper analysis 2025 based on students’ reaction and teacher’s perspective is shared below.

Students’ Reaction

Students’ Response: The BSEB Physics intermediate exam 2025 has concluded. Students have finalized the exam and handed their answer sheets to the examiner. Students reported that the exam was average with straightforward questions. They believed that multiple-choice questions (MCQs) required less time compared to lengthy numerical questions and would help improve their subject score. No subject was inquired about beyond the syllabus.

Teachers’ Perspective

The teachers believe that the exam was not particularly challenging. Students tackled the questions effectively. The majority of the questions were straightforward, incorporating some diversions. Mathematical questions were similarly not very difficult. In general, the Physics exam paper met expectations, and students are anticipated to perform well. The remaining questions will only become clear once the result is known.

BSEB Physics Question Paper Pattern 2025

It is critical to understand the marks and question distribution when evaluating the Bihar Board Class 12 Physics Answer Key 2025. Bihar Board Physics Question Paper 2025 is broken into three sections: Section A and Section B. Each section A and section B has equal weightage of 35 marks. The section-wise question and marks distribution is given below.

  • Section A contains 70 objective-type questions, with only 35 of them to be answered. Each question is worth one mark. If more than 35 questions are answered, just the first 35 will be considered. To answer these, darken the circle with a blue or black ball pen against the correct option on the OMR answer sheet.
  • Section-B contains 20 short answer style questions, each worth 2 marks, with only 10 questions to be answered. Aside from that, there are 3 long answer-type questions, each worth 5 marks; any three questions must be answered. The short answer type question accounts for 20 marks while the long answer type question accounts for 15 marks.

Bihar Board 12th Physics Question Paper 2025 PDF Download

Students appearing for the Bihar Board 12th Physics exam can also download the official question paper pdf in case they lose their exam paper. The question paper can be used as a reference while checking the unofficial answers provided on this page. Apart from that, the question paper pdf can also be used by the future board students for practice purpose.

Download BSEB Class 12 Physics Question Paper 2025 PDF

How to Calculate Marks using Bihar Board 12th Physics Answer Key 2025

Students can determine their approximate marks by following these methods after checking the Bihar Board 12th Physics Answer Key 2025 provided by our experts:

  • Compare your answers: Examine the objective-style questions on your answer sheet and compare them to the right responses listed in the answer key.
  • Mark Correct Answers: You can add the marks allotted for each right response in accordance with the exam’s marking guidelines. In the objective portion, incorrect responses will not result in a deduction in score.
  • Add up your scores: Your projected score for the objective section is calculated by adding the total points for all of the right answers.
  • Calculate Your Overall Score: You can calculate your overall score if you are comfortable with your subjective responses as well. You will have to wait for the official results, though, to find out the accurate result.

Steps to Download Bihar Board 12th Physics Answer Key 2025 (Official)

Candidates can download their Bihar Board 12th official answer key for Physics subject in March 2025. Follow the instructions mentioned below to obtain the official answer key of the Bihar Board 12th mathematics from the official web portal after its release.

  • Go to the BSEB’s official website: Visit the Bihar Board website at biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in.
  • Go to the “Notifications” or “Latest Updates” section: Find the section with the most recent updates or announcements.
  • Locate the relevant Link: Look for a website with the title “Intermediate Biology Answer Key 2025” or a comparable one.
  • Get the Answer Key here: The solution key document, which is typically in PDF format, can be opened by clicking on the link. After that, you can download and store it on your smartphone.

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Importance of Bihar Board 12th Answer Key 2025 for Physics

The Bihar Board 12th Physics answer key 2025 will be beneficial in the following ways.

  • Self-Evaluation: With the answer key, learners are able to compare their responses to the accurate ones. This aids them in grasping which questions they got right and where they erred. It also helps students recognize their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to better prepare for future exams. Self-evaluation allows students to reflect on their errors and focus on growth, enhancing their self-assurance.
  • Transparency: The answer key provides clarity to the exam procedure, allowing students to easily identify which answers were correct and which were incorrect. This boosts students’ confidence in the exam outcomes, as they realize the assessment was conducted justly and precisely. The answer key additionally demonstrates to students how to properly present correct answers, which can aid in preparing for future exams.

Keep checking this article to get the latest updates about the Bihar board Class 12th Physics answer key and question paper for the year 2025.

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What is the passing marks for Bihar Board Physics 12th?

The passing marks for the Bihar Board 12th Physics exam is 33 out of 100.

How many MCQ are there in Bihar Board Physics paper?

In physics paper of Bihar Board class 12th, there are 70 MCQs out of which candidates are required to answer any 35.

About the Author

Hi there, I am Ashish and have completed my education from Science Domain. I have 2 years of experience in content creation, catering to the demands of young students. I provide written content related to NEET, JEE, Board Exams, CLAT, CUET (UG & PG) and management exams in a simple manner. My content provides important insights on several topics in depth.