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CBSE Releases Guidelines for Practical Exams of Classes 10 & 12: Check SOPs

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is holding the CBSE 10th and 12th practical exams 2025 from January 1. Before that, the board released a notification mentioning the “Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for CBSE Board practical examinations, projects, and internal assessments” for classes 10 and 12.

The objective of issuing the CBSE Board Practical Exam SOPs and guidelines for students and schools is to bring uniformity of instructions and to ensure the correctness of procedures. Candidates can get the CBSE Practical Exam Guidelines and SOPs at cbse.gov.in. We have also listed down all the guidelines in very simple languages to make things simpler.

CBSE Releases Guidelines for Practical Exams of Classes 10 & 12 with SOPs

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued detailed guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for administering practical exams, projects, and internal assessments in Classes X and XII to maintain uniformity and error-free practices across all CBSE-affiliated schools. s per the practical exam timetable, the class 10 and 12 practical exams are scheduled to be started for regular Session Schools from January 1, 2025, to February 14, 2025.

Schools should rigorously follow the stated CBSE Board Practical Exam 2025 SOPs and Guidelines to avoid disruptions in result declarations. By following these principles, schools, students, and regional offices may ensure that practical exams and internal assessments go smoothly and successfully. Click the link below to download the official notification PDF for the CBSE Board Practical Exam 2025 SOPs and guidelines.

CBSE Releases Guidelines for Practical Exams of Classes 10 & 12: SOPs

Correct and timely assessment of Practical, Project, and Internal Assessment components in classes X and Xl is of paramount importance for the declaration of results. It has been observed that some schools are committing serious mistakes and requesting the Board to change the result after its declaration. The Practical Examinations/Project/internal Assessments are conducted by all the schools as per provisions given in CBSE Board Practical Exam 2025 SOPs issued for Classes 10 and 12.

General Instructions

The Practical Examinations/Project/Internal Assessment shall be conducted strictly in accordance with the guidelines/details of the practical and Practical Syllabus of the concerned academic session given on the website of Academic Branch, CBSE, i.e., https://cbseacademic.nic.in

The CBSE has a prescribed subject-wise curriculum and most of the subjects contain Theory and Practical/Project/Internal Assessment. The curriculum also contains a breakup of the maximum marks for the theory question papers and Practical/Project/lnternal Assessments.

Date of Conduct

The date for the conduct of Practical Examinations/Project/internal Assessments shall be as follows.
Winter Bound Schools:  05th November 2024 (Tuesday) to 05th December, (Thursday) 2024
Regular Session Schools: 1st January, 2025 to 14th February, 2025

Any change (If required), in the period during which the Practical Examinations/Project/internal Assessments shall be conducted during a particular. No extension of the dates shall be considered by the Board.

Date for uploading of Marks

The marks in respect of all Practical Examinations/Projects/internal Assessments shall be uploaded simultaneously, starting from the dates of conduct of exams/assessments (01/01/2025 TO 14/02/2025). The uploading of marks shall be completed by the last date of the respective class. No extension of the dates shall be considered by the Board.

Ensuring error-Free Uploading

While uploading the marks, the School, the Internal Examiner, and the External Examiner (as the case may be) shall ensure that correct marks are uploaded as no correction in the marks will be allowed once marks are uploaded.

Schools and Examiners shall, while awarding/uploading marks, also keep in mind the maximum marks allotted for Practical/Project/Internal Assessment as per guidelines issued by the CBSE. The Practical Answer book has an additional feature where both the Internal and external examiners need to provide an undertaking that correct data has been uploaded on the portal by them.

Regular Students

Practical Examinations/Project/Internal Assessments shall be conducted for the regular students sponsored through L.0.C of Classes X and XIl, based on the eligibility/bonafide status of the student(s). The schools shall immediately contact the regional office in case the names of any of the students are missing from the list of students in any of the subjects.

Private Students

The Marks of Practical Examinations/Project/internal Assessments marks in respect of private students shall be awarded as per the policy of the Board in accordance with the Examination Bye-laws. In case the Practical Examinations/Projectlnternal Assessments are to be conducted again that will also be done as per the policy of the Board in accordance with the Examination Bye-laws.  All Private candidates be informed about the Board’s policy in this regard.

Unfair Means

Students found guilty of communicating or attempting to communicate with Examiners with the objective of influencing them in any way whatsoever or using any other undesirable means for taking undue advantage during exams/assessments will be deemed to have used/attempted unfair means. Examiners are required to report at once about such cases along with complete facts/papers/witnesses to the concerned Regional Office. Activity by any stakeholder that affects the sanctity of the assessment will be considered a UFM activity and action will be taken by the Board.

CBSE Releases Guidelines for Practical Exams of Classes 10 & 12: Specific Instructions

The marks awarded to the students in the Practical Examinations/Project/internal ASsessment have the same sanctity as the marks scored in the Board’s Annual Theory Examinations and therefore shall not be disclosed to the students or any person under any circumstances.

  • APPOINTMENT OF EXTERNAL EXAMINER: No external examiner will be appointed by the Board for class X.
  • ANSWER BOOK FOR PRACTICALS: Practical answer books will not be supplied by the Board for class X, the school shall make all arrangements themselves. After the conduct of the Practical/Project/internal Assessment, the answer books of the students are not required to be sent to the Regional Office.

CBSE Practical Exam Guidelines 2025 Class 12: Specific Instructions


The Board will appoint External Examiners in each school to conduct Practical Examinations and Project Assessments in the specified subjects. The school authorities are not authorized to make alternate arrangements for external examiners to conduct practical examinations/project assessments at the local level. Practical examination can only be conducted by an external examiner appointed by the Board.

All matters of any delay in the conduct of practical examination due to non-availability/ refusal/non-reporting etc. shall be reported to the Regional Office concerned immediately for further necessary directions from the Regional Office for the appointment of a new examiner.

Appointment of Observers by the Board

The Board may appoint Observers in the schools to oversee the conduct of Practical Examinations and Project Assessments and ensure fair conduct of examinations/assessments. The schools shall get in touch with the concerned Regional Office to obtain the list of Observers.

In case, it is observed that directions of the Board have not been complied with by the schools, the Board reserves its right to cancel the Practical examination. The board can reconsider Practical examinations under its own supervision.

Benefits of Knowing CBSE Has Released SOPs for Practical Exams of Classes 10 and 12.

Knowing that CBSE has released Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the practical exams of Classes 10 and 12 provides several benefits:

Clear Guidance for Students and Teachers
The SOPs provide specific instructions on how practical exams will be conducted.
Students can prepare accordingly, ensuring they meet the required standards.
Teachers can structure their sessions and evaluations to align with the guidelines.
Reduction in Stress
Familiarity with the process reduces anxiety for students as they know what to expect.
Awareness of safety measures and protocols creates a sense of security.
Fair and Transparent Evaluation
SOPs ensure uniformity in the evaluation process, minimizing biases or discrepancies.
Knowing the marking scheme or criteria helps students focus on key areas.
Efficient Preparation
Students can focus on specific skills and experiments highlighted in the SOPs.
Teachers can emphasize essential practices and troubleshoot common mistakes.
Compliance with Safety Measures
SOPs often include guidelines on hygiene and safety (especially post-pandemic), ensuring a safe environment during practical.
Effective Time Management
SOPs outline schedules and timelines, helping students and schools plan their academic and exam preparations better.
Confidence Boost
Knowing the procedures beforehand boosts students’ confidence, as they feel more in control of their performance.
Reduction in Errors and Miscommunication
Clear instructions minimize misunderstandings between schools, students, and examiners.
Being aware of these SOPs is vital for a smooth, efficient, and fair practical exam experience!

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About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities.