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Previous Year Question Paper Class 10 English with Solution, Check NCERT English Question Paper

English is an important subject of the Class 10 curriculum of every Indian education board. To score good marks in this subject, students should practice from the previous year question paper of class 10 English. Students can utilize the CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 English to help them study for the board exam.

Students can learn about the exam pattern, the kinds of questions that are anticipated on the exam, and the degree of difficulty by working through these past year’s Class 10 English practice papers. Additionally, they become well-versed in the subjects from which the majority of exam questions are drawn. Therefore, we have put together CBSE Class 10 English Previous Year Question Papers to assist them in effectively preparing for the English exam..

Previous Year Question Paper Class 10 English with Solution

Class 10 English Previous Year Question Paper: The first step towards the preparation for the Class 10th English board exam is to solve the Class 10th English Previous Year Question Paper. Class 10 English Previous Year Question Paper will help candidates to analyze the Class 10th English paper pattern and marking scheme of the examination. Students will benefit from good practice and assistance with revision when they practice the CBSE previous year question papers.

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Class 10 English Question Paper Previous Year

The candidates can find most of the Class 10 English Previous Year Questions in the upcoming English paper of Class 10th. The candidates can assess their preparation by solving the Class 10 English Previous Year Question Paper given on this page. The students appearing in the Class 10 exam must bookmark this page to get all the updates from the Central Board of Secondary Education.

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Previous Year Question Paper Class 10 English 2023

Last Year The CBSE class 10 English Exam Test was held on Monday, February 27th, 2023. The question paper is available for students now. The official answer key is also available for students. Therefore now is a critical time to enhance our Class 10 English Test results by solving the previous year question paper. So Click on the below link to Get Full Paper and its solutions.

Check: English Question Paper 2023 with solutions

Class 10th English Previous Year Question Paper – 2022


Q. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Nothing sums up the sour mood of post-Brexit politics like that nasty little mantra, which erupted online immediately after the 2016 referendum and has ………………………(A) ever since. (B) When deciding(1) won their surprise victory they had a chance to respond bruised(2), inviting a magnanimously(3) 48% into the process of leavers(4) how to manage the departure and addressing their fears. But too many simply sneered at remainers instead, and so the divide hardened.

Our toxic political culture is the price we have paid ever since for failing to secure losers’ consent.(C) There has been much talk lately of bringing /the country back together, yet revisiting Brexit /in a general election that was simultaneous /about so many other starkly divisive issues has achieved the opposite./ Losing always hurts, but with the two main parties poles apart on almost everything that matters and with so much at stake, this result may be harder than usual for the losing side to accept. Even so, it might not be too late to start trying to put the broken pieces back together.True, I’m writing this in the calm before the storm: that eerily still moment on polling day just after voting but before knowing the result, when anything is still possible even if most things seem unlikely. Soon, doors now ajar will be ………………………(D) shut.

But whoever emerges victorious, whether instantly with a majority or slowly and only after prolonged horse-trading, should do so with a hefty dose of humility. It’s not just the losers they need to convince this time. (E) There will have been plenty(a) of people thrilled(b) on Thursday by the chance to vote for the politician of their dreams, but many others will have voted tactically, or while bury(c) serious qualms(d). More than any I remember, this was an election when voters were urged to vote against rather than for something. (F) Forget your nagging worries about Boris Johnson’s mendacity or your unease about antisemitism in the Labour party; ____________________________

(G) Green, Lib Dem and other minority party voters have been guilt tripped(1) into worse(2) their natural preference(3) for fear of something abandoning(4). Whoever governs next will do so partly thanks to borrowed votes, and should be sobered by that knowledge. New prime ministers invariably reach for unifying words on the steps of Downing Street – even Margaret Thatcher quoted the prayer of St Francis of Assisi in 1979 – but few live up to them. This time, we need actions as well as words. Any attempt at national reconciliation must start with all those lately made to feel unwelcome in their own country.(H) Many Jews have spoken of potentially fleeing Britain if Jeremy Corbyn won,/ but many ethnic minority voters have said they’d feel equally unsafe under Johnson; /both may find it hard to forget other Britons’ apparent willingness to throw them /under the bus in an election, whatever the result.

(I) The hurt caused to EU nationals living in Britain when the Tory leader accused them of treating it like their “own country” ____________________________. Whoever wins has a moral responsibility to repair the damage, committing to act promptly on any findings from the pending Equality and Human Rights Commission inquiry into Labourantisemitism and ensuring the much-promised inquiry into Islamophobia within the Conservative party actually happens; new MPs should resolve to represent EU nationals living in their constituencies as vigorously as if the latter had a vote.

The second priority is ensuring that we never have an election campaign this dishonest again. Johnson has pushed against accepted political norms – the idea that political  advertising stays roughly within the boundaries of truth, say, or that prospective leaders submit to searching interviews – and found them alarmingly flimsy. And if one party isn’t playing by the rules, the others soon realise that doing so puts them at a competitive disadvantage.

It will be for the new parliament to stop the rot. (J)The lesson of the Westminster expenses(1) scandal was that rebounded(2) cheating by some members of parliament egregious(3) on all of them, because after a while voters just stop distinguishing(4) between individuals and assume that all of them are probably at it. So it is with lying: before long, nobody’s words are believed.

News organisations should reconsider giving aspirant prime ministers free publicity for silly campaign stunts if they won’t also do tough interviews. And while anonymous sources still serve important purposes in journalism, anyone routinely abusing the privilege in order to lie without accountability cannot expect to remain anonymous.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions by choosing the correct option.

Q1. Which of the following word given in the options should come at the place marked as (A) in the above passage to make it grammatically correct and meaningful?

  1. conspicuous
  2. obscure
  3. pursuant
  4. lingered

Answer: D

In the given sentence, only ‘lingered’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A is incorrect as ‘conspicuous’ means clearly visible.

Option B is incorrect as obscure does not make any sense here.

Option C is incorrect because ‘pursuant’ means in accordance with (a law or a legal document or resolution).

Option D is the correct alternative among the following as lingered perfectly fits in the blank both grammatically and contextually.

Q2. The sentence given in (B) has four words given in bold. amongst the given bold words which of the following must replace each other to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful.

  1. Both 2-1 and 3-4
  2. Both 1-3 and 2-4
  3. Both 2-3 and 1-4
  4. 1-3

Answer: C

After making the replacements, the thus formed sentence is “When leavers won their surprise victory they had a chance to respond magnanimously, inviting a bruised 48% into the process of deciding how to manage the departure and addressing their fears.”

CLAT Prep booster

Q3. In the above passage, sentence (C) may or may not have an error in one part of the sentence, select the part having error in it as your answer

  1. There has been much talk lately of bringing
  2. The country back together, yet revisiting Brexit
  3. In a general election that was simultaneous
  4. About so many other starkly divisive issues has achieved the opposite.

Answer: C

‘Simultaneous’ should be replaced with ‘simultaneously’.

Q4. Which of the following should fill the blank given in (D) to make it contextually correct and meaningful?

  1. adhering
  2. disregarding
  3. slamming
  4. pepper

Answer: C

In the given sentence, only ‘slamming’ makes it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because adhering means stick fast to (a surface or substance) which does not fit here.

Option B): is incorrect as disregarding does not make any sense here.

Option C): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘slamming’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Option D): is incorrect as ‘pepper’ is incorrect here.

Q5. Four sentences each with one bold word type are given marked as (E). These are numbered (a), (b), (c) and (d). One these words printed in bold might either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any.

  1. Only a
  2. Only a & b
  3. Only a & d
  4. Only c

Answer: D

‘Bury’ should be replaced with ‘burying’.

Q6. Which of the following phrase should fill the blank (F) to make it contextually and grammatically correct and meaningful?

  1. and striving to represent the half of the country
  2. that will feel grievously cheated whatever comes of Brexit
  3. just feel the fear and vote to stop the other guy
  4. learned by now what happens when losers are simply left to stew in it

Answer: C

Forget your nagging worries about Boris Johnson’s mendacity or your unease about antisemitism in the Labour party; just feel the fear and vote to stop the other guy.

Q7. The sentence given in (G) has four words given in bold. among the given bold words, which of the following must replace each other to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningful?

  1. 1-3
  2. 1-4
  3. 2-3
  4. 2-4

Answer: D

After the replacement the thus formed sentence is “Green, Lib Dem and other minority party voters have been guilt-tripped into abandoning their natural preference for fear of something worse.”

Q8. In the above passage, sentence (H) may or may not have an error in one part of the sentence, select the part having error in it as your answer.

  1. Many Jews have spoken of potentially fleeing Britain if Jeremy Corbyn won,
  2. but many ethnic minority voters have said they’d feel equally unsafe under Johnson;
  3. both may find it hard to forget other Britons’ apparent willingness to throw them
  4. No error

Answer: D

All parts of the sentence are error free.

Q9. Which of the following phrase should fill the blank (I) to make it contextually and grammatically correct and meaningful?

  1. leading in the broad national interest, not a narrow sectarian one
  2. cannot be underestimated either, since for many the UK does feel like home.
  3. perhaps the biggest task facing this prime minister is to earn, not assume, national consent
  4. fostering the belief that those with whom you disagree may still have something worthwhile to contribute

Answer: B

The hurt caused to EU nationals living in Britain when the Tory leader accused them of treating it like their “own country” cannot be underestimated either, since for many the UK does feel like home.

Q10. The sentence given in (J) has four words given in bold. Amongst the given bold words which of the following must replace each other to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful?

  1. 1-3
  2. 1-4
  3. 2-3
  4. 2-4

Answer: C

After making the replacements, the thus formed sentence is “The lesson of the Westminster expenses scandal was that egregious cheating by some members of parliament rebounded on all of them, because after a while voter just stop distinguishing between individuals and assume that all of them are probably at it.”

Q. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below. Few words have been highlighted and a blank in a sentence has been given to help you while you answer.

In the wake of the oxygen supply crisis in Covid-19 management in India, the Supreme Court has set up a 12-member National Task Force (NTF) to guide, inter alia, the central government allocation of medical oxygen to the states. The task force will work with senior officials of NITI Aayog, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade as well as the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, the Indian Council of Medical Research and the Directorate General of Health Services. The Supreme Court has also mandated that the task force may constitute more sub-groups on specialized areas or regions to assist in its work and also to consider, if appropriate, seeking the assistance of experts both within and outside government in areas such as critical care, infectious disease modeling, clinical virology and immunology, and epidemiology/ public health. The rationale for setting up the task force has been to facilitate a public health response to the pandemic based upon scientific and specialized domain knowledge.

It is hoped that the establishment of the NTF will help the decision-makers with inputs that can enable them to go beyond ad hoc solutions to the unprecedented challenge. In the 12-point terms of reference (ToR) of the NTF, the first five points focus on oxygen supply, including, deciding on a methodology for the scientific allocation of oxygen to states and facilitating audits (of oxygen supply, distribution and utilization) by sub-groups within each state and UTs. The task force will also review and suggest measures necessary for ensuring the availability of essential drugs and medicines.

The remaining six ToR of the NTF are aimed at the broader pandemic preparedness and response, which include planning and adopting remedial measures to ensure preparedness for present and future emergencies; to facilitate the use of technology; to suggest augmenting the availability of trained doctors, nurses and paramedical staff; to promote evidence-based research and enhance effective response to the pandemic; facilitate sharing of best practices across the nation to promote knowledge about management of the pandemic and to make recommendations in regard to other issues of pressing national concerns. The tenure of the task force shall be six months initially.

The Supreme Court’s order to set up the task force is highly significant, considering that India is struggling to mount an effective response to the second wave of the pandemic. It ensures the participation of independent subject experts in policy decisions, which have often been criticized as being overly led by a techno-bureaucratic process.

It is very significant that the Court has considered the supply of medical oxygen in the broader context of the shortage of medicines at health facilities and that the improved supply and provision of essential drugs and medicines has been included as one of the ToRs.

The shortage of medical oxygen in the Covid-19 response reflects insufficient planning, delayed procurement, and weakness of supply chain management — issues which plague medicine supply in the public healthcare sector in India. The only differences are i) that the shortage of medical oxygen is more acute and urgent and ii), while people can buy medicines from the private sector, medical oxygen is short across the board.

The root cause of this situation is the insufficient capacity of state health departments in planning, procurement and supply of medicines, an issue which is widely known. This is further aggravated by insufficient government funding. The importance of such a mechanism cannot be underestimated. For instance, Tamil Nadu had set up the medical supply corporation in 1994 and has better supply management than most other Indian states. In recent years, a number of states have set up medical procurement and supply corporations, but their functioning remains suboptimal in the absence of sufficient and trained human resources.

As a result, though most Indian states have started free medicine schemes, people continue to spend on medicines from their own pockets. The coexistence of free medicine schemes and high out-of-pocket expenditure (which accounts for nearly 30-40 percent of healthcare costs paid by the people from their pocket) on medicines is a comment on the performance of these schemes. The presence of many private chemist shops just outside every government hospital across India, speaks volumes, too. Therefore, looking at the shortage of medical oxygen through a broader lens is a great start.

The work of the NTF will not be without challenges. They have a short time to look at far broader issues. The members of NTF have the needed qualification and expertise to advise on clinical matters and oxygen supply; however, they may need to proactively co-opt members with expertise in medical procurement and supply; pharmacology, free medicines and diagnostics; and public health and emergency health response. Also, considering that the availability of diagnostics has similar challenges as medicines, the NTF may consider including that as well in the scope of its work.However, the NTF may face a bigger challenge in delivering on its ToRs on the broader pandemic response.

All 10 of the 12 independent members of the NTF (the other two are government officials, ex-officio) are leading clinicians, critical care specialists and virologists. They may be the best in their area of work; but a long-term and effective pandemic response needs broader expertise than medical care. The NTF will have the responsibility to ___________ that India should not end up with a medicalized response to a public health challenge. The decisions and recommendations of this NTF and how they co-opt members with the right expertise will determine whether India ends up becoming a medicalized care system (which would focus on treating sickness) or a healthcare system which can keep people healthy and respond to future epidemics and pandemics.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions by choosing the correct option.

Q11. According to the given passage, the root cause of the shortage of medical oxygen in the Covid-19 is

  1. Insufficient Planning
  2. Transportation
  3.  Weak supply chain management
  4. Lack of oxygen plants
  5. Delayed procurement
  1. Both (ii) and (iv)
  2. (i), (iii) and (iv)
  3. (ii), (iv) and (v)
  4. (i), (iii) and (v)

Answer: D

In the fourth paragraph, it is clearly stated that the root cause of the shortage of medical oxygen in the Covid-19 is the insufficient capacity of state health departments in planning, procurement and supply of medicines.

Hence option D is the correct answer.

Q12. Which statement is not true according to the 12-point terms of reference (ToR) of the National Task Force?

  1. It will focus on oxygen supply, including, deciding on a methodology for the scientific allocation of oxygen to states and facilitating audits by sub-groups within each state and UTs.
  2. The National Task Force will help the decision-makers with inputs that can enable them to go beyond ad hoc solutions to the unprecedented challenge.
  3. The task force will review and suggest measures necessary for ensuring the availability of essential drugs and medicines.
  4. The Terms of Reference of the National Task Force are aimed at the broader pandemic preparedness and response, which include planning and adopting remedial measures to ensure preparedness for present and future emergencies.

Answer: B

In the second paragraph, the 12-point terms of reference (ToR) of the National Task Force are given. From all the above options option B is false according to the terms of reference of the National Task Force.

Hence option B is the correct answer.

Q13. Which of the following statements is FALSE as given in the passage?

  1. In the wake of the oxygen supply crisis in Covid-19 management in India, the Supreme Court has set up a 12-member National Task Force (NTF) to guide, inter alia, the central government allocation of medical oxygen to the states.
  2. The members of the National Task Force have the needed qualification and expertise to advise on clinical matters and oxygen supply.
  3. The National Task Force will work with senior officials of NITI Aayog, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade as well as the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, the Indian Council of Medical Research and the Directorate General of Health Services.
  4. The rationale for setting up the task force has been to facilitate a public health response to the pandemic based upon economic and specialized domain knowledge.

Answer: D

From all the given options, option D is false according to the passage.

The First paragraph clearly states that the rationale for setting up the task force has been to facilitate a public health response to the pandemic based upon scientific and specialized domain knowledge not upon economic and specialized domain knowledge as given in the option.

Q14. Which of the following statements is TRUE as given in the passage?

  1. Tamil Nadu had set up the medical supply corporation in 1994 and has better supply management than most other Indian states.
  2. The Supreme Court’s order to set up the task force is highly significant, considering that India is struggling to mount an effective response to the second wave of the pandemic.
  3. The work of the financial task force will not be without challenges. They have a short time to look at far broader issues.
  4. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: D

From the given options option C is false. In the given passage we are talking about the National task force not the financial task force. That’s why option C is incorrect and from all the given options both (a) and (b) are correct.

Q15. Find the synonym to Aggravate as used in the passage.

  1. Nettle
  2. Conciliate
  3. Calm
  4. Alleviated

Answer: A

Aggravate: –to make something worse or more serious, nettle

Conciliate: –to try to make a group of people less angry, especially in order to end a dispute

Alleviated: –to make something less strong or bad

Q16. Find the antonym to facilitate as used in the passage.

  1. Impede
  2. Expedite
  3. Simplify
  4. Promote

Answer: A

Facilitate: – to make something possible or easier

Impede: – to make it difficult for somebody/something to move or go forward

Expedite: – to make something happen more quickly

Q17. Complete the blank with the most appropriate option to make the sentence fit the context of the passage above.

The NTF will have the responsibility to __________ that India should not end up with a medicalized response to a public health challenge.

  1. Assure
  2. Ensure
  3. Insure
  4. Secure

Answer: B

(A) Assure: –to promise somebody that something will certainly happen or be true, especially if he/she is worried

(B) Ensure: – to make sure that something happens or is definite

(C) Insure: – to buy or to provide insurance

(D) Secure: –free from worry or doubt; confident

The NTF will have the responsibility to ensure that India should not end up with a medicalized response to a public health challenge.

Q18. What does NITI stands for?

  1. National Institute for Transforming India
  2. National Institution for Transforming India
  3. National Institute of Transforming India
  4. National Institution for Transform India




III. Answer any five out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option for each.

Q19. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?

“No sooner did I hear the gunshot than I rushed to the spot”.

  1. As soon as I heard the gunshot I rush to the spot.
  2. Soon as I heard the gunshot I rushed to spot.
  3. As soon as I heard the gunshot I rushed to the spot.
  4. As soon I heard the gunshot I rushed to the spot.


Q20. After John arrived, we began our meeting. Rewrite the sentence using “upon”.

  1. Upon John arrival we began the meeting.
  2. Upon John’s arrival we begin the meeting.
  3. Upon John arrival, we begin our meeting.
  4. Upon John’s arrival, we began our meeting.


Q21. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?

  It is probable that he will never come back”.

  1. In all probability he will never come back.
  2. In all possibility he will never come back.
  3. In all case he never came back.
  4. In all probability he never came back.


Q22. Sometimes it is difficult to make specific predictions _______ study.

  1. on
  2. upon
  3. about
  4. in


Q23. I _________ do it even if I tried.

  1. cannot
  2. should not
  3. could not
  4. must not


Q24. The balloon drifted _______ the stairs.

  1. up
  2. on
  3. in
  4. over


Q25. After 1 year I run _____ my friend at the shopping mall.

  1. with
  2. along
  3. into
  4. to



  1. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.

You are Riya, a resident of 63, SAS Nagar, Orissa. Write a letter to the editor of ‘The Hindu’, magazine about the article on ‘Net Neutrality Issue’ published in the latest edition.


63, SAS Nagar


21 March, 2021

The Editor 



Sub: Net neutrality issue


I am Riya, from 63, SAS Nagar, Orissa. I would like to bring your attention to the problem faced by the mass people due to improper net neutrality. There is a serious network issue in our district distressing us to conduct the work smoothly.  I request you to raise my issue in your renowned magazine.

The people in our area are very much upset with the disturbing net connection service. As you know, many works are running online these days and insufficient network can cause hamper to one’s work. Few days back, I happen to miss my exam due to the improper net neutrality condition. It really hurts me to bring this to your attention in such a rich technology generation.

I have also submitted complaint to the local service department in which I requested to uplift the network condition that is prevailing at present. In spite of my repeated complaints, no proper has been taken yet by the higher authorities. Now I on behalf of the residents of the locality have decided to bring the attention of the concerned authorities to the problem through the medium of your esteemed newspaper. I am hopeful that you will help us in bringing normalcy to our locality by publishing this letter in your reputed daily.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully,


Q26. With respect to the letter above what does net neutrality means?

  1. Neutral network in every area.
  2. Biased network system.
  3. Sufficient network condition
  4. All of these.


Q27. With respect to the letter above, select the criteria that Riya should opt for this letter.

  1. The newspaper’s name 
  2. Attached proof of the newspaper subscription 
  3. Riya’s address 
  4. Formal tone 
  5. Expected date of the letter’s receipt
  6. (1) and (5) 
  7. (2), (3) and (4) 
  8. (3) and (5) 
  9. (1), (3) and (4)


Q28. What should not be the subject line of this letter?

  1. Net neutrality issue.
  2. Distressing network system.
  3. Smooth network connections.
  4. Insufficient network supply.


Q29. What tone should Riya deliver through her writing?

  1. Satisfied
  2. Frustrated
  3. Monotonous
  4. Aggressive


Q30.  Select the option that completes the letter appropriately.

  1. I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper.
  2. I order you to resolve my problem at the earliest.
  3. I hope that my letter will improve the circulation of your newspaper.
  4. I hope my letter will reveal all those who are responsible for this condition.


Previous Year Question Paper Class 10 English with Solution, Check NCERT English Question Paper_7.1


This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.

Q. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Stone Age people and hunter-gatherers relied on wildlife, both plants and animals, for their food. In fact, some species may have been hunted to extinction by early human hunters. Today, hunting, fishing, and gathering wildlife is still a significant food source in some parts of the world. In other areas, hunting and non-commercial fishing are mainly seen as a sport or recreation. Meat sourced from wildlife that is not traditionally regarded as game is known as Bushmeat. The increasing demand for wildlife as a source of traditional food in East Asia is decimating populations of sharks, primates, pangolins and other animals, which they believe have aphrodisiac properties.

Q1. What does the term Stone Age people means from the passage?

  1. The people of older age.
  2. The prehistoric human culture.
  3. People who are well developed.
  4. None of the above.


Q2. Does Stone Age culture still exist?

  1. Yes
  2. Partially yes
  3. No
  4. Can’t be determined.


Q3. What does the termdecimating’ means?

  1. To build the troop
  2. To select by lot and kill
  3. To build
  4. To renovate


Q4. What is the term Bushmeat refer?

  1. It refers to the meat come from variety of wildlife animals.
  2. It refers smaller vegetarian market.
  3. It refers to the organic meat.
  4. None of these.


Q5. Hunting and non-commercial fishing are mainly seen as a sport or recreation. What does the line signify?

  1. Fishing is not considered as a sport.
  2. Hunting has now become a sport.
  3. Fishing is a non-commercial sport.
  4. All of these


Q6. The increasing demand of wildlife has now become a traditional source of food in East Asia.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Partially true
  4. Can’t be determined


Q. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

It is rare to find someone with good technical and communication skills. You can get far ahead of your colleagues if you combine the two early in your career. People will judge, evaluate, promote or block you based on your communication skills. Since habits form by  repeating both good and bad forms of communication, learn to observe great communicators and adopt their styles and traits— in written and verbal forms. The art of listening and learning from each and every interaction is another secret recipe. Develop the subconscious habit of listening to yourself as you speak and know when to pause.

Q7. What does it mean by a good technical communication skill?

  1. Improper use of technicality in sentence.
  2. Service that encompasses the strategic statement.
  3. Software instructions used in statement.
  4. None of these.


Q8. What is verbal form of communication?

  1. Use of hand in delivering the context.
  2. It contains talking, laughing, or listening.
  3. It is a written communication.
  4. It is a use of gesture to convey message.


Q9. “You can get far ahead of your colleagues if you combine the two early in your career”. What does the two combination means here?

  1. Written and oral
  2. Formal and Informal
  3. Technical and Skill
  4. Verbal and Technical


Q10. Which of the following example comes under Gesture?

  1. She used to convey her message through her writing.
  2. She used to convey her intention through her body movements.
  3. She used to deliver her message by speaking.
  4. She uses speaking and writing to deliver her content.


Q10. Does our mind work faster than our speech?

  1. No
  2. Yes
  3. Can’t be determined
  4. Cannot say


Q11. What context is depicted from the line “The art of listening and learning from each and every interaction is another secret recipe”?

  1. Communication is all about talking.
  2. Communication only involves writing and speaking.
  3. The key to communication is technicality.
  4. Listening and observing is the important aspect of communication.


Q12. What does bad communication means?

  1. Too much use of a negative language.
  2. Incompleteness of a message.
  3. Inappropriate use of words.
  4. All of these.


VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Power foods are foods that provide rich levels of nutrients like fiber, potassium and minerals. With people becoming increasingly health conscious today, a lot of fitness trainers encourage their clients to include these foods in their daily diet to increase muscle development. There are various ways of incorporating power foods in your daily diet. Of course, the key to enjoying power foods is proper preparation of these foods, the use of season-fresh foods, and indentifying your choice of flavor among power foods.

Q13. Which of the following is true?

  1. Power foods are rich in nutrients like potassium and minerals.
  2. Power foods are rich in fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Power foods are available seasonally.
  4. Power foods provide power to the body.


Q14. Fiber food is also known as?

  1. Rich nutrients
  2. Power food
  3. Roughage
  4. All of these


Q15. Why does fitness trainer recommend to uses power foods?

  1. It helps in losing the muscles.
  2. It helps in body building.
  3. It is tasty to take in.
  4. It deteriorates the muscle building.


Q16. Which among the following comes under the power food?

  1. Ice tea
  2. Coffee
  3. Black tea
  4. Green tea


Q17. What problem can take place due to less consumption of power foods?

  1. Weak eyesight
  2. Enthusiasm
  3. Tiredness
  4. All of these


Q18. What is the key to enjoy proper food?

  1. Incomplete preparation of food.
  2. Rich in spice and fat.
  3. Proper preparation of food.
  4. Overcooked food.


VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Chimpanzees exhibit great concern for each other. When chimpanzees meet after having been apart they greet each other in a very human way by touching each other or even clasping hands. Chimpanzees have amazing social discipline. When a dominant male arrives, the rest of the chimpanzees hurry to pay respect to it. The dominant male is not allowed to wrest food from his inferiors. The members of a party also spend considerable amount of time grooming each other and themselves. Mothers go through the fur of their babies for any foreign particles, dirt, and ticks and they aid each other when they are injured.

Q19. Do chimpanzees greet each other as humans do?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Partially yes
  4. Cannot say


Q20. What does the line “When a dominant male arrives, the rest of the chimpanzees hurry to pay respect to it” means?

  1. The chimpanzees don’t owe respect to the male dominant.
  2. The male dominant receives a respect by the inferior chimpanzees.
  3. The male dominant acts as a superior.
  4. The male dominant is as same as the inferior chimpanzees.


Q21. Why it is said chimpanzees have great social discipline?

  1. They do not show respect to their superior.
  2. They do not greet each other with love.
  3. They do not misbehave to each other.
  4. They have least concern for their companions.


Q22. Choose the word most dissimilar to “wrest”?

  1. Snatch
  2. Give
  3. Refuse
  4. Reject


Q23. What does the word “grooming” stands for?

  1. Unprepared
  2. Nurturing
  3. Untrained
  4. Disorganize


Q24. Inferior chimpanzees learn by ___________ dominant chimpanzees.

  1. disregard
  2. ignoring
  3. observing
  4. breaking


Q. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

In 1984, while pursuing my graduation in Mathematics, I had failed in one of the subjects in my fourth semester. I already had three arrears. For the first time, hearing about my failure, I saw tears in my father’s eyes. This was my first experience of seeing my father cry. I couldn’t handle his crying. To withdraw myself I escaped to the terrace of my apartment. I suffered a fear like I have never known before. I was trembling. I never wanted my parents to ever cry again because of my failures. But, I was scared. ”Was it too late to begin in life,” I doubted. I was already over 18, just about 50% marks in my four semesters, 4 arrears to clear and 3 regular paper to face in my fifth semester, no talent, no special abilities, never won a prize in my life, not a single certificate I truly wanted to make it very big in life, if not for my sake, just to make up for all that I had put my parents through. My thoughts were haunting me, “Rajan, you don’t have any taste of success. You just don’t know what it is to succeed.” With tears flooding, I cried, “Can I still make it big in life or have I missed the bus?”

Q25. From the passage above what is the tone of author?

  1. Distressed
  2. Confused
  3. Guilt
  4. Anguish


Q26. Rajan failures made his parents _______.

  1. burst into anger.
  2. ashamed.
  3. burst into tears.
  4. None of these.


Q27. Why Rajan doubted himself?

  1. It was too late to begin in life
  2. He has no special ability
  3. He had cleared all his semester 
  4. He possess academic rewards


Q28. What thoughts were hunting Rajan?

  1. He will have taste of success.
  2. He will restart all over again.
  3. He doesn’t have any taste of success.
  4. He has no talents.


Q29. Which word is most similar to “Trembling”?

  1. Composed
  2. Unafraid
  3. Brave
  4. Palpitate


Q30.  Which of the following option has a connection to word “elude”?

  1. Scared
  2. Tremble
  3. Escape
  4. Haunting


PYQ Class 10 English – 2020


Q No.1 

A passage has been given below. There is an incomplete line in the passage as well. Read the same carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Paragraph I Women represent half the world’s population ~ and half of its economic potential. A society cannot have sustained economic prosperity and wellbeing until the central role of women is recognized and their economic health is used as a measure to shape policy. Women hold the key to ending poverty, when empowered with the right resources and tools. A great opportunity is wasted when women are isolated from the economy. It is now widely surmised that until they are financially literate and empowered around money, we’ll never truly have equality. Women play key roles in their homes, communities, and businesses. Women’s participation in the financial system can have significant benefits in terms of economic growth, greater equality and societal well-being. When accessible finance reaches women, the benefits are particularly sustainable.

The objective of improving financial health for women is increasingly an area of interest for influential foundations and NGOs ~ who recognize that better financial health and savings behaviour amongst women can positively impact educational, health and nutrition outcomes for children in low income families. Financial inclusion of women enhances their self-confidence and places the power of decision-making in their hands, resulting in large development payoffs. Women channel money into solving more fundamental issues. The persistent gender gap in financial inclusion reveals the need for action, especially given growing evidence of such inclusion’s ability to reduce the exposure to income shocks and promote more sustainable and equitable development.

While efforts to advance women’s inclusion have taken many forms, technological innovations ~ including digitized social payments from governments, mobile money, and innovations in the design and delivery of financial products and services ~ appear to hold particular promise. When more people have access to affordable and good quality financial services, they have more opportunities to thrive. This is especially true for women, who are often underserved by traditional financial institutions. Every client is unique and women look for privacy and flexibility when choosing financial products and services. Access and usage of financial services are levers for increasing women’s participation in the economy.

Paragraph II We need to study the myriad social and behavioural impediments impacting women and use this knowledge to design customized financial product offerings. In failing to develop client experiences rooted in men and women’s fundamentally-different perspectives on finance, banks are missing a very significant business opportunity. Women often face several barriers which limit their financial inclusion, other than the universal constraints that low-income communities face: Limited access to mobile phones, lower literacy levels, less confidence in using technology and restrictions on travel or social interaction.

We need to address them through behavioural and reformist approaches, instead of the usual hardware- based approach. It’s not that the barriers are greater for rural ones. Successfully building women’s financial capability must account for the systemic barriers women face. Women are not a single market segment; a deeper understanding of the lives of women – for example, their livelihoods and the social norms that shape their lives ~ will help inform providers of their financial service needs and how the sector can better serve them.

Instead of disguising male-focused products as gender- neutral, we need specific products tailored to their unique needs. _______________________. Offering women a pink checkbook, for example, does not substantively address their financial needs or provide real value. Most women-targeting is focused not on designing gender smart solutions but instead on creating products that superficially target women. Women make for a low-revenue segment but prove to be loyal and profitable clients when served with appropriately-designed products. Financial service providers need to ensure that their charges are not prohibitive and the tools are so designed that they make women’s engagement with financial service providers friendly, safe, affordable and convenient.

Q1) Women have been relegated to the task of maintaining a strict budget is the statement true about women according to the passage?


Refer to paragraph first- “When accessible finance reaches women, the benefits are particularly sustainable. The objective of improving financial health for women is increasingly an area of interest for influential foundations and NGOs ~ who recognize that better financial health and savings behaviour amongst women can positively impact educational, health and nutrition outcomes for children in low income families.” 

Q2) Why is there a need to study the myriad social and behavioural obstructions that impact women?


When more people have access to affordable and good quality financial services, they have more opportunities to thrive. This is especially true for women, who are often perceived as underserved by traditional financial institutions. Every client is unique and women look for privacy and flexibility when choosing financial products and services. Access and usage of financial services are levers for increasing women’s participation in the economy. We need to study the myriad social and behavioural impediments impacting women and use this knowledge to design customized financial product offerings.

Q3) Why women should have a central role to sustained economic prosperity?

Answer: A society cannot have sustained economic prosperity and wellbeing until the central role of women is recognized and their economic health is used as a measure to shape policy. Women hold the key to ending poverty, when empowered with the right resources and tools. A great opportunity is wasted when women are isolated from the economy.

Q4) What are the barriers faced by women which limit their financial inclusion according to the author?

Answer: Refer to the second paragraph- “Women often face several barriers which limit their financial inclusion, other than the universal constraints that low-income communities face: Limited access to mobile phones, lower literacy levels, less confidence in using technology and restrictions on travel or social interaction. We need to address them through behavioural and reformist approaches, instead of the usual hardware- based approach. It’s not that the barriers are necessarily different for rural and urban women”.

Q5) Complete the following:

Instead of disguising male-focused products as gender- neutral, we need specific products tailored to their unique needs _______________________.


Instead of disguising male-focused products as gender- neutral, we need specific products tailored to their unique needs. Incorporating women’s perspective and experience into the design of new and existing products would increase the likelihood of resonance with the women’s market. Offering women a pink checkbook, for example, does not substantively address their financial needs or provide real value. Most women-targeting is focused not on designing gender smart solutions but instead on creating products that superficially target women.

Q6) Choose the word which is most near to the meaning as the word “ stammer ” in the passage?

Answer:-Impediments is the word most near to meaning as the word stammer.

Q2) Read the following passage and answer the following questions. Some words are highlighted to help you answer some of the questions.

At a Summit Nature & Conservation Photography Workshop a few years ago, while reviewing portfolios of workshop participants, one young photographer asked me for advice in getting started as a conservation photographer. I replied that there were probably better people to ask—among the faculty at that particular workshop are some of the top pros who dedicate their careers to conservation work-but I observed that one qualification that tends to be common among the leading photographers is a background in, or at least a strong connection to, scientific research.

When you examine the biographies of many Outdoor Photographer contributors or fellows of the International League of Conservation Photographers, natural science education and research are consistently part of the picture. Sebastian Kennerknecht received his Bachelor of Science in ecology and evolution from the University of California at Santa Cruz igo Slugs!), and he was while working toward his degree there that he started down the path of conservation photography.

In “Chasing Wildcats,” he recounts ___________________________________ (2) and how that interaction inspired him to devote his career to documenting the world’s most elusive cat species. Kennerknecht notes that the smaller species tend to be overlooked in favour of larger cats and, as a result, receive just 1 percent of the funding for conservation efforts on behalf of wildcats worldwide.

He hopes to change that through his photography by giving us a window into a largely unseen world. The scientific nature and documentary realism of photography is what makes it such a powerful medium. Photography conveys us to faraway destinations and brings us into intimate encounters with wildlife and wild places that we might not otherwise be able to witness. Artful photographic composition is transporting, and the way we choose to frame a scene prescribes how the viewer will experience it.

That’s important to keep in mind, whether you’re photographing for a conservation cause or simply for the enjoyment of sharing a personal connection to nature. Composition is especially important in landscape photography for providing the viewer an entry point and path through the scene. In “The Art of Wildflower Photography,” Kevin McNeal shares a variety of tips for capturing the stunning, colourful displays of spring, and one commonality you’ll see in his images is a thoughtful use of foreground, middle ground and background.

The layers in McNeal’s photographs invite your eye to move throughout the frame and give you a sense of place and space, qualities to strive for in every landscape composition. Also in this issue, Gary Hart touches on the science behind sunset (and sun-rise) colour. Photogenic sunsets aren’t simply a matter of luck. Specific atmospheric conditions determine whether the show will be a boom or a bust. “Nature photography isn’t rocket science,” Hart admits, “but a basic understanding of nature’s processes can make the difference between success and failure.” In his article on the topic, Hart provides a basic overview of the science behind sunset colour and insights for anticipating when to set up the tripod to capture a dramatic display, I hope this issue inspires you to head out including me into the field and experience spring’s renewal, whether it’s wildlife, wildflowers or simply a serene sunset that draws your lens.

Q1)What is the probable profession of the author which can be inferred after reading the passage?


To answer this question the reading of the entire passage is a must, from the last lines of the ultimate para of the passage ‘I hope this issue inspires you to head out including me into the field and experience spring’s renewal, whether it’s wildlife, wildflowers or simply a serene sunset that draws your lens’. The pronoun ‘I’ indicates author and by the word ‘this issue’ he meant this article, and he talks about heading out including him, this shows that he is not a photographer , since the question is ‘probable profession’ the above explanation is enough to deduce that he could be the author of this article.

Q2) What can be fill in the blank (2) as given in the passage, to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct?


The keyword is ‘a particular bobcat’ because it is talking about a particular bobcat which has influenced him to choose the profession of capturing rarely seen bobcat species.

Q3) What in the passage mentions the difference between ‘conservation cause photography’ and ‘personal connection to nature photography’?


From the second Para of the passage, and the conservation cause photography is mentioned in detail but not the personal connection to nature photography.

Q4) Which one of the following is wrongly matched?

  1. a)Gary hart- nature photographer
  2. b)Kevin- wildflower photographer
  3. c)Sebastian- conservation photographer


All are correct, the persons and professions of each person are correctly mentioned in the options as per the passage.

Q5) Which of the following words is most similar in meaning as OVERLOOKED, as highlighted in the given passage?

  1. Considered
  2. Overawe
  3. Neglected
  4. Dither
  5. None of the above.

Answer: C

Option c, overlooked (neglected) is the correct answer, overawe (to impress) dither (to impress)

Sentence Improvement 4 Q 

Q6) In the following questions, some part of the sentence is underlined. Which of the options given below the sentence should replace the part highlighted to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given then choose option (e) ‘No Correction required’ as the answer.

Insurance scheme for frontline health workers have been extended for another six months, the Government said on Friday after Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a meeting to review the functioning of different empowered groups through video conference.

  1. Have been extended for another six months
  2. Has been extended for another six months
  3. Have extended for another six months
  4. Has extended for another six months
  5. No correction required

Answer: B

The subject ‘insurance scheme’ is singular so singular verb has to be used so it cannot be no correction required, option a is eliminated because it should be six months, also the sentence has to be in passive voice, so active voice sentences mentioned in c and d can be eliminated.


Q3) i) Write a letter to editor.

To, The Editor



Subject:- Regarding India rank in the UN sustainable development.

Respected Editor,

India was ranked 139th out of 149 nations in the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s World Happiness Report 2022, issued on Friday. Three indications were used to evaluate these respondents: life assessments, happy feelings, and negative emotions. What factors contributed to India’s poor ranking? The following causes might be contributing to lower levels of happiness among Indian residents. Health Care Facilities That Are Deteriorating Lower Public Confidence Corruption I would like to urge that you emphasise the above-mentioned problems for the benefit of the public through your dependable and reputable media coverage.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely, 



ii) Write a short note on global warming?


Rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere create global warming, which is the outcome of human activities that have been wreaking havoc on our biosphere for centuries. Worldwide warming is an issue that cannot be ignored, and action must be taken on a global basis to solve it. The average temperature has been slowly rising by 1.5 degrees Celsius during the last five years. Further tree cutting should be restricted, and afforestation should be promoted as the most effective way to avert future environmental damage. Start by planting trees near your home and workplace, attending events, and educating people about the importance of tree planting. While it is impossible to undo the harm, it is possible to avoid further damage.

Previous Year Question Paper Class 10 English with Solution, Check NCERT English Question Paper_8.1

Q4) In each of the following questions, the sentences have been divided into five parts out of which only one part is error free, all the remaining are erroneous. You are required to find out the error free part out of the given options

Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ virtually launched “World 1st affording and long-lasting hygiene product DuroKea Series”, developed by (a)/ IIT Hyderabad researchers. Speaking on the occasion Pokhriyal said that Durokea Product is aligned to the vision of (b)/ Prime Minister NarendraModi to attain self-reliance. This next generation DuroKeaantimicrobe technology starts at Rs. 189, (c)/ kills 99.99% of germs instantly and leaves behind the long-lasting protective nanoscale coating for up to 35 days till next wash.(d)/ The unique property of DuroKea range is to ensure instantly killing and prolonged protection which is an immense necessity during this current pandemic situation (e).

  1. a
  2. b
  3. c
  4. d
  5. e

Answer: D

Error free part is – D


In a = Instead of affording “affordable” will be used

In b = Align is always followed by preposition “with”

In c = Antimicrobe will be replaced by “antimicrobial”

In e = Instead of instantly “instant” will be usedComplete the following text by reading the discussion between a professor and a pupil.

Q5) Complete the following text after reading the dialogue between a teacher and a pupil.

Nisha: Sir I have some problems in the third chapter of the math.

Teacher: Okay, tell what your problem is. I will try to solve it.  

Nisha asked to math teacher I have a problem in(a) ___________. Teacher answer he will (b)____________.


Nisha asked to math teacher I have a problem in the third chapter. Teacher answer he will try to solve it.


Q6) Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each.


  • How kisa gautam did realize that the death is universal and inevitable?


Answer:-Kisa Gautami had come to Gautam Buddha to express her grief at the death of her son. Buddha then asked her to go collect a handful of mustard seeds. She was overjoyed because she believed she would be able to obtain mustard seeds from whatever house she knocked on.

Buddha repeated his request and added a condition: a handful of mustard seeds from a home where no one has lost a child, husband, father, or friend.

When her attempts failed, she realised that death was universal and unavoidable. She recognised that suffering is an unavoidable part of life, and that you must learn to cope with the resulting anguish and agony. This incident taught her a vital lesson: death strikes every family.

She learned from Buddha that no amount of pleading or sobbing will bring the dead back to life. He says that intelligent persons do not weep because they comprehend the universal nature of death and that, like a fruit off a tree, mortals’ lives will come to an end.


  • What lesson kisa gautam learned from Buddha?


Answer:-Kisa Gautami had visited Gautam Buddha to convey her sorrow at her son’s death. After that, Buddha instructed her to go gather a handful of mustard seeds. She was ecstatic since she thought she’d be able to get mustard seeds from whatever house she knocked on.

Buddha repeated his request with a stipulation: a handful of mustard seeds from a household where no one has lost a child, spouse, parent, or friend.

She realised that death was universal and inexorable when her attempts failed. She understood that pain is an inescapable part of life, and that you must learn to manage with the sorrow and agony that comes with it. This tragedy taught her an important lesson: death happens to everyone.

Buddha taught her that no amount of begging or weeping can bring the dead back to life. He claims that clever people do not cry because they understand the universal nature of death and that mortals’ life will come to an end like a fruit off a tree.


  • Why Walt Whitman believe they are better than human beings?


Answer:-Because he believes animals are superior to humans, Walt Whitman asserts in the poem that he is more at peace with them than with people.

Animals are comfortable and content in their own skin. They are unconcerned with their actions, and they are unconcerned about their crimes.

Humans, on the other hand, are motivated by greed and materialistic goals.

They are unsatisfied with their situation in life and argue over their duty to God, making each other sick. Humans appear to have lost touch with their ideals of love and understanding. Human civilisation is marred by ego, hatred, and hypocrisy.


  • What Walt Whiteman believe that human are field with greed and materialistic dress?


Answer:-Walt Whitman declares in the poem that he is more at ease with animals than with people because he feels animals are superior to humans.

Animals feel safe and secure in their own skin. They don’t care about their deeds, and they don’t care about their crimes. Humans, on the other hand, are driven by materialistic ambitions and avarice.

They are dissatisfied with their lives and dispute over their responsibilities to God, making each other sick. Humans appear to have lost touch with their romantic notions of love and compassion. Ego, hate, and hypocrisy have tainted human civilization.


  • Why amandas mother feeling frustration?


Answer:-Amanda was busy with her thoughts and had no idea what was going on around her. Her mother’s voice is laced with sadness, frustration. Amanda bothers her by not looking at her when she speaks to her.


  • Name the animals living with Belinda?


Answer:-The ballad by Ogden Nash is a humorous take on Belinda’s pet, Custard the dragon’s bravery. Belinda lived with a scared dragon named custard, a black cat named ink, a grey mouse named blink, a yellow dog named mustard, and a black kitten named ink.


  • Why other animals said thanks to custard?


Answer:-One night, a pirate attacks the house and all the other so-called fearless animals hide in fear, all except Custard. The pirate tried shooting bullets but they didn’t hit him. To everyone’s surprise, Custard tackled the pirate and gobbled him up. All the other animals thanked him for saving their lives.

Q7) Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120 words each


  • How the parents do support their children’s, what role Bholi’s parents play to support her?


Answer:-Parents act as a role model, a support system, and a source of advice for their children. They have an influence on their children both directly and indirectly.

Richard H. Ebright’s mother was a great woman who was kind, understanding, and kind. She filled the vacuum left by Ebright’s father’s absence in his life.

His mother encouraged him to expand his horizons and satisfy his unquenchable curiosity. For him, she bought telescopes, microscopes, and cameras. In order for him to achieve, she invested time and effort in his upbringing.

Bholis’ parents, on the other hand, were apathetic and inattentive to her requests. They had a traditional view of a woman’s place in society and believed that women did not require education. In order to keep her safe, they sent her to school.


  • Write a conversion between two friends regarding glimpse of India?


Answer:-Rajvir: Greetings, Pranjol! I believe we should go to Coorg. It’s a lovely spot with coffee plantations. I can already detect the scent!

Pranjol: We went to a tea estate in Assam last year; this time, I’d want to do something new.

Rajvir: Then Coorg is the place for you! There’s more to Coorg than just coffee smells. It has a diverse range of vegetation and wildlife, as well as rainforests. It would be an amazing sight to witness. It would be very relaxing to sit by the coast of Kaveri.

Pranjol: That sounds fascinating…

Rajvir: Besides, I believe we all need a break from the pandemic’s frantic pace. River rafting, rappelling, mountain biking, and other adventure activities might be enjoyable.

Pranjol: I enjoy some sports, but I’m not a big fan of others.

Rajvir: Ding Coorg is the solution once more! It boasts lovely natural walking routes and a panoramic view from the Brahmagiri hills. According to what I’ve read, the area boasts the world’s largest Tibetan settlement, thus the atmosphere will undoubtedly reflect calm and spirituality.

Pranjol: You’ve got to be kidding!

Rajvir: Coorg has a rich cultural heritage, and its people are bold and generous. Only a few people in Coorg are authorised to own weapons without a licence. It will be exciting to meet such bold individuals.

Pranjol: I must admit, you make a compelling argument for Coorg. Let’s depart next Wednesday, shall we?


  • How did Matilda is portrayed?


Answer:-Matilda is shown in “The Necklace” as being highly self-indulgent and dreaming of a life of luxury. She was born into a middle-class family, but due to a lack of dowry, she was married off to a clerk at the board of education’s office.

She was dissatisfied with her life since she had expected to eat the most delicious cuisine with the finest cutlery. She didn’t have any frocks or jewellery because she had simply fantasised about them. She was frequently irritated by her basic existence.

Malinda, contrary to his expectations, threw the invitation aside in disgust because she lacked anything fancy enough to appear significant.

10th std English Previous Year Question Paper – 2019


  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

The rules-based world order for international trade appears to be in for a rougher ride yet after the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump announced this week that it would be slapping $200-billion worth of Chinese exports with 10% tariff, ratcheting it up to 25% by the year-end. In the latest round of the ongoing trade skirmishes between the world’s two largest economies, almost 6,000 items will be hit by the new U.S. tariffs, from September 24 onward. Typical of Mr. Trump’s aggressive approach on “unfair” trade policies, the tariff announcement came with the warning, “If China takes retaliatory action against our farmers or other industries, we will immediately pursue phase three, which is tariffs on approximately $267 billion of additional imports.” Less than 24 hours after the U.S. announcement, China said it would apply retaliatory taxes to the tune of $60 billion. Given that over the summer both countries started taxing $50-billion worth of the other’s imports, if Mr. Trump makes good on his threat of additional tariffs, all Chinese imports to the U.S., nearly 4% of world trade, will come under the tax net. On both sides of the tariff war, economic pain is likely to be widely distributed.

and nations with close trade and investment links to the two countries, such as those in Europe, will find themselves in considerable economic trouble. Over the longer term, a reversal of the gl There are two questions that this escalation raises. First, what is the likely trajectory of this conflict? Economists concur that in the near term the trade war will cause a shrinkage in bilateral trade volumes. Businesses in the U.S., Chinaobalization of supply chains may take place — perhaps that is the very aim of the Trump administration. However, the U.S. could have gone about this by applying its resources through bodies such as the World Trade Organization to penalize China for overproduction dumping overseas and excessive restrictions on market access. Second, what impact will this trade war have on the future of the hyper-connected world that we live in today? China, and indeed any other nation that trades with the U.S., may seek alternative markets and trading partners if the American government persists with its retreat into economic isolationism. Yet, even if countries can avoid some of the punitive costs of this battle, global institutions such as the WTO and a myriad other multilateral rule-making bodies will wither away, losing their authority. Philosophically, this would fly in the face of the foundational economic principles regarding division of labour and comparative advantage. This would, in the much-longer term, be a loss for the world community of nations, many of whom have worked hard to establish and credentialism the post-World War order precisely in order to stave ______ the dark forces of parochialism that engendered the horrors of that period.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions by choosing the correct option. 

The U.S. could have gone about this by applying its resources through bodies such as the World Trade Organization to penalize China for?

  1. overproduction
  2. dumping overseas
  3. excessive restrictions on market access.
  1. Only i
  2. Only ii
  3. Both ii and iii
  4. All of the above

Answer: D

In the 2nd para, It is given that, The U.S. could have gone about this by applying its resources through bodies such as the World Trade Organisation to penalize China for overproduction, dumping overseas and excessive restrictions on market access.

Choose the word which is most near to the meaning as the word “parochialism” printed in bold as used in the passage

  1. gorge
  2. stipend
  3. harmony
  4. localism

Answer: D

Parochialism- A limitation of views or interests.

Localism- Limited to specific region



According to the passage, Economists concur that in the near term the trade war will cause a shrinkage in?

  1. One-to-One formula
  2. Economic Impact
  3. Bilateral trade volumes
  4. Aviation Industry

Answer: C

In the 2nd para, It is given that ‘Economists concur that in the near term the trade war will cause a shrinkage in bilateral trade volumes’

U.S. President Donald Trump announced this week that it would be slapping how much worth of Chinese exports with 10% tariff?

  1. $200-billion
  2. $550-billion
  3. $650-billion
  4. $300-billion

Answer: A

In the 1st para, it is given that’ US President Donald Trump announced this week that it would be slapping $200-billion worth of Chinese exports with 10% tariff’

Choose the word which is most near to the meaning as the word “punitive” printed in bold as used in the passage

  1. retracts
  2. rigid
  3. ginormous
  4. shored

Answer: D

Shored – Support by placing against something solid or rigid


According to the passage, which word suits the blank?

  1. across
  2. off
  3. in
  4. together

Answer: B

What does the word retaliatory mean?

  1. acclivity
  2. retard
  3. gospel
  4. vindicatory

Answer: D

Gospel-The written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group

Acclivity-An upward slope or grade (as in a road)

According to the passage, all Chinese imports to the U.S., how much percentage of world trade, will come under the tax net?

  1. 5.5%
  2. 6%
  3. 4%
  4. 5%

Answer: C

In the 1st para, it is given that, ‘of all Chinese imports to the U.S., nearly 4% of world trade will come under the tax net’.

Choose the word which is most opposite to the word “ratcheting” printed in bold as used in the passage

  1. accumulates
  2. emulated
  3. paradict
  4. home-perfect

Answer: A


Complete the sentence, “….the post-World War order precisely in order to stave __________the dark forces of parochialism that engendered the horrors of that period.”

  1. In
  2. Of
  3. Down
  4. off

Answer: D


  1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. 

There are some blanks given in the passage based on which some questions are framed, and some words are highlighted as well to help you answer some of the questions.

The fires in the rainforest have finally been (A) ……………………..by the arrival of the rainy season, but threats and violence continue unabated against forest defenders. They need international support if the Amazon is to be at the centre of climate action rather than just another distant frontline in the war against nature.

(B) For that to happen, the world must wake up to the destruction(1) threat posed by the existential(2) of the Amazon, and show traditional(3) with solidarity(4) communities, land rights activists and environmental NGOs in Brazil. All have come under intensifying pressure since ultra-right militarist JairBolsonaro became the country’s president at the start of this year. His government has weakened forest protections and encouraged miners, farmers and land grabbers to take advantage.

The Amazon increasingly resembles a battleground. On one side is an ethnically diverse, ecologically rich mix of indigenous people, riverine communities and quilombolas, or hinterland settlements. On the other is a primarily white capitalist elite, eager to exploit the land. (C) In one form or another, /this struggle dates back five centuries /to the first European colonialists, but it has taken for/global significance as the climate consequences become clearer./ Civil rights activists describe a climate of terror. In the past three weeks, alone three indigenous leaders have been murdered along with a key witness due to testify in defence of Catholic priest and land activist Amaro Lopes, the successor of murdered nun, Dorothy Stang. Last month, police raided the Health and Happiness Project, a long-running NGO in Alter de Chão, Santarém, and arrested four volunteer firefighters. With the government on their side, land grabbers feel emboldened to invade and burn more forest.

Human rights campaigners say police are taking the side of land grabbers, and want a meeting with the governor of Parå state to seek reassurance laws will be respected, protected forests will be safeguarded and activists will not become targets. That they have to ask these questions shows how ……………………(D)the situation has become. This is of global concern. At a time of climate emergency, the Amazon is the world’s biggest terrestrial carbon sink. (E)Amid growing(a) evidence (b) of a breakdown of the world’s natural life-support systems, it is home to more species(c) than anywhere outside the oceans(d). The rainforest is a vitally important part of the water cycle, channeling rain across South America and shaping the trade winds that circulate weather systems. (F) Calls for tree planting and nature-based solutions to the climate crisis _____________________.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions by choosing the correct option.Which of the following words given in the options should come at the place marked as (A) in the above passage to make it grammatically correct and meaningful?

  1. avowed
  2. implied
  3. incongruity
  4. None of these

Answer: D

In the given sentence, only ‘extinguished’ makes it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A is incorrect because avowed means that has been asserted, admitted, or stated publicly which is contextually wrong.

Option B is incorrect as implied does not make any sense here.

Option C is incorrect because ‘incongruity’ means the state of being incongruous; incompatibility.

The sentence given in (B) has four words given in bold. Amongst the given bold words, which of the following must replace each other to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful?

  1. Both 2-1 and 3-4
  2. Both 1-3 and 2-4
  3. Both 2-3 and 1-4
  4. 1-3

Answer: A

After making the replacements, the thus formed sentence is “For that to happen, the world must wake up to the existential threat posed by the destruction of the Amazon, and show solidarity with traditional communities, land rights activists and environmental NGOs in Brazil”

In the above passage, sentence (C) may or may not have an error in one part of the sentence, select the part having error in it as your answer.

  1. In one form or another,
  2. this struggle dates back five centuries
  3. to the first European colonialists, but it has taken for
  4. global significance as the climate consequences become clearer.

Answer: C

‘Taken for’ should be replaced with ‘taken on’.

Which of the following should fill the blank given in (D) to make it contextually correct and meaningful?

  1. atrocity
  2. savagery
  3. dire
  4. enormity

Answer: C

In the given sentence, only ‘dire’ makes it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because atrocity means an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury which does not fit here.

Option B): is incorrect as savagery does not make any sense here.

Option C): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘dire’ fits here both grammatically and contextually.

Option D): is incorrect as enormity does not make any sense here.

Four sentences each with one bold word type are given marked as (E). These are numbered (a), (b), (c) and (d). One these words printed in bold might either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any.

  1. Only b
  2. Only a & b
  3. Only a & d
  4. Only c

Answer: A

‘Evidense’ is incorrect here. It should be replaced with ‘evidence’.

Which of the following phrases should fill the blank (F) to make it contextually and grammatically correct and meaningful? 

  1. will come to nothing without this rainforest
  2. it is time to treat the Amazon as a matter of life or death
  3. is not just a question of common decency
  4. and not just for those who live there

Answer:  A

Calls for tree planting and nature-based solutions to the climate crisis will come to nothing without this rainforest.

  1. What does the word unabated mean?
  1. Stop
  2. Continuous
  3. Ending
  4. kind

Answer: B

  1. Complete the sentence, “The fires in the rainforest have finally been (A) ……………………..by the arrival of the rainy season,…”. 
  1. Completed
  2. Accomplished
  3. Extinguished
  4. Over
  5. Stopped

Answer: C



III. Answer any five out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option for each.


  • There is never ______ time left after he finishes the job. 


  • few


  • little
  • much
  • a little




Answer: C

  1. The school guidelines clearly mentioned that you _____ loiter on the campus during classes. 


  • need not


  • cannot


  • must not
  • might not




Answer: B

  1. If you could only read, you _______ learn that story and enjoy it.


  • might


  • may 


  • can
  • could




Answer: A

  1. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech? 

I was walking along the Street.


  • I was walking along the Street.


  • He was walking along the Street.


  • He said he had been walking along the Street.
  • He says that he has been walking along the Street.

Answer: C 

  1. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?

 “Let’s talk freely in the meeting.” our friends said.

  1. Our friends suggested that they should talk freely in the meeting.
  2. Our friends said that they should talk freely in the meeting.
  3. Our friends suggested they should talk freely in the meeting.
  4. Our friends had said that they should talk freely in the meeting.


6)We are proudof Saurav Ganguly. [Rewrite using theverb form of the underline]

  1. A. We are pride on Saurav Ganguly.
  2. We pride ourself on Saurav Ganguly.
  3. We have pride on Sarav Ganguly.
  4. We pride ourselves on Saurav Ganguly.



  1. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.

 You are Rahul, resident of 456, Mohan Garden, Maharashtra. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, keeping the authorities in consideration about the wretched manhole system in the slum area.


456, Mohan Garden


12 March, 2021

The Editor 

The Times of India


Sub: Deteriorate condition of manhole system in slum area.


I am a resident of Maharashtra. It pains me to bring to your kind attention the growing issue of manhole system in slum area. The people living in the slum are facing many difficulties. I request you to raise my issue in your renowned newspaper.

The people are living in the worst condition. The people in our locality are suffering due to the faulty manhole system. The incidents of  health issue like diarrhea, degradation, agricultural contamination, unhealthy wildlife are increasing. Sometimes there is a sense of fear of losing lives of children at the time of heavy monsoon. It troubles to go out in dark as the manholes are not properly closed.

We have also submitted our complaint to the local municipality of our area in which we requested to do the improvisation of the manhole system in order to abate the problems we are going through. In spite of our repeated complaints, no action has been taken. Now I on behalf of the residents of the locality have decided to bring the attention of the concerned authorities to the problem through the medium of your esteemed newspaper. I am hopeful that you will help us in bringing normalcy to our locality by publishing this letter in your reputed daily.

Yours sincerely,


Q1. With respect to the letter above, select the criteria that Rahul should opt for this letter.

  1. The newspaper’s name 
  2. Attached proof of the newspaper subscription 
  3. Rahul’s address 
  4. Formal tone 
  5. Expected date of the letter’s receipt
  6. (1) and (5) 
  7. (2), (3) and (4) 
  8. (3) and (5) 
  9. (1), (3) and (4)


Q2. What should be the subject line for this letter?

  1. Drawing attention of the slum people.
  2. Drawing attention of poor life condition.
  3. Inconvenience caused to the tourist spot.
  4. Deteriorate condition of manhole system in slum area.


Q3. What point should be discussed to express the issue?

  1. Absence of proper sewage system.
  2. Health hazard due to poor manhole system.
  3. In monsoon the difficulties doubles the time.
  4. All of the above.


Q4. What Rahul should not mention in the letter?

  1. The travelling issue faced due to improper manhole system.
  2. The dirt to the beauty of city is in limelight.
  3. Health issue faced by the citizen.
  4. None of these.


Q5. In what tone should Rahul conclude the letter?

  1. Aggressive
  2. Informal
  3. Plead
  4. Monotonous


Q6. Select the option that completes the letter appropriately.

  1. I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper.
  2. I order you to resolve my problem at the earliest.
  3. I hope that my letter will improve the circulation of your newspaper.
  4. I hope my letter will reveal all those who are responsible for this condition.



This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.

  1. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Let me put it more clearly, since no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely alone in the world. And I’m not. I have loving parents and a sixteen-year-old sister, and there are about thirty people I can call friends. I have a family, loving aunts and a good home. No, on the surface I seem to have everything, except my one true friend. All I think about when I’m with friends is having a good time. I can’t bring myself to talk about anything but ordinary everyday things.

Q1. Why no one believe that a thirteen year old girl is completely alone in the world?

  1. People knew she had a family.
  2. People do not believe that such a small girl can live alone.
  3. Her life was comfortable
  4. She had a cheerful personality.
  5. She had several friends.

Choose the correct option from the following: 

  1. (1) and (5) 
  2. (1), (3) and (4) 
  3. (2) and (3) 
  4. (3), (4) and (5)


Q2. What tone is depicted from the passage?

  1. Hurt
  2. Sarcastic
  3. Restless
  4. Aggressive


Q3. What does Anne mean by this lineNo, on the surface I seem to have everything, except my one true friend.”?

  1. Anne has everything that she wants in her life.
  2. She is just missing out of one true friend in her life.
  3. She had one true friend.
  4. None of these.


Q4. Give a suitable title to the passage.

  1. Happy-go-lucky Anne.
  2. Anne doesn’t connect with anyone.
  3. An ordinary life of Anne.
  4. All of these.


Q5. What Anne concluded at the end?

  1. She is struggling to strike conversation.
  2. She is proud of her ways.
  3. I do all the ordinary things.
  4. She is unable to have a proper conversation.


Q6. ”All I think about when I’m with friends is having a good time.” What does good time mean here?

  1. Quality time with friends and family.
  2. Having fun all the time.
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of these.


  1. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

A need to highlight the importance of the handmade aspect is required by both the government and private sectors, in order to amplify awareness and also support the culture of making handicrafts. A few artisans are still trying their best to rejuvenate and revive their culture and heritage but it’s an uphill task competing with the machine-made goods. A multitude of artisans have changed their professions and are encouraging their progeny to follow suit. There are others who have stayed their ground but are clearly inclined towards buying machines.

Q7. Why handicrafts are still important aspect?

  1. For its uniqueness.
  2. Ease of availability.
  3. It’s easily manufactured.
  4. For its high-cost.


Q8. Choose the word most similar to the word “Rejuvenate”.

  1. Freeze
  2. Halt
  3. Regenerate
  4. Maintain

Q9. What are the drawbacks of machine-made elements?

  1. Expensive to buy.
  2. High maintenance.
  3. Wear and tear with time.
  4. All of the above.


Q10. What is the most opposite to the word “Progeny”?

  1. Descendant
  2. Breed
  3. Ancestor
  4. Successor


Q11. “ A multitude of artisans have changed their professions and are encouraging their progeny to follow suit.” Why the artisans have changed their profession?

  1. Because of the growing competition.
  2. Because of the growing technology.
  3. For the ease of business.
  4. None of these.


Q12. “There are others who have stayed their ground but are clearly inclined towards buying machines.” What does the line stayed their ground means here?

  1. Sticking to the old values
  2. Changing with time
  3. To accept the change
  4. Run away from situation


VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Time is more than money as money spent can be earned again however once time spent can never be earned. There is a common saying that “Time and Tide waits for none”. It is as true as existence of life on the earth. Time runs continuously without stoppage. It never waits anyone. So, we should never spend our precious and priceless time without purpose and meaning at any stage of our life. We should always understand the meaning of time and use it accordingly in positive way to fulfill some purpose. We should learn something from this continuously running time. If it runs regularly without any stoppage, then why cannot we.

Q13. Is time important than money? Express your opinion on that.

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Can’t be determined
  4. None of these


Q14. Give the most suitable title to the passage given above.

  1. Value of time
  2. Value the time for your time to be valued
  3. Time is the key to success
  4. All of the above


Q15. Which of the following statement is true?

  1. Time and tide waits for everyone.
  2. Death is the harsh reality of time.
  3. The time is reversible.
  4. None of these.


Q16. What does the lineIf it runs regularly without any stoppage, then why cannot we” signify?

  1. A. We should have a positive attitude towards time.
  2. We should keep working throughout the day.
  3. With time we should grow and learn new things.
  4. We should not sit back and waste time.


Q17. Which of the following give example with reference to the passage above?

  1. The passage infers the negative impact of time.
  2. The passage states the time of a year.
  3. The passage states the reality and importance of a time.
  4. The passage states the present time of a life.


Q18. Find the word from the passage most similar to the word “Exquisite”.

  1. Existence
  2. Precious
  3. Continuous
  4. Priceless


VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Ruskin Bond’s ‘The Thief’s Story’ is completely more than a thief’s story. The story focuses on basic human values and relationships. It is easier for a thief to burgle a greedy man. It is difficult even for a thief to burgle a careless and honest person. A young boy becomes friends with Anil. Anil trusts him totally and employs him. Does the boy deceive his trust? The story is about a fifteen-years-old thief. He used to change his name every month to stay ahead of the police and old employers. This time he called himself Hari Singh. The other person Anil in the story is a 25-year-old writer. The thief one day meets Anil and asks that if he can work for him. The story discloses how the thief deceives Anil by committing theft but withdraws later on.

Q19. From the options given below which is most dissimilar to the word “Burgle”?

  1. Break into
  2. Rifle
  3. Prevent
  4. Loot


Q20. Why it is easy to rob a greedy man?

  1. The greedy person has no moral values.
  2. The greedy person will do anything to accumulate wealth.
  3. The greedy person feels bad after robbery.
  4. The greedy person cannot afford to be robbed.


Q21. Why do you think that the theft withdraws later after deceiving Anil?

  1. Hari felt that Anil’s trust will be deceived.
  2. Hari felt pity for Anil.
  3. Hari felt that Anil is strong enough of not being theft.
  4. None of these.


Q22. Why it is difficult to burgle a careless person?

  1. The careless person feels that he is being robbed.
  2. The careless person allows the thief to rob.
  3. The careless person notice he is been robbed.
  4. The careless person does not have much tension for money.


Q23. What nature of thief is revealed from the passage at the end?

  1. The transformation from greedy into trustworthy.
  2. The transformation from thief into an honest man.
  3. The transformation from thief into loyal person.
  4. None of these.


Q24. Which word in the following options is most similar to the word “Voracious”?

  1. Deceive
  2. Burgle
  3. Greedy
  4. Loyal


  1. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Although some children are resilient to the adverse impacts of economic poverty, many studies show significant associations between poverty and poor child outcomes, such as harmful childhood experiences, including maltreatment, material hardship, impaired physical health, low birth-weight, structural changes in brain development, and mental health problems. Studies also show significant associations between child poverty and lower educational attainment, difficulty obtaining steady, well-paying employment in adulthood, and a greater likelihood of risky behaviours, delinquency, and criminal behaviour in adolescence and adulthood.

Q25. Why poverty has an adverse impact on poor child?

  1. Poor child has an insufficient resource to attain the essentials of life.
  2. Poverty leads to child labour.
  3. Poverty does not provide opportunity for education.
  4. All of these.


Q26. What does the word “resilient” means?

  1. Strong
  2. Weak
  3. Soft
  4. Rigid


Q27. Which of the following comes under maltreatment?

  1. Rationally soft behavior.
  2. Healthy interpersonal relationship.
  3. Rationally aggressive behavior.
  4. All of these.


Q28. Find the most dissimilar word to “delinquency”.

  1. Offence
  2. Innocent
  3. Neglectful
  4. Overdue


Q29. What are the ways to overcome poverty?

  1. Remove the barriers and treat everyone with equality.
  2. Availability of job opportunities.
  3. Irrationality of behavioural approach.
  4. Both A and B


Q30. Growth of poor people and high level of ___________ are consequences of poverty.

  1. barriers
  2. indebtedness
  3. insecurity
  4. irrationality


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When will CBSE conduct the Class 10th Examination?

CBSE will begin Class 10th Examination from 15th feb 2023 onwards.

Where I can get CBSE Class 10th English Previous Year Question Papers?

On this page, we have given the CBSE Class 10th English Previous Year Question Papers. For other subjects, you can visit the official website of Adda247 School.

How can I get full marks in English class 10?

To get full marks in english in class 10th the students have to outperform. The students have to complete all the questions within the time and must solve the CBSE Class 10th English Previous Year Question Papers given on this page.

Which website is best for previous year’s question papers of CBSE Class 10th?

The official website of Adda247 school is best to get all the previous year’s question papers for CBSE Class 10th.

About the Author

Hi buds, I am Monisa, a postgraduate in Human Physiology (specialization in Ergonomics and Occupational health) with 1.5 years of experience in the school education sector. With versatile writing skills, I provide educational content to help students find the right path to success in various domains, such as JEE, NEET, CUET, and other entrance exams.