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CBSE Class 10th Topper 2024, Check Board Toppers List Name & Marks

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the Class 10 board Exam results today, May 13, 2024. All the appeared candidates and their parents are seeking the CBSE Topper 2024 Class 10 on the internet. However, these individuals have been informed that, as with the previous year, CBSE has opted not to reveal the names of class 10th toppers this year as well. As the board clarifies, the CBSE Class 10 Toppers List promotes unhealthy competition. Instead, they presented additional information such as the overall pass rate, top-performing regions, and results broken down by gender, school, region, and so on.

CBSE Class 10 Topper 2024

The CBSE Class 10 Exam was taken place from February 15 to March 13 ,2024. Out of the 2,238,827 students that took the CBSE Class 10th test in 2024, 2,095,467 passed. Among the all passed students, the top perferomrmaer srae placed in the cbse topper 2024 class 10. This year’s CBSE Class 10th pass percentage was 93.60%, an increase of 0.48% over the previous year. In 2023, the passing rate was 93.12%. According to CBSE Class 10th Exam statistics, Trivandrum had the highest pass rate of all areas, at 99.75%, followed by Vijaywada at 99.6%.

CBSE Topper 2024

From the prior academic years, CBSE did not release the CBSE toppers list for the tenth class. This decision was made in response to the growing unhealthy competitiveness among pupils. This year, the board chose not to publish a merit list in order to prevent students from overworking themselves. However, the CBSE board will award merit certificates to the top 0.1% of students who have achieved the highest scores in all courses. Students can acquire their merit certificates through the DigiLocker app.

This year, the CBSE did not disclose the Class 10th Toppers List, but the division-wise passing percentage was released. This year, more than 2.14 percent of all students who passed the tests received 95 percent or above marks, an increase from 44,297 applicants in 2023. Meanwhile, a total of 2,12,384 pupils, or 9.49%, achieved 90% or higher, up from 1,95,799 previous year.

NEET 2026

CBSE 10th Result 2024 Topper List

The class 12 board results were announced hours before by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). and have finally revealed the Class 10 results on the same day. Girls outperformed guys in class 10, just as they did in 12th grade. The pass percentage for girls is 94.75%, while the pass percentage for boys is 92.71%. For CBSE Class 10, ladies once again outperformed boys by 2.04 percentage points.

Students who took the exam will be able to view their results on a variety of channels, including the official websites, UMANG app, Digilocker app, Pariksha Sangam portal, and SMS service. Students can also confirm their results through direct given below.
Some CBSE 10th Toppers name are given below.

  • Sanjana Bhat gained 500/500 marks
  • Arihant Kapkoti gained 499/500 marks
  • Aditi Beltharia gained 499/500 marks
  • Joshua Jacob Thomas gained 499/500marks
  • Shivanee gained 498/500marks
  • Manasvi Sharmagained497/500
  • V Ashwingained 497/500
  • Dilisha Rajputgained 497/500
  • Kavya Jindalgained 497/500
  • Arjit Singh gained 496/500

CBSE Class 10 Result 2024 -Download Score card Now

CBSE Topper 2024 Class 10 (Unofficial)

The board has decided not to release any merit list. Thus we have tried to provide an expected unofficial merit list of the students who secured 90% or above percentage. It must be noted that the hereunder topper list is unofficially prepared based on our internal sources. CBSE Class 10 2024 results show 47,983 students scoring above 95% and nearly 2.12 lakh scoring above 90%. Check out the expected CBSE Class 10 Topper 2024 in the table below.

Rank Candidate’s Name Marks Obtained State
Subject(s) in which 95+ marks are scored
Rank 1
(CBSE 10th Topper 2024)
Divya Namdev 100 % (500 marks) UP No available
Mayank Yadav 100 % (500 marks) UP (Noida) Not available
Vaishnavi Kapse 100 % (500 marks) UP (Noida) Not available
Gari Gangwar 100 % (500 marks) UP (Bareilly) Not available
Rank 2 Sanidhya Kshitij Dongre  99.6 Maharashtra
Mathematics, Science, Social Science
Rank 3
Ayshi Gupta 99.4 Haryana All subjects
Khushi Mahawar 99.4 Madhya Pradesh
English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science
Ridhima Gupta 99.4 Uttar Pradesh All subjects
Rank 4 Maya Rajesh 99.2 Karnataka
English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science
Rank 5 Armani Goyal 99 Chandigarh All subjects
Rank 6
Ujwal S. Boodihal 98 Karnataka
English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science
Atharv Dev 98 Uttar Pradesh All subjects
Rank 7 Kausiki Dutta 97.8 West Bengal
English, Mathematics, Social Science
Rank 8 Krishna Singh Bhadauriya 97.66 Uttar Pradesh All subjects
Rank 9
Varchas Singh Srinet 97.6 Uttar Pradesh All subjects
Aman Khanal 97.6 Punjab
English, Hindi, Mathematics, Social Science
Rank 10 Arnav P 97.4 Tamil Nadu All subjects
Rank 11 Arsh Chauhan 97.33 Uttar Pradesh All subjects
Rank 12 Mrinalini Singh 97.2 Jharkhand
English, Hindi, Science, Social Science
Rank 13 Anika Gaur 96.8 Uttar Pradesh All subjects
Rank 14 Aadyan Mishra 96.5 Uttar Pradesh
Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social Science
Rank 15 Prince Chandrawat 96.2 Madhya Pradesh
Mathematics, Social Science
Rank 16 Aanjaneya Rai 95.8 Uttar Pradesh
English, Mathematics, Science
Aasish Kaushik 95.8 Uttar Pradesh
English, Hindi, Science, Social Science
Aasvi Seth 95.8 Punjab Mathematics
Rank 17 Anuvansh Singh 95.2 Uttar Pradesh Mathematics
Rank 18 Radhika Saini 95 Haryana
Mathematics, Social Science
Rank 19 Archisha Verma 94.8 Uttar Pradesh Social Science
Rank 20 Gurnoor Kaur 94.6 Punjab
English, Science, Social Science
Rank 21 Naitik Singh 93 Uttar Pradesh Hindi, Science
Rank 22 Kartik Singh 92.2 Uttar Pradesh Mathematics
Rank 23 Gopal Kumar Jaiswal 91 Uttar Pradesh None
Khwahish Srivastava 91 Uttar Pradesh Social Science
Rank More names to be received To be Updated To be Updated To be Updated

Topper of 10th Class 2024 Pass Rate Increased this Year

This year, the CBSE did not release the cbse topper 2024 class 10, however the pass rate this year is impressive. According to the CBSE’s Class 10th Board Exam Result, 93.60 percent of students passed the exam. This year, the overall pass percentage increased by 0.48%. In 2023, the overall pass rate was recorded at 93.12%. More than 1.32 lakh pupils have been placed in ‘compartment’, a slight reduction from the previous year.

Class 10 Region-wise Pass Percentage

Trivandrum, Kerala has the best overall pass percentage at 99.75 percent. Check out the whole list below.

Name Of Region
Pass Percentage
Trivandrum 99.75%
Vijayawada 99.60%
Chennai 99.30%
Bengaluru 99.26%
Ajmer 97.10%
Pune 96.46%
Delhi East 94.45%
Delhi West 94.18%
Chandigarh 94.14%
Patna 92.91%
Prayagraj 92.72%
Panchkula 92.16%
Bhubaneswar 92.03%
Dehradun 90.97%
Bhopal 90.58%
Noida 90.46%
Guwahati 77.94%

Class 10 Gender-wise Pass Percentage

This year girls overperformed than boys in the class 10th results. The pass percentage for girls is 94.75% and for boys it is 92.71%, while the pass percentage for the transgenders stays at 91.30%.

Pass Percentage
Girls Pass Percentage 94.75%
Boys Pass Percentage 92.71%
Transgender Pass Percentage 91.30%

Read| CBSE issues notice on Calculation of Class 10 Percentage from CGPA

School Wise Pass Percentage

As per the results stats, this year JNVs and KVs schools are doing very well with a passing rate of 99%.Check out the school-wise passing percentage of the 10th Class results.

Category of Schools
Pass Percentage
JNVs 99.09%
KVs 99.09%
Independent Schools 94.54%
CTSA 94.40%
Government Schools 86.72%
Government Aided Schools 83.95%

Year-wise Pass Percentage of Class 10 Results

Year Total Candidates Appeared Male Pass % Female Pass % Overall Pass %
2024 22,38,827 92.71% 94.75% 93.60%
2023 21,65,000 92.27 94.25 93.12
2022 20,93,978 93.8 95.21 94.4
2021 21,50,608 98.89 99.24 99.04
2020 18,85,885 90.14 93.31 91.46
2019 17,61,078 90.14 92.45 91.1
2018 16,24,682 85.32 88.67 86.7
2017 16,60,123 93.4 92.5 93.06
2016 14,89,021 96.11 96.36 96.21
2015 13,65,488 96.98 97.82 97.32
2014 13,25,247 98.73 99.05 98.86


CBSE Class 10 Topper of Last Year

Meet the top performers of the CBSE Class 10 Results of the Previous years.

CBSE Class 10 Toppers List 2023
Rank Student Names Marks State
Rank 1 Sanjana Bhat 500 Tamil Nadu
Rank 2 Arihant kapkoti 499 Uttar Pradesh
Rank 3 Aditi Beltharia 499 Delhi
Rank 4 Joshue Jacob Thomas 499 Kerala
Rank 5 Shivanee 498 Punjab
Rank 6 Manasvi Sharma 497 Uttar Pradesh
Rank 7 V Ashwin 497 Tamil Nadu
Rank 8 Dilisha Rajput 497 Uttar Pradesh
Rank 9 Kavya Jindal 497 Uttarakhand


CBSE Class 10 Toppers List 2022
Rank Student Name
Percentage Obtained
1 Divya Namdev 100%
1 Mayank Yadav 100%
2 Bhumisti Das 99.60%
2 Viraj Uday Singh 99.60%
3 Kavitha Haima Kidambi 99%
4 Sai Thanishksha Saravana Kumar 98%
5 Prachi Prabhakar 97.80%
6 Krishnendu Vinod Kumar 97%
7 Janisha Sonigara 96.80%


CBSE Class 10 Toppers List 2021
Rank Student Name Percentage Obtained Name of School
1 Amrutanshu Mohanty 99.80%
Sai International School
1 Dhruvi Singh 99.80%
Ryan International School
1 Kartikaya Srivastava 99.80%
Ryan International School
1 Kushagra Mishra 99.80%
Ryan International School
1 Sriram Patnaik 99.80%
ODM Public School
2 Nitya Tripathi 99.60%
Ryan International School
2 Abhinav Mishra 99.60%
Ryan International School
2 Goral Mashru 99.60%
Orchid International School

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CBSE Class 10th Topper 2024, Check Board Toppers List Name & Marks -_4.1
About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities.