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Class 10 English Important Questions, Get Most Repeated Questions

The English language in class 10 is the primary language subject, so, it is important to learn important extra questions and answers to this subject. In the modern world, English is undoubtedly the most widely spoken and significant language. English is the language used by more than 1.5 billion people worldwide, and it acts as a bridge to link people from different cultural backgrounds and promotes global trade, education, and diplomacy. Observing its enormous scope, we have provided some English Important Questions Class 10. This article contains all the relevant English Important Questions Class 10 along with their answers.

Class 10 English Important Questions

If you are searching for CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions then you are in the right place. We have given CBSE Class 10 English Important Question on this page. In order to pass CBSE Class 10 exam the students need to make extra efforts and solve CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions given here. The board has announced the CBSE Term 2 Exam date, the CBSE Exam will start from 15th Feb 2024 onwards. On this page, we have given CBSE Class 10 English Important Question as per the latest exam pattern. We have given 2 marks, 3 marks, and 4 marks questions on this page, the students must solve the CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions to consolidate and assess their preparation. By going through this page, you will surely seal your fate of scoring excellent marks in the class 10 English subject. Bookmark this page to get latest updates from CBSE.

Class 10 English Important Questions: Exam Pattern

As per the sample paper, CBSE Class 10 English question paper contains three sections namely Section A, Section B, and Section C. Check the marks breakup listed below:

Section A: Section A is Reading which holds 10 marks.

Section B: Section B is Writing and Grammar which holds 10 marks.

Section C: Section C is literature that holds 20 marks.

English Important Questions Class 10 for 2 Marks

Class 10 English Important Questions of Chapter – Glimpses of India

1.  What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about?

Answer: The elders in Goa are nostalgic about the good old Portuguese days and their love of bread and loaves. The writer says that the eaters of the loaves have left but the makers still exist.

2.  How do we get to know that the makers of bread still exist?

Answer: The narrator states that the eaters of loaves might have vanished but the makers are still there.They say that those age-old, time-tested furnaces still exist and the fire in the furnaces has not yet been extinguished.

3.  Who invites the comment –“ he is dressed like a pader? ”Why ?

Answer: Any person who is wearing a half pant which reaches just below the knees invites this comment. This is because the baker, known as a pader, used to dress like that.

4. What did the bakers wear -i) in the Portuguese days ? ii) when the author was young?

Answer: (i)The bakers were usually dressed up in a peculiar dress called Kabai.It was a single piece long frock reaching down to the knees.

(ii) During his childhood days, the author saw the bakers wearing shirt and trousers which were shorter than full length ones and longer than half pants.

5.  Is bread an important part of Goan life? How do you know this?

Answer: Bread is still an important part of Goan life. Marriage gifts are meaningless and a party or a feast loses its charm without bread. Sandwiches are important for a daughter’s engagement.

This shows the fact that the bread makers are still there.

Class 10 English Important Questions of Chapter – Madam Rides the Bus

  1. What was a source of unending joy for Valli? What was her strongest desire?
  2. Valli was an eight-year-old girl who was very curious about things. What was her favourite pastime?
  3. Why did Valli not get off from the bus when it stopped at the bus stand?
  4. Why does the conductor refer to Valli as ‘madam’?
  5. How did Valli manage to leave the house?
  6. How did Valli calculate and plan?
  7. What was the most fascinating thing for Valli?
  8. What was the tiny wish that crept into Valli’s head?
  9. What was the next problem after Valli had enough money?
  10.   Why didn’t Valli want to have a look at the sights alone?
  11.   What kind of a person was Valli?
  12.   Why does Valli stand up on the seat? What does she see now?
  13.   What does Valli tell the elderly man when he calls her a child?
  14.   What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh?
  15.   Why didn’t she get off the bus at the bus station?
  16.   Why was Valli overcome with shyness?
  17.   What did Valli see when she peered over the blind?
  18.   Why didn’t Valli like the remark of the elderly man? What did she say to him?
  19.   How did Valli react when she saw the dead cow by the roadside?
  20.   Why does Valli refuse to look out of the window on her way back?

Class 10 English Important Questions of Chapter – The Sermon at Benares

1.  Who was Gautama Buddha? When and where was he born?

Answer: Gautama Buddha was a Prince who was named Siddhartha Gautama by his parents. He was born in 563 B.C. in North India. He had been shielded from the sufferings of the world.

2.  Why did Prince Siddhartha leave the palace and become a monk?

Answer: While going out for hunting Prince Siddhartha saw a sick man, an aged man and then a funeral procession. Then he saw a beggar begging for alms. These sights mourned him very much. He realised that the world is full of sorrows. He thus turned into a monk.

3. What is a sermon? Is it different from a lecture or a talk?

Answer: A sermon is a spoken or written address on a religious or moral subject. It is a serious talk. It is different from a lecture or a talk. It is because a lecture or a talk can be on anything. A sermon has to be on religion or a moral subject.

4.  What did the Buddha do after he had attained enlightenment?

Answer: When Buddha attained enlightenment, he started preaching and telling people about life and its meaning. He spread his preaching far and wide. He shared his knowledge with people through his teachings.

5. Why was Kisa Gotami sad? What did she do in her hour of grief?

Answer: Kisa Gotami was sad because her only son had died. In her hour of grief, she went from house to house in search of a medicine to cure him. She had become selfish in wanting her son back.

6. What did her neighbours think about Kisa Gotami?

Answer: Kisa Gotami’s only son had died. She was overwhelmed with grief. She carried the dead child to all her neighbours. She asked them for medicine to cure her son. The neighbours thought she had lost her senses. A dead child could never be cured.

7.  Why did Kisa go to Gautama Buddha?

Answer: One of the neighbours advised Kisa Gotami to go to Buddha who could have given her some lifesaving medicine for her son.

8. What did Buddha ask the lady to do?

Answer: Buddha asked the lady to bring a handful of mustard-seeds. But these must be taken from a house where no one had ever lost a child, husband or a friend. Then he would be able to help her.

9.  How did the Buddha teach Kisa Gotami the truth of life?

Answer: Buddha changed Kisa’s thinking with the help of a simple act—asking her to procure a handful of mustard seeds from that house where none had died. She could not understand it. But, gradually she understood that death is inevitable.

10. Where did Buddha preach his first sermon?

Answer: Gautama Buddha preached his first sermon at the city of Benares, which is regarded as the most holy of the dipping places on the river Ganges.

Class 10 English Important Questions of Chapter – The Proposal (Play)

1.  What happens to Lomov when he is in an excited state?

Answer: When Lomov is in an excited state his heart beat increases, lips tremble and there is a twitch in his right eyebrow. When he goes to sleep in such a state something pulls him from his left side and he jumps like a lunatic.

2.  Why does Chubukov suspect Lomov when he comes to his house?

Answer: When Chubukov sees Lomov, he suspects that he must have come to borrow money from him. Chubukov is not at all sincere in saying “And I’ve always loved you, my angel as if you were my own son.” But in the entire play Chubukov and Lomov are seen fighting over the property or the dogs.

3.  Why does Lomov say that Chubukov is not a good neighbour but a land-grabber ?

Answer: Lomov has his reasons to think that Chubukov is not a good neighbour but a land-grabber. His aunt’s grandmother gave the Meadows for ‘temporary’ and free use to Chubukov’s grandfather’s peasants. He doesn’t intend to give up his claim over the Meadows. Good neighbours don’t behave like this. Only land-grabbers behave in this fashion.

4. What did Natalya say about Guess?

Answer: Natalya said that Squeezer was superior to Guess – Lomov’s dog. Lomov said that his dog Guess was better than Squeezer. Natalya believed that Guess had become old and ought to be shot. She also claimed that Squeezer was a hundred times better than Guess.

5.  What is the ailment that Lomov is suffering from?

Answer: Lomov is hypochondriac and nervous. He thinks he is cold, he has a roaring in his ears, he complains of a weak heart, insomnia, strange aches and palpitation. He also suffers from numbness of limbs. He gets nervous very often. His heart collapses twice. He considers himself weak and helpless, and needs sympathy.

6.  Describe Chubukov’s reaction when he comes to know about Lomov’s purpose of visit.

Answer: Chubukov is extremely happy and excited to know about Lomov’s proposal. He assures him that Natalya would agree to the proposal. He showers his affection on Lomov and sheds a tear out own happiness and says that it is his heartfelt desire. He does so because he thinks that Lomov would make a good match for his daughter.

7.  Why does Natalya ask her father Chubukov to fetch Lomov in at once? Why does she accuse her father?

Answer: Natalya asked her father to fetch Lomov at once as she had come to know that Lomov had come to propose to her. She accused Chubukov of driving Lomov out of their home.

8.  Why does Lomov wish to propose to Natalya?

Answer: Lomov wishes to propose to Natalya because he feels she is an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking, and is also well-educated. Moreover, he feels that he is already thirty-five, which is a critical age and he ought to lead a regular and settled life.

9.  Which qualities are common in all three characters of the play ‘The Proposal’?

Answer: All the characters in the play are argumentative, full of pride and possessiveness. They are always ready to argue about petty things. They even fought over the breed of dogs.

10.   What according to Chubukov is Lomov worth doing?

Answer: The speaker Chubukov doesn’t think that his neighbour Lomov is worth anything. He only knows how to argue with people and interfere with their dogs. He can’t be a good hunter at all.

Class 10 English Important Questions of Poem – Amanda

1. How old do you think Amanda is? How do you know this?

Answer: Amanda’s age could be between 10-12 years old. We can guess this because of the reference to mermaid or Rapunzel. These stories are read by children of age group of 10-12 years. Amanda’s mother also makes a reference to acne, which appears during adolescence.

2.  Why is Amanda getting scolded for having chocolate?

Answer: Amanda is getting scolded for having chocolates as previously it had caused her acne.

3.  What can you depict of Amanda’s nature?

Answer: Amanda is a moody girl. She is nagged most of the time. She often escapes from reality and goes into an imaginary world.

4.  Why does Amanda want to be Rapunzel?

Answer: Amanda wants to be Rapunzel because she wants to live a rare and tranquil life in tower like Rapunzel.

5.  What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?

Answer: The little girl Amanda wants to be a mermaid and the only resident of the beautiful green sea. She thinks that her life will be very relaxing in the sea and she will be taken away with the currents of water.

6.  Who do you think is speaking to her?

Answer: One of her parents is speaking to her. Most probably it is her mother. In a traditional household mother is held responsible for the conduct of child.

7. What does the girl yearn for? What does this poem tell you about Amanda?

Answer: A girl like Amanda yearns for freedom and space for herself. She likes to be let alone and does not like to be questioned or nagged at.

8.  Is Amanda a student? How do you know?

Answer: Yes, Amanda is a student because she is asked to complete her homework.

9.  What does the line “never let down my bright hair” tell us about Amanda?

Answer: It tells us that Amanda does not want anybody to come up and spoil the silence or disturb her in any way.

10.  The reader sympathises with the speaker in the poem. Support this opinion with a reason.

Answer: The speaker, probably her mother, is worried about her posture, skin, and school homework. But, Amanda gives her a deaf ear which makes the reader sympathizes with the speaker.

Class 10 English Important Questions of Poem – Animals

1. What does the poet wish to do at the beginning of the poem?

Answer: The poet wishes that he could transform and become one with animals.

2.  What do humans do to other human beings who lived thousands of years ago?

Answer: Human beings hold their ancestors in great respect.

3.  What conclusion does the poet come to at the end of the poem?

Answer: The poet says that as a human being he must have lost his natural virtues sometime in the past. Presently those virtues are possessed only by the animals.

4. “I think I could turn and live with animals…” What is the poet turning from?

Answer: The poet is turning away from living with other humans as he finds them complicated and false. He would rather live with animals that are self-contained and non-complaining.

5. Do humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago? Give reason for your answer.

Answer: Yes, humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago. They worship their ancestors and pray by kneeling in front of their portraits. They hold religious sermons and ceremonies in their memory.

6.  Why does the poet like animals?

Answer: The poet likes animals for their self-contained and quiet nature. The fact that animals are not like human beings and are satisfied with their lives appeals to the poet a lot.

7.  Explain the satisfaction that animals have and humans don’t.

Answer: Animals do not have the desire to possess worldly things. On the other hand, the more humans own, the more their desire to own grows, leaving them dissatisfied forever. The absence of this greed in animals keeps them satisfied and its presence keeps humans dissatisfied.

8.  Why do animals not weep for their sins?

Answer: Animals do not weep for their sins because they do not need to do so. They are innocent creatures that commit no sins. It is the humans who commit sins and later weep for it too.

9.  What makes the poet sick?

Answer: The fact, that humans commit all kinds of sins and still discuss their duty to God, makes the poet sick. This shows the hypocrisy of humans, who on one hand do wrong and on the other pray to God.

10.  Differentiate between humans and animals in terms of desire.

Answer: Animals are very different from humans as they have no desire to own things. They are happy without an unending greed while humans become maniacs in their greed for possessing valuables.

Class 10 English Important Questions of Poem – The Tale of Custard the Dragon

1. How did each of Belinda’s pets react at the sight of the pirate?

Answer: At the sight of the pirate , Belinda’s pets ran away and hid , for they were scared of the pirate.

2.  How is the “ The Tale of Custard the Dragon” a ballad ?

A ballad is a poem that tells a story . This poem has qualities of adventure and bravery. And the poet is showing these qualities in a humorous way.

3.  Why did Belinda cry for help? Who came to help ?

Answer: Since Belinda was scared of the pirate ,she cried for help. The Custard came to her help.

4.  Who all lived in the white house with Belinda ?

Answer: Ink – a black kitten, Blink- a grey mouse, Mustard – a yellow dog, Custard -a dragon and a red wagon.

5.  Why did everyone make fun of the dragon ?

Answer: Every one made fun of the dragon, because he always cried for a safe cage, but others boasted about their bravery.

6.  Where did Belinda live ? Which animals lived with Belinda ?

Answer: Belinda lived in a little white house. A black kitten , a grey mouse, a yellow dog and a pet dragon lived with Belinda.

7.  Belinda and other animals have been described as brave. But on seeing the pirate,they behaved in a cowardly way . How did they react ?

Answer: Belinda turned pale with fear. She cried for help. Mustard ran barking fearfully. Ink

went to the bottom of the house. And the little mouse ran into his hole.

8. How did they say their admiration for the dragon after the death of the pirate? Answer: They became very happy . Belinda embraced him and mustard licked him. Ink and Blink jumped with happiness. .Thus they expressed their joy .

9.  Why did Custard cry for a nice safe cage? Why is the dragon called “cowardly dragon”?

Answer: The custard was coward. That is why he was called “cowardly dragon”. All other animals laughed at him. He did not like that. So he cried for a nice safe cage.

10.  “Belinda tickled him, she tickeld him unmerciful. ”why?

Answer: Belinda tickled Custard to tease him for his cowar

English Important Questions Class 10 for 3 Marks

english important questions class 10 in the section for 3 marks is given below.

English Important Questions Class 10 for Glimpses of India

1. ”Even today any person with a jackfruit-like physical appearance is easily compared to a baker.” Explain.

Answer: Bakers had a plump physique which meant they were happy and prosperous and hence, even today any person with a jackfruit-like physical appearance is compared to a baker.

2. ’Baking was indeed, a profitable profession.’ Justify the statement with reference to the extract ‘A Baker from Goa’.

Answer: Baking was indeed, a profitable profession in the old days. The baker and his family never starved. He, his family, and his servants always looked happy and prosperous. Their plump physique was an open testimony to this.

3.   How does the writer know about the arrival of the baker? Why are they anxiously waiting for him?

Answer: The children would know about his arrival from the ‘jhang, jhang’ sound of his bamboo stick. They would run to meet and greet him. They tried to surround the basket but were pushed aside till the bread was delivered to the maid. Then, they were allowed to choose their bread bangles.

4.   What did the baker mean to the narrator during his childhood? How many times did he pay a visit?

Answer: The baker or pader was an important person in the author’s life. He was treated like a friend. He used to come twice a day, once in the morning to sell the bread and then while returning after emptying his basket. The author used to run to meet him in order to take the bread – bangles. He chatted and gossiped with him.

5.   Why did the young children in Goa not wash their mouth?

Answer: When the children got bread bangles from the baker in the morning, they wanted to eat those without waiting to brush their teeth or wash their mouths properly. They argued that the tiger never brushed his teeth. Hot tea could wash and clean up everything very nicely.

English Important Questions Class 10 for Madam Rides the Bus

  1. Give examples from the text to show that Valli was a meticulous planner.
  2. How can you say that the conductor was a good-natured jolly fellow? Support your answer with examples.
  3. What details did Valli pick up about the bus journey? How did she pick up these details?
  4. Give reasons why Valli found the elderly woman on the bus, repulsive.
  5. What was Valli’s favourite pastime?
  6. Why did Valli listen to the conversations? What did she get from them?
  7. How did Valli board the bus? Why did she say, ‘I can get on by myself’?
  8. How did Valli react when the conductor called her “a very grown-up madam?”
  9. What careful and painstaking elaborate plans did Valli have to make for her first journey and how did she save the money for it
  10. Why did Valli laugh until there were tears in her eyes?
  11. Why didn’t Valli get off the bus when the bus stopped at the town?
  12. Why didn’t Valli accept a free drink from the bus conductor? What does this act show about her character?
  13. What dampened Valli’s enthusiasm during the return journey?
  14. How can you say Valli’s bus ride remained a secret from her mother and aunt?
  15. Why did Valli smile to herself? Did her mother and aunt have any chance of knowing the secret of her smile?
  16. What did Valli see out of the window on her first journey?
  17. Why did Valli didn’t enjoy her bus ride back home?
  18. What was Valli’s deepest desire? Find the words and phrases in the story that tell you this.

English Important Questions Class 10 for The Sermon at Benares

1. How is the city of Benares important??

Answer: Benares is a sacred city of the Hindus as the river Ganga flows through it. Gautama Buddha preached his first sermon at the city of Benares. It was about accepting death as an inseparable part of life and not grieving unduly over it.

2.   What is the moral of the lesson,’ The Sermon at Benares’?

Answer: The moral of the lesson is that one should understand that human beings are mortal and no one can escape death. People must understand that thinking about bound situations will increase one’s stress and lead to sorrow. So, our primary focus should be on neglecting sorrows and focusing on things that make us happy.

3. What were the sights that moved and shocked Gautama?

Answer: Prince Gautama had been deliberately shielded from all the sufferings of the world. One day he chanced upon a sick man, then an aged man and then a funeral procession. Finally, he saw a monk begging for alms. These sights moved him. He went out into the world to seek the solution of all these sufferings. He wanted to seek enlightenment.

4. What did the Buddha preach to the people?

Answer: Buddha said that death is common to all mortals. You cannot avoid it. No amount of Weeping and lamenting can bring back a dead. So wise men don’t grieve. Weeping and lamenting rather spoil one’s health. To overcome sorrow, become free of sorrow.

5.   According to Kisa Gotami what is the greatest grief of life?

Answer: According to Kisa Gotami, the greatest grief in life is the death of one’s loved ones and one’s inability to stop them from dying. She had tried in vain to revive her son. Finding her so miserable the Buddha thought of a way to teach her to stop grieving. She eventually understood the lesson that Buddha wanted to convey- death should be accepted as it is inevitable.

6.   How did Kisa Gotami realise that life and death is a process?

Answer: Kisa Gotami went from house to house to bring a handful of mustard seeds but was unable to find one house where nobody died. She sat down by the roadside and saw the lights of city flickering and extinguishing. Thus she realised that the human life is similar to the lights.

7. How did the Buddha teach Kisa Gautami the truth of life and death?

Answer: Kisa Gotami had lost her son. The Buddha told her to bring mustard seeds from the house where there had been no deaths. When she could not fulfil this condition she understood that death is the ultimate truth. All creatures that are born must die one day. This is what Buddha wanted her to understand. Finally the grieving mother accepted the death of her beloved son.

8. How did Siddhartha Gautama get enlightenment? Why did he name the peepal tree as the Bodhi tree?

Answer: Gautama wanted a final solution for the sufferings and pains that afflicted the people of the world. He wandered for seven years for seeking enlightenment. Finally, he sat down under a peepal tree. He vowed to stay there until enlightenment came. Enlightened after seven days, he renamed the peepal tree. It was named as the Bodhi Tree or Tree of Wisdom.

9.   What did Buddha say about death and suffering ?

Answer: After enlightenment, Buddha started to spread his teachings about life, truth and the likes of it. He told that death and suffering are the part and parcel of life. None can avoid this truth. Whoever has born, will die one day. In the hour of grief, one must remain calm and composed so that grief doesn’t overcome one. Only wise accept the truth. People should not get distressed with pain, suffering and death.

10.   Can grieving and lamentation avoid death and decay in this world? What did the Buddha say in this regard?

Answer: This world is afflicted with death and decay. Therefore, the wise don’t grieve. No one will ever get peace of mind by weeping or grieving. Weeping or grieving only makes a person sick and pale. Only the person who has overcome all sorrows will be free from sorrow. He will then be blessed.

English Important Questions Class 10 The Proposal

1. Who are Lomov and Chubukov and how are they related to each other?

Answer: Lomov and Chubukov are landlords. They are neighbors too. According to lomov, he has been coming to Chubukov for help. Chubukov has helped him even earlier. There seems to be a dispute over the ownership of Oxen Meadows. Each one claims that the land belongs to him. Lomov is interested in marrying Chubukov’s daughter Natalya and considers her a suitable match for him.

2.  Justify the title of the play, ’The Proposal’?

Answer: The title of the play “The Proposal” is apt. The title justifies the main theme- the marriage of Natalya and Lomov. No doubt, both Lomov and Natalya want to be life partners. However, unnecessary quarrels over Oxen Meadows and their dogs Squeezer and Guess temporarily spoil their game. The message is very clear. The main issue must not be clouded and lost sight of by indulging in unnecessary and avoidable quarrels.

3.  What do you learn about Natalya from the play, The Proposal?

Answer: Natalya is the only daughter of the landowner Chubukov. She was very possessive about her land and was very determined not to part with it. She was a short-tempered lady who used to quarrel with everyone very often. She always pinpointed the amount of help she had offered to her neighbours. Though well educated, she did not use her education wisely and thoughtfully.

4.  Describe the first fight between Lomov and Natalya.

Answer: Although Lomov had come to Chubukov’s house to propose his daughter Natalya, he started fighting with her over a small piece of land. This land adjoined her land and his Oxen Meadows touched her Birch woods. Natalya told Lomov that Oxen Meadows belonged to her, but Lomov claimed that the Oxen Meadows are his. Lomov tried to convince Natalya by telling her that his aunt’s grandmother gave the meadows for the temporary and free use to Chubukov’s grandfather’s peasants. They did not demand money for it for a long time, so the Chubukov’s misunderstood that the meadows belonged to them. While Chubukov insisted that yelling could not prove anything because everyone knows that meadows belonged to Chubukov’s since last three hundred years. Both threatened each other.

5.  “The way Chubukov, Natalya and Lomov fought over pretty issues is against the behaviour and mannerisms of good neighbours.” Comment. What would you have done to resolve this issue if you were in place of Chubukov?

Answer: Lomov and Chubukovs were neighbours. Lomov came to Chubukov’s house to propose Natalya. But instead of proposing, they started fighting over petty issues like Oxen meadows and quality of dogs. This is not the quality of good neighbours. Neighbours should live like friends. There should be a positive relationship between the two neighbours. There should be understanding and patience among neighbours, The fight between Lomov and Chubukovs could have been avoided, if handled carefully. The issue of meadows could be solved calmly peacefully by a good conversation. There must have been some documents showing the ownership of the meadows or both parties could be convinced by making them understand that if they got married, the meadows will belong to both of them. Similarly, the issues of dog could be solved by discussing the positive features of the dogs instead of counting the negative points of each other’s dogs.

English Important Questions Class 10 for 4 Marks

In this section, we have provided important 4-mark questions for the CBSE class 10 English subject.

Most Repeated Questions in English Class 10 – Glimpses of India

1. Instead of enjoying their childhood, the children today are keen to enter adulthood. After reading about all the joys that the author Lucio Rodrigues had in his childhood do you think such a keenness on the part of children is desirable?

Answer: I don’t think that the keenness of children these days to enter adulthood is desirable. Children these days are in a hurry to enter adulthood and have access to technology. Due to this they are learning things earlier than usual and getting matured beyond their age. Hence, they are losing out on their childhood and missing the joys that it brings with it. In my thinking, they should grow at a slow pace and enjoy their childhood to the fullest. Children who miss out on their childhood cannot be a complete adult. So, they should not hurry up to be an adult and grow at nature’s pace. They must enjoy their childhood to the fullest.

2. After reading the story ‘A Baker from Goa”, do you think our traditions, heritage, values and practices are the roots that nourish us? Why/why not?

Answer: ‘A Baker from Goa’ highlights the importance of the traditional practice of making breads for every occasion and festival of the Goan people. This tradition continues even today. This shows how our traditional practices can keep us to our past and heritage. Traditional values shape our personality and also provide us emotional support. They enable us to face difficult situations and makes us mentally strong. Traditional practices also have an impact on our behavioural pattern towards the other people in society.

3. ‘During our childhood in Goa, the baker used to be our friend, companion and guide.’ What does this statement imply in relation to the character of the baker?

Answer: This statement tells us that the baker was a very respected person in the Goan society because he would guide the children about good behaviour (when he mildly rebuked them for peeping into his basket and giving respect to the elders (when he wished “Good morning” to the lady of the house) etc. He was very informal with the children and so the author considered him as a friend and companion. He was not simply a vendor interested in selling what he made. Thus, he was an important character in the Goan society of those days.

4. Describe the pen-portrait of a traditional Goan village baker.

Answer: There is a deep impact of Portuguese culture on Goan life. The baker is also a part of this culture. They are known as paders in Goa. When author was a child, one could see the traditional baker in the village. He used to be friend of children. He visited the house twice a day. Children arose with the sound of thud and jingle of the bamboo in the morning. They would run to greet him. Children were fond of sweet bread and the bread bangles. The ladies of the house bought the bread. Bakers were professional and it was a family business. It was a profitable business and most of the bakers were plump. They had their peculiar traditional dress called Kabai.

5. Bread and cakes were an integral part of Goan life, in olden days. Based on your reading of the “A Baker from Goa”, describe the Goan culture.

Answer: Goa in west India, called golden Goa by the Portuguese, has an important Portuguese colony in Asia. The Portuguese were driven by their desire to spread their faith to the local population. Thus the culture of Goa is deeply influenced by Portuguese culture. Modern day Goa, a state of India, is a quaint blend of tradition, religion and modernity. Hindu temples are as much a part of Goa as are Christian monuments. The culture of Goa today is a synthesis of Portuguese and Indian cultures. It is one of the most attractive cultures in India. A Goan is said to be born with music in his blood and music literally accompanies him from the cradle to the grave. Musical traditions run in generations.

Most Repeated Questions in English Class 10 of Chapter – Madam Rides the Bus

  1. Valli didn’t like the way adults treated her during her bus journey. Do you agree disagree with Valli’s attitude towards elderly people in the story? Why?
  2. In such a fast-moving world when we hear so many incidents happening with people, do you think Valli did right by not telling her mother about the bus journey?
  3. The people and surroundings are a great book to learn. Valli in the lesson ‘Madam Rides the Bus’ learns a lot from others. Mention the traits of her character which help her to learn from her surroundings.
  4. Age is not a barrier when it comes to doing something different and great. Which characteristics of Valli help her achieve the wonder of visiting the town at such a tender age?
  5. What kind of person is Valli? Illustrate your answer from the text that you have read.

Most Repeated Questions in English class 10 of Chapter – The Sermon at Benares

1.  Personal losses are a part and parcel of life. Instead of wailing on them, we should move on in life. This message of Gautama Buddha has become more relevant in this pandemic situation. Do you agree? Why /why not?

Answer: Yes, I agree with the message that Gautama Buddha has given about life. The prevailing pandemic has made a huge impact on all of us. In the modern times, people have a lot to explore and move with the world at the same pace. If people don’t understand the practicality of life, they will be under stress which would in turn will affect their personal and professional lives dearly. People need to understand that everyone who is born to this planet will have to leave it one day. There is no use being sad or crying over the loss. People should accept the reality of loss, remain calm and composed in such situations. They should face the truth and move on in life resolutely.

2.  Life is full of trials and tribulations. Kisa Gotami also passes through a period of grief in her life. How does she behave in those circumstances?

Answer: Kisa Gotami became extremely sad after the death of her only child. She carried her dead child to her neighbours in order to get medicine to bring him back to life. Her neighbours concluded that she had gone insane as she was unable to accept the reality. Seeing her agony someone suggested her to meet Gautama Buddha. When she met Gautama Buddha asked her to collect mustard seeds from a house where no one has ever died. She went from one house to another but was unable to find a single house in the village where no one has died. This way she realised that death is a part of life and anyone who is born is bound to die one day. Thus, Buddha changed her understanding of death by this exercise. could come to terms with the truth.

4. What is the nature of the life of the human beings according to the Buddha?

Answer: According to Buddha, “The life of mortals in this world is troubled and brief and combined with pain. For there is not any means by which those that have been born can avoid dying; after reaching old age there is death; of such a nature are living beings. As ripe fruits are early in danger of falling, so mortals when born are always in danger of death. As all earthen vessels made by the potter end in being broken, so is the life of mortals. Both young and adult, both those who are fools and those who are wise, all fall into the power of death; all are subject to death.”

5. How did Gautam Buddha get enlightenment? Explain with reference to the story.

Answer: At about the age of twenty-five, Siddhartha went for hunting. He happened to see a sick man, an aged man, a funeral procession and finally a monk begging for alms. These sights administered a shock for him as he was insulated from the sufferings of the world. He renounced worldly pleasures and went out into the world to seek enlightenment concerning the sorrows he had witnessed. Siddhartha wandered for seven years pursuing enlightenment and finally sat down under a peepal tree. On the seventh day, he received enlightenment and renamed the tree as ‘Bodhi Tree’. He became known as the Buddha (the Awakened or the Enlightened) and began to teach and to share his new understandings. Buddha preached his first sermon at the city of Benares, regarded as the spiritual capital of India and one of the world’s oldest continually inhabited cities

6.  “The World is afflicted with death and decay, therefore the wise do not grieve, knowing the terms of the world”. Express your view with reference to the story “The Sermon at Benares”.

Answer: According to Gautama Buddha, the world is afflicted with sufferings, disease or pain, death and decay. Neither from weeping nor from grieving will anyone obtain peace of mind; on the contrary, his pain will be the greater and his body will suffer. He will make himself sick and pale, yet the dead are not saved by his lamentation. We have to accept personal loss as a reality and pursue our journey of life with positive thoughts. Nothing is constant in the world, including human life. Keeping eyes shut can’t diminish the reality in front of us. Those who have overcome all sorrows will become free from sorrow, and be blessed.

Most Repeated Questions in English Class 10 of Chapter – The Proposal

1. Bring out the humorous elements in the one-act play, ‘The Proposal’.

Answer: One can see several humorous elements in Anton Chekov’s play ‘The Proposal’ where the characters act in a silly manner over petty issues yet the play ends on a happy note. Lomov comes to the house of Chubukov with the intention of proposing Natalya, his daughter. But he cannot talk in a straight-forward manner. He beats about the bush. She starts quarrelling with her over a piece of land. When he comes back, he quarrels about the superiority of his dog. She immediately looks to her father to induce them to war, until Natalya discovers that he had come with the purpose of proposing her. Chubukov is also a humorous character. He knows that Lomov has come to ask for his daughter’s marriage, even then he quarrels with him. We laugh at the words used by them and their behaviour. The sudden marriage of Lomov and Natalya creates laughter. Chubukov puts his daughter’s hand in Lomov’s in a foolish manner. Lomov is a comic character. His complaints about his poor health provoke laughter. Thus, the play gives us a lot of laughter.

2.  Write a brief character sketch of Lomov.

Answer: Lomov was a middle aged man of thirty five. He suffered from palpitations and sleeplessness. So, he was desperate to settle down in life, and lead a quiet and normal life. Despite his ailments, Lomov was a rich and prosperous farmer. This makes Chubukov secretly wish him to marry his daughter Natalya. As Lomov was desperate to have a life partner he decided to propose and marry Natalya. Lomov was however hesitant to ask for her hand from Chubukov. This made him beat about the bush, argue with Natalya and leave without proposing. Thus we can find that Lomov’s conditions overpower the other traits he has. He is an eligible, assertive, rich bachelor, who will be liked by any girl. However, we also know that he is nervous, lacks confidence and is prone to talk in a long-winded manner.

3.  Give a brief character sketch of Natalya Stepanova.

Answer: Natalya was the only daughter of Stephan Stepanovich Chubukov. She was a good housekeeper, not bad to look at and educated, that was why Lomov wanted to marry her. She could be a good wife to him. Natalya wishes that somebody should love her and propose to her. Her father calls her ‘a love-sick cat’.She secretly loved Lomov. She became hysterical when she came to know that Lomov had come to propose to her. She asked her father to call him back. To please Lomov, she asked him to forgive her and agreed to his ownership of the Oxen Meadows. She was greedy and short-sighted. She got the whole field of hay cut. She was also very inquisitive and wanted to know why Lomov was dressed up formally. She was touchy and short-tempered and fell into contradiction and argument on two occasions – Once over the ownership of Oxen Meadows and second time over the superiority of her dog Squeezer. She is as rigid as Lomov. She is not ready to give up even after getting ready to marry him.

4.  Based on your understanding of the play ‘The Proposal’ how do you think good relationship can be maintained? Why in today’s time we see so many people going away from each other?

Answer: The play ‘The Proposal’ teaches us how anger and arguments can easily ruin a relationship. Thus, to maintain a good relationship, it is important to have control over your anger. Having arguments over unimportant or small issues is extremely harmful and a waste of time. If someone commits a mistake, one should be ready to forgive and forget rather than being angry and arguing with the person endlessly. In the play, the way all the characters lose their temper shows that anger can easily affect a relationship. None of them were ready to forgive and forget. All of them were too self-centric. They never tried to be courteous in their speech nor tried to understand the feelings of others. In today’s world, too people try to find only the negatives in others and often forget to see and accept the positive qualities. Hence it is becoming extremely difficult to maintain a good and cordial relationship with others.

Most Repeated Questions in English Class 10 PDF Based

For Class 10 English exams, certain types of questions often get repeated across different boards and exams. These are based on essential themes, literary elements, and important text-based questions. Here’s a breakdown of commonly repeated questions:

1. Questions on Literature
Poetry: Analysis of central themes, poetic devices, and figures of speech.
Examples: “What is the theme of the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’?”
Prose/Short Stories: Character sketches, important incidents, and moral lessons.
Examples: “Describe the character of Anne Frank from ‘The Diary of a Young Girl.'”
Drama: Major events, character motivations, and lessons learned.
Examples: “What role does Portia play in The Merchant of Venice?”
2. Long Answer Questions (5-8 marks)
Character sketches: Analysis of main or supporting characters from prose or drama.
Example: “Write a character sketch of Matilda from ‘The Necklace.'”
Theme or moral questions: Explanation of the theme or moral message of the story or poem.
Example: “What is the main theme of the poem ‘Ozymandias’?”
Summary/Paraphrase: Summarizing a poem or passage from prose.
Example: “Summarize the story of ‘A Letter to God’.”
3. Grammar and Language
Active and Passive Voice: Converting sentences from active to passive voice and vice versa.
Reported Speech: Changing direct speech into reported speech.
Gap Filling, Editing, and Omission: Completing sentences with correct grammatical structures.
Examples: Correcting errors in a passage or filling in the blanks with the appropriate tense or form of a word.
4. Writing Skills
Formal Letters: Letters to the editor, complaints, or letters to school authorities.
Example: “Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the issue of pollution in your city.”
Story Writing: Completing a story from a given outline or prompt.
Example: “Complete the story: ‘Once there was a young boy who was very brave…'”
5. Reading Comprehension
Unseen passages: Questions based on comprehension of prose or poetry.
These typically include factual questions, inference-based questions, vocabulary, and explanations of specific lines.

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Is NCERT enough for Class 10 English?

Yes, NCERT is more than enough for Class 10 English. The students can practice the CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions given on this page.

Where can I find CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions?

You can find the CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions here. We have given the CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions based on the latest CBSE Exam pattern on this page.

When will CBSE conduct CBSE Class 10 Exam 2023?

CBSE Class 10 Exam 2023 will begin on 15 feb 2023 onwards.

About the Author

Hi there, I am Ashish and have completed my education from Science Domain. I have 2 years of experience in content creation, catering to the demands of young students. I provide written content related to NEET, JEE, Board Exams, CLAT, CUET (UG & PG) and management exams in a simple manner. My content provides important insights on several topics in depth.